State Planning and Research Guide For Peer Exchanges
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6. Appendix: FHWA Division Peer Exchange Checklist
Use this checklist as a tool in developing and managing your peer exchange.
- State initiates peer exchange.
- Peer exchange convenes with an agenda, which demonstrates efforts to address (a) the State DOT RD&T program's management plans and/or work program, whole or in part, and/or (b) value-added enhancements to the State DOT RD&T program.
- Peer exchange planned activity with information necessary provided by the host State.
- Peer Exchange activities entailed a 2- to 3-day agenda within a 5-year span.
- Peer exchange team includes at least a panel of four to five people and includes participants from other State research programs, FHWA, universities, or other relevant organizations; at least one or two of the panel members should have participated in previous peer exchange panels.
- Peer exchange team prepared a written report of the exchange.
- Host State holds closeout meeting together with their FHWA division representative and their State DOT senior management on the peer exchange.
- Before the next peer exchange the State director of research prepares a follow up report or memorandum summarizing changes that were or were not made to the program based on the previous peer exchange and submits it to their FHWA division office and their State DOT senior management.
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