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Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU)

Fact Sheets on Highway Provisions


SAFETEA-LU includes a number of programs to encourage and promote the safe and efficient management and operation of integrated, intermodal surface transportation systems to mitigate the impacts of traffic congestion and improve system reliability, including:

Real-Time System Management Information Program [1201]

Establishes a new program aimed at providing in all States the ability to monitor, in real time, the traffic and travel conditions on major highways and to share that information to mitigate congestion and improve the operation of the highway system. (see separate fact sheet)

HOV Facilities [1121]

Enhances States' ability to manage congestion by increasing flexibility to allow certain single occupant vehicles, such as deadheading public transportation vehicles, tolled vehicles, and low emission / energy efficient vehicles to use excess capacity in HOV facilities. Includes provision to ensure that the operational performance of the facility does not become seriously degraded. (see separate fact sheet)

Tolling [1604]

Continues the existing Value Pricing program, funded at a total of $59 million through 2009. Establishes a new Express Lanes Demonstration Program focused on managing congestion and reducing emissions through up to 15 projects by using tolls to support construction and management of new capacity or management of existing HOV or toll facility capacity. (see separate fact sheet)

Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program [1808]

Continues and expands eligibility for activities designed to improve traffic flow and air quality, including projects to establish or operate a traffic monitoring, management, and control facility or program; programs or projects that improve traffic flow, including projects to improve signalization, construct high occupancy vehicle lanes, improve intersections, and implement ITS strategies; and programs or projects that improve transportation systems management and operations. (see separate fact sheet)

Surface Transportation Congestion Relief Solutions Research [5502]

Provides a total of $36 million in funding for research and $3 million for training and technical assistance activities focused on congestion measurement and reporting, and development and implementation of effective congestion relief strategies.

Future Strategic Highway Research Program [5210]

Establishes new program, to be carried out through the National Academy of Sciences, funded at a total of $205 million for 2006-2009, to focus on research in four high priority areas, including reduction of non-recurring highway congestion. (see separate fact sheet)

Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Research [5306]

Provides $550 million in funding and establishes specific priority areas and goals for ITS research, including reduction of congestion.

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