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Office of Highway Policy Information

FHWA Home / Policy & Governmental Affairs / Highway Policy Information / Highway Statistics Series / 2008 / Office of Highway Policy Information

October 2009
Table HM-12M

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State Highway Agency: 3/
Principal Arterial:
Interstate - 401 1,669 22,714 10,208 11,533 46,525 46,525
Other 243 1,968 6,639 105,155 26,464 11,026 151,251 151,494
Minor Arterial 251 5,277 17,209 153,984 27,566 4,588 208,624 208,875
Major Collector 2,216 50,591 71,751 206,075 22,532 2,643 353,592 355,808
Subtotal 2,710 58,237 97,267 487,927 86,771 29,789 759,992 762,702
Other Jurisdictions:
Principal Arterial:
Interstate - - - 772 930 266 1,968 1,968
Other - 35 76 438 61 531 1,141 1,141
Minor Arterial 291 764 2,932 3,376 369 11 7,453 7,744
Major Collector 57,454 40,790 85,870 112,688 6,687 9,207 255,242 312,696
Subtotal 57,745 41,590 88,878 117,275 8,047 10,015 265,804 323,549
Federal Agency:
Principal Arterial:
Interstate - - - - - - - -
Other - - 95 148 - 2 245 245
Minor Arterial - - 665 349 3 - 1,017 1,017
Major Collector 1,183 277 2,250 1,225 - - 3,751 4,934
Subtotal 1,183 277 3,009 1,722 3 2 5,013 6,196
Subtotal 61,638 100,104 189,154 606,924 94,821 39,806 1,030,809 1,092,447
Minor Collector 133,941           289,074 423,014
Local 1,862,512           1,418,164 3,280,675
Total Rural 2,058,090           2,738,046 4,796,136
State Highway Agency: 3/
Principal Arterial:
Interstate - 90 232 9,413 7,271 7,889 24,895 24,895
Other Freeways And Expressways - 55 148 8,325 3,616 4,899 17,043 17,043
Other - 529 2,343 40,892 21,998 7,665 73,428 73,428
Minor Arterial - 917 5,721 34,965 13,065 2,630 57,297 57,297
Collector 8 4,212 7,620 17,392 2,889 1,469 33,582 33,590
Subtotal 8 5,803 16,064 110,987 48,839 24,552 206,245 206,254
Other Jurisdictions:
Principal Arterial:
Interstate - - - 546 1,083 275 1,904 1,904
Other Freeways And Expressways - 42 31 557 212 291 1,133 1,133
Other 21 909 6,503 17,051 3,283 2,956 30,703 30,724
Minor Arterial 821 6,793 26,924 60,597 11,362 8,229 113,905 114,725
Collector 1,777 12,786 46,566 71,709 10,501 7,697 149,260 151,037
Subtotal 2,618 20,530 80,025 150,459 26,442 19,449 296,905 299,523
Federal Agency:
Principal Arterial:
Interstate - - - - - - - -
Other Freeways And Expressways - - - 51 - 3 55 55
Other - - 37 37 - - 74 74
Minor Arterial - - 10 66 13 2 90 90
Collector - 14 95 116 3 - 229 229
Subtotal - 14 142 270 16 5 447 447
Subtotal 2,626 26,348 96,231 261,716 75,296 44,006 503,598 506,224
Local 70,449           1,158,467 1,228,916
Total Urban 73,075           1,662,065 1,735,140
Total Rural and Urban 2,131,166 126,453 285,385 868,640 170,117 83,811 4,400,111 6,531,276

1/ Includes the 50 States, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Some differences from other tables may be noted because these are estimated from sample and summary data; samples entirely on structures are not included. Due to conversion from English to metric units and to rounding, individual cell values may not agree with corresponding mileage table cell values. Indiana excludes 1,268 kilometres of Federal agency owned roads.

2/ Paved includes the following categories: Low Type— an earth, gravel, or stone roadway which has a bituminous surface course less than 1” thick” suitable for occasional heavy loads; Intermediate Type— a mixed bituminous or bituminous penetration roadway on a flexible base having a surface and base thickness of less than 7"; High-Type Flexible— a mixed bituminous or bituminous penetration roadway on a flexible base having a combined surface and base thickness of 7” or more; also includes brick, block, or combination roadways; High-Type Composite— a mixed bituminous or bituminous penetration roadway of more than 1” compacted material on a rigid base with a combined surface and base thickness of 7” or more; High-Type Rigid— a Portland Cement Concrete roadway with or without a bituminous wearing surface of less than 1”.

3/ Prior to 1999 included other State agency roads.

Page last modified on November 7, 2014
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000