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Air Quality and Sustainability Highlights

Welcome to the Air Quality and Sustainability Highlights. FHWA publishes this bi-monthly newsletter to provide updates on transportation related air quality, including information on greenhouse gas emissions, sustainability, transportation conformity, the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) program, Mobile Source Air Toxics, and other activities undertaken by the Office of Natural Environment.

If you have any questions regarding the items included in the Highlights, or suggestions for future editions, please contact

2024 Air Quality and Sustainability Highlights

2023 Air Quality and Sustainability Highlights

2022 Air Quality and Sustainability Highlights

2021 Air Quality and Sustainability Highlights

2020 Air Quality and Sustainability Highlights

2019 Air Quality and Sustainability Highlights

2018 Air Quality and Sustainability Highlights

2017 Air Quality and Sustainability Highlights

2016 Air Quality and Climate Change Highlights

2015 Air Quality and Climate Change Highlights

2014 Air Quality and Transportation Conformity Highlights

2013 Air Quality and Transportation Conformity Highlights

2004-2012 Air Quality and Transportation Conformity Highlights - Archive

Updated: 9/18/2024
HEP Home Planning Environment Real Estate
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000