U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

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ARCHIVED: Appendix C

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Mill And Relay Asphaltic Pavement. Item 90358.

  1. Description. This work shall consist of constructing base course utilizing in-place milling and relaying of the existing asphaltic surface over the roadbed as shown on the plans and as hereinafter provided.
  2. Construction Methods. The existing asphaltic surface shall be milled to the depth shown on the plans and to a maximum size of 37.5 mm. The milling machine shall be equipped with electronic devices which will provide accurate depth, grade and slope control.

    Immediately after milling, the material shall be placed as shown on the plans. The laydown shall be accomplished using a paver or a grader or a combination of a paver and grader.

    The relaid material shall be immediately compacted in the following sequence: first with either a rubber-tired roller or vibratory pads foot roller, and second with a vibratory steel roller. Water shall be added prior to and during compaction as required. Each layer shall be compacted to the extent required for Standard Compaction in Section 304.5 of the Standard Specifications. The compaction equipment shall be as follows:

    • For a compacted depth of milled material, up to 150 mm, compaction equipment shall be in accordance with Section 304.4.4 of the Standard Specifications.
    • For a compacted depth of milled material, greater than 150 mm and up to 200 mm, a minimum 22.68 megagram rubber-tired roller with 620 kPa tire pressure or 11335 kg pads foot vibratory roller, and a minimum 7.25 megagram vibratory steel roller shall be used.
    • For compacted depths greater than 200 mm, split lift compaction according to the above described methods will be required.

    At the completion of each working day, the ends of the mill and relay asphaltic pavement shall be as adjacent as practical for both traffic lanes.

  3. Method of Measurement. Mill and Relay Asphaltic Pavement will be measured by the square meter of relaid material according to the finished typical section width and details shown on the plans.
  4. Basis of Payment. Mill and Relay Asphaltic Pavement, as measured above, will be paid at the contract unit price per square meter, which price shall be full compensation for milling, windrowing, relaying, adding water, compaction, removing and disposing of excess material, and all labor, tools, equipment, and incidentals necessary to complete the work in accordance with the contract.

Pulverize And Relay Existing Base And Surface. Item 90357

  1. Description. This work shall consist of constructing base course utilizing in-place pulverizing and relaying of the existing asphaltic surface and base course over the roadbed as shown on the plans and as hereinafter provided.
  2. Construction Methods. The existing asphaltic surface shall be pulverized full depth and to a minimum of 97 percent passing a 50 mm screen. The existing crushed aggregate base course shall also be pulverized to the depth shown on the plans and mixed with the asphaltic material.

    Immediately after pulverizing, the material shall be placed as shown on the plans. The laydown shall be accomplished using a paver or a grader or a combination of a paver and grader.

    The relaid material shall be immediately compacted in the following sequence: first with either a rubber-tired roller or vibratory pads foot roller, and second with a vibratory steel roller. Water shall be added prior to and during compaction as required. Each layer shall be compacted to the extent required for Standard Compaction in Section 304.5 of the Standard Specifications. The compaction equipment shall be as follows:

    • For a compacted depth of pulverized material, up to 150 mm, compaction equipment shall be in accordance with Section 304.4.4 of the Standard Specifications.
    • For a compacted depth of pulverized material, greater than 150 mm and up to 200 mm, a minimum 22.68 megagram rubber-tired roller with 620 kPa tire pressure or 11335 kg pads foot vibratory roller, and a minimum 7.25 megagram vibratory steel roller shall be used.
    • For compacted depths greater than 200 mm, split lift compaction according to the above described methods will be required.

    At the completion of each working day, the ends of the pulverize and relay asphaltic pavement and base course shall be as adjacent as practical for both traffic lanes.

  3. Method of Measurement. Pulverize and Relay Asphaltic Pavement will be measured by the square meter of relaid material according to the finished typical section width and details shown on the plans.
  4. Basis of Payment. Pulverize and Relay Asphaltic Pavement, as measured above, will be paid at the contract unit price per square meter, which price shall be full compensation for pulverizing, windrowing, relaying, adding water, compaction, removing and disposing of excess material, and all labor, tools, equipment, and incidentals necessary to complete the work in accordance with the contract.
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Updated: 10/21/2022
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000