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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations

This report is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information

Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-05-159
Date: June 2006

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Design and Construction of Driven Pile Foundations – Lessons Learned on The Central Artery/Tunnel Project


  1. Massachusetts Turnpike Authority (2000), Project Summary, http://www.bigdig.com/thtml/ summary.htm.
  2. Massachusetts Turnpike Authority (2000), Project Contract Lists, http://www.bigdig.com/ thtml/contlist.htm.
  3. Massachusetts Turnpike Authority (2000), Maps and Plans, http://www.bigdig.com/thtml/ maps01.htm.
  4. GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (1991), Central Artery (I-93)/Tunnel (I-90) Project, Geotechnical Data Report, South Bay Interchange, Design Sections D009B/D009C, Boston, MA.
  5. GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (1992), Central Artery (I-93)/Tunnel (I-90) Project, Geotechnical Data Report, South Bay Interchange, Design Section D009A, Boston, MA.
  6. Haley and Aldrich, Inc. (1991), Final Geotechnical Data Report, Central Artery (I-;93)/Tunnel (I-90) Project, Design Sections D007C and D007D (C07D2), Boston, MA.
  7. Haley and Aldrich, Inc. (1996), Final Geotechnical Report, Central Artery (I-93)/Tunnel (I-;90) Project, Design Section D008A, Boston, MA.
  8. Maguire Group, Inc., and Frederic R. Harris, Inc. (1995), Final Report on Soil Stabilization and Testing Program, Central Artery (I-93)/Tunnel (I-90) Project, D009A, Boston, MA.
  9. Maguire Group, Inc., and Frederic R. Harris, Inc. (1995), Supplemental Geotechnical Data Report, Central Artery (I-93)/Tunnel (I-90) Project, Design Section D009A, Boston, MA.
  10. Stone and Webster, Inc. (1996), Final Geotechnical Data Report, Central Artery (I-;93)/Tunnel (I-90) Project, Design Section D019B, I-93 Viaducts and Ramps North of Charles River, Boston, MA.
  11. Barosh, P.J.; Kaye, C.A.; and Woodhouse, D. (1989), "Geology of the Boston Basin and Vicinity." Civil Engineering Practice: Journal of the Boston Society of Civil Engineers, 4(1), 39-52.
  12. McGinn, A.J., and O'Rourke, T.D. (2003), Performance of Deep Mixing Methods at Fort Point Channel, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
  13. Commonwealth of Massachusetts (1997), The Massachusetts State Building Code, Users Guide to 780 CMR (6th Edition), William F. Galvin, Boston, MA.
  14. Massachusetts Highway Department (1996), MHD Supplemental Specifications and CA/T Supplemental Specifications to Construction Details of the Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges (Division II) for Central Artery (I-93)/Tunnel (I-90) Project in the City of Boston [Section 940 covers driven piles], September 3, 1996.
  15. Massachusetts Highway Department (1998), Special Provisions to Construction Details for the Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges and the Supplemental Specifications (Division II) for Central Artery/Tunnel Project I-93 Viaducts and Ramps North of Charles River (C19B1) in the City of Boston [Section 940 covers driven piles], April 29, 1998.
  16. AASHTO (2002), Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, Washington, DC.
  17. FHWA (1998), Design and Construction of Driven Foundations, Report No. FHWA-HI-97-013, Washington, DC.
  18. Massachusetts Highway Department (1996), Pile Layout Plan: I-90 Logan Airport Interchange Arrivals Road, Tunnel, Contract C07D2, Drawing No. S-1162.
  19. Geosciences Testing and Research, Inc. (1997), Letter to RDA Construction Regarding Dynamic Load Test Results, Arrivals Tunnel: Round 1, May 5, 1997.
  20. Massachusetts Highway Department (1995), Interoffice Memorandum to File Regarding Hilton Heave, June 5, 1995.
  21. Massachusetts Highway Department (1995), Interoffice Memorandum to Lauren Cragg Regarding Hilton Heave, June 28, 1995.
  22. Massachusetts Highway Department (1995), Interoffice Memorandum to File Regarding Hilton Heave, August 3, 1995.
  23. Massachusetts Highway Department (1995), Interoffice Memorandum to File Regarding Hilton Heave, August 23, 1995.
  24. GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (1995), Letter to FST/TYLI Regarding D007D (C07D1) I-90 Logan Airport Interchange, Contract No. 93096, East Approach to Ramp E-T Pile Driving, July 10, 1995.
  25. Field Measurements, Inc. (2000), Letter to R.A. Francoeur Marine, Inc., Regarding Pile Load Test Program, Dynamic Load Test Results, CA/T Contract C08A1, August 24, 2000.
  26. Geosciences Testing and Research, Inc. (1997), Letter to RDA Construction Regarding Arrivals Tunnel Test Program, Dynamic Test Results (Piles 258 and 375), C07D2, May 30, 1997.
  27. Geosciences Testing and Research, Inc. (1997), Letter to RDA Construction Regarding Ramp 1AA Test Program, Dynamic Test Results (Piles 923, 955, and 999), C07D2, October 9, 1997.
  28. Geosciences Testing and Research, Inc. (1998), Letter to P.A. Frisco Regarding Dynamic Pile Testing Results, NS-SN Transition Structure, CA/T C19B1 Project, October 7, 1998.
  29. Geosciences Testing and Research, Inc. (2000), Letter to P.A. Frisco Regarding Dynamic Pile Testing Results, LT Wall Structure Indicator Piles, CA/T C19B1 Project, September 27, 2000.
  30. Geosciences Testing and Research, Inc. (2001), Letter to Modern Continental Construction Regarding Dynamic Pile Testing Results, CT Wall Structure Indicator Pile IPW, CA/T C19B1 Project, March 23, 2001.
  31. Geosciences Testing and Research, Inc. (2002), Letter to R.A. Francoeur Marine, Inc., Regarding Static Load Test Report for Pile 14, C08A1, 1ANB-A/D West Abutment, September 6, 2002.
  32. GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (1998), Letter to Slattery/Interbeton/J.F. White/Perini Regarding Dynamic Pile Testing Results, October 9, 1998.
  33. GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (1999), Letter to Slattery/Interbeton/J.F. White/Perini Regarding Dynamic Pile Testing Results, CA/T Contract C09A4, Approach No. 5, July 26, 1999.
  34. Perini Corporation (1994), Letter of Transmittal Containing CAPWAP Results, Contract C07D1, May 2, 1994.
  35. ASTM (1996a), "Standard Test Method for High-Strain Dynamic Testing of Piles"; D4945-89, 1996 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.
  36. ASTM (1996b), "Standard Test Method for Piles Under Static Axial Compression Load"; D1143-81, 1996 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.
  37. Field Measurements, Inc. (2000), Letter to R.A. Francoeur Marine, Inc., Regarding Pile Load Test Program, Compression Pile Load Test Results, Pile I90EB South, CA/T C08A1, September 19, 2000.
  38. Geosciences Testing and Research, Inc. (1997), Letter to RDA Construction Regarding Static Load Test Report, Pile 375, C07D2 Arrivals Tunnel, East Boston, MA, June 10, 1997.
  39. Geosciences Testing and Research, Inc. (1997), Letter to RDA Construction Regarding Static Load Test Report, Pile 923, C07D2 Ramp 1A-A, East Boston, MA, November 4, 1997.
  40. Geosciences Testing and Research, Inc. (1998), Letter to P.A. Frisco, Inc., Regarding Static Load Test Report, Test Pile NS-SN Transition Bridge, C19B1, November 4, 1998.
  41. Geosciences Testing and Research, Inc. (2000), Letter to Modern Continental Construction Regarding Static Load Test Results, CA/T C19B1, LT Retaining Wall, December 20, 2000.
  42. Geosciences Testing and Research, Inc. (2001), Letter to Modern Continental Construction Regarding Static Load Test Results for Pile IPW, CA/T C19B1, CT Retaining Wall, April 3, 2001.
  43. Geosciences Testing and Research, Inc. (2002), Letter to R.A. Francoeur Marine, Inc., Regarding Static Load Test Report for Pile 14, C08A1, 1ANB-A/D West Abutment, September 6, 2002.
  44. GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (1998), Letter to Slattery/Interbeton/J.F. White/Perini Regarding Compression Load Test Pile, Utility Foundations (Test Pile 3), July 13, 1998.
  45. GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (1998), Letter to Slattery/Interbeton/J.F. White/Perini Regarding Compression Load Test Pile, Utility Foundations (Test Pile 7), July 26, 1998.
  46. GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (1998), Letter to Slattery/Interbeton/J.F. White/Perini Regarding Compression Load Test Pile, Approach 1 (Pile 12A1-1), November 9, 1998.
  47. GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (1998), Letter to Slattery/Interbeton/J.F. White/Perini Regarding Compression Load Test Pile, Approach 2 (Pile 12A2-1), November 2, 1998.
  48. GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (1999), Letter to Slattery/Interbeton/J.F. White/Perini Regarding Compression Load Test Pile, Approach 5 (Indicator Pile 2), August 11, 1999.
  49. McPhail Associates, Inc. (1994), Pile Load Test Report, Pier ET2, Logan Airport Egress Ramps, Contract C07D1, East Boston, Massachusetts.
  50. McPhail Associates, Inc. (1994), Pile Load Test Report, Pier ET4, Logan Airport Egress Ramps, Contract C07D1, East Boston, Massachusetts.
  51. Geosciences Testing and Research, Inc. (1997), Letter to RDA Construction Regarding Static Load Test Frame/Instrumentation, Contract C07D2, January 13, 1997.
  52. Davisson, M.T. (1972), "High-Capacity Piles." Proceedings of Lecture Series on Innovations in Foundation Construction, Chicago, IL, 81-112.
  53. Rausche, M.F.; Goble, G.G.; and Likins, G. (1985), "Dynamic Determination of Pile Capacity." Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 111(3), 367-383.
  54. Fellenius, B.H.; Riker, R.E.; O'Brien, A.J.; and Tracy, G.R. (1989), "Dynamic and Static Testing in Soil Exhibiting Set-Up"; Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 115(7).
  55. Authier, J., and Fellenius, B.H. (1980), "Quake Values Determined From Dynamic Measurements"; Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Application of Stress-Wave Theory to Piles, Stockholm, Sweden, 197-216.
  56. Likins, G.E. (1983), "Pile Installation Difficulties in Soils With Large Quakes"; Symposium on Dynamic Measurements of Piles and Piers, Philadelphia, PA, May 1983.
  57. Liang, R.Y., and Zhou, J. (1997), "Probability Method Applied to Dynamic Pile-Driving Control"; Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 123(2), 137-144.


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