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FHWA Home / Policy & Governmental Affairs / Highway Policy Information / Highway Statistics Series / 2007 / Office of Highway Policy Information

policyinformation/statistics/2007 Table HM-49 - Highway Statistics 2007 - FHWA

Highway Statistics 2007

Strategic Highway Network (STRAHNET) Length - 2007 1/ Miles by Interstate and Non-Interstate

October 2008
Table HM-49

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Alabama 543 725 1,268 362 291 653 1,921
Alaska 1,012 - 1,012 69 - 69 1,081
Arizona 980 259 1,239 188 35 223 1,462
Arkansas 460 389 849 196 54 250 1,099
California 1,282 1,394 2,676 1,179 853 2,032 4,708
Colorado 685 28 713 269 24 293 1,006
Connecticut 43 - 43 303 2 305 348
Delaware - 68 68 41 39 80 148
Dist. of Columbia - - - 13 - 13 13
Florida 749 226 975 722 263 985 1,960
Georgia 715 664 1,379 528 230 758 2,137
Hawaii 6 35 41 49 52 101 142
Idaho 522 58 580 91 - 91 671
Illinois 1,357 - 1,357 813 7 820 2,177
Indiana 2/ 706 61 767 466 2 468 1,235
Iowa 628 3 631 153 - 153 784
Kansas 656 3 659 218 15 233 892
Kentucky 553 9 562 209 21 230 792
Louisiana 535 207 742 370 77 447 1,189
Maine 299 - 299 68 7 75 374
Maryland 183 93 276 298 82 380 656
Massachusetts 91 2 93 482 24 506 599
Michigan 608 46 654 634 50 684 1,338
Minnesota 3/ 662 179 841 252 25 277 1,118
Mississippi 492 579 1,071 206 161 367 1,438
Missouri 722 462 1,184 459 79 538 1,722
Montana 1,130 209 1,339 62 13 75 1,414
Nebraska 420 42 462 61 20 81 543
Nevada 451 258 709 120 35 155 864
New Hampshire 149 - 149 77 - 77 226
New Jersey 65 14 79 366 103 469 548
New Mexico 844 413 1,257 156 44 200 1,457
New York 836 8 844 852 19 871 1,715
North Carolina 542 720 1,262 567 313 880 2,142
North Dakota 519 127 646 52 12 64 710
Ohio 724 154 878 850 48 898 1,776
Oklahoma 684 116 800 249 15 264 1,064
Oregon 555 544 1,099 174 49 223 1,322
Pennsylvania 1,071 104 1,175 687 80 767 1,942
Rhode Island 21 - 21 51 1 52 73
South Carolina 581 144 725 262 131 393 1,118
South Dakota 603 88 691 76 9 85 776
Tennessee 688 60 748 417 41 458 1,206
Texas 2,179 2,262 4,441 1,054 526 1,580 6,021
Utah 725 276 1,001 211 11 222 1,223
Vermont 280 - 280 40 - 40 320
Virginia 666 406 1,072 453 127 580 1,652
Washington 467 152 619 297 86 383 1,002
West Virginia 377 63 440 178 19 197 637
Wisconsin 478 122 600 265 43 308 908
Wyoming 816 99 915 97 - 97 1,012
U.S. Total 30,360 11,871 42,231 16,312 4,138 20,450 62,681
Puerto Rico 31 - 31 234 22 256 287
Grand Total 30,391 11,871 42,262 16,546 4,160 20,706 62,968

1/ The STRAHNET includes highways which are important to the United States strategic defense. They provide defense access, continuity, and emergency capabilities for the movement of personnel, materials, and equipment.

2/ Exclude 788 miles of Federal agency owned roads.

3/ Excludes 437 miles of local government owned roads.

Page last modified on November 7, 2014
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