Research, Development, and Technology - FY 2002/2003 Performance Plan
Research and Services that are Essential, Indispensable, and Connected to our Customers.
This Performance Plan for the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA's) Office of Research,
Development, and Technology (RD&T) describes the RD&T products and services provided in FY 2001 and sets the promise for those to be delivered in FY 2002-03. It serves as a beacon
directing our ef-forts to improve operations and enhance services. The Performance Plan is solidly
built upon the foundation of the RD&T Unit Plan for FY 2000 and FY 2001, using the blueprint provided by the strategic plans of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and FHWA. In the Performance Plan, we show how our efforts are squarely aligned with the strategic goals and objectives of DOT and FHWA.
This plan also includes an "Action Agenda" for the Leadership Council of RD&T. The Leadership Council is continuously working to improve RD&T's contribution to the accomplishment of FHWA's strategic goals and to advance the overall value of our products and
services. The overarching vision of the Leadership Council is to provide products and services that are essential, indispensable, and connected to our customers and partners. The Council is committed to a "quality journey." That means that we will, in very close cooperation
and collaboration with internal and external partners, constantly strive to improve our programs, processes, and the quality of work life; to conduct outstanding research; and to provide services that "drive" the achievement of FHWA's strategic goals.
RD&T is organized into six offices that collectively have 16 teams with experts in more than 30 transportation-related disciplines. Three offices-the Office of Safety Research and Development (R&D), the Office of Operations R&D, and the Office of Infrastructure R&D-conduct research and development (R&D) to continually improve highway safety, operations, and infrastructure, respectively. The Office of Program Development and Evaluation develops and executes policy, budget, program management, and administrative mechanisms to enable a nationwide
FHWA research and technology program to be carried out in cooperation with our partners. The Office of Research and Technology Services develops and executes a comprehensive RD&T communications strategy and marketing plan in support of FHWA-wide research and technology
(R&T) programs and the technology delivery needs of FHWA offices and resource centers (RC's). The Office of Resource Management provides administrative services for RD&T.
RD&T also manages the FHWA Research and Technology Program. The FHWA R&T Program directly supports the R&T goals of DOT and is synchronized with DOT's approach to research. FHWA invests strategically in transportation infrastructure, promotes safe and secure transportation, enhances our environment, and creates new alliances between the Nation's
transportation and technology industries. The DOT and FHWA approach to research emphasizes cooperation, information-sharing, and the development of formal research agendas among the agencies within DOT and across the entire Government. It promotes partnerships with State and local governments, academia, and the private sector to cost-effectively accelerate the transformation of new technologies, concepts, and ideas into better transportation systems, processes, and services.
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