Research, Development, and Technology - FY 2002/2003 Performance Plan
Goals and RD&T's Corporate Management Strategies
Goals of the DOT
Safety Promote the public health and safety by working toward the elimination of transportation-related deaths, injuries, and property damage.
Mobility Shape America's future by ensuring a transportation system that is accessible, integrated, and efficient and offers flexibility of choices.
Economic Growth and Trade Advance America's economic growth and competitiveness domestically and internationally through efficient and flexible transportation.
Human and Natural Environment Protect and enhance communities and the natural environment affected by transportation.
National Security Advance the Nation's vital security interests in support of national strategies such as the National Security Strategy and National Drug Control Strategy by ensuring that the transportation system is secure and available for defense mobility and that our borders are safe from illegal intrusion.
Organizational Excellence Advance the Department's ability to manage for results and innovation.
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Goals of the FHWA
Safety Continually improve highway safety.
Mobility Continually improve the public's access to activities, goods, and services through preservation, improvement, and expansion of the highway transportation system and enhancement of its operations, efficiency, and intermodal connections.
Productivity Continuously improve the economic efficiency of the Nation's transportation system to enhance America's position in the global economy.
Human and Natural Environment Protect and enhance the natural environment and communities affected by highway transportation.
National Security Improve the Nation's national defense mobility.
Organizational Excellence Advance FHWA's ability to manage for results and innovation.
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FHWA Corporate Management Strategies
Leadership Define and advance the core mission and values of FHWA R&T, and its future direction. Involve senior leaders in the review of organizational structure and performance. Balance the needs of stakeholders, customers, partners and employees in approaches and decision-making, and share accomplishments. Address responsibilities to the public and practice good citizenship.
Strategic Planning Focus Leadership Council activities on development and delivery of the FHWA Strategic and Performance Plans, and specifically on strategic issues that cut across all RD&T. Create, maintain, and advance a Leadership Council Action Agenda with specific tasks, schedules, and assigned responsibilities.
Customer and Partner Focus Foster coordination and collaboration with FHWA offices, Resource Centers, Division Offices, other US DOT offices, and with external partners such as TRB, universities, and private sector firms.
Information and Analysis Create, maintain, and advance effective performance management systems for measuring, analyzing, aligning and improving performance at all levels and in all parts of the organization.
Human Resource Development & Management Provide a forum for two-way communication between the Council and Team Leaders and the entire RD&T staff on work systems, training and employee development, and employee well-being, security and morale.
Work together to "make RD&T a stimulating, rewarding, productive, and fun place to come to work."
Process Management Anticipate issues and implement solutions related to RD&T key processes. Focus on improvements to processes related to the design and the production/delivery of products and services, marketing, supply-chain management, and support or administrative processes, such as finance, procurement, and facilities. Continuously review key processes to improve overall quality and promote a unified and professional approach.
Business Results Champion and facilitate implementation of Quality Journey principles within RD&T, including assessment, benchmarking, and evaluation of results.
Use the analysis of results to facilitate the transfer of RD&T technologies, products, and services.
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