U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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Washington, DC 20590

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Office of Policy & Governmental Affairs

Image Credit: Internal DOT Library

Our Mission

The Office of Policy and Governmental Affairs is responsible for a variety of critical and diverse topics ranging from managing congressional affairs; housing FHWA's traffic and transportation performance data; collaborating with the international community on new highway technology, transportation research, and program innovations; and, performing studies and analyses of national transportation policy options.

Office of Highway Policy Information - The Office of Highway Policy Information serves as the national source of surface transportation data; providing the U.S. DOT, Congress, and transportation community with accurate information products in a timely manner to inform the development and implementation of decisions, policies, legislation, programs, and performance goals, while constantly striving to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of data collection and analysis on travelers and the physical, operational and financial condition of our transportation system.

Office of International Programs - The Office of International Programs works to access, promote, exchange and disseminate global best practices and technical innovations to ensure a safe and efficient U.S. highway transportation infrastructure. The four main international collaboration elements include: Multilateral Relations Programs, Bilateral Relations Programs, Global Benchmarking Program, and the International Visitors Program. Through collaboration with international and domestic partners, the Office of International Programs works to address the Secretary's and FHWA's priorities.

Office of Legislative Affairs and Policy Communications - The Office of Legislative Affairs and Policy Communications provides technical assistance, analysis, and briefings to support FHWA, U.S. DOT, and Congressional legislative and policy development. The office acts as the FHWA's central point of contact with Congress and State and local stakeholders, and coordinates the Agency's Reports to Congress. The office also coordinates the Agency's advancement of major programmatic actions and policy proposals that cut across FHWA lines of business, require interagency consideration, or are expected to generate broad external interest.

Office of Transportation Policy Studies - The Office of Transportation Policy Studies develops analytical tools and data systems for policy development and studies; conducts analyses and studies to support the formulation of transportation policy and legislative initiatives; prepares major Reports to Congress on highway policy issues; and monitors and forecasts economic, demographic, and personal/commercial travel trends.

Administrative Finances and Services Team - The Administrative & Finance Services Team provides a range of support services to the Office of Policy & Governmental Affairs staff on human resource matters, workspace allocation, procurement of goods and services, travel, time and attendance management, management of General Operating Expense Funds, financial oversight of Research Funds, and other related services.

Flow Chart: Office of Policy and Governmental Affairs Associate Administrator with a single line branching off to Administrative and Finance Services, then continuing to four lines branching to Legislative Affairs and Policy Communications, Transportation Policy Studies, Highway Policy Information, and International Programs.

Page last modified on March 21, 2024
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000