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Federal Highway Administration / Publications / Focus / September 1997

Accelerating Infrastructure Innovations

Publication Number: FHWA-SA-97-027
Date: September 1997

Articles in this Issue

Albuquerque and Local Industry Team Up for Superpave System

The Superpave system isn't just for State highway agencies. Local governments across the country are also beginning to see the advantages of switching to the Superpave system. One of the first was Albuquerque, New Mexico, where the Public Works Department and local industry are using the Superpave aggregate gradations and the Superpave binder specification to improve the performance of their asphalt pavements.

Tech Briefs Keep Engineers Current on New Findings and Products from the LTPP Program

Now that the long-term pavement performance (LTPP) program is at its midpoint, the 20-year study is beginning to yield new information on asphalt and portland cement concrete pavements, as well as new products for use in pavement design, maintenance, and research. To help engineers, researchers, and others stay abreast of the new information and products, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is rolling out a series of summaries of recent LTPP reports. The summaries, known as Tech Briefs, concisely report the objectives and key findings of the research and relate how these findings will affect current practice. They include descriptions of new test methods, design guidelines, or other products that have resulted from the research project.

Cathodic Bridge Protection Is More Affordable than Ever

There's good news for portland cement concrete bridges that are deteriorating as a result of corrosion caused by deicing salt or seawater. In the past decade, the cost of rehabilitating and protecting these bridges using cathodic protection systems has fallen by as much as one-half, making an already cost-effective technology even more affordable.

Some Frequently Asked Questions About the Superpave System

As the Superpave mix design system takes hold across the country, highway agencies, contractors, and others are asking questions about the system. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

FHWA and Industry To Cosponsor Pavement Preventive Maintenance Workshops

A new series of training workshops in pavement preventive maintenance is being developed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) with financial support from industry.

Preventive Maintenance Yields Huge Savings, Says Michigan Study

Maintenance engineers have been making the case for preventive maintenance for years-but their message has often gone unheeded. Now, a study from the Michigan Department of Transportation (DOT) provides hard evidence that preventive maintenance is a wise investment. According to the study, the DOT's preventive maintenance strategy is more than six times as cost-effective as rehabilitation and reconstruction projects.

Privatizing a Road Weather Information System: Lessons Learned in Minnesota

Finding an industry partner to construct and operate Minnesota's road weather information system (RWIS) has proven more difficult than expected, but the Minnesota Department of Transportation (DOT) hasn't given up on the idea of privatizing its RWIS network.

Team Investigating Cause of Premature Deformation at WesTrack

In late June, 10 new sections of pavement were placed at WesTrack, FHWA's hot-mix asphalt test track in Nevada. The new sections did not last long: within days of being put in service, several of the new sections began exhibiting permanent deformation.

SHRP Implementation Calendar

Updated: 06/27/2017
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000