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Highway Statistics 2016

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Motor-Fuel Use - 2016 (1)

December 2017
Table MF-21

(Thousands of Gallons)

Alabama 2,554,159 3,190 23,043 26,233 2,580,392 211,145 1,223 212,368 2,792,760 - 2,792,760 963,803 3,544,195 6.3 212,368 3,756,563
Alaska 241,023 1,705 10,688 12,393 253,416 42,724 556 43,280 296,696 - 296,696 116,169 369,585 (3.7) 43,280 412,865
Arizona 2,676,163 7,139 33,566 40,705 2,716,868 214,785 1,751 216,536 2,933,404 - 2,933,404 848,026 3,564,894 4.4 216,536 3,781,430
Arkansas 1,386,431 1,693 24,410 26,103 1,412,534 123,540 1,280 124,820 1,537,354 6 1,537,360 641,687 2,054,221 4.8 124,820 2,179,041
California 14,187,753 26,389 326,071 352,460 14,540,213 950,461 17,019 967,480 15,507,693 - 15,507,693 3,182,368 17,722,581 3.0 967,480 18,690,061
Colorado 2,184,169 4,600 28,372 32,972 2,217,141 166,005 1,489 167,494 2,384,635 3 2,384,638 636,213 2,853,354 2.4 167,494 3,020,848
Connecticut 1,439,191 1,924 747 2,671 1,441,862 78,656 39 78,695 1,520,557 (4,616) 1,515,941 273,595 1,715,457 2.1 78,695 1,794,152
Delaware 448,342 534 4,510 5,044 453,386 37,376 197 37,573 490,959 13,705 504,664 70,056 523,442 4.8 37,573 561,015
Dist. of Col. 93,855 4,622 16,366 20,988 114,843 4,691 729 5,420 120,263 6 120,269 15,664 130,507 6.8 5,420 135,927
Florida 8,027,306 12,001 166,835 178,836 8,206,142 849,907 7,924 857,831 9,063,973 - 9,063,973 1,646,842 9,852,984 2.7 857,831 10,710,815
Georgia 4,483,232 6,502 98,065 104,567 4,587,799 256,155 5,117 261,272 4,849,071 - 4,849,071 1,327,172 5,914,971 (3.2) 261,272 6,176,243
Hawaii 429,997 2,421 11,630 14,051 444,048 31,631 609 32,240 476,288 - 476,288 49,765 493,813 1.4 32,240 526,053
Idaho 712,331 2,101 2,915 5,016 717,347 80,680 153 80,833 798,180 - 798,180 302,482 1,019,829 4.6 80,833 1,100,662
Illinois 4,594,320 6,589 44,142 50,731 4,645,051 262,243 2,305 264,548 4,909,599 7,062 4,916,661 1,563,512 6,208,563 2.2 264,548 6,473,111
Indiana 3,027,075 3,072 15,962 19,034 3,046,109 165,125 837 165,962 3,212,071 - 3,212,071 1,267,878 4,313,987 0.7 165,962 4,479,949
Iowa 1,626,115 1,606 21,791 23,397 1,649,512 98,888 1,142 100,030 1,749,542 2 1,749,544 689,230 2,338,742 8.3 100,030 2,438,772
Kansas 1,267,781 1,876 18,109 19,985 1,287,766 96,750 950 97,700 1,385,466 1 1,385,467 467,225 1,754,991 1.9 97,700 1,852,691
Kentucky 2,080,669 2,744 50,734 53,478 2,134,147 117,129 2,649 119,778 2,253,925 - 2,253,925 779,917 2,914,064 2.6 119,778 3,033,842
Louisiana 2,076,595 3,070 48,718 51,788 2,128,383 169,172 2,760 171,932 2,300,315 - 2,300,315 696,992 2,825,375 (3.5) 171,932 2,997,307
Maine 731,916 845 9,646 10,491 742,407 65,268 504 65,772 808,179 - 808,179 193,452 935,859 2.0 65,772 1,001,631
Maryland 2,586,981 6,009 37,080 43,089 2,630,070 134,828 1,934 136,762 2,766,832 (4,969) 2,761,863 536,726 3,166,796 (2.5) 136,762 3,303,558
Massachusetts 2,681,516 3,813 29,812 33,625 2,715,141 131,005 1,556 132,561 2,847,702 - 2,847,702 451,241 3,166,382 1.8 132,561 3,298,943
Michigan 4,402,876 5,062 41,788 46,850 4,449,726 366,294 2,178 368,472 4,818,198 - 4,818,198 983,664 5,433,390 2.4 368,472 5,801,862
Minnesota 2,425,255 2,894 28,818 31,712 2,456,967 259,644 1,510 261,154 2,718,121 - 2,718,121 799,162 3,256,129 6.5 261,154 3,517,283
Mississippi 1,670,083 2,221 8,978 11,199 1,681,282 90,449 471 90,920 1,772,202 - 1,772,202 687,994 2,369,276 4.2 90,920 2,460,196
Missouri 3,034,250 4,092 30,995 35,087 3,069,337 192,711 1,626 194,337 3,263,674 - 3,263,674 1,043,171 4,112,508 2.6 194,337 4,306,845
Montana 488,297 2,110 881 2,991 491,288 61,946 46 61,992 553,280 - 553,280 265,741 757,029 0.7 61,992 819,021
Nebraska 827,780 1,326 20,409 21,735 849,515 67,981 1,066 69,047 918,562 - 918,562 467,201 1,316,716 4.0 69,047 1,385,763
Nevada 1,086,134 2,546 12,225 14,771 1,100,905 89,136 638 89,774 1,190,679 - 1,190,679 337,601 1,438,506 4.3 89,774 1,528,280
New Hampshire 651,129 763 8,661 9,424 660,553 63,104 452 63,556 724,109 (1) 724,108 98,355 758,908 0.1 63,556 822,464
New Jersey 3,997,073 5,200 46,998 52,198 4,049,271 190,589 2,452 193,041 4,242,312 - 4,242,312 902,613 4,951,884 4.0 193,041 5,144,925
New Mexico 890,215 4,604 9,542 14,146 904,361 69,724 498 70,222 974,583 - 974,583 540,186 1,444,547 (0.4) 70,222 1,514,769
New York 5,234,711 9,477 77,639 87,116 5,321,827 396,164 4,052 400,216 5,722,043 12,211 5,734,254 1,500,126 6,821,953 4.4 400,216 7,222,169
North Carolina 4,392,213 5,335 84,276 89,611 4,481,824 279,361 3,611 282,972 4,764,796 - 4,764,796 1,114,409 5,596,233 4.3 282,972 5,879,205
North Dakota 399,514 1,241 8,056 9,297 408,811 41,249 422 41,671 450,482 - 450,482 291,814 700,625 (11.1) 41,671 742,296
Ohio 4,803,752 5,742 60,216 65,958 4,869,710 303,451 3,157 306,608 5,176,318 - 5,176,318 1,588,495 6,458,205 1.1 306,608 6,764,813
Oklahoma 1,819,819 2,708 9,139 11,847 1,831,666 165,141 477 165,618 1,997,284 27 1,997,311 887,342 2,719,008 2.3 165,618 2,884,626
Oregon 1,456,343 3,257 41,121 44,378 1,500,721 111,242 2,150 113,392 1,614,113 - 1,614,113 565,570 2,066,291 3.4 113,392 2,179,683
Pennsylvania 4,662,782 6,482 59,290 65,772 4,728,554 274,245 2,878 277,123 5,005,677 - 5,005,677 1,492,768 6,221,322 0.1 277,123 6,498,445
Rhode Island 345,915 768 8,192 8,960 354,875 22,767 400 23,167 378,042 3,040 381,082 54,683 409,558 (4.1) 23,167 432,725
South Carolina 2,588,402 3,079 86,168 89,247 2,677,649 201,767 4,636 206,403 2,884,052 - 2,884,052 844,048 3,521,697 5.3 206,403 3,728,100
South Dakota 438,426 1,177 14,275 15,452 453,878 36,561 751 37,312 491,190 - 491,190 231,457 685,335 1.3 37,312 722,647
Tennessee 3,161,402 4,517 90,578 95,095 3,256,497 204,070 4,459 208,529 3,465,026 - 3,465,026 969,256 4,225,753 3.3 208,529 4,434,282
Texas 13,486,482 17,271 198,804 216,075 13,702,557 641,636 10,390 652,026 14,354,583 - 14,354,583 5,329,829 19,032,386 3.0 652,026 19,684,412
Utah 1,115,278 2,735 17,450 20,185 1,135,463 76,663 914 77,577 1,213,040 - 1,213,040 474,173 1,609,636 1.2 77,577 1,687,213
Vermont 287,517 441 5,226 5,667 293,184 21,467 273 21,740 314,924 72 314,996 71,834 365,018 0.6 21,740 386,758
Virginia 3,805,381 9,930 80,247 90,177 3,895,558 212,220 4,186 216,406 4,111,964 - 4,111,964 1,043,522 4,939,080 2.3 216,406 5,155,486
Washington 2,546,456 6,618 108,183 114,801 2,661,257 180,875 4,751 185,626 2,846,883 12,284 2,859,167 681,022 3,342,279 (0.0) 185,626 3,527,905
West Virginia 755,121 1,495 22,578 24,073 779,194 55,598 1,179 56,777 835,971 - 835,971 286,337 1,065,531 (1.0) 56,777 1,122,308
Wisconsin 2,356,841 2,572 60,757 63,329 2,420,170 239,689 3,185 242,874 2,663,044 - 2,663,044 807,973 3,228,143 0.5 242,874 3,471,017
Wyoming 319,104 1,215 593 1,808 320,912 54,882 31 54,913 375,825 - 375,825 338,833 659,745 (0.7) 54,913 714,658
Total 132,985,471 221,323 2,265,295 2,486,618 135,472,089 9,258,794 115,562 9,374,356 144,846,445 38,833 144,885,278 41,419,194 176,891,283 2 9,374,356 186,265,639
Percentage of Total Use 71.4 0.1 1.2 1.3 72.7 5.0 0.1 5.0 77.8 0.0 77.8 22.2 95.0   5.0 100.0

(1) This table is one of a series giving an analysis of motor-fuel consumption, based on reports from State motor-fuel tax agencies. Gasohol is included with gasoline. In order to make the data uniform and complete, public use and nonhighway use were estimated by the Federal Highway Administration. These estimates may not be comparable to data for prior years due to revised estimation procedures. The resulting volumes differ in many cases from the unadjusted data reported in table MF-2. For some States, data are not comparable to prior years due to changes in data analysis and/or improvements in reporting procedures. All data are subject to review and revision.

(2) Some States make a flat percentage allowance for losses in storage and handling, and others allow for actual losses not to exceed a specified percentage. Still others permit distributors to claim stock losses in reconciliations of inventories, thus exempting the lost volume from taxation. Losses by destruction, where reported separately, are also included in this column. The maximum allowance used in the analysis to cover losses in storage and handling was one percent. Because of accounting methods, losses can be reported as a net gain.

(3) Non-Highway increased based on upgraded Non-Highway model. As a result, On-Highway decreased from previous year for most States.


Page last modified on December 20, 2017
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000