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A Look at the History of the Federal Highway Administration
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March 12
1907 In an address to ARMA's Fourth Annual Convention, in Pittsburgh, PA, Director Logan Page summarizes the history of the good roads movement and explains OPR's mission: "We hope to succeed in partially mitigating the deplorable conditions due to incorrect methods of road construction; to induce some of the road builders to exercise judgment in the selection of their road materials; to enable legislators, by placing proper information before them, to improve existing legislation."
"We can never hope entirely to drive out incorrect methods, wasteful extravagance, unsuitable laws, and inadequate organization until every State is organized; and the spirit of cooperation is the main factor in all our endeavors."
Logan Page
Director, OPR
March 12, 1907

1919 Chief Thomas MacDonald issues regulations implementing the FY 1920 Post Office Appropriation Act of February 28, 1919. In implementing the new law, the regulations incorporate changes in response to suggestions by State highway officials, during AASHO's Annual Meeting last December, for resolving disagreements or delays identified under the Federal-aid highway program.
1968 Public Roads Director Frank Turner issues an Instructional Memorandum on "Bridge Safety Inspection," which includes the first guide on evaluating bridge conditions. Stanley Gordon of the Bridge Division had developed the guide at Turner's request following the collapse of the Silver Bridge (see December 15, 1967). Gordon has been called "the Father of Bridge Inspection."
Photo: Stanley Gordan
Stanley Gordan
Bridge Division
1970 FHWA Regional Safety Specialists Stanley Keesling and Sam Luebbert, while attending the annual meeting of the Mississippi Valley Institute of Traffic Engineers in Oklahoma City, OK, tell a reporter about tests of self-inflating balloons that are being tested as a new way of protecting motor vehicle occupants in collisions. Luebbert says, "I would love to have students-who are always looking for causes-get traffic safety as a cause."
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