A new resource from the safe transportation for every pedestrian (STEP) initiative, STEP Studio is a toolbox for selecting and implementing countermeasures to improve pedestrian crossing safety. This visual and interactive resource follows the steps outlined in the “Guide for Improving Pedestrian Safety at Uncontrolled Crossing Locations” to identify potential countermeasures for a variety of contexts. STEP Studio connects users to case studies, research reports, videos, and Federal Highway Administration guidance that go deeper into the benefits and design considerations of enhancing pedestrian safety.
STEP has produced more than 30 case studies on the “spectacular seven” countermeasures: rectangular rapid-flashing beacons, leading pedestrian intervals, crosswalk visibility enhancements, raised crosswalks, pedestrian crossing/refuge islands, pedestrian hybrid beacons, and road diets. The case studies feature State transportation departments that developed crosswalk inventories and conducted systemic analyses to prioritize pedestrian safety improvements. They also share how local agencies integrate data into transportation plans and policies for improving pedestrian safety.
The FHWA Center for Local Aid Support released “Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian for Local and Tribal Locations,” an 11-part online training resource based on the “Guide for Improving Pedestrian Safety at Uncontrolled Crossing Locations.” These interactive e-learning modules include quizzes on the STEP countermeasures.
Contact Becky Crowe of the FHWA Office of Safety or Peter Eun of the FHWA Resource Center for information and assistance on STEP countermeasures, including virtual workshops.
Every Day Counts storyboards communicate innovation deployment stories in an interactive digital slideshow—incorporating photographs, video, and graphics in a visual experience.
This storyboard promotes the use of crosswalk visibility enhancements to increase nighttime pedestrian safety. In 2018, 76 percent of pedestrian fatalities nationwide occurred in dark conditions. The storyboard proposes approaches such as improved overhead lighting, crosswalks with high-visibility markings, and rectangular rapid-flashing beacons to improve pedestrian visibility and safety at crossings in the dark.