Cross Reference
Links to Highway Material Related to Each Section of SAFETEA-LU
Including Fact Sheets, Guidance, and Regulations
Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents
Sec. 2. General definitions
Subtitle A--Authorization of Programs
- Sec. 1101. Authorization of appropriations
- Sec. 1102. Obligation ceiling
- Sec. 1103. Apportionments
- Sec. 1104. Equity bonus program
- Sec. 1105. Revenue aligned budget authority
- Sec. 1106. Future Interstate System routes
- Sec. 1107. Metropolitan planning
- Sec. 1108. Transfer of highway and transit funds
- Sec. 1109. Recreational trails
- Sec. 1110. Temporary traffic control devices
- Sec. 1111. Set-asides for Interstate discretionary projects
- Sec. 1112. Emergency relief
- Sec. 1113. Surface transportation program
- Sec. 1114. Highway bridge program
- Sec. 1115. Highway use tax evasion projects
- Sec. 1116. Appalachian development highway system (ADHS)
- Sec. 1117. Transportation, community, and system preservation program (TCSP)
- Sec. 1118. Territorial highway program
- Sec. 1119. Federal lands highways
- Sec. 1120. Puerto Rico highway program
- Sec. 1121. HOV facilities
- Sec. 1122. Definitions
Subtitle B--Congestion Relief
- Sec. 1201. Real-time system management information program
Subtitle C--Mobility and Efficiency
- Sec. 1301. Projects of national and regional significance
- Sec. 1302. National corridor infrastructure improvement program
- Sec. 1303. Coordinated border infrastructure program
- Sec. 1304. High priority corridors on the National Highway System
- Sec. 1305. Truck parking facilities
- Sec. 1306. Freight intermodal distribution pilot grant program
- Sec. 1307. Deployment of magnetic levitation transportation projects
- Sec. 1308. Delta region transportation development program
- Sec. 1309. Extension of public transit vehicle exemption from axle weight restrictions
- Sec. 1310. Interstate oasis program
Subtitle D--Highway Safety
- Sec. 1401. Highway safety improvement program
- Sec. 1402. Worker injury prevention and free flow of vehicular traffic
- Sec. 1403. Toll facilities workplace safety study
- Sec. 1404. Safe routes to school program
- Sec. 1405. Roadway safety improvements for older drivers and Pedestrians
- Sec. 1406. Safety incentive grants for use of seat belts
- Sec. 1407. Safety incentives to prevent operation of motor vehicles by intoxicated persons
- Sec. 1408. Improvement or replacement of highway features on National Highway System
- Sec. 1409. Work zone safety grants
- Sec. 1410. National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse
- Sec. 1411. Roadway safety
- Sec. 1412. Idling reduction facilities in Interstate rights-of-way
Subtitle E--Construction and Contract Efficiency
- Sec. 1501. Program efficiencies
- Sec. 1502. Highways for LIFE pilot program
- Sec. 1503. Design build
Subtitle F--Finance
- Sec. 1601. Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) amendments
- Sec. 1602. State infrastructure banks (SIBS)
- Sec. 1603. Use of excess funds and funds for inactive projects
- Sec. 1604. Tolling
Subtitle G--High Priority Projects
- Sec. 1701. High Priority Projects program
- Sec. 1702. Project authorizations
- Sec. 1703. Technical amendments to transportation projects
Subtitle H--Environment
- Sec. 1801. Construction of ferry boats and ferry terminal facilities
- Sec. 1802. National Scenic Byways Program
- Sec. 1803. America's Byways Resource Center
- Sec. 1804. National historic covered bridge preservation
- Sec. 1805. Use of debris from demolished bridges and overpasses
- Sec. 1806. Additional authorization of contract authority for States with Indian reservations
- Sec. 1807. Nonmotorized transportation pilot program
- Sec. 1808. Addition to CMAQ-eligible projects
Subtitle I--Miscellaneous
- Sec. 1901. Inclusion of requirements for signs identifying funding sources in title 23
- Sec. 1902. Donations and credits
- Sec. 1903. Inclusion of Buy America requirements in title 23
- Sec. 1904. Stewardship and oversight
- Sec. 1905. Transportation development credits
- Sec. 1906. Grant program to prohibit racial profiling
- Sec. 1907. Pavement marking systems demonstration projects
- Sec. 1908. Inclusion of certain route segments on Interstate System and NHS
- Sec. 1909. Future of surface transportation system
- Sec. 1910. Motorist information concerning full service restaurants
- Sec. 1911. Approval and funding for certain construction projects
- Sec. 1912. Lead agency designation
- Sec. 1913. Bridge construction, North Dakota
- Sec. 1914. Motorcyclist Advisory Council
- Sec. 1915. Loan forgiveness
- Sec. 1916. Treatment of off-ramp
- Sec. 1917. Opening of Interstate ramps
- Sec. 1918. Credit to State of Louisiana for State matching funds
- Sec. 1919. Road user fees
- Sec. 1920. Transportation and local workforce investment
- Sec. 1921. Update of obsolete text
- Sec. 1922. Technical amendments to nondiscrimination section
- Sec. 1923. Transportation assets and needs of Delta region
- Sec. 1924. Alaska Way Viaduct study
- Sec. 1925. Community enhancement study
- Sec. 1926. Budget justification
- Sec. 1927. 14th Amendment Highway and 3rd Infantry Division Highway
- Sec. 1928. Sense of Congress regarding Buy America
- Sec. 1929. Designation of Daniel Patrick Moynihan Interstate Highway
- Sec. 1930. Designation of Thomas P. ``Tip'' O'Neill, Jr. Tunnel
- Sec. 1931. Richard Nixon Parkway, California
- Sec. 1932. Amo Houghton Bypass
- Sec. 1933. Billy Tauzin Energy Corridor
- Sec. 1934. Transportation improvements
- Sec. 1935. Project flexibility
- Sec. 1936. Advances
- Sec. 1937. Roads in closed basins
- Sec. 1938. Technology
- Sec. 1939. BIA Indian Road Program
- Sec. 1940. Going-to-the-Sun Road, Glacier National Park, Montana
- Sec. 1941. Beartooth Highway, Montana
- Sec. 1943. Great Lakes ITS implementation
- Sec. 1944. Transportation construction and remediation, Ottawa County, Oklahoma
- Sec. 1945. Infrastructure awareness program
- Sec. 1946. Gateway rural improvement pilot program
- Sec. 1947. Eligible safety improvements
- Sec. 1948. Emergency service route
- Sec. 1949. Knik Arm Bridge funding clarification
- Sec. 1950. Lincoln Parish, LA/I-20 Transportation Corridor Program
- Sec. 1951. Bonding assistance program
- Sec. 1952. Congestion relief
- Sec. 1953. Authorization of appropriations
- Sec. 1954. Bicycle transportation and pedestrian walkways
- Sec. 1955. Conveyance to the City of Ely, Nevada
- Sec. 1956. Brownfields grants
- Sec. 1957. Traffic circle construction, Clarendon, Vermont
- Sec. 1958. Limitation on project approval
- Sec. 1959. Cross harbor freight movement project
- Sec. 1960. Denali access system program
- Sec. 1961. I-95/Contee Road interchange study
- Sec. 1962. Multimodal facility improvements
- Sec. 1963. Apollo Theater leases
- Sec. 1964. Project Federal share
Subtitle A--Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety
- Sec. 4112. Nebraska custom harvesters length exemption
- Sec. 4141. Driveaway saddlemount vehicles
Subtitle D--Miscellaneous Provisions
- Sec. 4409. Conforming amendments (Alaska Highway and Alaska Marine Highway System)
- Sec. 4410. Ralph M. Bartholomew Veterans' Memorial Bridge
- Sec. 4411. Don Young's Way
Subtitle A--Funding
- Sec. 5101. Authorization of appropriations
- Sec. 5102. Obligation ceiling
- Sec. 5103. Findings
Subtitle B--Research, Technology, and Education.
- Sec. 5201. Research, technology, and education
- Sec. 5202. Long-term bridge performance program; innovative bridge research and deployment program
- Sec. 5203. Technology deployment
- Sec. 5204. Training and education
- Sec. 5205. State planning and research
- Sec. 5206. International highway transportation outreach program
- Sec. 5207. Surface transportation environment and planning cooperative research program (STEP)
- Sec. 5208. Transportation research and development strategic planning
- Sec. 5209. National cooperative freight transportation research program
- Sec. 5210. Future strategic highway research program
- Sec. 5211. Multistate corridor operations and management
Subtitle C--Intelligent Transportation System Research
- Sec. 5301. National ITS program plan
- Sec. 5302. Use of funds
- Sec. 5303. Goals and purposes
- Sec. 5304. Infrastructure development
- Sec. 5305. General authorities and requirements
- Sec. 5306. Research and development
- Sec. 5307. National architecture and standards
- Sec. 5308. Road weather research and development program
- Sec. 5309. Centers for surface transportation excellence
- Sec. 5310. Definitions
Subtitle D--University Transportation Research; Scholarship
- Opportunities
- Sec. 5401. National university transportation centers
- Sec. 5402. University transportation research
Subtitle E--Other Programs
- Sec. 5501. Transportation safety information management system project
- Sec. 5502. Surface transportation congestion relief solutions research initiative
- Sec. 5503. Motor carrier efficiency study
- Sec. 5504. Center for Transportation Advancement and Regional Development
- Sec. 5505. Transportation scholarship opportunities program
- Sec. 5506. Commercial remote sensing products and spatial information technologies
- Sec. 5507. Rural interstate corridor communications study
- Sec. 5508. Transportation technology innovation and demonstration program
- Sec. 5509. Repeal
- Sec. 5510. Notice
- Sec. 5511. Motorcycle crash causation study grants
- Sec. 5512. Advanced travel forecasting procedures program
- Sec. 5513. Research grants
- Sec. 5514. Competition for specification of alternative types of culvert pipes
Subtitle F--Bureau of Transportation Statistics
- Sec. 5601. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
- Sec. 6001. Transportation planning
- Sec. 6002. Efficient environmental reviews for project decisionmaking
- Sec. 6003. State assumption of responsibilities for certain programs and projects
- Sec. 6004. State assumption of responsibility for categorical exclusions
- Sec. 6005. Surface transportation project delivery pilot program
- Sec. 6006. Environmental restoration and pollution abatement; control of noxious weeds and aquatic noxious weeds and establishment of native species
- Sec. 6007. Exemption of Interstate System
- Sec. 6008. Integration of natural resource concerns into transportation project planning
- Sec. 6009. Parks, recreation areas, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, and historic sites
- Sec. 6010. Environmental review of activities that support deployment of intelligent transportation systems
- Sec. 6011. Transportation conformity
- Sec. 6012. Federal Reference Method
- Sec. 6013. Air quality monitoring data influenced by exceptional events
- Sec. 6014. Federal procurement of recycled coolant
- Sec. 6015. Clean school bus program
- Sec. 6016. Special designation
- Sec. 6017. Increased use of recovered mineral component in federally funded projects involving procurement of cement or concrete
- Sec. 6018. Use of granular mine tailings
Subtitle B--Other Miscellaneous Provisions
- Sec. 10204. Catastrophic hurricane evacuation plans
Subtitle A--Trust Fund Reauthorization
- Sec. 11101. Extension of highway-related taxes and trust funds
- Sec. 11102. Modification of adjustments of apportionments
Subtitle B--Excise Tax Reform and Simplification
Part 1--Highway excise taxes
- Sec. 11111. Modification of gas guzzler tax
- Sec. 11112. Exclusion for tractors weighing 19,500 pounds or less from
- Federal excise tax on heavy trucks and trailers
- Sec. 11113. Volumetric excise tax credit for alternative fuels
Part 2--Aquatic excise taxes
- Sec. 11115. Elimination of Aquatic Resources Trust Fund and transformation of Sport Fish Restoration Account
- Sec. 11116. Repeal of harbor maintenance tax on exports
- Sec. 11117. Cap on excise tax on certain fishing equipment
Subtitle C--Miscellaneous Provisions
- Sec. 11141. Motor Fuel Tax Enforcement Advisory Commission
- Sec. 11142. National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission
- Sec. 11143. Tax-exempt financing of highway projects and rail-truck transfer facilities
- Sec. 11144. Treasury study of highway fuels used by trucks for non-transportation purposes
- Sec. 11145. Diesel fuel tax evasion report
Subtitle D--Highway-Related Technical Corrections
- Sec. 11151. Highway-related technical corrections
Subtitle E--Preventing Fuel Fraud
- Sec. 11161. Treatment of kerosene for use in aviation
- Sec. 11162. Repeal of ultimate vendor refund claims with respect to farming
- Sec. 11163. Refunds of excise taxes on exempt sales of fuel by credit card
- Sec. 11164. Reregistration in event of change in ownership
- Sec. 11165. Reconciliation of on-loaded cargo to entered cargo
- Sec. 11166. Treatment of deep-draft vessels
- Sec. 11167. Penalty with respect to certain adulterated fuels