U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

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Transportation Performance Management

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October 2017

  • Performance Dashboards
  • Safety and Mobility
  • Planning
  • Research
  • Innovation
  • Preservation and Maintenance
  • Rulemaking

Performance Dashboards

Safety and Mobility


  • Washington State DOT MAP-21 & Planning Folio
    In September 2017, WSDOT published a folio describing new or revised Federal requirements governing the State DOT, metropolitan planning organization (MPO) and regional transportation planning orgranization (RTPO) planning processes.
  • Federal Transit Administration: Performance-Based Planning and Programming Roundtable Series Summary
    This document, published earlier this year, summarizes the ideas raised at seven peer-exchange roundtables on performance-based planning and programming held during fiscal year 2016 by FTA in partnership with the American Public Transportation Association (APTA).



  • Fast Company Co.Design article: The Quest to Design a Smarter Road
    A look at 3M's efforts to design new types of road markings, signs, and other connected infrastructure to make driving in autonomous vehicles safer.
  • FHWA Center for Acclerating Innovation's State Innovation Accomplishments Map
    A new map helps visitors explore how States are using proven innovations to enhance projects and processes and improve the management of their transportation programs.

Preservation and Maintenance

  • Government Technology article: Township Leans on Tech for Paving Plan
    Officials in North Huntingdon, PA are using technology that will allow them to more accurately identify roadways in need of repair.
  • Alaska Business article: Project Has Become a Model for Permafrost Construction
    An experiment undertaken by the University of Alaska Fairbanks and Alaska DOT to avoid road buckling common in permafrost-laden areas has become a model for others.


Updated: 10/31/2017
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000