National Performance Dashboard
How Are U.S. Highways Performing?
The Federal Highway Administration's Transportation Performance Management (TPM) program established consistent national measures that are being used by all 52 State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) to track performance and make investment decisions. State DOTs are making regular reports to FHWA on performance data and targets, which allows for better tracking of trends on U.S. highways. State DOTs are responsible for setting data-informed targets, and for managing performance to make progress toward the targets they set. See the targets and data for all performance measures for all 52 State DOTs in the State Performance Dashboard.
The 2020 TPM Data Report provides a compilation of the mid-period performance data submitted to FHWA in 2020 by the 52 State DOTs.
The 2018 TPM Data Report provides a compilation of the baseline performance data submitted to FHWA in 2018 by the 52 State DOTs.
Pavement Condition on the Interstate System
Note: For the first performance period only, baseline condition data (2017) was not required to be reported for the Pavements on the Interstate System measures.
A Closer Look at the Data
- Note: National totals are a weighted aggregate by lane-miles, based on all States that reported data. Totals may not be comparable across years if one or more States have missing, invalid, or unresolved data (per 23 CFR 490.313(b)(4)) in a particular year.
Pavement condition and trends may vary greatly across the States. For a more detailed understanding of Pavement Condition on the Interstate System, view the data from all 52 States.
Source: 2018, 2019 and 2020 Data in the Highway Performance Monitoring System.
- Learn about the FHWA Computation Procedure for the Pavement Condition Measures.
- See Pavement Condition Measures Fact Sheet.
Bridge Condition on the National Highway System
A Closer Look at the Data
National totals are a weighted aggregate by deck area. Bridge condition and trends may vary greatly across the States. For a more detailed understanding of Bridge Condition on the National Highway System, view the data from all 52 States.
Source: 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 condition based on 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 Mid-Year Archived National Bridge Inventory Data, respectively.