Office of Transportation Policy Studies

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U.S. Department of Transportation Comprehensive Truck Size and Weight Study

Image of Report Cover

TS&W Final Report

Click on the links below to download the various chapters of the Truck Size and Weight Study. File sizes for each PDF file are given in the table at the end of this listing.

If you prefer, you can also order the full Truck Size and Weight Study on CD-ROM via U.S. mail or Federal Express delivery.

Volume 1. Executive Summary

NOTE: These files are in PDF file format. To read, you must have the PDF file reader.

Summary: Volume I synthesizes the findings presented in Volume II and Volume III.

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Volume 2. Issues and Background

NOTE: These files are in PDF file format. To read, you must have the PDF file reader.

Summary: Volume II, Background and Issues, provides the basics necessary to bring a diverse audience up to a common level of understanding. The following areas are covered:

  1. TS&W regulations;
  2. A description of the truck fleet and the trucking industry;
  3. Truck-rail competition;
  4. Shipper concerns;
  5. Highway safety and traffic operations;
  6. Highway infrastructure; and
  7. Enforcement issues.

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Volume 3. Scenario Analysis

NOTE: These files are in PDF file format. To read, you must have the PDF file reader.

Summary: This volume describes the Study's illustrative scenarios; provides information on the evaluation process; and presents the analytical findings.

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Volume 4. Guide to Documentation

NOTE: These files are in PDF file format. To read, you must have the PDF file reader.

Summary: Volume IV walks the reader through the extensive documentation underlying the Study.

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