Pavement Publications - Materials-Concrete
View All Materials-Concrete Publications |
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Publication Title | Publication Year | FHWA # |
Guide for Curing of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements [Primary Topic: Materials-Concrete] |
2005 | FHWA-RD-02-099 |
Guide for Curing Portland Cement Concrete Pavements, II [Primary Topic: Materials-Concrete] |
2006 | FHWA-HRT-05-038 |
Guide Specification for Jointed Precast Concrete Pavement [Primary Topic: Materials-Concrete] |
2019 |
Guide to Nondestructive Testing of Concrete [Primary Topic: Materials-Concrete] |
1997 |
Guidelines for Detection, Analysis, and Treatment of Materials-Related Distress In Concrete Pavements - Volume 1: Final Report [Primary Topic: Materials-Concrete] |
2002 | FHWA-RD-01-163 |
Guidelines for Detection, Analysis, and Treatment of Materials-Related Distress in Concrete Pavements - Volume 2: Guidelines Description and Use [Primary Topic: Materials-Concrete] |
2002 | FHWA-RD-01-164 |
Guidelines for Detection, Analysis, and Treatment of Materials-Related Distress in Concrete Pavements - Volume 3: Case Studies Using the Guidelines [Primary Topic: Materials-Concrete] |
2002 | FHWA-RD-01-165 |
Guidelines for Establishing and Maintaining Construction Quality Databases [Primary Topic: Materials-Concrete] |
2006 | FHWA-HRT-07-020 |
Guidelines for the Use of Lithium to Mitigate or Prevent Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) [Primary Topic: Materials-Concrete] |
2003 | FHWA-RD-03-047 |