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Federal Highway Administration
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Washington Division

Home / About / Field Offices / Washington Division

Planning and Freight


Matthew Pahs
Planning & Freight Program Manager
Phone: 360-753-9718

Kelley Dolan
Community Planner
Phone: 360-753-9481

Planning - The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is committed to providing leadership in and stewardship for cooperative, continuing, and comprehensive ("3C") multi-modal metropolitan and statewide planning. Our role includes policy and program guidance as well as providing information and advice on FHWA, state, regional, and local transportation planning and program matters in Washington. We coordinate technical, administrative, and authoritative guidance to WSDOT, Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), and local officials in the direction and execution of their transportation planning. Planning includes the integration of the transportation and air quality planning processes, along with aiding MPOs in the development of both long- and short-range plans. These plans are coordinated with the development of the transportation control measures for the State Implementation Plan (for air quality), the Statewide Long-Range Plan and the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program.

Freight - Freight and Planning have a logical nexus in that the future of Freight is a complex issue that must be addressed at the Planning level. FHWA Division staff support state and local efforts in responding to new Freight requirements and opportunities from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. In addition, Division staff work alongside state and local partners to determine next steps for a variety of Freight challenges and opportunities within the language of funding rules, national guidance, and grant opportunities. Division staff serves on several national, state, and local committees and advisory councils to aid in ushering this complex effort through the system of planning, funding, project development and fruition.

Planning and Freight Links



Local/Metropolitan Planning Organizations


Page last modified on April 29, 2024
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000