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Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU)

Fact Sheets on Highway Provisions


Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Authorization* $4,188 M $4,254 M $4,320 M $4,388 M $4,457 M
*Authorizations shown here will be augmented by a portion of the Equity Bonus Program funds

Program Purpose

The Highway Bridge Program provides funding to enable States to improve the condition of their highway bridges through replacement, rehabilitation, and systematic preventive maintenance.

Statutory References

SAFETEA-LU Section(s): 1101(a)(3), 1114

Other: 23 USC 144


Funded by contract authority, to remain available for 4 years. Funds are subject to the overall Federal-aid obligation limitation.

The following funds are to be set aside from the authorized amounts prior to apportionment:

Bridge Discretionary – For fiscal year 2005, $100 million for bridge projects at the discretion of the Secretary. [1114(e)]

Bridge Set-Aside – For each of fiscal years 2006-2009, $100 million for bridge projects and dollar amounts designated in Section 1114(e)(2). Funds provided remain available until expended.

Off-System Bridges – A set aside of not less than 15% of the amount apportioned to each State in each fiscal year 2005 – 2009 will be used for bridge projects that are not on a Federal-aid highway or to complete the Warwick Intermodal Station (includes construction of a people mover between the Station and T.F. Green Airport). [1114(d)]

Apportioned funds are to be distributed according to the existing formula that is based on each State's relative share of the total cost to repair or replace deficient highway bridges. The following factors in the cost calculation for deficient bridges have been modified. The reference to "square footage" in the formula calculation has been replaced with the more generic term "deck area". The total cost of deficient bridges is no longer reduced by the total cost of bridges built to replace destroyed bridges and ferryboat services [1114(c)]

Eligible Use of Funds

Eligible activities are expanded to include systematic preventative maintenance on Federal-aid and non-Federal-aid highway systems. States may carry out projects for the installation of scour countermeasures or systematic preventative maintenance without regard to whether the bridge is eligible for rehabilitation or replacement. [1114(b)]

Annual Report

Not later than 1 year after enactment and annually thereafter, the Secretary will publish a report in the Federal Register describing construction materials used in new bridge construction and rehabilitation projects.

Federal Share

The Federal share for all projects, except those on the Interstate System, will be 80 percent, subject to the sliding scale adjustment. For those on the Interstate System, the Federal share will be 90 percent, subject to the sliding scale adjustment.

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