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Construction Program Management and Inspection Guide

Appendix C (Attachments)

US Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Illinois Division

IDOT/FHWA Joint Process Review Program


DATE OF REPORT: July 21, 1998


The purpose of this review was to assess the Illinois Department of Transportation's (IDOT's) compliance with the requirements and procedures of 23 CFR 650, Subpart C - NBIS.


This review focused on the NBIS programs in IDOT Districts 8 and 9. The District Bridge Maintenance Engineers and staff were interviewed to evaluate whether the District's procedures, policies, inspector's qualifications, and documentation were adequate to satisfy the NBIS requirements....


Dan Brydl    FHWA Division Bridge Engineer
Tim Souther    IDOT Bureau of Bridges and Structures
Nick Sovell    IDOT Bureau of Bridges and Structures


This review consisted of ......


1. Observation:

All of the Districts reviewed had ...


The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 23 Highways - PART 650, Subpart C, contains language that ...


IDOT should revise ....


2. Observation:

In two out of three Districts reviewed .....





Illinois DOT logo US Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Illinois Division
Mr. James C. Slifer, P.E.
Director of Highways
Illinois Department of Transportation
2300 South Dirksen Parkway
Springfield, Illinois 62764
Mr. Ronald C. Marshall, P.E.
Division Administrator
Federal Highway Administration
3250 Executive Park Drive
Springfield, Illinois 62703
Mr. Jay W. Miller, Deputy Director of Highways
Mr. Daniel M. Mathis, Assistant Division Administrator
Dear Messrs. Slifer and Marshall:
Subject: Process Review QIT - Final Report
Enclosed for your information and action is the final report from the Process Review Quality Improvement Team. This report was written to establish clear and uniform guidelines for conducting process reviews in the State of Illinois. We would like to schedule a meeting with you and your staff to discuss this review. Meeting time and location can be established at a later date.
Sincerely yours,

Daniel R. Brydl, FHWA
Process Review Team Leader
Sincerely yours,

Michael J. Ripka, IDOT
Process Review Team Leader

Mr. Ralph Anderson, Chief, Bureau of Bridges and Structures
Mr. Eric Harm, Chief, Bureau of Materials and Physical Research
Mr. Gary Gould, Chief, Bureau of Design and Environment

The Process Review Flow Chart shows the sequence of activities and timeline in the annual process review conducted by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). The chart has three sections: (1) pre-review target dates and preparation activities July through December; (2) conduct of reviews January through August; (3) timeline for post-review activities September 1 through January 15. 1. Pre-review target dates and activities are as follows: July 15 - Notice to IDOT and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to solicit topics and schedule annual meeting. August 1 - Meeting of current process review team leaders to discuss quality and preliminary issues of reviews August 15 - Briefings submitted to process review program coordinators August 18 - Briefings completed and sent to all IDOT and FHWA representatives invited to the annual meeting September 1 - Annual meeting for process review topic selection September 7 - Distribute meeting minutes/documentation and initiate selection of team members September 30 - Selection of team members November 1 - Finalize purpose and scope; update FHWA work plan activities December 15 - Finalize guidelines; letter to IDOT and FHWA management 2. Review activities January 15 - September 1 are as follows: Three separate district reviews are conducted simultaneously with a Central Office review and an 'Other' Agency review. Results of the Central Office review are included in the Statewide Close-out Report. The four other reviews each result in a draft and then final report. These final reports feed into the draft Statewide Report. 3. Post-review activities and timeline are as follows: Within 1 month of the final district review - Draft Statewide Report Within 2 weeks of draft - Final Statewide Report (send by letter to IDOT and FHWA) Within 1 month of final report - Conduct Statewide Close-out Meeting Within 2 weeks of meeting - Revise final Statewide Report to include resolutions and follow-up required. November 30 - Review complete January 15 - Annual Process Review Summary Report (by process review program coordinators)

Summary of Duties
Process Review Program Coordinator
  • Responsible for the overall management of the IDOT/FWHA joint process review program
  • Sends notice to IDOT and FHWA to begin identifying review topics for upcoming year
  • Assembles all proposed process review briefing papers and distribute to IDOT/FHWA management
  • Schedules and leads the annual topic selection meeting
  • Prepares/Distributes minutes from topic selection meeting
  • Drafts letter to IDOT and FHWA outlining the upcoming process review program
  • Coordinates selection of team members
  • Recommends individual process review coordinators
  • Suggests advisors for reviews as necessary
  • Oversees development of "Purpose and Scope" statements
  • Briefs management on purpose and scope development and preliminary observations and recommendations for "breakfast meeting" discussions
  • Reviews and comments on process review guidelines
  • Coordinates selection of districts to be reviewed to ensure adequate distribution of reviews among the teams
  • Continually monitors timeliness of the steps in the process review program
  • Attends reviews occasionally
  • Reviews and comments on all process review reports
  • Coordinates review activities for programs which cross organizational lines
  • Attends statewide close-out meetings
  • Conducts meeting with all this year's process review coordinators to discuss successes and problems of the review program. Significant observations should be presented to management at the annual topic selection meeting
  • Maintains process review tracking system
  • Coordinates and ensures follow-up to process review recommendations
  • Prepares end-of-year report to IDOT Director of Highways and FHWA Division Administrator summarizing the major results of all process reviews
  • FHWA process review program coordinator should work closely with IDOT process review program coordinator in all these efforts to ensure the intent of "joint process reviews"
  • Prepares process review summary presentations for use in IDOT annual meetings, annual District meetings, County Engineer's meetings, and other meetings as appropriate
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Updated: 06/27/2017
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000