TPM Statutes
National Goals
Requirement | Statute Link |
National goals for Federal-Aid Highway Program. | 23 USC 150(b) |
General policy and purposes of public transportation program. | 49 USC 5301 |
Goal of the National Public Transportation Safety Plan. | 49 USC 5329(b)(1) |
National freight policy goals. | 23 USC 167(b) |
Consideration of the Federal-aid highway national goals and public transportation general purposes in the scope of the performance-based planning process. | 23 USC 134(h)(2)(A) 23 USC 135(d)(2)(A) 49 USC 5303(h)(2)(A) 49 USC 5304(d)(2)(A) |
Funding eligibility considerations for the NHPP as they relate to the Federal-aid highway national goals | 23 USC 119(d)(1)(A) |
Consideration of Federal-aid highway national goals in State Asset Management Plans. | 23 USC 119(e)(2) |
Requirement | Statute Link |
Requirements for USDOT to establish national performance measures to assess performance/condition and used to carry out several Federal-aid highway programs. | 23 USC 150(c) |
Requirements for USDOT to establish performance measures based on state of good repair standards for transit assets. | 49 USC 5326(c)(1) |
Requirement for States to include highway safety measures in State Highway Safety Plans. | 23 USC 402(k)(4) |
Requirement | Statute Link |
Requirement for MPOs to establish performance targets for Federal-aid highway measures and public transportation established by USDOT. | 23 USC 134(h)(2) 49 USC 5303(h)(2) 49 USC 5304(d)(2) |
Requirements for States to establish performance targets for Federal-aid highway measures and public transportation established by USDOT. | 23 USC 135(d)(2) 49 USC 5304(d)(2) 23 USC 150(d) |
Requirements for public transportation Federal fund recipients to establish targets for measures established by USDOT based on the state of good repair standards. | 49 USC 5326(c)(2) |
Requirements for public transportation Federal fund recipients (or the State) to include targets based on the safety performance criteria and state of good repair standards established by USDOT. | 49 USC 5329(d)(1)(E) |
Requirements for states to establish targets for the performance measures required to be included in the State Highway Safety Plan. | 23 USC 402(k)(3)(A)(ii) |
Requirement | Statute Link |
Requirements to include discussion in the metropolitan and statewide improvement program as to how the planned program will achieve the targets set by the State and MPO. | 23 USC 134(j)(2)(D) 23 USC 135(g)(4) 49 USC 5303(j)(2)(D) 49 USC 5304(g)(4) |
Requirement for States to develop an asset management plan for National Highway System pavements and bridges. | 23 USC 119(e) |
Requirement for States to update their strategic highway safety plan. | 23 USC 148(d) |
Requirement for MPOs serving a large Transportation Management Area (TMA) to develop a new Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) performance plan. | 23 USC 149(l) |
Requirements for States to develop a State Freight Plan. | 23 USC 167(i)(4) 49 USC 70202 |
Requirement for recipients of public transportation Federal funding assistance to develop transit asset management plans. | 49 USC 5326(b)(2) |
Requirement for recipients or States to develop a transit safety plans. | 49 USC 5329(d)(1) |
Requirement for States to submit an annual highway safety plan. | 23 USC 402(k) |
Requirement | Statute Link |
Requirement for MPOs to include a system performance report in the transportation plan to document progress. | 23 USC 134(i)(2)(C) 49 USC 5303(i)(2)(C) |
Requirement for States to annually report on highway safety improvement projects. | 23 USC 148(h) |
Requirement for MPOs serving a large TMA to describe progress made in achieving performance targets set for measures to carry out the CMAQ program. | 23 USC 149(l) |
Requirements for USDOT to create and implement a national public transportation safety plan. | 49 USC 5329(b) |
Requirement for direct recipients of public transportation Federal funding assistance to report on progress in achieving transit targets. | 49 USC 5326(c)(3) |
Requirement for public transportation State safety oversight agency to produce an annual report on the status of the safety of the State rail fixed guideway public transportation systems it oversees. | 49 USC 5329(e)(4)(A)(vii) |
Requirement for States to report biennially on condition and performance, the progress they have made toward the achievement of targets, the effectiveness of investments, and how they are addressing key freight bottlenecks. | 23 USC 150(e) |
FTA must submit a report making recommendations on the establishment of performance measures for the Formula Grants for Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program. | 49 USC 5310(h) |
Transit providers must report information on asset inventories and conditions to the National Transit Database, FTA will issue guidance updating the NTD Reporting Manual to implement this reporting requirement. | 49 USC 5326(b)(3) 49 USC 5335(c) |
Requirement for States to annually report on progress in meeting safety performance targets in the highway safety plan. | 23 USC 402(k)(3)(E) |
Accountability and Transparency
Requirement | Statute Link |
Requirement for USDOT to report to Congress evaluating the extent to which MPOs have achieved or are making substantial progress toward the achievement of their targets, and whether MPOs are developing meaningful targets. | 23 USC 134(l) 49 USC 5303(l) |
Requirements for USDOT to evaluate the effectiveness of the performance-based planning process of States, considering the extent to which States are making progress toward achieving their targets and whether the States are developing meaningful targets. | 23 USC 135(h)(1) 49 USC 5304(h)(1) |
Requirements for USDOT to report to Congress on evaluating the effectiveness of the performance-based planning process of States. | 23 USC 135(h)(2) 49 USC 5304(h)(2) |
Requirement for States to achieve or make significant progress toward the achievement of targets set under the National Highway Performance Program. | 23 USC 119(e)(7) |
Requirement for States to achieve or make significant progress toward the achievement of targets set under the Highway Safety Improvement Program. | 23 USC 148(i) |
Requirement for States to achieve or make significant progress toward the achievement of targets set under the National Highway Freight Program. | 23 USC 167(j) |
Requirement for States to meet the minimum pavement condition level established by the USDOT for Interstate System. | 23 USC 119(f)(1) |
Requirement for States to meet the minimum bridge condition level established by the USDOT for the bridges carrying National Highway System. | 23 USC 119(f)(2) |
Requirement for NHTSA to submit biennial reports to Congress evaluating each State’s performance with respect to the Highway Safety Plan and performance targets, and any recommendations the Secretary may have for improvements to activities carried out under the Highway Safety Plan. | 23 USC 402(n) |
Requirement for USDOT report to Congress description of the conditions and performance of the National Highway Freight Network in the United States. | 23 USC 167(h) |