U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Providing the technical assistance, training, and technology deployment
for a world-class transportation system.
Center for Accelerating Innovation
Fostering the accelerated adoption of innovation across the Nation's transportation community.
Center for Local Aid Support
Assisting local governments and federally recognized Tribes with improving roadway networks.
Finance and Business Operations
Providing financial management, administrative, and marketing coordination services to units across Office of Technical Services.
Knowledge Management
Promoting a culture of collaboration and knowledge sharing among FHWA employees, making it easier for them to do their jobs.
National Highway Institute
Improving the performance of the transportation industry through effective and innovative training.
Resource Center
Delivering expertise and solutions to advance the Nation's transportation system through training, technical assistance, technology deployment, and partnerships.
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Page last modified on September 24, 2024