Emissions Analysis Techniques for TCMs
Overview - The SMART (Simplified Method for Analysis of Regional Travel) Model was developed in the Chicago area to support air quality conformity modeling and is compatible with regional modeling datasets. It could be modified for similar application in other metropolitan areas. Strategies Addressed - Improved transit; HOV lanes; roadway pricing; land use. Methodology - SMART is applied for an area covered by the regional travel demand model upon which it is based. Strategies are applied to specific links in the roadway and transit networks. SMART's distinguishing features include the use of a "combined model" for trip distribution, mode choice and assignment of auto trips; and the use of a sketch planning zone system in conjunction with a detailed regional highway network and zone system. SMART includes a stand-alone emissions module, which utilizes a speed post-processor. Data Requirements - Travel model data, including land use/socioeconomic and highway/transit network data, are required. Strategies are entered as changes to highway and transit network characteristics (e.g., capacity, speed, cost). Outputs - VMT and speeds by link; overall VMT and emissions changes. Level of Effort - SMART requires significant customization. Advantages - The use of the sketch zone system for trip distribution and mode choice provides efficiencies for quick turnaround with very little loss of accuracy, compared to a regional travel model. SMART is sensitive to regional shifts that result from redistribution or reassignment of trips in response to the alternative being tested. Limitations - SMART would require significant customization for local use, and is designed to address only network-level transportation investments and policies. Source/Availability - SMART was initially developed for IDOT by COMSIS Corporation in conjunction with the Chicago Area Transportation Study (CATS), and was enhanced in 1998 by Cambridge Systematics, with Michael Baker Corporation and E.H. Pechan. Contacts - Illinois DOT - Tim Milam (217-524-9067) or Susan Stitt (217-782-2863). Cambridge Systematics, Inc. - Don Vary (202-466-5542) or Dan Beagan (617-354-0167). -Top- |