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Office of Highway Policy Information

FHWA Home / Policy & Governmental Affairs / Highway Policy Information / Highway Statistics Series / 2008 / Office of Highway Policy Information

October 2009
Table HM-16M

State Highway Agency 46,565 130,944 177,509 529,664 707,173 311,023 1,018,197
County 6 237 243 352,081 352,324 2,211,383 2,563,708
Town, Township, Municipal 2/ - 129 129 16,583 16,711 916,238 932,950
Other Jurisdictions 2,076 618 2,694 3,996 6,690 74,503 81,193
Federal Agency - 164 164 9,691 9,856 190,474 200,330
Total Rural 48,647 132,092 180,739 912,015 1,092,754 3,703,622 4,796,376
Small Urban Areas:
State Highway Agency 3,629 12,089 15,718 34,211 49,930 10,630 60,560
County - 61 61 15,501 15,562 36,888 52,450
Town, Township, Municipal 2/ - 198 198 39,694 39,892 170,244 210,137
Other Jurisdictions 135 37 172 192 364 1,273 1,637
Federal Agency - - - 283 283 1,410 1,693
Total Small Urban Area 3,764 12,386 16,150 89,882 106,032 220,445 326,476
Urbanized Areas:
State Highway Agency 21,416 36,236 57,652 89,975 147,627 35,845 183,472
County 11 1,730 1,741 69,778 71,519 189,893 261,412
Town, Township, Municipal 2/ 14 4,826 4,841 172,766 177,607 768,900 946,507
Other Jurisdictions 1,807 1,032 2,839 1,670 4,509 4,427 8,937
Federal Agency - 129 129 346 475 9,225 9,700
Total Urbanized Area 23,249 43,953 67,201 334,536 401,737 1,008,289 1,410,027
Total Urban:
State Highway Agency 25,045 48,324 73,368 124,187 197,555 46,475 244,030
County 11 1,790 1,801 85,279 87,080 226,781 313,861
Town, Township, Municipal 2/ 14 5,024 5,039 212,461 217,500 939,146 1,156,645
Other Jurisdictions 1,942 1,069 3,011 1,862 4,873 5,700 10,573
Federal Agency - 129 129 629 758 10,635 11,393
Total Urban 27,013 56,335 83,348 424,418 507,766 1,228,736 1,736,501
Total Rural and Urban 75,660 188,427 264,087 1,336,433 1,600,520 4,932,358 6,532,878

1/Includes the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Due to conversion from English to metric units and rounding, individual calls may not agree with corresponding mileage table cell values. Indiana excludes 1,268 kilometers of Federal agency owned roads.

2/Prior to 1999, municipal was included with other jurisdictions.

Page last modified on June 30, 2017
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000