U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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Transportation Performance Management


State Highway Safety Report (2022) - Washington

Select HSIP Report Year:

The following provides a summary of the Highway Safety Improvement Program's (HSIP) safety performance measures and State safety performance targets. As per 23 CFR 490.209(a), States are required to set annual safety performance targets in the HSIP annual report for the number of fatalities, rate of fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT), number of serious injuries, rate of serious injures per 100 million VMT, and number of non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries. The safety performance targets are based on 5-year rolling averages. States have the flexibility to use the methodology they deem most appropriate when establishing safety performance targets. FHWA encourages States to review data sets and trends and consider factors that may affect targets. The safety performance targets should be data-driven, realistic, and attainable and should align with the performance management framework and legislative intent.

A State Department of Transportation (DOT) has met or made significant progress towards meeting its safety performance targets when at least four of the five safety performance targets established under 23 CFR 490.209(a) have been met or the actual outcome is better than the baseline performance. The baseline performance is the 5-year average ending with the year prior to the establishment of the target.

The Basis for Target and Additional Comments are provided by the State in their HSIP Annual Report and have not been edited by FHWA. Any questions about individual State reports should be directed to the respective State DOT. For additional information about each State's HSIP, the complete reports are available at https://highways.dot.gov/safety/hsip/reporting.

More information and resources on Safety Performance Management are available at https://highways.dot.gov/safety/hsip/spm/safety-performance-management-safety-pm-overview.

All State data used to populate the State Highway Safety Reports for 2022 are available for download at https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/tpm/reporting/state/tpm_dashboard_data.zip.

  • Number of Fatalities

  • Number of Fatalities 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
    Annual 536 563 539 538 574 674 733
    5-Year Average 550.0 577.6 611.6
    Target (5-Year Average) 437.3 447.5 461.3
  • Basis for Number of Fatalities Target

    WSDOT set targets based on a 2030 goal of zero fatal and serious crashes. WSDOT recognizes the aspirational aspects of this method of target setting. In setting this target, WSDOT feels that it can communicate the need to address crash reduction throughout the state and has had success in discussion with the Legislator and traffic safety commissioners. A more realistic target setting method would be to set increasing fatal and serious crashes but questions the message this sends to the public on road safety.
    WSDOT sets targets consistent with its intent to reduce fatal and serious crashes to zero by 2030.
    Target Zero trend line to zero by 2030

  • Data Sources:
    Fatalities: 2016-2021 Final FARS, 2022 FARS Annual Report File
    Targets: 2021-2023 Washington HSIP Annual Reports

  • Fatality Rate (per 100 million VMT)

  • Fatality Rate
    (per 100 million VMT)
    2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
    Annual 0.88 0.92 0.86 0.86 1.07 1.17 1.25
    5-Year Average 0.918 0.976 1.042
    Target (5-Year Average) 0.730 0.757 0.787
  • Basis for Fatality Rate Target

    WSDOT set targets based on a 2030 goal of zero fatal and serious crashes. WSDOT recognizes the aspirational aspects of this method of target setting. In setting this target, WSDOT feels that it can communicate the need to address crash reduction throughout the state and has had success in discussion with the Legislator and traffic safety commissioners. A more realistic target setting method would be to set increasing fatal and serious crashes but questions the message this sends to the public on road safety.
    WSDOT sets targets consistent with its intent to reduce fatal and serious crashes to zero by 2030.
    Target Zero trend line to zero by 2030

  • Data Sources:
    Fatalities: 2016-2021 Final FARS, 2022 FARS Annual Report File
    VMT: 2016-2022 FHWA Highway Statistics Series, VM-2 Table
    Targets: 2021-2023 Washington HSIP Annual Reports

  • Number of Serious Injuries

  • Number of Serious Injuries 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
    Annual 2,219 2,221 2,236 2,254 2,428 2,924 3,090
    5-Year Average 2,271.6 2,412.6 2,586.4
    Target (5-Year Average) 1,819.5 1,876.5 1,939.4
  • Basis for Number of Serious Injuries Target

    WSDOT set targets based on a 2030 goal of zero fatal and serious crashes. WSDOT recognizes the aspirational aspects of this method of target setting. In setting this target, WSDOT feels that it can communicate the need to address crash reduction throughout the state and has had success in discussion with the Legislator and traffic safety commissioners. A more realistic target setting method would be to set increasing fatal and serious crashes but questions the message this sends to the public on road safety.
    WSDOT sets targets consistent with its intent to reduce fatal and serious crashes to zero by 2030.
    Target Zero trend line to zero by 2030

  • Data Sources:
    Serious Injuries: 2023 Washington HSIP Annual Report
    Targets: 2021-2023 Washington HSIP Annual Reports

  • Rate of Serious Injuries (per 100 million VMT)

  • Rate of Serious Injuries
    (per 100 million VMT)
    2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
    Annual 3.64 3.62 3.59 3.60 4.52 5.06 5.28
    5-Year Average 3.794 4.078 4.410
    Target (5-Year Average) 3.043 3.178 3.309
  • Basis for Serious Injury Rate Target

    WSDOT set targets based on a 2030 goal of zero fatal and serious crashes. WSDOT recognizes the aspirational aspects of this method of target setting. In setting this target, WSDOT feels that it can communicate the need to address crash reduction throughout the state and has had success in discussion with the Legislator and traffic safety commissioners. A more realistic target setting method would be to set increasing fatal and serious crashes but questions the message this sends to the public on road safety.
    WSDOT sets targets consistent with its intent to reduce fatal and serious crashes to zero by 2030.
    Target Zero trend line to zero by 2030

  • Data Sources:
    Serious Injuries: 2023 Washington HSIP Annual Report
    VMT: 2016-2022 FHWA Highway Statistics Series, VM-2 Table
    Targets: 2021-2023 Washington HSIP Annual Reports

  • Number of Non-Motorized Fatalities and Serious Injuries

  • Number of Non-Motorized Fatalities
    and Serious Injuries
    2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
    Annual 597 573 642 576 520 669 690
    5-Year Average 581.6 596.0 619.4
    Target (5-Year Average) 464.6 462.0 465.6
  • Basis for Number of Non-Motorized Fatalities and Serious Injuries Target

    WSDOT set targets based on a 2030 goal of zero fatal and serious crashes. WSDOT recognizes the aspirational aspects of this method of target setting. In setting this target, WSDOT feels that it can communicate the need to address crash reduction throughout the state and has had success in discussion with the Legislator and traffic safety commissioners. A more realistic target setting method would be to set increasing fatal and serious crashes but questions the message this sends to the public on road safety.
    WSDOT sets targets consistent with its intent to reduce fatal and serious crashes to zero by 2030.
    Target Zero trend line to zero by 2030

  • Data Sources:
    Fatalities: 2016-2021 Final FARS, 2022 FARS Annual Report File
    Serious Injuries: 2023 Washington HSIP Annual Report
    Targets: 2021-2023 Washington HSIP Annual Reports

Additional Comments


WSDOT set targets based on a 2030 goal of zero fatal and serious crashes. WSDOT recognizes the aspirational aspects of this method of target setting. In setting this target, WSDOT feels that it can communicate the need to address crash reduction throughout the state and has had success in discussion with the Legislator and traffic safety commissioners. A more realistic target setting method would be to set increasing fatal and serious crashes but questions the message this sends to the public on road safety. The target rate for fatalities input by NHTSA does not appear to be correct. It has been verified by WTSC and NHTSA to be 0.730 based on an amended submittal by WTSC in August 2021.

Safety Performance Target Assessment

PLEASE NOTE: Each State’s safety performance target assessment is based on its own State-specific target methodology and program philosophy. Therefore, conclusions should not be drawn based only on the information in the Safety Performance Target Assessment Summary table. For example, the State may have set aggressive targets, and not met those targets, while another State may have set more easily attainable targets, and met those targets. FHWA understands that each State’s safety program is unique and therefore does not prescribe a methodology for States to set targets. States have the flexibility to use the methodology they deem most appropriate when setting their safety performance targets.

Washington 2022 Safety Performance Target Assessment
Performance Measure 2018-2022 Target 2018-2022 Actual 2016-2020 Baseline Met Target? Better Than Baseline? Met or Made Significant Progress?
Number of Fatalities 437.3 611.6 550.0 No No No
Rate of Fatalities 0.730 1.042 0.918 No No
Number of Serious Injuries 1,819.5 2,586.4 2,271.6 No No
Rate of Serious Injuries 3.043 4.410 3.794 No No
Number of non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries 464.6 619.4 581.6 No No

Updated: 05/28/2024
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000