U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations
![]() |
This report is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information |
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-06-068 Date: March 2006 |
Rehabilitation activities are those that significantly affect the pavement structure and how it responds to the environment and traffic loading. These activities should be avoided within the maintenance control zone identified in chapter 1 during the time period for which the test section is being monitored. With time, however, many of the test sections will require some repair work to be performed.
Monitoring of a test section in the LTPP program after rehabilitation is performed will be continued provided certain conditions are met.
Test sections that undergo reconstruction will not be retained by the LTPP program for further monitoring. The LTPP program should be notified sufficiently in advance of reconstruction so that a final round of monitoring measurements can be performed.
Highway agency responsibilities include:
LTPP program responsibilities include:
As noted in section 1.1.1, treatments within the maintenance control zone around and including each section or project should be limited as much as possible. However, it is expected that during the study period some of the test sections will require some maintenance or rehabilitation treatment. The general categories of rehabilitation treatments that are acceptable for continued monitoring by the LTPP program are shown in table 3. Treatments applied to LTPP test sections that are not described in table 3 or activities described under the unsuitable treatments portion of this document are unacceptable for continuation in the LTPP program. For any test section undergoing rehabilitation, it is necessary for the RSC to submit an IMS Form 1 and Rehabilitation Information Form RI– as described in chapter 2. If the section is acceptable for continued monitoring, Rehabilitation Information Form RI— is also necessary.
Existing Pavement Type—LTPP Experiment | Pretreatment | Overlay Material and Thickness Restrictions |
GPS— SPS– SPS–3 SPS–8 (AC) SPS–9 (New) |
None | AC < 127 mm (5 inches) |
Maintenance and Repair | AC < 127 mm (5 inches) | |
Milling | AC < 127 mm (5 inches) | |
None | PCC | |
Maintenance and Repair | PCC | |
Milling | PCC | |
GPS–4 GPS–5 SPS— SPS–4 SPS–8 (PCC) |
CPR | None |
None | AC > 102 mm (4 inches), < 203 mm (8 inches) |
CPR | AC > 102 mm (4 inches), < 203 mm (8 inches) |
Fracture | AC > 102 mm (4 inches), < 203 mm (8 inches) |
Debond Interlayer | PCC > 127 mm (5 inches) | |
AC over AC
SPS–5 SPS–9 (Overlay) |
None | AC < 127 mm (5 inches) |
Maintenance and Repair | AC < 127 mm (5 inches) | |
Milling | AC < 127 mm (5 inches) | |
AC over PCC
SPS–6 |
None | AC < 203 mm (8 inches) |
Milling | AC < 203 mm (8 inches) | |
Milling + CPR | AC < 203 mm (8 inches) | |
None | PCC > 127 mm (5 inches) | |
Milling + Debond Interlayer | PCC > 127 mm (5 inches) |
The following definitions relate to the items shown in table 3.
AC—Dense-graded hot-mix asphalt-aggregate concrete using either conventional or modified asphalt cement. Mixtures designed in accordance with current guidelines are acceptable. Thickness restriction applies to the material in excess of that which is used to replace portions of the milled pavement structure. The thickness restriction does not apply to thin seal coats or open graded friction courses that may be required by agency policy.
PCC—Portland cement concrete pavement layers. PCC pavement layers must be jointed plain concrete pavement (JPCP), jointed reinforced concrete pavement (JRCP), or continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP). JPCP layers must have either no load transfer devices or smooth dowel bars only. JRCP layers must contain smooth dowel bars for joint load transfer. Unbonded PCC layers must be greater than 127 mm (5 inches) thick (GPS–9 requirement).
CPR—Concrete pavement restoration. Allowable CPR techniques include partial depth patching, full-depth patching and joint replacement, load transfer restoration, full-surface diamond grinding, undersealing or subsealing, and retrofitted edge drains. The distinction between a classification as CPR and a classification as maintenance activity depends on the extent and nature of the applied treatments.
Debond Interlayer—An interlayer of material placed between the original PCC surface and PCC overlay to prevent bonding. Examples include stress-absorbing membrane interlayer (SAMI), asphalt-rubber seal coat, sand asphalt, and aggregate interlayer.
Milling—Cold milling of the AC structural layers. The milling depth must be less than half the total thickness of the existing AC structural layers.
Fracture—Fracture pretreatments to PCC pavements include crack and seat, break and seat, and rubblization.
Any of the following treatments or construction activities applied to an existing test section will render the section unsuitable for continued monitoring as part of the LTPP pavement rehabilitation studies:
When one or more of the above conditions apply, or the agency does not want to participate in the continued monitoring of a test section after rehabilitation, the LTPP RSC should be contacted so that final monitoring measurements can be performed before the test section goes out-of-study.
To provide greater consistency among the pavement structures studied in the LTPP program, use of any combination of the following treatments and specifications is desired. These specifications are based on LTPP construction guidelines for the SPS rehabilitation experiments. Although conformance with these preferred specifications is not required, their use can help to extend the results of the related LTPP experiments.
When AC pavement studies included in certain LTPP experiments (GPS–, —, –6; or SPS–, –3, –5, –8, or –9) are rehabilitated, it is preferred that materials and construction procedures conform to SPS–5 construction guidelines. All AC mixes should be designed in accordance with FHWA Technical Advisory T5040.27 (Asphalt Concrete Mix Design and Field Control, March 10, 1988), and milling should be limited to less than one-third of the total combined thickness of the bound AC structural surface layers. It is preferred that the AC be composed of all new material conforming to specifications in the SPS–5 construction guidelines; however, if the AC mix contains recycled AC materials, the recycled mixture should conform to applicable specifications in the SPS–5 construction guidelines. Overlay thicknesses of 51 mm (2 inches) or 127 mm (5 inches) should be placed. This thickness is in addition to any material that was used to replace portions of the pavement structure that were milled.
When rehabilitation is performed on PCC pavements included in the LTPP GPS–3, –4, or –5 experiments or the SPS—, –4 or –8 experiments, it is preferred that the materials and construction procedures conform to the SPS–6 construction guidelines. Some of the specifications contained in the SPS–6 construction guidelines and other preferred practices include:
Joint and/or crack sealing prior to placement of an AC overlay is not desired. AC overlays are the preferred rehabilitation treatment for LTPP PCC test sections only because the majority of rehabilitated PCC pavements in the program have this type of overlay. It is preferred that AC overlay mixes be designed in accordance with FHWA Technical Advisory T5040.27 and be composed of all new material; and that the thicknesses of the AC overlay be either 102 mm (4 inches) or 203 mm (8 inches). (These are the same thicknesses used in the SPS–6 experiment.) If sawing and sealing of the AC overlay at joint and working crack locations in the PCC pavement are performed, it is preferred that the procedures and specifications contained in the SPS–6 construction guidelines be followed.
A prescribed set of treatments for each test section was established by the LTPP program in 1992. It is preferred that these treatments be followed to extend the results of this experiment. All construction activities and materials used to rehabilitate existing SPS–6 test sections should conform to the specifications contained in the SPS–6 construction guidelines.
Routine Maintenance Section. This test section should be rehabilitated using the applicable SPS–6 intensive restoration techniques and overlaid with a 102-mm- (4-inch-) thick AC overlay. It is desired that the materials used in the AC mixture be reasonably similar to those used in the original overlay mixtures for the other SPS–6 test sections at the site.
Minimum Restoration Sections. SPS–6 test sections 2, 3, and 4 should be rehabilitated using the applicable SPS–6 intensive restoration techniques for the PCC layer and overlaid with a 102-mm- (4-inch-) thick AC overlay. It is desired that the materials used in the AC mixture be reasonably similar to those used in the original overlay mixtures for the other SPS–6 test sections at the site. On section 2 (the minimum restoration section without overlay), the entire 305-m (1000-ft) length of the test section should be overlaid and established as the new test section. On sections 3 and 4, the existing AC overlay layer should be completely removed before applying restoration treatments and placing the new overlay.
Intensive Restoration Test Sections. SPS–6 test sections 5 and 6 should be rehabilitated by using applicable SPS–6 intensive restoration techniques on the PCC layer and overlaid with a 102-mm- (4-inch-) thick AC overlay. It is desired that the materials used in the AC mixture be reasonably similar to those used in the original overlay mixtures for the other SPS–6 test sections at the site. On section 5 (maximum restoration without overlay), the entire 305-m (1000-ft) length of the test section should be overlaid and established as the new test section. On section 6, the existing AC overlay layer should be completely removed before applying restoration treatments and placing the new overlay.
Crack/Break and Seat Sections. SPS–6 test sections 7 and 8 should be rehabilitated by using applicable SPS–5 intensive surface preparation techniques and a 51-mm- (2-inch-) thick AC overlay. The 51-mm (2-inch) overlay thickness is in addition to the amount of material used to replace any portion of the existing AC overlay layer that was milled.
When LTPP test sections are rehabilitated in accordance with current LTPP policy, they will be classified into one of the GPS experiments as defined in this document.
The following suffixes are used for rehabilitated test sections classified as GPS–6 or GPS–7 experiments:
Suffix A—Designates pavement structures that have been rehabilitated with a single AC overlay before the start of the LTPP program and monitoring. The overlay must consist of conventional hot-mix asphalt with no modifiers and no structural milling or modifications performed before overlay placement. (No new test sections will be accepted in this classification.)
Suffix B—Designates pavement structures receiving a first AC overlay using conventional HMAC with no modifiers and no structural milling or modifications. The condition of the pavement before overlay was monitored by the LTPP program.
Suffix C—Designates pavements receiving an overlay (any number) that uses modified asphalts (including hot-recycled, rubberized-wet process, and asphalt additives) in the HMAC without any structural milling or modification. The condition of the pavement prior to overlay was monitored by the LTPP program.
Suffix D—Designates a previously overlaid pavement that receives another AC overlay using conventional HMAC with no modifiers and no structural milling or modifications. The condition of the pavement prior to overlay was monitored by the LTPP program.
Suffix F—Designates an existing PCC pavement structure that has been subjected to a crack and seat or break and seat treatment in combination with placement of any type of HMAC overlay.
Suffix R—Designates an existing PCC pavement structure that has been rehabilitated by CPR treatments without application of an overlay.
Suffix S—Designates pavement structures in which the existing AC structural layer is modified by structural milling or application of fabric, etc., in combination with placement of any type of HMAC overlay.
The terms structural milling and asphalt modifiers are defined as:
Structural Milling—For test section classification purposes, structural milling is considered to be cold milling of AC greater than 25.4 mm (1 inch) in depth. Milling depths less than 25.4 mm (1 inch), for purposes of rut level-up or to remove weathered AC from the surface, are not considered structural milling.
Asphalt Modifiers—Asphalt modifiers are materials used to alter the properties of the asphalt cement or asphalt mixture, such as polymers, crumb rubber, sulfur, and glass.
When an agreement between the participating highway agency and LTPP program has been reached to continue monitoring a rehabilitated test section, the rehabilitated pavement structure should be classified in accordance with the experimental designation shown in table 4. Details of these classifications are provided below based on the test section's current LTPP classification and pavement structure type.
Existing Class and Pavement Type | Pretreatment | Overlay | New Class |
AC GPS– GPS— SPS– SPS–3 (Nonoverlay) SPS–8 (AC) SPS–9 (New) |
None, or Maintenance and Repair | Conventional AC | GPS–6B |
Modified AC | GPS–6C | ||
Structural Milling, Fabric | Any AC | GPS–6S | |
None, Maintenance and Repair, or Structural Milling | JPCP | GPS–3 | |
JRCP | GPS–4 | ||
CRCP | GPS–5 | ||
PCC GPS–3 GPS–4 GPS–5 GPS–7R SPS— SPS–4 SPS–6 (Nonoverlay) SPS–8 (PCC) |
CPR | None | GPS–7R |
None, or CPR | Conventional AC | GPS–7B | |
Fracture | Modified AC | GPS–7C | |
Debonding Layer | Any AC | GPS–7F | |
AC over AC GPS–6 SPS–3 (Overlay) SPS–5 SPS–9 (Overlay) |
None, or Maintenance and Repair | Conventional AC | GPS–6D |
Modified AC | GPS–6C | ||
Structural Milling, Fabric | Any AC | GPS–6S | |
AC over PCC SPS–6 GPS–7 |
None | Conventional AC | GPS–7D |
Modified AC | GPS–7C | ||
Structural Milling, CPR, and/or Fabric | Any AC | GPS–7S | |
None, Milling + Debonding Layer | PCC | GPS–9 |
Existing test sections in this category are either new construction or reconstructed AC pavement structures in their first performance cycle that have not previously been rehabilitated. This includes test sections in the SPS–8 experiment that are constructed with an AC surface layer and SPS–9 test sections that are either newly constructed or reconstructed at the start of the LTPP monitoring period.
Test sections rehabilitated with conventional HMAC overlay with no structural milling or modifications will be classified in GPS–6B. Test sections rehabilitated with HMAC overlay containing asphalt modifiers with no structural milling or modifications will be classified in GPS–6C. Test sections rehabilitated with structural milling or use of geotextile and subsequent placement of a conventional or modified HMAC overlay will be classified in GPS–6S. GPS– or GPS— test section rehabilitated with a PCC overlay will be classified into the new PCC pavement GPS experiments depending on the type of overlay:
Jointed plain concrete overlay | GPS–3 |
Jointed reinforced concrete overlay | GPS–4 |
Continuously reinforced concrete overlay | GPS–5 |
Existing test sections in this category are either new construction or reconstructed PCC test sections that have not previously been rehabilitated with application of an overlay. This includes PCC test sections in the SPS–8 experiment.
Test sections rehabilitated with a conventional HMAC overlay and any combination of restoration treatments contained in the SPS–6 construction guidelines will be classified in GPS–7B.
Test sections rehabilitated with a HMAC overlay containing asphalt modifiers and any combination of restoration treatments contained in the SPS–6 construction guidelines will be classified in GPS–7C.
Test sections subjected to a fracture pretreatment, such as crack and seat, break and seat, or rubblization, in combination with placement of any type of HMAC overlay will be classified in GPS–7F.
Test sections rehabilitated by CPR treatments without application of an overlay will be classified in GPS–7R. The decision on classification of treatments into this category will depend on the extent and nature of the CPR treatments applied. In general, the applied treatments must exceed what might be considered routine maintenance to be classified as CPR.
Test sections in this category are AC pavement structures that have been previously rehabilitated with an AC overlay.
Test sections rehabilitated with a second conventional HMAC overlay with no structural milling or modifications will be classified in GPS–6D.
Test sections rehabilitated with a second HMAC overlay containing asphalt modifiers with no structural milling or modifications will be classified in GPS–6C.
Test sections rehabilitated with structural milling or use of geotextile and subsequent placement of a second overlay composed of conventional or modified HMAC will be classified in GPS–6S.
Test sections in this category are rehabilitated PCC pavement structures that have previously been overlaid with a layer of HMAC.
Test sections rehabilitated with a second conventional HMAC overlay with no structural milling or modifications will be classified in GPS–7D.
Test sections rehabilitated with a second HMAC overlay that contains asphalt modifiers with no structural milling or modifications will be classified in GPS–7C.
Test sections rehabilitated with structural milling or use of geotextile and subsequent placement of a second overlay composed of conventional or modified HMAC will be classified in GPS–7S.
Test sections rehabilitated by complete removal of the existing HMAC overlay, then application of crack and seat or break and seat treatment to the underlying PCC layer and placement of any type of HMAC overlay will be classified in GPS–7F.
Test sections rehabilitated by the application of an unbound PCC overlay will be classified in GPS–9.
GPS–9 test sections that are rehabilitated will not be considered for continued monitoring under the LTPP program.
The remainder of this chapter provides data sheets and instructions for their use in collecting rehabilitation data. The rehabilitation data sheets should be filled out as rehabilitation work is completed. These data sheets appear in numerical sequence at the end of this chapter.
The rehabilitation data collection includes two separate time periods: (1) historical data and (2) LTPP accumulated data.
Historical data consist of information collected on the monitoring site up to the time that site-specific rehabilitation data collection using LTPP guidelines begins. Historical data are recorded on sheet 4 of the inventory data sheets contained in the Inventory Data Collection Guide.
LTPP accumulated data are recorded on the rehabilitation data sheets provided in this chapter. The data sheets are presented in the order illustrated by table 5. Copies of the data sheets are included on pages 142 through 208.
Description | Sheet(s) |
Improvement Listing | 1 |
Revised Layer Descriptions | 2 |
Asphalt Concrete (AC) Overlay | 3–0 |
Hot-Mix Recycled Asphalt Pavement | 11—2 |
Cold-Mix Recycled Asphalt Pavement | 23–34 |
Heater Scarification Surface Recycled Asphalt Pavement | 35 |
PCC Overlay | 36–43 |
Recycled PCC | 44–52 |
Pressure Relief Joints in PCC Pavements | 53–54 |
Subsealing PCC Pavement | 55–56 |
Subdrainage (Retrofit) Data | 57 |
Load Transfer Restoration Data |
58–59 |
Crack and Seat PCC Pavement | 60 |
Restoration of AC Shoulders | 61 |
Restoration of PCC Shoulders | 62–63 |
Milling and Grinding Data for Pavement Surfaces | 64 |
AC Overlay—Superpave Properties | 65–67 |
For each specific work type, the appropriate set of sheets should be completed (as indexed in table 6). It is recognized that parts of both chapter 3 (Maintenance Data Collection) and chapter 4 (Rehabilitation Data Collection) may be required to adequately record a given set of improvements for a test section (for example, for a job with patching, joint and crack sealing, and overlay, sheets from both chapters 3 and 4 will be required).
The data sheets provide for a broad array of data elements. It is recognized that much of the data will not be available. However, available data should be entered and every effort should be made to obtain data indicated by an asterisk (*). When the data element is not applicable to or represents something that does not exist on the test section, enter an "N" to indicate that the data element is not applicable. If the data element is applicable, but the value is unknown (e.g., not available in project records), enter a "U" to indicate that the value is unknown. Many data items will require codes to be entered. Unless otherwise noted in the following instructions, the codes are listed or referenced on the data sheets.
Work Item | Work Type Code1 |
Rehabilitation Data Sheets2 |
PCC Shoulder Restoration | 08 | 62–63 |
PCC Shoulder Replacement | 09 | 62–63 |
AC Shoulder Restoration | 10 | 61 |
AC Shoulder Replacement | 11 | 61 |
Pressure Grout Subsealing | 14 | 55–56 |
Slab Jacking Depressions | 15 | 55–56 |
Asphalt Subsealing | 16 | 55–56 |
Asphalt Concrete Overlay | 19 | 3–0, 65–673 |
PCC Overlay | 20 | 36–43 |
Longitudinal Subdrains | 38 | 57 |
Transverse Subdrainage | 39 | 57 |
Drainage Blankets | 40 | 57 |
Well System | 41 | 57 |
Drainage Blankets with Longitudinal Drains | 42 | 57 |
Hot-Mix Recycled Asphalt Concrete | 43 | 11—2 |
Cold-Mix Recycled Asphalt Concrete | 44 | 23–34 |
Heater Scarification, Surface Recycled Asphalt Concrete | 45 | 35 |
Crack and Seat PCC Pavement as Base for New AC Surface | 46 | 604 |
Crack and Seat PCC Pavements as Base for New PCC Surface | 47 | 604 |
Recycled PCC | 48 | 44–52 |
Pressure Relief Joints in PCC Pavements | 49 | 53–54 |
Joint Load Transfer Restoration in PCC Pavements | 50 | 58–59 |
Mill Off Existing Pavement and Overlay with AC | 51 | 644 |
Mill Off Existing Pavement and Overlay with PCC | 52 | 644 |
Mill Off Existing Pavement and Overlay with Hot-Mix Recycled Asphalt Concrete | 55 | 644 |
Mill Off Existing Pavement and Overlay with Cold-Mix Recycled Asphalt Concrete | 56 | 644 |
1 Work Type Code from appendix A, table A.16.
2 Rehabilitation sheets 1 and 2 should be completed for every rehabilitated test section.
3 Data sheets 65–67 should be used in addition to sheets 3–0 when Superpave mix design procedures are used for the overlay.
4 Plus appropriate overlay rehabilitation sheets.
The data sheets also provide for collection of detailed information on variability of materials and layer thicknesses, as such variability is known to contribute heavily to pavement deterioration. It is recognized that replicate test data are often unavailable, so single test results should be entered in these cases and the mean and other values left blank. However, whenever possible, data on variability should be obtained.
A common set of project identification data appears in the upper right hand corner of every data sheet. These data items are described below.
State Code: The State code is a number used to identify the State or Canadian Province in which the pavement section is located (see appendix A, table A.1 for codes).
SHRP Section ID: The section ID is a four-digit identification number assigned by LTPP. This number is used to facilitate the computer filing of the projects and will identify the section in the field.
Date Completed: The month, day, and year that the pavement improvements were finished and the project was subsequently opened to traffic (not the date when the project was accepted). The first set of two digits represents the numerical sequence of the month as it occurs during the year; the second set of two digits represents the day of the month; and the four digits are the year.
The rehabilitation data sheets do not include detailed descriptions of the pavements prior to rehabilitation, but the "State Code," the "SHRP Section ID," and the "Date Completed" described above connect the rehabilitation data to the other data for the test section. For LTPP studies, the full range of data described in the Guidelines for Collection of LTPP Data should be available. As a minimum for other studies of effects of rehabilitation on pavement performance, inventory data sheets 1, 2, 3, and 4 should be filled out and appropriate traffic, environmental, and monitoring data collected.
On many of the rehabilitation data sheets, "other" codes are provided for use where a product or technique is used that is not specified. This reflects the realization that rehabilitation practices change and new materials become available, and that it will be necessary to record their use and performance. Therefore, where it is necessary to use an "other" code, sufficient information should be provided to identify what material or technique was used, and possibly the manufacturer or reference, if future study is required. As rehabilitation techniques are so varied, the data to be collected will also be varied. In many cases, existing layers will be removed and recycled or partially removed (say by cold milling). Rehabilitation by overlaying may not disturb the existing layers, but new layers must be described. Some techniques (such as adding pressure relief joints, subsealing, and load transfer restoration) modify the existing pavement without affecting the layer description data directly.
This data sheet is to be filled out each time improvements are made on a project. This does not include work such as bridges, culverts, lighting, etc.
Individual data elements are:
Date Completed (Item 1): The month, day, and year that the pavement improvements were finished and the project was subsequently opened to traffic (not the date when the project was accepted). The first set of two digits represents the numerical sequence of the month as it occurs during the year; the second set of two digits represents the day within the month; and the third set of two digits is the last two digits in the year.
Work Type Code (Item 2): A code to identify the type of maintenance work accomplished (appendix A, table A.16).
Work Quantity (Item 3): The quantity of work applied to the section in appropriate units (refer to appendix A, table A.16 for units).
Thickness (Item 4): For improvements that alter the thickness of the pavement structure (such as overlays, etc.), enter the thickness of the rehabilitation activity to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm). For items that do not alter the thickness of the pavement structure, enter "N" to indicate the data element is not applicable.
Cost (Item 5): The cost of the improvement is reported in thousands of dollars per lane-mile. The cost reported should include only the cost of the pavement structure. Nonpavement costs such as cut and fill work, work on bridges, culverts, lighting, and guardrails should be excluded. Labor, traffic control, or other incidental costs should also be excluded.
This data sheet is to be filled out to document the improved pavement structure each time improvements are made on a project. Include all layers of the structure, revised or otherwise. As all subsequent data sheets refer back to sheet 2, special care should be taken in completing it.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): Space is provided for nine or fewer layer numbers, with number one as the subgrade, and the last and largest number identifying the surface layer.
Layer Description (Item 2): A layer description code is to be entered for each of the layers in the system. Codes are provided on the data form. For HMAC layers, separate lifts having the same mixture are not to be identified as separate layers. Where HMAC is used as a base for PCC pavements, it should be described by code 5.
Material Type Classification (Item 3): A code identifying the type of materials in each layer of the pavement structure, including the subgrade, should be entered for material type classification. Codes for surfacing materials, base and subbase materials, subgrade soils, and thin seals and interlayers are identified in appendix A, tables A.4, A.5, A.6, and A.7, respectively. If the material type was not changed during the rehabilitation, enter "99" for the material classification.
Layer Thickness (Item 4): Four numbers can be provided to indicate the mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of thickness for each specific layer in inches. Enter to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm). If only a single specified design value for thickness is available for the project records, enter it as the "mean value." For LTPP, a number of boreholes will be made for sampling materials, so careful thickness measurements are to be made. The mean thickness will be verified or revised and variability information added as the result of these field measurements and measurements of cores in the laboratory. If the thickness of the layer has not changed during rehabilitation, leave the layer thickness blank for that layer.
This sheet and the following sheets 4 through 10 are to be filled out from project records for each AC overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches). Detailed data for thinner layers (e.g., thin seal coats, porous friction treatments) should be entered on the sheets specified for those operations.
Although various SHAs discriminate between fine and coarse aggregates on the basis of different sieve sizes, the following definition is to be applied for LTPP studies. All aggregate retained on the No. 8 (2.36-mm) sieve is coarse aggregate as defined by the Asphalt Institute. All aggregate passing the No. 8 (2.36-mm) sieve is fine aggregate. "Mineral Filler" is defined (ASTM D242) as that portion passing the No. 30 (600-µm) sieve (at least 95 percent must pass the No. 50 (300-µm) sieve and at least 70 percent must also pass the No. 200 (75-µm) sieve).
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the AC layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Composition of Coarse Aggregate (Items 2, 3, and 4): When more than one coarse aggregate is used, the type code as provided on the data sheet and percentage by total weight of coarse aggregate should be indicated for each coarse aggregate. Space is provided for up to three different types of coarse aggregate. If only one type of coarse aggregate is used, enter its type and 100 percent in the top set of the data spaces, leaving the others blank. Space is provided for identifying another type of material if one was used other than those for which codes are provided. Coarse aggregate is considered to be that portion retained on the No. 8 (2.36-mm) sieve.
Geologic Classification of Coarse Aggregate (Item 5): The geologic classification of the natural stone used as coarse aggregate in the concrete. These codes appear in appendix A, table A.8, and provide identification as to which of the three major classes of rock the coarse aggregate belongs and the type of rock within those classes. If a blend was used, enter the code for the geologic classification for the material representing the majority of the coarse aggregate. If a crushed slag, manufactured lightweight, or recycled concrete was used, enter "N."
Composition of Fine Aggregate (Items 6, 7, and 8): When more than one fine aggregate is used, the type code as provided on the data sheet and percentage by total weight of fine aggregate should be indicated for each fine aggregate. Fine aggregate is defined as that passing the No. 8 (2.36-mm) sieve and retained on the No. 200 (75-µm) sieve. Space is provided for up to three different fine aggregate types. If only one type of fine aggregate is used, enter its type code and 100 percent in the top set of the data spaces, leaving the others blank.
Type of Mineral Filler (Item 9): The type of mineral filler used as identified by one of the codes appearing on the data sheet.
Aggregate Durability Test Results (Items 10 through 13): The type of tests used to evaluate the durability of the aggregate used in the mix and the results in thousandths (0.001) recorded in units specified for the test. Three of these sets are for coarse aggregates (items 10, 11, and 12), and one (item 13) is for the combination of coarse and fine aggregates. The durability test type codes appear in appendix A, table A.12. Items 10, 11, and 12 are to correlate with items 2, 3, and 4 above, respectively.
Polish Value of Coarse Aggregates (Item 14): The accelerated polish value of the coarse aggregates used in the surface layer, as determined by AASHTO T279 (ASTM D3319).
This data sheet is a continuation of the data on data sheet 3. It should be completed for each AC overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches).
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the AC layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Gradation of Combined Aggregates (Item 2): The percent passing on various standard sieve sizes to the nearest 1 percent. It is not expected that values will be available for all 18 sieve sizes. The objective is to provide a sufficient number of sieve sizes to accommodate testing and specification practice for most highway agencies.
Bulk Specific Gravities (Items 3 through 6): The bulk specific gravities to the nearest thousandth (0.001) for coarse aggregate (item 3), fine aggregate (item 4), mineral filler (item 5), and the aggregate combination (item 6). The bulk specific gravities for the aggregate fractions are measured using the laboratory procedures indicated on the data sheet. The bulk specific gravity for the aggregate combination (usually called "bulk specific gravity of aggregate") is calculated as follows:
where: | ||
Gsb | = | Bulk specific gravity for the total aggregate |
P1,P2,P3 | = | Percentages by weight of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, and mineral filler |
G1,G2,G3 | = | Specific gravities of coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, and mineral filler |
Effective Specific Gravity of Aggregate Combination (Item 7): The calculated effective specific gravity to the nearest thousandth (0.001). This calculation requires the maximum specific gravity (no air voids) of the paving mixture, which is obtained by Test Method AASHTO T209 or ASTM D2041. The effective specific gravity of the aggregate is calculated as follows:
where: | ||
Gse | = | Effective specific gravity of aggregate |
Pb | = | Asphalt cement, percent by total weight of mixture |
Gb | = | Specific gravity of asphalt |
Gmm | Maximum specific gravity of paving mixtures (no air voids) |
The following data items should be provided when available for the original asphalt cement, tested before its use in the construction. This data sheet should be completed for each AC overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches).
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the AC layer to be described on this sheet (from sheet 2).
Asphalt Grade (Item 2): The grade of asphalt cement used (see appendix A, table A.15). Space is provided on the data sheet for identifying another grade of asphalt cement not appearing in table A.15.
Source (Item 3): The refinery that produced the asphalt cement used in the HMAC layer being described. A list of asphalt refiners and processors is provided in appendix A, table A.13. Space is provided to specify other sources that may not be included in the table provided.
Specific Gravity of Asphalt Cement (Item 4): The specific gravity of the asphalt cement (to the nearest thousandth (0.001)) when it is available. If unavailable, a typical specific gravity for asphalt cements produced at the source refinery may be entered. If the source is unknown, enter 1.010 as a reasonable estimate. This specific gravity is measured as specified by AASHTO T228 (ASTM D70).
Viscosity of Asphalt at 140 °F (60 ºC) (Item 5): The result in poises from absolute viscosity testing at 140 ºF (60 ºC) using Test Method AASHTO T202 (ASTM D2171) on samples of the original asphalt cement before its use in construction of the pavement section.
Viscosity of Asphalt at 275 °F (135 ºC) (Item 6): The results in centistokes (to the nearest hundredth (0.01)) from kinematic viscosity testing at 275 ºF (135 ºC) using Test Method AASHTO T201 (ASTM D2170) on samples of the original asphalt cement.
Penetration at 77 °F (25 ºC) (Item 7): The penetration (in tenths of a millimeter (0.1 mm) (0.0039 inch)) at 77 °F (25 °C) with a 100-gram (3.5-ounce) load and a 5-second load duration using Test Method AASHTO T49 (ASTM D5) on the original asphalt cement in the mixture.
Asphalt Modifiers (Items 8 and 9): Space is provided to list the type and quantity of up to two modifiers added to the asphalt cement for whatever purpose. A list of possible asphalt cement modifiers and codes for data entry are provided in appendix A, table A.14. The quantities of modifier should be provided in percent of asphalt cement weight. Some modifiers (such as lime) may be specified in terms of "percent of aggregate weight," but they must be converted to percent of asphalt cement weight for uniformity.
Ductility at 77 °F (25 ºC) (Item 10): The ductility in centimeters at 77 °F (25 °C) using Test Method AASHTO T51 (ASTM D113).
Ductility at 39.2 °F (4 °C) (Item 11): The ductility in centimeters at 39.2 °F (4 °C), using the procedures of Test Method AASHTO T51 (ASTM D113).
Test Rate for Ductility Measurement at 39.2 °F (4 °C) (Item 12): The test speed in centimeters per minute for the ductility measurement taken at 39.2 °F (4 °C).
Penetration at 39.2 °F (4 °C) (Item 13): The penetration in tenths of a millimeter (0.1 mm) (0.0039 inch) at 39.2 °F (4 °C), with a 200-gram (7-ounce) load and a 60-second load duration using Test Method AASHTO T49 (ASTM D5) on samples of the original asphalt cement, before its use as a construction material.
Ring and Ball Softening Point (Item 14): The softening point of the asphalt cement in degrees Fahrenheit (ºF) as measured with the ring-and-ball apparatus used in Test Method AASHTO T53 (ASTM D36), on samples of the original asphalt cement before its use as a construction material.
The following data items should be provided for laboratory aged asphalt cement samples, using virgin asphalt cement samples aged in accordance with the provisions of Test Method AASHTO T179 (or ASTM D1754) or Test Method AASHTO T240 (or ASTM D2872). This data sheet should be completed for each AC overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 10 mm (0.75 inches).
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the AC layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Test Procedure Used to Measure Aging Effects (Item 2): The test procedure used to age the asphalt cement in the laboratory and to measure the effects of the aging. Codes are provided on the data sheet, along with space to identify a process used other than those for which codes are provided.
Viscosity of Asphalt at 140 °F (60 °C) (Item 3): The results in poises from absolute viscosity testing at 140 ºF (60 ºC) using Test Method AASHTO T202 (ASTM D2171) on laboratory aged asphalt cement samples.
Viscosity of Asphalt at 275 °F (135 °C) (Item 4): The result in centistokes to the nearest hundredth (0.01) from kinematic viscosity testing at 275 ºF (135 ºC) using Test Method AASHTO T201 (ASTM D2170) on laboratory aged asphalt cement samples.
Ductility at 77 °F (25 °C) (Item 5): The ductility in centimeters at 77 °F (25 °C) using Test Method AASHTO T51 (ASTM D113) on laboratory aged asphalt cement samples.
Ductility at 39.2 °F (4 °C) (Item 6): The ductility in centimeters at 39.2 °F (4 °C) using Test Method AASHTO T51 (ASTM D113) on laboratory aged asphalt cement samples.
Test Rate for Ductility Measurement at 39.2 °F (4 °C) (Item 7): The test speed in centimeters per minute for the ductility measurement taken at 39.2 °F (4 °C) on the laboratory aged asphalt cement specimens.
Penetration at 77 °F (25 °C) (Item 8): The penetration in tenths of a millimeter (0.1 mm) (0.0039 inch) at 77 °F (25 °C) with a 100-gram (3.5-ounce) load and a five-second load duration using Test Method AASHTO T39 (ASTM D5) on the laboratory aged asphalt cement used in the mixture.
Penetration at 39.2 °F (4 °C) (Item 9): The penetration in tenths of a millimeter (0.1 mm) (0.0039 inch) at 39.2 °F (4 °C), with a 200-gram (7-ounce) load and a 60-second load duration using the Test Method AASHTO T49 (ASTM D5) on the laboratory aged asphalt cement used in the mixture.
Ring and Ball Softening Point (Item 10): The results in degrees Fahrenheit (ºF) from the ring and ball softening point test for laboratory aged bitumens (AASHTO T53 (ASTM D36)).
Weight Loss (Item 11): The weight loss resulting from the laboratory aging process to the nearest one-tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent).
The following data items are to be derived from tests conducted on the mixture during mix design. This data sheet should be completed for each AC overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches).
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the AC layer to be described on this sheet (from sheet 2).
Maximum Specific Gravity (Item 2): The maximum specific gravity to the nearest thousandth (0.001) of the mixture, calculated using equations 2 and 3 as below:
where: | ||
Gmm | = | Maximum specific gravity of paving mixture (no air voids) |
Ps | = | Aggregate, percent by total weight of mixture |
Gse | = | Effective specific gravity of aggregate |
Pb | = | Asphalt, percent by total weight of mixture |
Gb | = | Specific gravity of asphalt |
Bulk Specific Gravity (Item 3): The bulk specific gravity to the nearest thousandth (0.001) of the mixture compacted in the laboratory at the optimum asphalt content selected and by appropriate procedures for Marshall or Hveem stability. Test Method ASTM D1188 is to be used for establishing the bulk specific gravity.
Optimum Asphalt Content (Item 4): The optimum amount of asphalt cement added to the AC mixture to the nearest one-tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent). This optimum asphalt content is obtained from the Marshall or Hveem Stability Testing.
Percent Air Voids (Item 5): The calculated air voids to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent) in the mixture, compacted in the laboratory to the optimum asphalt content and by appropriate procedures for Marshall or Hveem stability. Equation 4 may be used for calculating the percent air voids.
where: | ||
Pa | = | Air voids in compacted mixture, percent of total volume |
Gmm | = | Maximum specific gravity of paving mixture (zero air voids) as determined by ASTM D2041 |
Gmb | = | Bulk specific gravity of compacted mixture |
Voids in Mineral Aggregate (Item 6): Enter the design void space between the aggregate particles of a compacted AC mixture, which includes the air voids and the effective asphalt content, to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent). Percent of voids in mineral aggregate (VMA) is calculated as shown in equation 5:
where: | ||
VMA | = | Voids in mineral aggregate (percent of bulk volume) |
Gsb | = | Bulk specific gravity of aggregate |
Gmb | Bulk specific gravity of compacted mixture (ASTM D2726) | |
Ps | Aggregate, percent by total weight of mixture, 100 – (percent of asphalt cement by total weight of mixture) |
Effective Asphalt Content (Item 7): The design effective asphalt content (total asphalt content of the paving mixture minus the portion of asphalt that is lost by absorption onto the aggregate particles as a percentage of the total mixture, to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent). The asphalt absorption may be calculated as a percent of total weight of mixture as shown in equation 6:
where: | ||
Pab | = | Absorbed asphalt, percent by weight of total mixture |
Pba | = | Absorbed asphalt, percent by weight of aggregate |
Ps | = | Aggregate, percent by total weight of mixture |
Gse | = | Effective specific gravity of aggregate |
Gsb | = | Bulk specific gravity of aggregate |
Gb | = | Specific gravity of asphalt |
Marshall Stability (Item 8): The Marshall Stability (Test Method AASHTO T245 (ASTM D1559)) of the mixture at optimum asphalt content in pounds.
Number of Blows (Item 9): The number of blows of the compaction hammer that were applied to each end of the specimen to compact it for Marshall Stability and flow testing.
Marshall Flow (Item 10): The Marshall Flow (Test Method AASHTO T245 (ASTM D1559)) of the mixture at optimum asphalt content. This item is to be entered as the whole number of the measured hundredth of an inch (0.01 inch) (0.25 mm), e.g., if 0.15 is measured, enter "15."
Hveem Stability (Item 11): The Hveem Stability or stabilometer value of the mixture at optimum asphalt content as measured with the Hveem apparatus using Test Method AASHTO T246 (ASTM D1560).
Hveem Cohesiometer Value (Item 12): The cohesiometer value of the mixture at optimum asphalt content, in grams per 25-mm (1-inch) width (or diameter) of specimen, obtained by Test Method AASHTO T246 (ASTM D1560).
Superpave Gyratory Compaction Ndesign (Item 13): Enter the number of revolutions of the Superpave gyratory compactor to achieve 4 percent air voids.
Asphalt Grade (Item 14): Enter the code for the asphalt grade used in asphalt mixtures, if available. (See asphalt code sheet in appendix A, table A.15.) Space is provided to enter a grade other than those coded in the table.
Superpave Asphalt Binder Grade (Item 15): Enter the performance grade for the asphalt binder used.
This data sheet is to be filled out from project records for each AC overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches). The data items are results from tests conducted on the mixture during or soon after construction. Calculated values (e.g., percent air voids) should be determined separately for individual samples, using data applicable to those samples. The test samples can be compacted in the laboratory after sampling in the field, or obtained by coring, cutting or sawing after the mixture is compacted in place. In the event that both types of samples are tested, separate data sheets should be filled out for those compacted in the laboratory and those compacted in the field. Although tests are to be conducted on core samples from the field for LTPP (and reported on other data sheets), data from project files should be entered when available.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the AC layer to be described on the sheet (from sheet 2).
Type of Samples (Item 2): Whether the test samples were sampled in the field and compacted in the laboratory, or removed from the compacted pavement. The codes appear on the data sheet.
Maximum Specific Gravity (Item 3): The Maximum Specific Gravity (no air voids) of a mixture sampled during or soon after construction according to AASHTO T209 or ASTM D2041. Where possible, several samples should be tested and the average entered. Use the resulting maximum specific gravity and the design asphalt content for the mixture to calculate the effective specific gravity of the aggregate using equation 2. Once the effective specific gravity of the aggregate is established, it may be used to calculate other maximum specific gravities for the mixture at other measured asphalt contents using equation 3.
Bulk Specific Gravity (Item 4): The number of tests and the mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of bulk specific gravities to the nearest thousandth (0.001) of compacted mixtures measured on cores removed from the pavement during or right after construction. While the test method specified in ASTM D1188 is preferable, the results from nuclear density tests (ASTM D2950), appropriately calibrated to measurements on cores, also may be used.
Asphalt Content (Item 5): The number of tests and the mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of percents by weight of the total asphalt cement (including that absorbed by the aggregate) in the AC mixture to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent). Asphalt contents measured by extraction tests (AASHTO T164 (ASTM D2172)) on field samples are preferred, but results from nuclear test methods may also be used. If no such test results are available, enter the specified asphalt content as the mean, and leave the other spaces blank.
Percent Air Voids (Item 6): The number of tests and the mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of calculated air voids to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent), as a percent of the material volume. These data are frequently not available, but can be calculated using other available data from reports about mix design and density measurements on samples from the pavement. Percent air voids is calculated as shown in equation 4.
Voids in Mineral Aggregate (Item 7): The number of tests and the mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of mean void space between the aggregate particles of a compacted AC mixture, which includes air voids and the effective asphalt content, to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent). Percent of VMA is calculated as shown in equation 5.
Effective Asphalt Content (Item 8): The number of tests and the mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of effective asphalt content (total asphalt content of the paving mixture minus the portion of asphalt that is lost by absorption into the aggregate particles), expressed by weight of total mixture to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent). The asphalt absorption may be calculated as a percent of total weight of mixture as shown in equation 6.
The data on this sheet is a continuation of the data from sheet 8. The data items are results from tests conducted on the mixture during or soon after construction. Calculated values (e.g., percent air voids) should be determined separately for individual samples, using data applicable to those samples. This data sheet should be completed for each AC overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches).
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the AC layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Type Asphalt Plant (Item 2): The type of plant that produced the AC mixture. Codes are provided on the data sheet. Additionally, space is provided to identify a type of plant other than those for which codes are provided.
Type of Antistripping Agent (Item 3): The type of antistripping agent used in the mixture. The codes are provided in table A.20 in appendix A.
Antistripping Agent Liquid or Solid Code (Item 4): A code to indicate whether the antistripping agent used is a liquid or solid. Codes are provided on the data sheet.
Amount of Antistripping Agent (Item 5): The amount of antistripping agent used in the mixture by weight to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent) of weight of asphalt if the agent is liquid and weight of aggregate if it is solid.
Moisture Susceptibility Test Type (Item 6): The type of test used to evaluate the moisture susceptibility of the AC. Codes are provided on data sheet 9.
Moisture Susceptibility Test Results (Item 7): Space is provided to record the Hveem Stability Number or Percent Stripped and the Tensile Strength Ratio or Index of Retained Strength, depending on the test procedure used.
This data sheet is to be filled out from project records for each AC overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches). This data sheet provides information regarding the construction of the asphalt overlay.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the AC overlay layer for which the compaction data are to be described on this sheet (from sheet 2).
Mixing Temperature (Item 2): The temperature of the mixture during mixing at the plant (i.e., the mix as discharged) in degrees Fahrenheit (ºF).
Laydown Temperatures (Items 3, 4, and 5): The number of tests taken and the mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of temperatures measured. The temperature should be measured just behind the screed. Three to five measurements should be made.
Roller Data (Items 6 through 22): Codes appear on the data sheet for steel-wheeled tandem, pneumatic-tired, single-drum vibratory, and double-drum vibratory rollers. For each type of roller, spaces are provided to describe significant characteristics for up to four different rollers. Steel-wheeled tandem rollers are described by their gross weights to the nearest tenth of a ton (0.1 ton) (0.09 metric ton). Pneumatic-tired rollers are described by their gross weight and tire pressure in psi. Vibratory rollers are described by their gross weight in tons to the nearest tenth (0.1 ton) (0.09 metric ton), frequency in vibrations per minute, amplitude in inches to the nearest thousandth (0.001 inch) (0.025 mm), and roller speed in miles per hour to the nearest tenth (0.1 mi/h) (0.16 km/h).
Compaction Data (Items 23 through 31): Spaces are provided to enter the following data regarding the compaction of the AC. Space is provided to record data for each of up to four AC lifts.
Description of the Roller (Items 23 through 28): Descriptive data to identify the type of roller used (code from data sheet) and number of coverages for breakdown, intermediate, and final compactions for each of up to four AC lifts. A coverage in this case is defined as one trip of the roller across the pavement.
Air Temperature (Item 29): The ambient temperature measured in degrees Fahrenheit (ºF) while compaction is accomplished.
Compacted Thickness (Item 30): The thickness of the compacted mat measured in inches to the nearest tenth (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm). If coring is not performed, the planned thickness should be recorded.
Curing Period (Item 31): Enter the number of days before a new lift is placed or opened to traffic.
The properties of the original AC mixture (to be reclaimed) and its components will already be available as inventory data. However, some of the key properties, such as aggregate gradation, will be duplicated here to assist in the evaluation of the recycled mix design. Also included for the hot-mix recycled asphalt will be procedures on the removal and processing of the existing structure, as well as properties for the new asphalt cement, recycling agents, and/or any aggregate used in the recycled mixture. This data sheet is to be filled out from project records for each hot-mix recycled AC overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches).
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the recycled layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Procedure Used to Break Up and/or Remove the Asphalt Pavement (Item 2): A code to indicate the procedure used for removal of the asphalt pavement to be recycled. Codes are provided on the data sheet. Additionally, space is provided to describe some other type of treatment if none of those for which codes are provided was used.
Pavement Processing (Item 3): A code to indicate how the pavement material was processed after removal.
Gradation of Reclaimed Aggregates (Item 4): The percent passing (after crushing) on various standard sieve sizes to the nearest 1 percent. It is not expected that values will be available for all 18 sieve sizes; the objective is to provide a sufficient number of sieve sizes to accommodate testing and specification practices for most agencies.
Bulk Specific Gravities (Items 5 through 8): The bulk specific gravities (to the nearest thousandth (0.001) for coarse aggregate (item 5), fine aggregate (item 6), mineral filler (item 7), and the aggregate combination (item 8). The bulk specific gravities for the aggregate fractions are measured using the laboratory procedures indicated on the data sheet. The bulk specific gravity for the aggregate combination (usually called "bulk specific gravity of aggregate") is calculated as shown in equation 1.
Effective Specific Gravity of Aggregate Combination (Item 9): The calculated effective specific gravity to the nearest thousandth (0.001). This calculation requires the maximum specific gravity (no air voids) of the paving mixture, which is obtained by Test Method AASHTO T209 or ASTM D2041. The effective specific gravity of the aggregate is calculated as shown in equation 2.
This data sheet is to be filled out from project records for each AC overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches). The sheet should be completed when untreated aggregate (new or reclaimed from base layer) is added to a hot-mix recycled AC mixture. If no untreated aggregate was added, this sheet will not be applicable and should be so noted.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the AC layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Composition of Coarse Aggregate (Items 2, 3, and 4): When more than one coarse aggregate is used, the type code from sheet 2 and percentage by total weight of coarse aggregate should be indicated for each coarse aggregate. Space is provided for up to three types of aggregate. If only one type of coarse aggregate is used, enter its type code and 100 percent in the top set of the data spaces, leaving the others blank. Space is provided to identify a type of aggregate other than those for which codes are given. The coarse aggregate is considered to be that portion retained on the No. 8 (2.36-mm) sieve.
Geologic Classification of Coarse Aggregate (Item 5): The geologic classification of the untreated aggregate used as coarse aggregate in the concrete mixture. The codes appear in appendix A, table A.8, and provide identification as to which of the three major classes of rock the coarse aggregate belongs and the type of rock in those classes. If a blend was used, enter the code for the geologic classification for the material representing the majority of the untreated coarse aggregate. If a crushed slag, manufactured lightweight, or recycled concrete was used as coarse aggregate, enter "N."
Composition of Fine Aggregate (Items 6, 7, and 8): When more than one fine aggregate is used, the type code from sheet 2 and percentage by total weight of fine aggregate should be indicated for each fine aggregate. Fine aggregate is defined as that passing the No. 8 (2.36-mm) sieve and retained on the No. 200 (75-µm) sieve. Space is provided for up to three types of aggregate. If only one type of fine aggregate is used, enter its type code and 100 percent in the top set of the data spaces, leaving the others blank.
Source (Items 9 and 10): Two one-digit codes to reflect whether the coarse aggregates and fine aggregates were reclaimed from existing base material on the roadway or obtained for original use from a conventional source (pit). Codes appear on the data sheet.
Type of Mineral Filler (Item 11): The type of mineral filler used. Codes appear on the data sheet.
Aggregate Durability Test Results (Items 12 through 15): The type of test used to evaluate the durability of the aggregate. Results in thousandths (0.001) are recorded in units specified for the test. Three of these sets are for coarse (items 12, 13, and 14) and one (item 15) for the combination of coarse and fine aggregate. Items 12, 13, and 14 are to correlate with items 2, 3, and 4 above, respectively. The durability test type codes appear in appendix A, table A.12.
Polish Value of Coarse Aggregates (Item 16): The accelerated polish value of the coarse aggregates used in the surface layer, as determined by AASHTO T279 (ASTM D3319).
The data on this sheet is a continuation of the information from data sheet 12. This sheet is to be filled out from project records for each recycled HMAC overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches).
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the recycled HMAC layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Gradation of Untreated Aggregates (Item 2): The percent passing of untreated coarse and fine aggregates on various standard sieve sizes to the nearest 1 percent. It is not expected that values will be available for all 18 sieve sizes; the objective is to provide space for data from a sufficient number of sieve sizes to accommodate testing and specification practice for most agencies.
Bulk Specific Gravities (Items 3 through 6): The bulk specific gravities to the nearest thousandth (0.001) for coarse aggregate (item 3), fine aggregate (item 4), mineral filler (item 5), and the aggregate combination (item 6). The bulk specific gravities for the aggregate fractions are measured using the laboratory procedures indicated on the data sheet. The bulk specific gravity for the aggregate combination (usually called "bulk specific gravity of aggregate") is calculated as shown in equation 1.
Effective Specific Gravity of Aggregate Combination (Item 7): The calculated effective specific gravity to the nearest thousandth (0.001). This calculation requires the maximum specific gravity (no air voids) of the paving mixture, which is obtained by Test Method AASHTO T209 or ASTM D2041. The effective specific gravity of the aggregate is calculated as shown in equation 2.
This data sheet is to be filled out from project records for each recycled HMAC overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches). This data sheet is provided to record the combined (the reclaimed and the untreated) aggregate properties.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the recycled HMAC layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Amount of New Untreated Aggregate Added (Item 2): The amount of new untreated aggregate added, to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent) of the combined weight of the aggregates in the recycled mixture.
Gradation of Combined Aggregates (Item 3): The percent passing on various standard sieve sizes to the nearest one percent of the combined (reclaimed and untreated) aggregate. It is not expected that values will be available for all 18 sieve sizes; the objective is to provide space for data from a sufficient number of sieve sizes to accommodate testing and specification practices for most agencies.
Bulk Specific Gravities (Items 4 through 7): The bulk specific gravities (to the nearest thousandth (0.001)) for coarse aggregate (item 4), fine aggregate (item 5), mineral filler (item 6), and the aggregate combination (item 7). The bulk specific gravities for the aggregate fractions are measured using the laboratory procedures indicated on the data sheet. The bulk specific gravity for the aggregate combination (usually called "bulk specific gravity of aggregate") is calculated as shown in equation 1.
Effective Specific Gravity of Aggregate Combination (Item 8): The calculated effective specific gravity to the nearest thousandth (0.001). This calculation requires the maximum specific gravity (no air voids) of the paving mixture, which is obtained by Test Method AASHTO T209 or ASTM D2041. The effective specific gravity of the aggregate is calculated as shown in equation 2.
The following data items should reflect the results of laboratory testing of asphalt cement extracted from representative samples of the existing AC mixture to be reclaimed and used in the recycled mixture. This data sheet is to be filled out from project records for each recycled HMAC overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches).
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the recycled HMAC layer to be described on this sheet (from sheet 2).
Specific Gravity of Asphalt Cement (Item 2): The specific gravity (to the nearest thousandth (0.001)) of the reclaimed asphalt cement when it is available. If unavailable, a typical specific gravity for asphalt cements produced at the source refinery may be entered. If source is unknown, enter 1.010 as a reasonable estimate. This specific gravity is measured as specified by AASHTO T228 (ASTM D70).
Viscosity of Asphalt at 140 °F (60 ºC) (Item 3): The result in poises from absolute viscosity testing at 140 ºF (60 ºC) using Test Method AASHTO T202 (ASTM D2171) on samples of the extracted asphalt cement from the recycled material.
Viscosity of Asphalt at 275 °F (135 ºC) (Item 4): The result in centistokes to the nearest hundredth (0.01) from kinematic viscosity testing at 275 ºF (135 ºC) using Test Method AASHTO T201 (ASTM D2170) on samples of the extracted asphalt cement from the recycled material.
Penetration at 77 °F (25 °C) (Item 5): The penetration in tenths of a millimeter (0.1 mm) (0.0039 inch) at 77 °F (25 °C) with a 100-gram (3.5-ounce) load and a 5-second load duration using Test Method AASHTO T49 (ASTM D5) on extracted asphalt cement from the recycled mixture.
Ductility at 77 °F (25 °C) (Item 6): The ductility in centimeters at 77 °F (25 °C) using Test Method AASHTO T51 (ASTM D113) on extracted asphalt cement from the recycled mixture.
Ductility at 39.2 °F (4 °C) (Item 7): The ductility in centimeters at 39.2 °F (4 °C) using Test Method AASHTO T51 (ASTM D113) on extracted asphalt cement from the recycled mixture.
Test Rate for Ductility Measurement at 39.2 °F (4 °C) (Item 8): The test speed in centimeters per minute for the ductility measurement taken at 39.2 °F (4 °C) on samples of extracted asphalt cement from the recycled material.
Penetration at 39.2 °F (4 °C) (Item 9): The penetration in tenths of a millimeter (0.1 mm) (0.0039 inch) at 39.2 °F (4 °C), with a 200-gram (7-ounce) load and a 60-second load duration using Test Method AASHTO T49 (ASTM D5) on samples of extracted asphalt cement from the recycled mixture.
Ring and Ball Softening Point (Item 10): The softening point in degrees Fahrenheit (ºF) from testing extracted asphalt cement from the recycled mixture as measured with the ring-and-ball apparatus used in Test Method AASHTO T53 (ASTM D36).
This sheet is provided to incorporate data on any new asphalt cement which is added to the recycled mix. This data sheet is to be filled out from project records for each recycled HMAC overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches).
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the AC layer described on this sheet (from sheet 2).
Asphalt Grade (Item 2): The grade of the asphalt cement used (appendix A, table A.15). Space is provided on the data sheet for identifying another grade of asphalt cement not appearing in appendix A, table A.15.
Source (Item 3): The refiner that produced the new asphalt cement being added to the recycled mix. A list of asphalt refiners and processors is provided in appendix A, table A.13. Space is provided to enter other sources not included on the table.
Specific Gravity of Asphalt Cement (Item 4): The specific gravity to the nearest thousandth (0.001) of the asphalt cement when it is available. If unavailable, a typical specific gravity for asphalt cements produced at the source refinery may be entered. If source is unknown, enter 1.010 as a reasonable estimate. This specific gravity is measured as specified by AASHTO T228 (ASTM D70).
Viscosity of Asphalt at 140 °F (60 °C) (Item 5): The result in poises from absolute viscosity testing at 140 ºF (60 ºC) using Test Method AASHTO T202 (ASTM D2171) on samples of the new asphalt cement before its addition to the recycled mix.
Viscosity of Asphalt at 275 °F (135 °C) (Item 6): The result in centistokes to the nearest hundredth (0.01) from kinematic viscosity testing at 275 ºF (135 ºC) using test method AASHTO T201 (ASTM D2170) on samples of the new asphalt cement to be added to the recycled mix.
Penetration at 77 °F (25 °C) (Item 7): The penetration in tenths of a millimeter (0.1 mm) (0.0039 inch) at 77 °F (25 °C) with a 100-gram (3.5-ounce) load and a 5-second load duration using Test Method AASHTO T49 (ASTM D5) on samples of new asphalt cement material in the mixture.
Ductility at 77°F (25 °C) (Item 8): The ductility in centimeters at 77 °F (25 °C) using Test Method AASHTO T51 (ASTM D113) on samples of the new asphalt cement before its addition to the recycled mix.
Ductility at 39.2 °F (4 °C) (Item 9): The ductility in centimeters at 39.2 °F (4 °C) using Test Method AASHTO T51 (ASTM D113) on samples of the new asphalt cement before its addition to the recycled mix.
Test Rate for Ductility Measurement at 39.2 °F (4 °C) (Item 10): The test speed in centimeters per minute for the ductility measurement taken at 39.2 °F (4 °C).
Penetration at 39.2°F (4 °C) (Item 11): The penetration in tenths of a millimeter (0.1 mm) (0.0039 inch) at 39.2 °F (4 °C) with a 200-gram (7-ounce) load and a 60-second load duration using Test Method AASHTO T49 (ASTM D5) on samples of the new asphalt cement, prior to its addition to the recycled mix.
Ring and Ball Softening Point (Item 12): The softening point of the asphalt cement in degrees Fahrenheit (ºF) as measured with the ring and ball apparatus used in test method AASHTO T53 (ASTM D36), on samples of the new asphalt cement before its addition to the recycled mix.
The following data should be provided, when available, for the combined asphalt cement, tested prior to its use in the construction. This data sheet is to be filled out from project records for each recycled HMAC overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches).
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the recycled HMAC layer to be described on this sheet (from sheet 2).
Recycling Agent (Item 2): Codes to identify the type and quantity of recycling agent used. These codes appear in appendix A, table A.19. The amount of recycling agent should be provided by weight added to the reclaimed (aged) asphalt, to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent) of the reclaimed asphalt cement weight. For example, if the weight of the recycling agent to be added to the aged asphalt cement was 41.5 percent of the weight of the aged asphalt in the reclaimed mixture, "41.5" would be entered on the data sheet.
Amount of New Asphalt Cement Added (Item 3): The quantity of new asphalt cement to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent) of total recycled mixture weight (includes reclaimed AC and untreated aggregate and asphalt cement/recycling agent added).
Specific Gravity of Asphalt Cement (Item 4): The specific gravity to the nearest thousandth (0.001) of the asphalt cement when it is available. If unavailable, a typical specific gravity for asphalt cements produced at the source refinery may be entered. If the source is unknown, enter 1.010 as a reasonable estimate. This specific gravity is measured as specified by AASHTO T228 (ASTM D70).
Viscosity of Asphalt at 140 °F (60 °C) (Item 5): The result in poises from absolute viscosity testing at 140 ºF (60 ºC) using Test Method AASHTO T202 (ASTM D2171) on samples of the combined asphalt cement prior to its use in construction of the recycled pavement section.
Viscosity of Asphalt at 275 °F (135 °C) (Item 6): The result in centistokes to the nearest hundredth (0.01) from kinematic viscosity testing at 275 ºF (135 ºC) using test method AASHTO T201 (ASTM D2170) on samples of the combined asphalt cement.
Penetration at 77 °F (25 °C) (Item 7): The penetration in tenths of a millimeter (0.1 mm) (0.0039 inch) at 77 °F (25 °C) with a 100-gram load (3.5-ounce) and a 5-second load duration using Test Method AASHTO T49 (ASTM D5) on the combined asphalt cement in the mixture.
Asphalt Modifiers (Items 8 and 9): Space is provided to list the type and quantity of up to two modifiers added to the asphalt cement for whatever purpose (other than the recycling agent, which is recorded under item 2 above). A list of possible asphalt cement modifiers and codes for data entry are provided in appendix A, table A.14. If a material other than those listed in table A.14 is used, space is provided to record the pertinent information. The quantities of modifier should be provided in percent of asphalt cement weight. Some modifiers (such as lime) may be specified in terms of "percent of aggregate weight," but they must be converted to percent of asphalt cement weight for uniformity. Space is provided for up to two types of modifiers.
Ductility at 77 °F (25 °C) (Item 10): The ductility in centimeters at 77 °F (25 °C) using Test Method AASTHO T51 (ASTM D113) on samples of the combined asphalt cement.
Ductility at 39.2 °F (4 °C) (Item 11): The ductility in centimeters at 39.2 °F (4 °C) using Test Method AASHTO T51 (ASTM D113) on samples of the combined asphalt cement.
Test Rate for Ductility Measurement at 39.2 °F (4 °C) (Item 12): The test speed in centimeters per minute for the ductility measurement taken at 39.2 °F (4 °C) on samples of the combined asphalt cement.
Penetration at 39.2 °F (4 °C) (Item 13): The penetration in tenths of a millimeter (0.1 mm) (0.0039 inch) at 39.2 °F (4 °C) with a 200-gram (7-ounce) load and a 60-second load duration using Test Method AASHTO T49 (ASTM D5) on samples of the combined asphalt cement, prior to its use as a construction material.
Ring and Ball Softening Point (Item 14): The softening point of the asphalt cement in degrees Fahrenheit (ºF) as measured with the ring and ball apparatus used in test method AASHTO T53 (ASTM D36), on samples of the combined asphalt cement before its use as a construction material.
The data items on this sheet should be provided for laboratory aged asphalt cement samples using samples of the combined asphalt cement aged in accordance with the provisions of test method AASHTO T179 (ASTM D1754) or test method AASHTO T240 (ASTM D2872). This data sheet is to be filled out from project records for each recycled HMAC overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches).
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the recycled HMAC layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Test Procedure Used to Measure Aging Effects (Item 2): The test procedure used to age the asphalt cement in the laboratory, and to measure the effects of the aging. Space is provided on the data sheet to indicate aging process used other than those stated above and coded on the data sheet.
Viscosity of Asphalt at 140 °F (60 °C) (Item 3): The result in poises from absolute viscosity testing using Test Method AASHTO T202 (ASTM D2171) on laboratory aged asphalt cement samples.
Viscosity of Asphalt at 275 °F (135 °C) (Item 4): The result in centistokes to the nearest hundredth (0.01) from kinematic viscosity testing using Test Method AASHTO T201 (or ASTM D2170) on laboratory aged asphalt cement samples.
Ductility at 77 °F (25 °C) (Item 5): The ductility in centimeters at 77 °F (25 °C) using Test Method AASHTO T51 (ASTM D113) on laboratory aged samples of the asphalt cement.
Ductility at 39.2 °F (4 °C) (Item 6): The ductility in centimeters at 39.2 °F (4 °C) using Test Method AASHTO T51 (ASTM D113) on laboratory aged samples of the asphalt cement.
Test Rate for Ductility Measurement at 39.2 °F (4 °C) (Item 7): The test speed in centimeters per minute for the ductility measurement taken at 39.2 °F (4 °C).
Penetration at 77 °F (25 °C) (Item 8): The penetration in tenths of a millimeter (0.1 mm) (0.0039 inch) at 77 °F (25 °C) with a 100-gram (3.5-ounce) load and a 5-second load duration using Test Method AASHTO T49 (ASTM D5) on laboratory aged samples of the asphalt cement.
Penetration at 39.2 °F (4 °C) (Item 9): The penetration in tenths of a millimeter (0.1 mm) (0.0039 inch) at 39.2 °F (4 °C) with a 200-gram (7-ounce) load and a 60-second load duration using Test Method AASHTO T49 (ASTM D5) on the laboratory aged asphalt cement used in the mixture.
Ring and Ball Softening Point (Item 10): The results in degrees Fahrenheit (ºF) from the ring and ball softening point test for bitumens (AASHTO T53 (ASTM D36)).
Weight Loss (Item 11): The weight loss resulting from the laboratory aging process to the nearest one-tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent).
The following data items are to be derived from tests conducted on the mixture during mix design. This data sheet should be completed for each recycled HMAC overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches).
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the recycled AC layer to be described on this sheet (from sheet 2).
Maximum Specific Gravity (Item 2): The maximum specific gravity to the nearest thousandth (0.001) of the recycled mixture, calculated using equations 2 and 3.
Bulk Specific Gravity (Item 3): The bulk specific gravity (to the nearest thousandth (0.001) of the recycled mixture compacted in the laboratory at the optimum asphalt content selected and by appropriate procedures for Marshall or Hveem stability. Test Method ASTM D1188 is to be used for establishing the bulk specific gravity.
Optimum Asphalt Content (Item 4): The optimum amount of asphalt cement as obtained from Marshall or Hveem Stability testing that is added to the recycled AC mixture to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent).
Percent Air Voids (Item 5): The calculated air voids to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent) in the recycled mixture, compacted in the laboratory to the optimum asphalt content and by appropriate procedures for Marshall or Hveem stability. Equation 4 may be used for calculating the percent air voids.
Marshall Stability (Item 6): The Marshall Stability (Test Method AASHTO T245, (ASTM D1559)) of the mixture at optimum asphalt content in pounds.
Number of Blows (Item 7): The number of blows of the compaction hammer that were applied to each end of the specimen to compact it for Marshall Stability and flow testing.
Marshall Flow (Item 8): The Marshall Flow (Test Method AASHTO T245 (ASTM D1559)) of the mixture at optimum asphalt content. This item is to be entered as the whole number of the measured hundredth of an inch (e.g., if 0.15 is measured, enter "15.")
Hveem Stability (Item 9): The Hveem Stability or "stabilometer value" of the mixture at optimum asphalt content as measured with the Hveem apparatus using Test Method AASHTO T246 (ASTM D1560).
Hveem Cohesiometer Value (Item 10): The cohesiometer value of the mixture at optimum asphalt content, in grams per 25-mm (1-inch) width (or diameter) of specimen, obtained by Test Method AASHTO T246 (ASTM D1560).
The following data items are to be derived from in situ testing of the mixtures. This data sheet is to be filled out from project records for each recycled HMAC overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches).
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the recycled AC layer to be described on this sheet (from sheet 2).
Type of Samples (Item 2): A code to indicate whether the test samples were compacted in the laboratory or removed from the compacted pavement. The codes appear on the data sheet.
Maximum Specific Gravity (Item 3): The theoretical maximum specific gravity (no air voids) of the mixture sampled during or soon after construction according to AASHTO 209 or ASTM D2041. Where possible, several samples should be tested and the average entered. Use the resulting maximum specific gravity and the design asphalt content for the mixture to calculate the effective specific gravity of aggregate using equation 2. Once the effective specific gravity of the aggregate is established, it may be used to calculate other maximum specific gravities for the mixture at other measured asphalt contents using equation 3.
Bulk Specific Gravity (Item 4): The number of tests and the mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of bulk specific gravities to the nearest thousandth (0.001) of compacted mixtures measured on cores removed from the pavement during or right after construction. While the test method specified in ASTM D1188 is preferable, the results from nuclear density tests (ASTM D2950), appropriately calibrated to measurements on cores, also may be used.
Asphalt Content (Item 5): The number of tests and the mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation in percent by weight of the total asphalt cement (including that absorbed by the aggregate) in the AC mixture to the nearest one-tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent). Asphalt content measured by extraction tests (AASHTO T164 (ASTM D2172)) on field samples are preferred, but results from nuclear test methods may also be used. If no such test results are available, enter the specified asphalt content as the mean, and leave the other spaces blank.
Percent Air Voids (Item 6): The number of tests and the mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of calculated air voids to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent) as a percent of the material volume. These data are frequently not available, but can be calculated using other available data from reports on mix design and density measurements for samples from the pavement. Percent air voids is calculated as shown in equation 4.
Voids in Mineral Aggregate (Item 7): The number of tests and the mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of void space between the aggregate particles of a compacted AC mixture, which includes air voids and the effective asphalt content, to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent). Percent of VMA is calculated as shown in equation 5.
Effective Asphalt Content (Item 8): The number of tests and the mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of effective asphalt content (total asphalt content of the paving mixture minus the portion of asphalt that is lost by absorption into the aggregate particles), expressed by weight of total mixture to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent). The asphalt absorption may be calculated as a percent of total weight of mixture as shown in equation 6.
This data sheet is a continuation of data sheet 22. This sheet is to be filled out from project records for each recycled HMAC overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches).
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the recycled AC layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Type Asphalt Plant (Item 2): Type of plant that produced the AC mixture. Codes are provided on the data sheet. Additionally, space is provided to identify a type of plant other than those for which codes are provided.
Type of Antistripping Agent (Item 3): The type of antistripping agent used in the mixture. The codes are provided in appendix A, table A.20. Space is provided to identify an antistripping agent other than those for which codes are provided.
Antistripping Agent Liquid or Solid Code (Item 4): A code to indicate whether the antistripping agent used is a liquid or solid. Codes are provided on the data sheet.
Amount of Antistripping Agent (Item 5): The amount of antistripping agent used in the mixture by weight to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent) of weight of asphalt if the agent is liquid and weight of aggregate if it is solid.
Moisture Susceptibility Test Type (Item 6): The type of test used to evaluate the moisture susceptibility of the mixture. Codes are provided on the data sheet. If a procedure other than those for which codes are provided is used, space is provided to specify a name or reference for the test.
Moisture Susceptibility Test Results (Item 7): Space is provided to record the Hveem stability number or percent stripped and the tensile strength ratio or index of retained strength, depending on the test procedure used.
This data sheet provides information about the construction of the overlay layers. This sheet is to be filled out from project records for each recycled HMAC overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches).
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the recycled HMAC layer for which the compaction data are to be described on this sheet (from sheet 2).
Mixing Temperature (Item 2): The temperature of the mixture at the plant (i.e., the mix as discharged) in degrees Fahrenheit (ºF).
Laydown Temperatures (Items 3, 4, and 5): The number of temperature measurements taken and the mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of temperatures measured. The temperatures should be measured just behind the screed. Three to five measurements should be made.
Roller Data (Items 6 through 22): Codes appear on the data sheet for steel-wheeled tandem, pneumatic-tired, single-drum vibratory, and double-drum vibratory rollers. For each type of roller, spaces are provided to describe significant characteristics for up to four different rollers. Steel-wheeled tandem rollers are described by their gross weights to the nearest tenth of a ton (0.1 ton) (0.09 metric ton). Pneumatic-tired rollers are described by their gross weight and mean tire pressure in pounds per square inch (psi). Vibratory rollers are described by their gross weight in tons to the nearest tenth (0.1 ton) (0.09 metric ton), frequency in vibrations per minute, amplitude in inches to the nearest thousandth (0.001 inch) (0.025 mm), and roller speed in miles per hour to the nearest tenth (0.1 mi/h) (0.16 km/h).
Compaction Data (Items 23 through 31): Spaces are provided for items 23 to 31 to enter the following data regarding the compaction of the recycled mix. Space is provided to record data for each of up to four AC lifts.
Description of the Roller (Items 23 through 28): Use code from data sheet for items 6 through 22 and number of coverages for breakdown, intermediate, and final compactions for each of up to four AC lifts. A coverage in this case is defined as one trip of the roller across the pavement.
Air Temperature (Item 29): The ambient temperature in degrees Fahrenheit (ºF) while compaction is accomplished. Space is provided to record data for each of up to four AC lifts.
Compacted Thickness (Item 30): The compacted mat thickness in inches to the nearest tenth (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm). If coring is not performed, the planned thickness should be recorded. Space is provided to record data for each of up to four AC lifts.
Curing Period (Item 31): The number of days before a new lift is placed or the pavement is opened to traffic.
The properties of the original AC mixture (to be reclaimed) and its components will already be available as inventory data. However, some of the key properties, such as aggregate gradation, will be duplicated here to assist in the evaluation of the recycled mix design. Also included for the cold-mix recycled asphalt will be procedures for the removal and processing of the existing structure, as well as properties for the new asphalt cement, recycling agents, and/or any new aggregate used in the recycled mixture. This data sheet is to be filled out from project records for each cold-mix recycled AC overlay layer on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches).
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the recycled layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Procedure Used to Break Up and/or Remove the Asphalt Pavement (Item 2): A code to indicate the procedure used for removing the asphalt pavement to be recycled from the roadway. Codes are provided on the data sheet. Space is also provided to identify a procedure used other than those for which codes are provided.
Pavement Processing (Item 3): A code to indicate how the pavement material was processed after removal from the roadway. Codes are provided on the data sheet. Space is provided to identify a procedure other than those for which codes are provided.
Gradation of Reclaimed Aggregates (Item 4): The percent passing (after crushing) on various standard sieve sizes to the nearest 1 percent. It is not expected that values will be available for all 18 sieve sizes; the objective is to provide space for data from a sufficient number of sieve sizes to accommodate testing and specification practices for most agencies.
Bulk Specific Gravities (Items 5 through 8): The bulk specific gravities to the nearest thousandth (0.001) for coarse aggregate (item 5), fine aggregate (item 6), mineral filler (item 7), and the aggregate combination (item 8). The bulk specific gravities for the aggregate fractions are measured using the laboratory procedures indicated on the data sheet. The bulk specific gravity for the aggregate combination (usually called "bulk specific gravity of aggregate") is calculated as shown in equation 1.
Effective Specific Gravity of Aggregate Combination (Item 9): The calculated effective specific gravity to the nearest thousandth (0.001). This calculation requires the maximum specific gravity (no air voids) of the paving mixture, which is obtained by Test Method AASHTO T209 or ASTM D2041. The effective specific gravity of the aggregate is calculated as shown in equation 2.
This data sheet is to be filled out when untreated aggregate (new or reclaimed from base layer) is added to a recycled AC mixture. If no untreated aggregate was added, this sheet will not be applicable and should be so noted. This data sheet is to be filled out from project records for each cold-mix recycled AC overlay layer on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches).
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the AC layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Composition of Coarse Aggregate (Items 2, 3, and 4): When more than one coarse aggregate is used, the type as coded on the data sheet and percentage by total weight of coarse aggregate should be indicated for each coarse aggregate. Coarse aggregate is defined as that portion retained on the No. 8 (2.36-mm) sieve. If only one type of coarse aggregate is used, enter its type code and 100 percent in the top set of the data spaces, leaving the others blank. If an aggregate type other than those coded on the form was used, space is provided to identify that type.
Geologic Classification of Coarse Aggregate (Item 5): The geologic classification of the untreated aggregate used as coarse aggregate in the concrete mixture (when applicable). These codes appear in appendix A, table A.8, and provide identification as to which of the three major classes of rock the coarse aggregate belongs and the type of rock within those classes. If a blend was used, enter the code for the geologic classification for the material representing the majority of the untreated coarse aggregate. If a crushed slag, manufactured lightweight, or recycled concrete was used as coarse aggregate, enter "N."
Composition of Fine Aggregate (Items 6, 7, and 8): When more than one fine aggregate is used, the type as coded on the data sheet and percentage by total weight of fine aggregate should be indicated for each fine aggregate. Fine aggregate is defined as that portion passing the No. 8 (2.36-mm) sieve and retained on the No. 200 (75-µm) sieve. If only one type of fine aggregate is used, enter its type code and 100 percent in the top set of the data spaces, leaving the others blank.
Source (Items 9 and 10): Two one-digit codes to reflect whether the coarse and fine aggregates, respectively, were reclaimed from existing base material on the roadway or obtained for original use from a conventional source (pit). Codes are provided on the data sheet.
Type of Mineral Filler (Item 11): The type of mineral filler used. The codes appear on the data sheet.
Aggregate Durability Test Results (Items 12 through 15): The type of test used to evaluate the durability of the aggregate used in the mix and the results in thousandths (0.001) recorded in the units specified for the test. Three of these sets are for coarse aggregate (items 12, 13, and 14) and one (item 15) is for the combination of coarse and fine aggregate. Items 12, 13, and 14 are to correlate with items 2, 3, and 4 above, respectively. The durability test type codes appear in appendix A, table A.12.
Polish Value of Coarse Aggregates (Item 16): The accelerated polish value of the coarse aggregates used in surface layer, as determined by AASHTO T279 (ASTM D3319).
This sheet is a continuation of the data provided on sheet 24. This data sheet should be completed for each cold-mix recycled asphalt overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches).
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The cold-mix recycled AC layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Gradation of Untreated Aggregates (Item 2): The percent passing (of untreated coarse and fine aggregates) on various standard sieve sizes to the nearest one percent. It is not expected that values will be available for all 18 sieve sizes; the objective is to provide space for data from a sufficient number of sieve sizes to accommodate testing and specification practices for most agencies.
Bulk Specific Gravities (Items 3 through 6): The bulk specific gravities to the nearest thousandth (0.001) for coarse aggregate (item 3), fine aggregate (item 4), mineral filler (item 5), and the aggregate combination (item 6). The bulk specific gravities for the aggregate fractions are measured using the laboratory procedures indicated on the data sheet. The bulk specific gravity for the aggregate combination (usually called "bulk specific gravity of aggregate") is calculated as shown in equation 1.
Effective Specific Gravity of Aggregate Combination (Item 7): The calculated effective specific gravity to the nearest thousandth (0.001). This calculation requires the maximum specific gravity (no air voids) of the paving mixture, which is obtained by Test Method AASHTO T209 or ASTM D2041. The effective specific gravity of the aggregate is calculated as shown in equation 2.
This data sheet is provided to note the properties of the combined (the reclaimed and the untreated) aggregate. This sheet should be completed for each cold-mix recycled asphalt overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches).
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the cold-mix asphalt recycled layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Amount of New Untreated Aggregate Added (Item 2): The amount of untreated aggregate added, to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent) of the combined weight of the aggregates in the recycled mixture.
Gradation of Combined Aggregates (Item 3): The percent passing on various standard sieve sizes to the nearest one percent of the combined (untreated and reclaimed) aggregate. It is not expected that values will be available for all 18 sieve sizes; the objective is to provide space for data from a sufficient number of sieve sizes to accommodate testing and specification practices for most agencies.
Bulk Specific Gravities (Items 4 through 7): The bulk specific gravities to the nearest thousandth (0.001) for coarse aggregate (item 4), fine aggregate (item 5), mineral filler (item 6), and the aggregate combination (item 7). The bulk specific gravities for the aggregate fractions are measured using the laboratory procedures indicated on the data sheet. The bulk specific gravity for the aggregate combination (usually called "bulk specific gravity of aggregate") is calculated as shown in equation 1.
Effective Specific Gravity of Aggregate Combination (Item 8): The calculated effective specific gravity to the nearest thousandth (0.001). This calculation requires the maximum specific gravity (no air voids) of the paving mixture, which is obtained by Test Method AASHTO T209 or ASTM D2041. The effective specific gravity of the aggregate is calculated as shown in equation 2.
The following data items should reflect the results of laboratory testing of asphalt cement extracted from representative samples of the existing AC mixture to be reclaimed and used in the recycled mixture. This data sheet should be completed for every cold-mix recycled asphalt overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches).
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the cold-mix recycled AC layer to be described on this sheet (from sheet 2).
Specific Gravity of Asphalt Cement (Item 2): The specific gravity to the nearest thousandth (0.001) of the asphalt cement in the reclaimed portion of the mix if it is available. If unavailable, a typical specific gravity for asphalt cements produced at the source refinery may be entered. If source is unknown, enter 1.010 as a reasonable estimate. This specific gravity is measured as specified by AASHTO T228 (ASTM D70).
Viscosity of Asphalt at 140 °F (60 °C) (Item 3): The result in poises from absolute viscosity testing at 140 ºF (60 ºC) using Test Method AASHTO T202 (ASTM D2171) on samples of the extracted asphalt cement from the existing AC mixture.
Viscosity of Asphalt at 275 °F (135 °C) (Item 4): The result in centistokes to the nearest hundredth (0.01) from kinematic viscosity testing using Test Method AASHTO T201 (ASTM D2170) on samples of the extracted asphalt cement from the existing AC mixture.
Penetration at 77 °F (25 °C) (Item 5): The penetration in tenths of a millimeter (0.1 mm) (0.0039 inch) at 77 °F (25 °C) with a 100-gram (3.5-ounce) load and a 5-second load duration using Test Method AASHTO T49 (ASTM D5) on the original asphalt cement in the mixture.
Ductility at 77 °F (25 °C) (Item 6): The ductility in centimeters at 77 °F (25 °C) using Test Method AASHTO T51 (ASTM D113) on samples of extracted asphalt cement from the existing AC mixture.
Ductility at 39.2 °F (4 °C) (Item 7): The ductility in centimeters at 39.2 °F (4 °C) using Test Method AASHTO T51 (ASTM D113) on samples of extracted asphalt cement from the existing AC mixture.
Test Rate for Ductility Measurement at 39.2 °F (4 °C) (Item 8): The test speed in centimeters (cm) per minute for the ductility measurement taken at 39.2 °F (4 °C) on samples of extracted asphalt cement from the existing concrete mixture.
Penetration at 39.2 °F (4 °C) (Item 9): The penetration in tenths of a millimeter (0.1 mm) (0.0039 inch) at 39.2 °F (4 °C) with a 200-gram (7-ounce) load and a 60-second load duration using Test Method AASHTO T49 (ASTM D5) on samples of the extracted asphalt cement from the existing AC mixture.
Ring and Ball Softening Point (Item 10): The softening point in degrees Fahrenheit (ºF) as measured with the ring-and-ball apparatus used in Test Method AASHTO T53 (ASTM D36), on samples of the extracted asphalt cement from the existing AC mixture.
This sheet is provided to incorporate data on any new asphalt cement that is added to the recycled mix. This sheet should be completed for each cold-mix recycled asphalt overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches).
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the cold-mix recycled AC layer to be described on this sheet (from sheet 2).
Asphalt Grade (Item 2): The grade of the asphalt cement used (see appendix A, table A.15). Space is provided on the data sheet for identifying another grade of asphalt cement not appearing in appendix A, table A.15.
Source (Item 3): The source refinery that produced the new asphalt cement. A list of asphalt refiners and processors is provided in appendix A, table A.13. Space is provided to specify other sources which may not be included on the table provided.
Specific Gravity of Asphalt Cement (Item 4): The specific gravity to the nearest thousandth (0.001) of the asphalt cement when it is available. If unavailable, a typical specific gravity for asphalt cements produced at the source refinery may be entered. If source is unknown, enter 1.010 as a reasonable estimate. This specific gravity is measured as specified by AASHTO T228 (ASTM D70).
Viscosity of Asphalt at 140 °F (60 °C) (Item 5): The result in poises from absolute viscosity testing at 140 ºF (60 ºC) using test method AASHTO T202 (ASTM D2171) on samples of the new asphalt cement before its addition to the recycled mix.
Viscosity of Asphalt at 275 °F (135 °C) (Item 6): The result in centistokes to the nearest hundredth (0.01) from kinematic viscosity testing using Test Method AASHTO T201 (ASTM D2170) on samples of the new asphalt cement before its addition to the recycled mix.
Penetration at 77 °F (25 °C) (Item 7): The penetration in tenths of a millimeter (0.1 mm) (0.0039 inch) at 77 °F (25 °C) with a 100-gram (3.5-ounce) load and a 5-second load duration using Test Method AASHTO T49 (ASTM D5) on the original asphalt cement in the mixture.
Saybolt Furol Viscosity of Emulsified Asphalt at 77 °F (25 °C) (Item 8): The Saybolt Furol viscosity at 77 °F (25 °C) to the nearest tenth of a second (0.1 s) as measured by test method AASHTO T72 or ASTM D88 on the new asphalt material. If the asphalt cement added was not an emulsified asphalt, enter "N."
Residue by Distillation (Item 9): The residue to the nearest whole percent of the original emulsified asphalt sample remaining after distillation according to test methods AASHTO T59 or ASTM D244. If the asphalt cement added was not an emulsified asphalt, enter "N."
Coating Ability and Water Test (Item 10): The coating on a reference aggregate in initially dry and wet states, and its ability to remain on the aggregates after spraying with water. Codes are provided on the data sheet for ratings of good, fair, and poor. These ratings are assigned after evaluation according to the procedures in test methods AASHTO T59 or ASTM D244. If the asphalt cement added is not an emulsified asphalt, enter "N."
Ductility at 77 °F (25 °C) (Item 11): The ductility in centimeters at 77 °F (25 °C) using Test Method AASHTO T51 (ASTM D113) on the new asphalt cement before its addition to the recycled mix.
Ductility at 39.2 °F (4 °C) (Item 12): The ductility in centimeters at 39.2 °F (4 °C) using Test Method AASHTO T51 (ASTM D113) on the new asphalt cement before its addition to the recycled mix.
Test Rate for Ductility Measurement at 39.2 °F (4 °C) (Item 13): The test speed in centimeters per minute for the ductility measurement taken at 39.2 °F (4 °C).
Penetration at 39.2 °F (4 °C) (Item 14): The penetration in tenths of a millimeter (0.1 mm) (0.0039 inch) at 39.2 °F (4 °C) with a 200-gram (7-ounce) load and a 60-second load duration using Test Method AASHTO T49 (ASTM D5) on samples of the new asphalt cement, prior to its addition to the recycled mix.
Ring and Ball Softening Point (Item 15): The softening point of the asphalt cement in degrees Fahrenheit (ºF) as measured with the ring and ball apparatus used in test method AASHTO T53 (ASTM D36), on samples of the new asphalt cement before its addition to the recycled mix.
The following data should be provided, when available, for the combined asphalt cement, tested prior to its use in the construction. This data sheet should be completed for each cold-mix recycled asphalt overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches).
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the cold-mix recycled AC layer to be described on this sheet (from sheet 2).
Recycling Agent (Item 2): Codes to identify the type and quantity of recycling agent used. The codes for type appear in appendix A, table A.19. Space is provided for identifying another type not appearing in table A.19, if needed. The amount of recycling agent should be provided by weight added to the reclaimed (aged) asphalt, to the nearest one-tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent) of the reclaimed asphalt cement weight. As an example, if the weight of the recycling agent to be added to the aged asphalt cement was 41.5 percent of the weight of the aged asphalt in the reclaimed mixture, "41.5" would be entered on the data sheet.
Amount of New Asphalt Cement Added (Item 3): The quantity of new asphalt cement to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent) of total recycled mixture weight (includes reclaimed AC and untreated aggregate and asphalt cement/recycling agent added).
Specific Gravity of Asphalt Cement (Item 4): The specific gravity of the asphalt cement to the nearest thousandth (0.001) when it is available. If unavailable, a typical specific gravity for asphalt cements produced at the source refinery may be entered. If source is unknown, enter 1.010 as a reasonable estimate. This specific gravity is measured as specified by AASHTO T228 (or ASTM D70).
Viscosity of Asphalt at 140 °F (60 °C) (Item 5): The result in poises from absolute viscosity testing at 140 ºF (60 ºC) using test method AASHTO T202 (ASTM D2171) on samples of the combined asphalt cement before its use in construction of the recycled pavement section.
Viscosity of Asphalt at 275 °F (135 °C) (Item 6): The result in centistokes to the nearest hundredth (0.01) from kinematic viscosity testing at 275 ºF (135 ºC) using test method AASHTO T201 (ASTM D2170) on samples of the combined asphalt cement.
Penetration at 77 °F (25 °C) (Item 7): The penetration in tenths of a millimeter (0.1 mm) (0.0039 inch) at 77 °F (25 °C) with a 100-gram (3.5-ounce) load and a 5-second load duration using Test Method AASHTO T49 (ASTM D5) on testing the combined asphalt cement in the mixture.
Asphalt Modifiers (Items 8 and 9): Space is provided to list the type and quantity of up to two modifiers added to the asphalt cement for whatever purpose (other than the recycling agent that is recorded under item 2 above). A list of possible asphalt cement modifiers and codes for data entry are provided in appendix A, table A.14. If a material other than those listed in table A.14 is used, space is provided to record the pertinent information. The quantities of modifier should be provided in percent of asphalt cement weight. Some modifiers (such as lime) may be specified in terms of "percent of aggregate weight," but they must be converted to percent of asphalt cement weight for uniformity. Space is provided for up to two types of modifiers.
Ductility at 77 °F (25 °C) (Item 10): The ductility in centimeters at 77 °F (25 °C) using Test Method AASTHO T51 (ASTM D113) on samples of the combined asphalt cement material.
Ductility at 39.2 °F (4 °C) (Item 11): The ductility in centimeters at 39.2 °F (4 °C) using Test Method AASHTO T51 (ASTM D113) on samples of the combined asphalt cement material.
Test Rate for Ductility Measurement at 39.2 °F (4 °C) (Item 12): The test speed in centimeters per minute for the ductility measurement taken at 39.2 °F (4 °C) on samples of the combined asphalt cement.
Penetration at 39.2 °F (4 °C) (Item 13): The penetration in tenths of a millimeter (0.1 mm) (0.0039 inch) at 39.2 °F (4 °C) with a 200-gram (7-ounce) load and a 60-second load duration using Test Method AASHTO T49 (ASTM D5) on samples of the combined asphalt cement, before its use as a construction material.
Ring and Ball Softening Point (Item 14): The softening point of the asphalt cement in degrees Fahrenheit (ºF) as measured with the ring and ball apparatus used in test method AASHTO T53 (ASTM D36), on samples with the combined asphalt cement before its use as a construction material.
The data items on this sheet should be provided for laboratory aged asphalt cement samples using samples of the combined asphalt cement aged in accordance with the provisions of test method AASHTO T179 (ASTM D1754) or test method AASHTO T240 (ASTM D2872). This data sheet should be completed for each cold-mix recycled asphalt overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches).
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the cold-mix recycled AC layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Test Procedure Used to Measure Aging Effects (Item 2): The test procedure used to age the asphalt cement in the laboratory, and to measure the effects of the aging. Codes are provided on the data sheet. Additionally, space is provided on the data sheet to indicate the aging process used if other than those stated above.
Viscosity of Asphalt at 140 °F (60 °C) (Item 3): The result in poises from absolute viscosity testing at 140 ºF (60 ºC) using Test Method AASHTO T202 (ASTM D2171) on laboratory aged asphalt cement samples.
Viscosity of Asphalt at 275 °F (135 °C) (Item 4): The result in centistokes to the nearest hundredth (0.01) from kinematic viscosity testing using Test Method AASHTO T201 (ASTM D2170) on laboratory aged asphalt cement samples.
Ductility at 77 °F (25 °C) (Item 5): The ductility in centimeters at 77 °F (25 °C) using Test Method AASHTO T51 (ASTM D113) on laboratory aged samples of the asphalt cement.
Ductility at 39.2 °F (4 °C) (Item 6): The ductility in centimeters at 39.2 °F (4 °C) using Test Method AASHTO T51 (ASTM D113) on laboratory aged asphalt specimens.
Test Rate for Ductility Measurement at 39.2 °F (4 °C) (Item 7): The test speed in centimeters per minute for the ductility measurement taken at 39.2 °F (4 °C).
Penetration at 77 °F (25 °C) (Item 8): The penetration in tenths of a millimeter (0.1 mm) (0.0039 inch) at 77 °F (25 °C) with a 100 gram load and a 5-second load duration using Test Method AASHTO T49 (ASTM D5) on laboratory aged samples of the combined asphalt cement used in the mixture.
Penetration at 39.2°F (4 °C) (Item 9): The penetration in tenths of a millimeter (0.1 mm) (0.0039 inch) at 39.2 °F (4 °C) with a 200 gram load and a 60-second load duration using Test Method AASHTO T49 (ASTM D5) on laboratory aged samples of the combined asphalt cement used in the mixture.
Ring and Ball Softening Point (Item 10): The results in degrees Fahrenheit (ºF) from the ring and ball softening point test for bitumens (AASHTO T53 (ASTM D36)).
Weight Loss (Item 11): The weight loss resulting from the laboratory aging process to the nearest one-tenth of one percent (0.1 percent).
The following data items are to be derived from tests conducted on the mixture during mix design. This data sheet should be completed for each cold-mix recycled asphalt overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches).
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the recycled AC layer to be described on this sheet (from sheet 2).
Maximum Specific Gravity (Item 2): The theoretical maximum specific gravity to the nearest thousandth (0.001) of the recycled mixture, calculated using equations 2 and 3.
Bulk Specific Gravity (Item 3): The bulk specific gravity to the nearest thousandth (0.001) of the recycled mixture compacted in the laboratory at the optimum asphalt content selected and by appropriate procedures for Marshall or Hveem stability. Test Method ASTM D1188 is used for establishing the bulk specific gravity.
Optimum Asphalt Content (Item 4): The optimum amount of asphalt cement added to the recycled AC mixture to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent). This optimum asphalt content is obtained from the Marshall or Hveem Stability Testing.
Percent Air Voids (Item 5): The calculated air voids to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent) in the recycled mixture, compacted in the laboratory to the optimum asphalt content and by appropriate procedures for Marshall or Hveem stability. equation 4 may be used for calculating the percent air voids.
Marshall Stability (Item 6): The Marshall Stability (Test Method AASHTO T245 (ASTM D1559)) of the mixture at optimum asphalt content in pounds.
Number of Blows (Item 7): The number of blows of the compaction hammer that were applied to each end of the specimen to compact it for Marshall Stability and flow testing.
Marshall Flow (Item 8): The Marshall Flow (Test Method AASHTO T245 (ASTM D1559)) of the mixture at optimum asphalt content. This item is to be entered as the whole number of the measured hundredth of an inch (e.g., if 0.15 is measured, enter "15").
Hveem Stability (Item 9): The Hveem Stability or "stabilometer value" of the mixture at optimum asphalt content as measured with the Hveem apparatus using Test Method AASHTO T246 (ASTM D1560).
Hveem Cohesiometer Value (Item 10): The cohesiometer value of the mixture at optimum asphalt content, in grams per 25-mm (1-inch) width (or diameter) of specimen, obtained by Test Method AASHTO T246 (or ASTM D1560).
The following data items are to be derived from in situ testing of the mixture. This data sheet should be completed for each cold-mix recycled asphalt overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches).
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the recycled AC layer to be described on this sheet (from sheet 2).
Type of Samples (Item 2): A code to indicate whether the test samples were compacted in the laboratory or removed from the compacted pavement. The codes appear on the data sheet.
Maximum Specific Gravity (no air voids) (Item 3): The theoretical maximum specific gravity of a mixture sampled during or soon after construction according to AASHTO 209 or ASTM D2041. Where possible, several samples should be tested and the average entered. Use the resulting maximum specific gravity and the design asphalt content for the mixture to calculate the effective specific gravity of aggregate using equation 2. Once the effective specific gravity of the aggregate is established, it may be used to calculate other maximum specific gravities for the mixture at other measured asphalt contents using equation 3.
Bulk Specific Gravity (Item 4): The number of tests and the mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of bulk specific gravities to the nearest thousandth (0.001) of compacted mixtures measured on cores removed from the pavement during or right after construction. While the test method specified in ASTM D1188 is preferable, the results from nuclear density tests (ASTM D2950), appropriately calibrated to measurements on cores, also may be used.
Asphalt Content (Item 5): The number of tests and the mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of percents by weight of the total asphalt cement (including that absorbed by the aggregate) in the AC mixture to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent). Asphalt content measured by extraction tests (AASHTO T164 (ASTM D2172)) on field samples are preferred, but results from nuclear test methods may also be used. If no such test results are available, enter the specified asphalt content as the mean, and leave the other spaces blank.
Percent Air Voids (Item 6): The number of tests and the mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of calculated air voids to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent) as 1 percent of the material volume. These data are frequently not available, but can be calculated using other available data from reports on mix design and density measurements on samples from the pavement. Percent air voids is calculated as shown in equation 4.
Voids in Mineral Aggregate (Item 7): The number of tests and the mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of void space between the aggregate particles of a compacted AC mixture, which includes air voids and the effective asphalt content, to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent). Percent of VMA is calculated as shown in equation 5.
Effective Asphalt Content (Item 8): The number of tests and the mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of effective asphalt content (total asphalt content of the paving mixture minus the portion of asphalt that is lost by absorption into the aggregate particles), expressed by weight of total mixture to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent). The asphalt absorption can be calculated as 1 percent of total weight of mixture, as shown in equation 6.
The data on this sheet are a continuation of the data from sheet 32. This data sheet also provides information about the construction of the individual layers. This sheet should be completed for each cold-mix recycled asphalt overlay layer identified on sheet 2 that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches).
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the recycled AC layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Type of Antistripping Agent (Item 2): The type of antistripping agent used in the mixture. The codes are provided in appendix A, table A.20.
Antistripping Agent Liquid or Solid Code (Item 3): A code to indicate whether the antistripping agent used is a liquid or solid. Codes are provided on the data sheet.
Amount of Antistripping Agent (Item 4): The amount of antistripping agent used in the mixture by weight to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent) of weight of asphalt if the agent is liquid and weight of aggregate if it is solid.
Moisture Susceptibility Test Type (Item 5): The type of test used to evaluate the moisture susceptibility of the mixture. Codes are provided on the data sheet. If a procedure other than those provided is used, space is provided to specify a name or reference for the test.
Moisture Susceptibility Test Results (Item 6): Space is provided to record the Hveem stability number or percent stripped and the tensile strength ratio or index of retained strength, depending on the test procedure used.
Construction Data (Items 7 through 11): The following data should be provided to describe the construction operations involved in the cold-mix recycling process.
Type of Recycling (Item 7): A code to indicate whether the recycling was done in place or mixed in a central plant. Codes are provided on the data sheet.
Procedures for Mixing In Place (Item 8): A code, as provided on the data sheet, to indicate the procedure used for mixing the materials during recycling.
Type Asphalt Plant (Item 9): Type of plant that produced the AC mixture, if centrally mixed. Codes are provided on the data sheet.
Was Mixture Aerated? (Item 10): A code to indicate whether the mixture was aerated before spreading. The codes appear on the data sheet.
Period Between Mixing and Spreading (Item 11): The period between mixing and spreading (to the nearest hour).
The data on this sheet are a continuation of the construction data provided on sheet 33. This sheet should be completed for each cold-mix recycled asphalt overlay layer that is thicker than 19 mm (0.75 inches).
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the recycled AC layer for which the compaction data are to be described on this sheet (from sheet 2).
Method of Spreading Mixture (Item 2): Codes are provided on the data sheet to describe the method used to spread the cold-mix recycled AC mixture. Space is provided to identify a method for which a code was not provided, if needed.
Roller Data (Items 3 through 19): Codes appear on the data sheet for steel-wheeled tandem, pneumatic-tired, single-drum vibratory, and double-drum vibratory rollers. For each type of roller, spaces are provided to describe significant characteristics of up to four different rollers. Steel-wheeled tandem rollers are described by their gross weights to the nearest tenth of a ton (0.1 ton) (0.9 metric ton). Pneumatic-tired rollers are described by their gross weight and tire pressure in pounds per square inch (psi). Vibratory rollers are described by their gross weight in tons to the nearest tenth (0.1 ton) (0.09 metric ton), frequency in vibrations per minute, amplitude in inches to the nearest thousandth (0.001 inch) (0.025 mm), and roller speed in miles per hour to the nearest tenth (0.1 mi/h) (0.16 km/h).
Compaction Data (Items 20 through 28): Spaces are provided to enter the following data regarding the compaction of the recycled mix:
Description of the Roller Used (Items 20 through 25): A roller code from the data sheet fully described by items 3 through 19 and number of coverages for breakdown, intermediate, and final compactions. A coverage in this case is defined as one trip of the roller across the pavement.
Air Temperature (Item 26): Record the ambient temperature in degrees Fahrenheit (ºF) while compaction is accomplished.
Compacted Thickness (Item 27): The compacted mat thickness in inches to the nearest tenth (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm). If coring is not performed, the planned thickness should be recorded.
Curing Period (Item 28): The number of days before a new lift is placed or the pavement is opened to traffic.
This data sheet provides data regarding scarification of the existing pavement surface for recycling the AC surface layer.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The layer number of the surface layer prior to heater scarification (from sheet 2).
Type of Heater Scarification (Item 2): A code to indicate what type of heater scarification was employed. Codes appear on the data sheet.
Depth of Scarification (Item 3): The average depth of cut to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm) during scarification. This is the reduction in thickness of the existing surface before replacement of recycled material.
Type of Surface Treatment (Item 4): A code to indicate the type of surface treatment or overlay applied after heater scarification of the surface. Codes are provided on the data sheet. Additionally, space is provided to identify a type of treatment for which a code was not provided, if needed.
Type of Rejuvenating Agent (Item 5): A code to identify the type of rejuvenating agent added to the broken AC to restore cohesion and flexibility. Codes for various agents used are provided in appendix A, table A.19.
Amount of Rejuvenating Agent (Item 6): A three-digit number to record to the nearest tenth of a gallon per square yard (0.1 gal/yd2 (3.8 liters/0.84 m2)) the application rate of the rejuvenating agent.
Roller Data (Item 7): Codes appear on the data sheet for steel-wheeled tandem, pneumatic-tired, single-drum vibratory, and double-drum vibratory rollers. For each type of roller, spaces are provided to describe significant characteristics of up to two different rollers for each roller type. Steel-wheeled tandem rollers are described by their gross weights to the nearest tenth of a ton (0.1 ton) (0.09 metric ton). Pneumatic-tired rollers are described by their gross weight and tire pressure in pounds per square inch (psi). Vibratory rollers are described by their gross weight in tons to the nearest tenth (0.1 ton) (0.09 metric ton), frequency in vibrations per minute, amplitude in inches to the nearest thousandth (0.001), and roller speed in miles per hour to the nearest tenth of a mile (0.1 mi/h) (0.16 km/h).
Compaction Data (Item 8): Spaces are provided to enter the type of roller and number of coverages used for the breakdown, intermediate, and final phases of surface compaction after heater scarification.
Length of Time Between Heater Scarification and Addition of Surface Treatment (Item 9): The number of days between scarification/recompaction and addition of surface treatment.
Length of Time Between Surfacing and Opening Road to Traffic (Item 10): The number of days between surface treatment and opening the surface to traffic.
This data sheet provides information on the joints used in a new PCC overlay layer.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the PCC overlay for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Average Contraction Joint Spacing (Item 2): The average spacing in feet to the nearest tenth of a foot (0.1 ft) (0.03 m) between consecutive contraction joints (length of the concrete slab) of the pavement under survey. A space is provided to write in a description of any random joint spacing (item 3).
Built-in Expansion Joint Spacing (Item 4): The average spacing in feet between consecutive expansion joints of the pavement under survey. If there are no expansion joints in the original construction, enter "N."
Skewness of Joints (Item 5): The average distance in feet of the contraction joint from a normal (right-angled) joint at the opposite side of the lane. If not skewed, enter "N."
Transverse Contraction Joint Load Transfer System (Item 6): The mechanism by which a portion of the moving load is transferred across the transverse contraction joint to the adjacent slab. A space is provided to write in a description of another load transfer system if different from those for which codes are provided. Where dowels or other mechanical load transfer devices are not provided at joints, enter "N" in the spaces for describing these devices.
Round Dowel Diameter (Item 7): The outer diameter of the round dowel bars used as the load transfer device across a contraction joint of the pavement under survey. This number is entered to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm).
Dowel or Mechanical Load Transfer Device Spacing (Item 8): The average center-to-center distance in inches between mechanical load transfer devices (round or I-beam dowels, star lugs, etc.) across the contraction joint of the PCC layer being described.
Average Intermediate Sawed Joint Spacing (Item 9): The average distance between joints that have been sawed at intervals between contraction joints (called "warping joints" by some agencies). If no intermediate sawed joints have been provided, enter "N."
Dimensions for I-Beams or Keyways (Items 10 and 11): The height and width of I-beams or keyways (if used) to the nearest hundredth of an inch (0.01 inch) (0.25 mm).
Distance of Nearest Dowel (or Mechanical Load Transfer Device) From Outside Lane-Shoulder Edge (Item 12): The distance from the outside lane-shoulder edge to the center of the nearest dowel or mechanical load transfer device, measured to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm).
Dowel Length (Item 13): The length in inches of the round or I-beam dowel bars across contraction joints in the PCC layer being described.
Dowel Coating (Item 14): The material covering the dowel bar surfaces when installed in the concrete slab. A space is provided to write in a description if some dowel coating has been used other than those for which codes are provided on the data sheet.
Method Used to Install Mechanical Load Transfer Devices (Item 15): Whether the devices were installed by placing them on baskets, installed mechanically, or by other means. Space is provided for describing some method of installing dowels if the method used differs from those for which codes are provided on the data sheet.
This data sheet is a continuation of the data provided on sheet 36.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the PCC overlay for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Method Used to Form Transverse Joints (Item 2): Whether the contraction joints were constructed by sawing the hardened slab at the proper time, or by placing an insert in the slab surface while the concrete is plastic, or by any other construction method used to form the joint. Codes are provided on the data sheet. Space is provided for describing another method if none of those for which codes were provided was used.
Type of Longitudinal Joint (Item 3): How the longitudinal joint between the lanes was formed. Codes are provided on the data sheet.
Type of Shoulder-Traffic Lane Joint (Item 4): A code indicating how the joint between the shoulder and the traffic lane was formed. "Tied concrete curb" indicates that a curb was provided in lieu of a shoulder. Codes are provided on the data form.
Transverse Joint Sealant Type (Item 5): Type of joint sealant used in the transverse joints. Codes are provided on the data sheet.
Transverse Joint Sealant Reservoir Width (Item 6): The as-constructed width of the transverse joint sealant reservoir to the nearest hundredth of an inch (0.01 inch) (0.25 mm).
Transverse Joint Sealant Reservoir Depth (Item 7): The as-constructed depth of the transverse joint sealant reservoir to the nearest hundredth of an inch (0.01 inch) (0.25 mm).
Longitudinal Joint Sealant Reservoir Width (Item 8): The width of the as-built longitudinal joint sealant reservoir to the nearest hundredth of an inch (0.01 inch) (0.25 mm). If butt or keyed joints have been used without a sealant reservoir, enter "0.00."
Longitudinal Joint Sealant Reservoir Depth (Item 9): The depth of the as-built longitudinal joint sealant reservoir to the nearest hundredth of an inch (0.01 inch) (0.25 mm). If butt or keyed joints were used without a sealant reservoir, enter "0.00."
Joint Sealant Backer Material Type (Item 10): A code to indicate the type of blocking material used (placed prior to the joint sealant). Codes are provided on the data sheet.
Joint Sealant Backer Dimension (Item 11): If the joint sealant backer material type is a rod or rope, enter the diameter, in inches to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm). If the joint sealant backer material type is tape, enter the width, in inches to the nearest hundredth of an inch (0.01 inch) (0.25 mm).
Between Lane Tie Bar Diameter (Item 12): The diameter of the tie bars used across longitudinal joints between lanes entered to the nearest one hundredth of an inch (0.01 inch) (0.25 mm).
Between Lane Tie Bar Length (Item 13): The length in inches of the tie bars used across the longitudinal joint between the lanes.
Between Lane Tie Bar Spacing (Item 14): The center-to-center spacing between consecutive tie bars across the longitudinal joint between the lanes to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm).
Shoulder-Traffic Lane Joint Sealant Reservoir (Items 15 and 16): The width and depth of the as-built joint sealant reservoir between the shoulder and traffic lane. If butt or keyed joints have been used without a sealant reservoir, enter "0.00" in both spaces provided.
Shoulder-Traffic Lane Joint Tie Bars (Items 17, 18, and 19): The outer diameter of the tie bars across the joint between the shoulder and the traffic lane to the nearest one hundredth of an inch (0.01 in) (0.25 mm), the length of the tie bars to the nearest inch, and the center-to-center distance (spacing) in inches between consecutive tie bars across the concrete shoulder-traffic lane joint. If no concrete shoulder exists, enter "N" for these data entry spaces.
This data sheet provides information regarding the reinforcement used in the PCC overlay layer, if any was used.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the PCC overlay layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Type of Reinforcing (Item 2): The type of reinforcing used in the PCC layer being described. Codes for deformed bars and welded wire fabric are provided on the data sheet. A space is provided for entering a written description of a reinforcing type other than deformed bars or welded wire fabric.
Transverse Bar Diameter (Item 3): The diameter of the transverse bars or wire to the nearest hundredth of an inch (0.01 inch) (0.25 mm).
Transverse Bar Spacing (Item 4): The mean center-to-center spacing between transverse bars or wires to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm).
Longitudinal Bar Diameter (Item 5): The diameter of the longitudinal bars or wire to the nearest hundredth of an inch (0.01 inch) (0.25 mm).
Design Percentage of Longitudinal Steel (Item 6): The percentage of reinforcing steel of the PCC cross section required in the design to the nearest hundredth of 1 percent (0.01 percent).
Depth to Reinforcement From Slab Surface (Item 7): The depth to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm) of the concrete cover over the reinforcing steel.
Longitudinal Bar Spacing (Item 8): The center-to-center spacing between longitudinal bars or wires to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm).
Yield Strength of Reinforcing Steel (Item 9): The yield strength of the reinforcing steel in the bars to the nearest tenth of a kip per square inch (0.1 ksi). If tests were not conducted for the steel used, enter the minimum yield strength allowed for the grade of steel used.
Method Used to Place Reinforcement (Item 10): The method used to install reinforcing steel bars or wire fabric during pavement construction. These methods include presetting the reinforcement on chairs, placing it mechanically by means of special equipment used for that purpose, or by placing them between layers of concrete. Codes for these methods are provided on the data sheet. A space is also provided to describe another method of placement if a code is not provided on the data sheet for the method used.
Lap Length of Longitudinal Steel Splices (Item 11): The length to the nearest inch (millimeter) of the longitudinal reinforcing steel overlap at a CRCP construction joint. If the rigid pavement is not CRCP, enter "N."
This data sheet provides information regarding the mix proportions used in the PCC overlay mixture.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the PCC overlay layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Mix Design (Items 2 through 5): The oven dry weights in pounds of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, cement, and weight of water provided by the mix design for a cubic yard (yd3) of concrete.
Cement Type Used (Item 6): Type of cement used in the slab concrete. These cement type codes appear in appendix A, table A.10. Additionally, if none of the codes provided are applicable to the type used, space is provided for identifying another type.
Alkali Content of Cement (Item 7): The alkali content of the cement to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent), expressed as sodium oxide equivalent.
Entrained Air Content (Items 8, 9, and 10): The mean, minimum, and maximum values of entrained air (percent of mixture volume) as measured (by Test Methods AASHTO T121 (ASTM C138), AASHTO T152 (ASTM C231), and AASHTO T196 (ASTM C173)) during construction to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent).
Admixtures (Items 11, 12, and 13): The types and amounts in percent by weight of cement to the nearest thousandth (0.001) of admixtures used in the concrete. The codes for concrete admixtures appear in appendix A, table A.11.
Slump (Items 14 through 18): The mean of the slump measurements made, the minimum and maximum values, the standard deviation from the mean to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm) and the number of tests from which the values are obtained. The slump test is described in AASHTO T119 (ASTM C143). The maximum and minimum values and standard deviation of slump should be left blank if only one test result is available.
This data sheet provides information regarding the aggregate used in the PCC overlay layer.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the PCC overlay layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Composition of Coarse Aggregate (Items 2, 3, and 4): When more than one coarse aggregate is used, the type code as provided on the data sheet and percentage by total weight of coarse aggregate should be indicated for each coarse aggregate. Coarse aggregate is defined as that portion of the aggregate retained on the No. 4 (4.75-mm) sieve as defined by the Portland Cement Association (PCA). Space is provided for the description of another type if none of the types for which codes were provided were used. Space is provided for up to three different types of coarse aggregate. If only one type of coarse aggregate is used, enter its type code and 100 percent in the top set of the data spaces, leaving the others blank.
Geologic Classification of Coarse Aggregate (Item 5): The geologic classification of the natural stone used as coarse aggregate in the concrete. These codes appear in appendix A, table A.8, and provide identification as to which of the three major classes of rock the coarse aggregate belongs and the type of rock within those classes. If a blend was used, enter the code for the geologic classification for the material representing the majority of the coarse aggregate. If a crushed slag, manufactured lightweight, or recycled concrete was used, enter "N."
Composition of Fine Aggregate (Items 6, 7, and 8): When more than one fine aggregate is used, the type code as provided on the data sheet and percentage by total weight of fine aggregate should be indicated for each fine aggregate. Fine aggregate is defined as that passing the No. 4 (4.75-mm) sieve and retained on the No. 200 (75-µm) sieve. If only one type of fine aggregate is used, enter its type code and 100 percent in the top set of the data spaces, leaving the others blank. Space is provided for up to three different types of fine aggregate.
Insoluble Residue (Item 9): The percentage of insoluble residue (noncarbonate material) as determined using ASTM D3042.
Gradation of Aggregates (Items 10 and 11): The percent passing various standard sieve sizes to the nearest one percent of the coarse and fine aggregates. It is not expected that values will be available for all sieve sizes shown; the objective is to provide sufficient sieve sizes to accommodate testing and specification practice for most agencies.
Bulk Specific Gravities (Items 12 and 13): The mean bulk specific gravities to the nearest thousandth (0.001) for coarse aggregate and fine aggregate. The bulk specific gravities for the aggregate fractions are measured using these laboratory procedures: (a) Coarse Aggregate—AASHTO T85 (ASTM C127), and (b) Fine Aggregate—AASHTO T84 (ASTM C128).
This data sheet is a continuation of the data from sheet 40 and also includes information about the construction of the PCC overlay.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the PCC overlay layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Aggregate Durability Test Results (Items 2 through 5): The type of tests used to evaluate the durability of the aggregate and the results in tenths (0.1) recorded in units specified for the test. Three of these sets are for coarse aggregate and one is for the combination of coarse and fine aggregates. The durability test type codes and the units for reporting appear in appendix A, table A.12.
Type of Paver Used (Item 6): Record whether a slip-form or side-form paver was used to place the concrete. The codes appear on the data sheet along with space for identifying another type of paver, if needed. Enter "N" if a paver was not used (for example, roller compacted concrete was used.).
Air Temperatures During Placement (Items 7, 8, and 9): The mean air temperature at the time the overlay concrete was placed in degrees Fahrenheit (ºF) and the range of air temperatures (minimum and maximum) occurring during placement.
Curing Period Before Opening to Any Traffic (Item 10): The number of days the concrete was allowed to cure before opening the pavement to traffic (including construction traffic).
Time Before Sawing Joints (Item 11): The number of hours between the time the concrete was placed and the time the joints were sawed.
Method Used to Cure Concrete (Item 12): The method used to cure the concrete pavement. Codes are provided on the data sheet. Space is provided for identifying another curing method if none of those with codes was used.
Method Used to Texture Concrete (Item 13): The method used to provide texture to the concrete surface. Codes are provided on the data sheet.
This data sheet is a continuation of the construction data provided on sheet 41.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the PCC overlay layer to be described on this sheet (from sheet 2).
Bonding Condition of Overlay (Item 2): A code to identify the degree of bonding present between the overlay and the original pavement surface. Codes are provided on the data sheet.
Surface Preparation (Item 3): A code to record the method used to prepare the pavement surface prior to placement of the overlay. Codes are provided on the data sheet along with space for identifying a method for which a code has not been provided.
Type of Grout Used for Bonded Overlays (Item 4): A code to identify the type of grout used for a bonded or partially bonded overlay. Enter "N" for an unbonded overlay. Codes are provided on the data form along with space for identifying another type of grout, if needed.
Material Used to Prevent Bonding for Unbonded Overlays (Item 5): A code to identify the type of material used to prevent bonding of the overlay to the existing surface. Codes are provided on the data sheet. Enter "N" if the overlay is bonded to the surface overlaid.
Mean Direct Shear Strength of Core at Overlay/Slab Interface (Item 6): The results of direct shear testing (average of measured results) to the nearest tenth of a pound per square inch (0.1 psi) to determine the degree of bonding between the overlay and the existing surface.
Age of Overlay at Time of Direct Shear Testing (Item 7): The number of days the overlay is allowed to cure before testing cores for shear strength as recorded under item 6.
Overlay Joints Matched with Existing Pavement Slab Joints? (Item 8): A code to identify whether or not the joints of the overlay were matched with joints of the existing pavement. Enter "N" if the PCC overlay or original surface is continuously reinforced.
This data sheet is used to provide strength data on cylinders or beams molded from plastic concrete during construction.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The layer number of the PCC overlay for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Flexural Strength (Items 2 through 8): The type of test (third-point or center-point loading, as coded on the data sheet), the age of the samples at the time of testing, the number of tests performed, and the mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of flexural strength tests, in pounds per square inch (psi). The preferred type of test for LTPP test sections is the third-point loading (AASHTO T97 (ASTM C78)).
Compressive Strength (Items 9 through 14): The age of the samples at the time of testing, the number of tests performed, and the mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of compressive strength in pounds per square inch (psi), measured according to AASHTO T22 (ASTM C39).
Splitting Tensile Strength (Items 15 through 20): The age of the samples at the time of testing, the number of tests, and the mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of splitting tensile strength in pounds per square inch (psi), measured according to AASHTO T198 (ASTM C496).
Elastic Modulus (Items 21 through 26): The mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of elastic moduli of the concrete in kips (1000 pounds or 453.6 kilograms of force) per square inch (ksi) and the number of tests performed. The elastic moduli can be obtained either through compression testing of cylindrical samples collected and tested during construction, or through relationships published by the American Concrete Institute (ACI) and others relating elastic modulus to compressive strength. The ACI formula in general use (ACI 318-83, section 8.5) is shown in equation 7:
where: | ||
Ec | = | Modulus of Elasticity, psi |
fc | = | 28-Day Compressive Strength, psi |
In the event that only one test result is available, enter it as the mean value. The standard deviation should be left blank unless at least four test results are available. Space is also provided to record the "method for determination of elastic modulus," the test method used for measuring the elastic modulus of the mix. Indicate whether the test was conducted on a sample of the concrete prepared during construction, by some other test procedures, or calculated using the equation above.
The data on this sheet provides information regarding joints in a recycled PCC overlay layer.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the recycled PCC layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Average Contraction Joint Spacing (Item 2): The average spacing in feet (to the nearest tenth of a foot (0.1 ft) (0.03 m) between consecutive contraction joints (length of the concrete slab) of the pavement under survey. A space is provided to write in a description of any random joint spacing (item 3).
Built-in Expansion Joint Spacing (Item 4): The average spacing in feet between consecutive expansion joints of the pavement under survey. If there are no expansion joints in the original construction, enter "N."
Skewness of Joints (Item 5): The average distance in feet of the contraction joint from a normal (right-angled) joint at the opposite side of the lane. If not skewed, enter "N."
Transverse Contraction Joint Load Transfer System (Item 6): The mechanism by which a portion of the moving load is transferred across the transverse contraction joint to the adjacent slab. A space is provided to write in a description of another load transfer system if different from those for which codes are provided. Where dowels or other mechanical load transfer devices are not provided at joints, enter "N" in the spaces for describing these devices.
Round Dowel Diameter (Item 7): The outer diameter of the round dowel bars used as the load transfer device across a contraction joint of the pavement under survey. This number is entered to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm).
Dowel or Mechanical Load Transfer Device Spacing (Item 8): The average center-to-center distance in inches (centimeters) between mechanical load transfer devices (round or I-beam dowels, star lugs, etc.) across the contraction joint of the PCC layer being described.
Average Intermediate Sawed Joint Spacing (Item 9): The average distance between joints that have been sawed at intervals between contraction joints (called "warping joints" by some agencies). If no intermediate sawed joints have been used, enter "N."
Dimensions for I-Beams or Keyways (Items 10 and 11): The height and width of I-beams or keyways (if used) to the nearest hundredth of an inch (0.01 inch) (0.25 mm).
Distance of Nearest Dowel or Mechanical Load Transfer Device from Outside Lane-Shoulder Edge (Item 12): The distance from the outside lane-shoulder edge to the center of the nearest dowel or mechanical load transfer device, measured to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm).
Dowel Length (Item 13): The length in inches (mm) of the round or I-beam dowel bars across contraction joints in the PCC layer being described.
Dowel Coating (Item 14): The material covering the dowel bar surfaces when installed in the concrete slab. A space is provided to write in a description if some dowel coating was used other than those for which codes are provided.
Method Used to Install Mechanical Load Transfer Devices (Item 15): Whether the devices have been installed by placing them on baskets, installed mechanically, or by other means. Space is provided for describing some method of installing dowels if the method used differs from those for which codes are provided.
This data sheets is a continuation of the data presented on sheet 44.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the recycled PCC layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Method Used to Form Transverse Joints (Item 2): Whether the contraction joints have been constructed by sawing the hardened slab at the proper time, or by placing an insert in the slab surface while the concrete is plastic, or by any other construction method used to form the joint. Codes for each of these methods are provided on the data sheet. Space also is provided for describing another method if none of those for which codes are provided on the data sheet has been used.
Type of Longitudinal Joint (Between Lanes) (Item 3): How the longitudinal joint between the lanes was formed. Codes are provided on the data sheet.
Type of Shoulder-Traffic Lane Joint (Item 4): How the joint between the concrete shoulder and the traffic lane was formed. "Tied concrete curb" indicates that a curb is provided in lieu of a shoulder.
Transverse Joint Sealant Type (Item 5): Type of joint sealant used in the transverse joints. Codes are provided on the data sheet.
Transverse Joint Sealant Reservoir Width (Item 6): The as-constructed width of the transverse joint sealant reservoir to the nearest hundredth of an inch (0.01 inch) (0.25 mm).
Transverse Joint Sealant Reservoir Depth (Item 7): The as-constructed depth of the transverse joint sealant reservoir to the nearest hundredth of an inch (0.01 inch) (0.25 mm).
Longitudinal Joint Sealant Reservoir Width (Item 8): The width of the as-built longitudinal joint sealant reservoir to the nearest hundredth of an inch (0.01 inch) (0.25 mm). If butt or keyed joints are used without a sealant reservoir, enter "0.00."
Longitudinal Joint Sealant Reservoir Depth (Item 9): The depth of the as-built longitudinal joint sealant reservoir to the nearest hundredth of an inch (0.01 inch) (0.25 mm). If butt or keyed joints are used without a sealant reservoir, enter "0.00."
Joint Sealant Backer Material Type (Item 10): A code to indicate the type of blocking material used (placed before the joint sealant). Codes are provided on the data sheet.
Joint Sealant Backer Dimension (Item 11): If the joint sealant backer material type is a rod or rope, enter the diameter, in inches to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm). If the joint sealant backer material type is tape, enter the width, in inches to the nearest hundredth of an inch.
Between Lane Tie Bar Diameter (Item 12): The diameter of the tie bars used across longitudinal joints between lanes entered to the nearest hundredth of an inch (0.01 inch) (0.25 mm).
Between Lane Tie Bar Length (Item 13): The length in inches of the tie bars used across the longitudinal joint between the lanes.
Between Lane Tie Bar Spacing (Item 14): The center-to-center spacing between consecutive tie bars across the longitudinal joint between the lanes to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm).
Shoulder-Traffic Lane Joint Sealant Reservoir (Items 15 and 16): The width and depth of the as-built joint sealant reservoir between the shoulder and traffic lane. If butt or keyed joints are used without a sealant reservoir, enter "0.00" in both of the spaces provided.
Shoulder-Traffic Lane Joint Tie Bars (Items 17, 18, and 19): The outer diameter of the tie bars across the joint between the shoulder and the traffic lane to the nearest one hundredth of an inch (0.01 inch) (0.25 mm), the length of the tie bars to the nearest inch, and the center-to-center distance (spacing) in inches between consecutive tie bars across the concrete shoulder-traffic lane joint. If no concrete shoulder exists, enter "N" for these data entry items.
The data on this sheet provides information regarding the reinforcing steel used in the PCC layer.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the recycled PCC layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Type of Reinforcing (Item 2): The type of reinforcing used in the PCC layer being described. Codes for deformed bars and welded wire fabric are provided on the data sheet. A space also is provided for entering a written description of a reinforcing type other than deformed bars or welded wire fabric.
Transverse Bar Diameter (Item 3): The diameter of the transverse bars or wire to the nearest hundredth of an inch (0.01 inch) (0.25 mm).
Transverse Bar Spacing (Item 4): The mean center-to-center spacing between transverse bars or wires to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm).
Longitudinal Bar Diameter (Item 5): The diameter of the longitudinal bars or wire to the nearest hundredth of an inch (0.01 inch) (0.25 mm).
Design Percentage of Longitudinal Steel (Item 6): The percentage of reinforcing steel of the PCC cross section required in the design to the nearest hundredth of one percent (0.01 percent).
Depth to Reinforcement From Slab Surface (Item 7): The depth to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm) of the concrete cover over the reinforcing steel.
Longitudinal Bar Spacing (Item 8): The center-to-center spacing between longitudinal bars or wires to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm).
Yield Strength of Reinforcing Steel (Item 9): The yield strength of the reinforcing steel in the bars to the nearest tenth of a kip per square inch. If tests were not conducted for the steel used, enter the minimum yield strength allowed for the grade of steel used.
Method Used to Place Reinforcement (Item 10): The method used to install reinforcing steel bars or wire fabric during pavement construction. These methods include presetting the reinforcement on chairs, placing it mechanically by means of special equipment used for that purpose, or by placing them between layers of concrete. Codes for these methods are provided on the data sheet.
Lap Length of Longitudinal Steel Splices (Item 11): The length to the nearest inch (millimeter) of the longitudinal reinforcing steel overlap at a CRCP construction joint. If the rigid pavement is not CRCP, enter "N" to indicate that this element is not applicable.
This data sheet records information regarding the mixture proportions used in the recycled PCC layer.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the recycled PCC layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Mix Design (Items 2 through 5): The oven dry weights in pounds of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, cement, and weight of water provided by the mix design for a cubic yard (yd3) of concrete.
Cement Type Used (Item 6): Type of cement used in the concrete. The cement type codes appear in appendix A, table A.10. Space is provided on the form for identifying another type of cement if the types identified in table A.10 are not applicable.
Alkali Content of Cement (Item 7): The alkali content of the cement to the nearest tenth of one percent (0.1 percent) expressed as sodium oxide equivalent.
Entrained Air Content (Items 8, 9, and 10): The mean, minimum, and maximum values of entrained air (percent of mixture volume) as measured by Test Methods AASHTO T121 (ASTM C138), AASHTO T152 (ASTM C231), AASHTO T196 (ASTM C173) during construction to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent).
Admixtures (Items 11, 12, and 13): The types and amounts in percent by weight of cement to the nearest thousandth (0.001 percent) of admixtures used in the concrete. The codes for concrete admixtures appear in appendix A, table A.11, and space has been provided for identifying an admixture type for which a code is not provided.
Slump (Items 14 through 18): The mean of the slump measurements made, the minimum and maximum values, the standard deviation from the mean to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm), and the number of tests from which the values are obtained. The slump test is described in AASHTO T119 (ASTM C143). The maximum and minimum values and standard deviation of slump should be left blank if only one test result is available.
This data sheet provides information regarding the new aggregate that is added to the recycled material for construction of the recycled PCC overlay layer.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the recycled PCC layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Composition of Coarse Aggregate (Items 2, 3, and 4): The type code as provided on the data sheet and percentage by weight of up to three separate materials in the coarse aggregate (that portion of an aggregate retained on the No. 4 (4.75-mm) sieve) used in the concrete mix. Space is provided for the description of another type if none of the types for which codes are provided were used. Space is provided for up to three different types of coarse aggregate. Where only one type of material has been used, enter its type code and 100 in the top set of data spaces, leaving the others blank.
Geologic Classification of Coarse Aggregate (Item 5): The geologic classification of the natural stone used as coarse aggregate in the concrete. These codes appear in appendix A, table A.8, and provide identification as to which of the three major classes of rock the coarse aggregate belongs to and the type of rock within those classes. If a blend has been used, enter the code for the geologic classification for the material representing the majority of the coarse aggregate. If a crushed slag, manufactured lightweight, or recycled concrete has been used, enter "N."
Composition of Fine Aggregate (Items 6, 7, and 8): The types and percentages by weight of materials in the fine aggregate (passing the No. 4 (4.75-mm) sieve and retained on the No. 200 (75-µm) sieve). Space is provided for identifying another type if none of those for which codes are provided has been used. Where only one type of material was used, enter its type code and 100 in the top set of data spaces, leaving the others blank. Space is provided for up to three different types of fine aggregate.
Insoluble Residue (Item 9): The percentage of insoluble residue (noncarbonate material) as determined using ASTM D3042.
Gradation of New Aggregates (Items 10 and 11): The percent passing various standard sieve sizes to the nearest 1 percent for the new coarse and new fine aggregates. It is not expected that values will be available for all sieve sizes shown; the objective is to provide sufficient sieve sizes to accommodate testing and specification practice for most agencies.
Bulk Specific Gravities of New Aggregates (Items 12 and 13): The mean bulk specific gravities to the nearest thousandth (0.001) for coarse aggregate and fine aggregate. The bulk specific gravities for the aggregate fractions are measured using these laboratory procedures: (a) AASHTO T85 (ASTM C127) for coarse aggregate; and (b) AASHTO T84 (ASTM C128) for fine aggregate.
This data sheet continues the information provided on sheet 48 and provides a place to record data about the combined new aggregate and aggregate from the recycled PCC material.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the recycled PCC layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Durability of New Aggregates (Items 2 through 5): The type of tests used to evaluate the durability of the new aggregate and the results from those tests recorded to the nearest tenth (0.1) in units specified for the test. Three of these sets are for coarse aggregate, and one is for the combination of coarse and fine aggregates. The durability test type codes and the units for reporting appear in appendix A, table A.12.
Amount of New Coarse Aggregate Added (Item 6): The percent of new coarse aggregate added to the recycled concrete mixture (by weight of the combined coarse aggregate).
Amount of New Fine Aggregate Added (Item 7): The percent of new fine aggregate added to the recycled concrete mixture (by weight of the combined fine aggregate).
Gradation of Combined Aggregates (Items 8 and 9): The percent passing various standard sieve sizes to the nearest 1 percent for the combined coarse and combined fine aggregates. It is not expected that values will be available for all of the sieve sizes shown; the objective is to provide space for data from a sufficient number of sieve sizes to accommodate testing and specification practice for most agencies.
Bulk Specific Gravities of Combined Aggregates (Items 10 and 11): The mean bulk specific gravities to the nearest thousandth (0.001) for coarse aggregate and fine aggregate. The bulk specific gravities for the aggregate fractions are measured using these laboratory procedures: (a) AASHTO T85 (ASTM C127) for coarse aggregate; and (b) AASHTO T84 (ASTM C128) for fine aggregate.
Durability of Combined Aggregates (Items 12 through 15): The type of test used to evaluate the durability of the combined aggregate and the result recorded in tenths (0.1) in units specified for the test. Three of these sets are for coarse aggregate and one for the combination of coarse and fine aggregates. The durability test type codes and the units for reporting appear in appendix A, table A.12.
This data sheet provides information regarding the construction practices used in building the recycled PCC layer.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the recycled PCC layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Equipment Used to Break Up PCC Pavement (Item 2): A code to indicate the equipment used to break up the PCC pavement for recycling. Codes are provided on the data sheet along with space to identify another type of equipment, if needed.
Average Size of PCC Pieces After Breaking (Item 3): The approximate width and length of the individual pieces of PCC after breaking. This may be arrived at by measuring typical pieces and using judgment to select approximate averages.
How Were Concrete Pieces and Reinforcing Steel (if present) Separated Initially On Site? (Item 4): Code to indicate the procedure used to separate the pieces of PCC and reinforcing steel (if present) after breaking. The codes appear on the data sheet along with space to describe a procedure used other than those listed.
This data sheet is a continuation of the data from sheet 50.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the recycled PCC layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Type of Paver Used (Item 2): Record whether a slip-form or side-form paver has been used to place the concrete. The codes appear on the data sheet along with space to identify another type of material, if needed. Enter "N" if a paver has not been used (e.g., roller compacted concrete).
Air Temperature During Placement (Items 3, 4, and 5): The mean air temperature at the time the overlay concrete was placed (in degrees Fahrenheit) (ºF) and the range of air temperatures (minimum and maximum) occurring during placement.
Curing Period Before Opening to Any Traffic (Item 6): The number of days the concrete was allowed to cure before opening the pavement to traffic (including construction traffic).
Time Before Sawing Joints (Item 7): The number of hours between the time the concrete was placed and the time the joints were sawed.
Method Used to Cure Concrete (Item 8): The method used to cure the concrete pavement. Codes are provided on the data sheet. Space also is provided for identifying another curing method if none of those with codes has been used.
Method Used to Texture Concrete (Item 9): The method used to provide texture to the concrete surface. Codes are provided on the data sheet.
This data sheet is used to provide strength data on cylinders or beams molded from plastic concrete during construction.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the recycled PCC layer for which a description is being provided (from sheet 2).
Flexural Strength (Items 2 through 8): The type of test (third-point or center-point loading as coded on the data sheet); the age of the sample at the time of testing; the number of tests performed; and the mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of flexural strength tests, in psi. Testing for LTPP test sections which are to be built after 1988 should be done using third-point loading (AASHTO T97 (ASTM C78)).
Compressive Strength (Items 9 through 14): The age of the samples at the time of testing, the number of tests performed, and the mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of compressive strength in psi, measured according to AASHTO T22 (ASTM C39).
Splitting Tensile Strength (Items 15 through 20): The age of the samples at the time of testing, the number of tests, and the mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of splitting tensile strength in psi, measured according to AASHTO T198 (ASTM C496).
Elastic Modulus (Items 21 through 26): The mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of elastic moduli of the concrete in kips per square inch and the number of tests performed. In the event that only one test result is available, enter it as the "mean value." The standard deviation should be left blank unless at least four test results are available. Space is also provided to indicate the method for determination of elastic modulus; the test method used for measuring the elastic modulus of the mix; and whether the test has been conducted on a sample of the concrete prepared during construction, by some other test procedures, or calculated using equation 3.7 in ACI318–83, section 8.5. The elastic moduli can be obtained either through compression testing of cylindrical samples collected and tested during construction, or through relationships published by the ACI and others relating elastic modulus to compressive strength.
This data sheet provides information regarding the installation of pressure relief joints in the PCC layer.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the PCC layer in which pressure relief joints are being installed (from sheet 2).
Reason for Pressure Relief Joint Installation (Item 2): A code to record the primary reason for the pressure relief joint installation. Codes are provided on the data sheet. Additionally, space is provided to identify a reason other than those for which codes are provided, if needed.
Average Pressure Relief Joint Interval (Item 3): The average spacing between consecutive pressure relief joints to the nearest tenth of a foot (0.1 ft) (0.03 m).
Average Distance Between Pressure Relief Joint and Nearest Working Joint (Item 4): The average spacing between pressure relief joints installed and the nearest adjacent existing pavement joints, to the nearest tenth of a foot (0.1 ft) (0.03 m).
Relief Joint Initial Dimensions (Item 5): The average depth and width of the pressure relief joints at the time of installation, to the nearest hundredth of an inch (0.01 inch) (0.25 mm).
Method of Cutting and Removal of Concrete (Item 6): A code, as shown on the data sheet, to record the procedure used to install the pressure relief joints.
Is Original Aggregate Expansive in Concrete? (Item 7): A code to record whether or not the original aggregate in the concrete is expansive. Codes are provided on the data sheet.
This data sheet is a continuation of the data presented on sheet 53.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the PCC layer in which pressure relief joints are being installed (from sheet 2).
Type of Pressure Relief Joint Sealant (Items 2, 3, and 4): A code to record the type of material used to seal the newly constructed pressure relief joints. Codes are provided on the data sheet. Space is also provided to include information regarding the manufacturer and product name.
Type of Pressure Relief Joint Filler (Items 5, 6, and 7): A code to identify the type of material used to fill the newly constructed pressure relief joint. Codes are provided on the data sheet. Space is also provided to include information regarding the manufacturer and product name.
This data sheet provides information regarding subsealing operations on PCC pavements.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number of PCC Pavement (Item 1): The number of the PCC layer under which subsealing is being performed (from sheet 2).
Type of Mixture Used in Subsealing (Item 2): A code to identify the type of material used to subseal the project. Codes are provided on the data sheet. Additionally, space is provided to identify a method other than those listed.
Asphalt Cement Data (Items 3, 4, and 5): Spaces are provided to record grade (from appendix A, table A.15), penetration at 77 °F (25 °C), and ring and ball softening point for asphalt cement used for subsealing.
Mix Design of Portland Cement Grout (Items 6 through 10): Spaces are provided to record mix design information for a portland cement grout used to subseal the pavement. This includes cement type (from appendix A, table A.10), the cement-to-sand ratio, the water-cement ratio by weight, additive type (enter code from appendix A, table A.11, or "N" if none is used), and amount of additive in percent by weight of cement.
Fluidity of Portland Cement Grout (Item 11): The fluidity of the grout, to the nearest 0.2 seconds, as measured by Test Method ASTM C939.
Cube Compressive Strength of Portland Cement Grout (Item 12): The compressive strength measured by Test Methods AASHTO T106 (ASTM C109) in psi.
Curing Period for Portland Cement Grout (Item 13): Number of days the grout cube was cured before compressive strength testing by Test Methods AASHTO T106 (ASTM C109).
Determination of Area to be Undersealed (Item 14): A code to record the means for determining the required area for subsealing and extent of the subsealing efforts. Codes are provided on the data sheet.
This data sheet is for continuation of the data recorded on sheet 55.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number of PCC Pavement (Item 1): The number of the PCC layer under which subsealing is being performed (from sheet 2).
Depth of Subsealing Hole from Top of Slab (Item 2): The thickness of the slab at the subsealing hole to the nearest hundredth of an inch (0.01 inch) (0.25 mm).
Maximum Allowable Pumping Pressure (Item 3): The maximum pressure allowed in pumping material under the slab during subsealing to the nearest pound per square inch (psi).
Maximum Surge Pressure (Item 4): The maximum pressure allowed initiating subsealing to the nearest pound per square inch (psi).
Slabs in Test Section (Item 5): For jointed concrete pavements record the number of slabs in the test section (to the nearest whole number) and the number of slabs subsealed. For LTPP, the numbers should refer to only those slabs included in the test section in the outside lane.
Average Number of Holes per Slab Subsealed (Item 6): The average number of holes per slab in the jointed concrete test sections that were subsealed. For LTPP, the numbers are to represent only the outside lane within the limits of the test section.
Typical Number of Subsealing Holes Near Joint or Crack (Item 7): The average number of subsealing holes per slab within 2 ft (0.6 m) of a joint or crack (for jointed concrete only; enter "N" for continuously reinforced concrete).
Average Number of Holes per Linear Foot of Pavement (Item 8): For CRCP record the average number of holes per linear foot of pavement to the nearest hundredth (0.01). If the pavement surface is not CRCP, enter "N." For LTPP, the numbers are to represent only the outside lane within the limits of the test section.
Average Volume of Material Pumped per Hole (Item 9): The average volume per hole of material pumped to the nearest tenth of a cubic foot (0.1 ft3) (0.03 m3).
Monitoring of Lift (Item 10): Code to identify the method used for monitoring the subsealing work and amount of lift. Codes are provided on the data sheet.
Typical Time Between Subsealing and Reopening to Traffic (Item 11): The approximate time in hours between the time of subsealing and allowing traffic over the project.
Were Deflection Measurements Taken Before and After Subsealing?(Item 12): A code to identify whether or not deflection measurements were taken before subsealing and after subsealing. A separate entry is required for the two timeframes. Codes are provided on the data sheet.
Time of Day that Deflection Measurements were Conducted (Item 13): Provide the hour of the day, in military time (e.g., 1 p.m. is 1300 hours) at which the deflection measurements started and ended, for measurements performed before and after subsealing. If measurements were taken for more than 1 day, enter earliest starting time and latest ending time.
This data sheet is for describing a subdrainage system installed in an existing pavement. If both longitudinal and transverse subdrains are installed, this data sheet should be completed twice (once for data pertaining only to the longitudinal subdrains and once for data pertaining only to the transverse subdrains).
Individual data elements are:
Type of Subdrains (Item 1): A code to identify whether the subdrains are transverse or longitudinal with respect to the pavement centerline. Codes are provided on the data sheet.
Extent of Subdrains (Item 2): A code to indicate whether the drains are evenly spaced, or localized. Codes are provided on the data sheet.
Type of Drainage Pipe (Item 3): A code to record the type of pipe used as subdrains. Codes are provided on the data sheet, along with space for entering a type other than those listed. Where the drainage system does not employ pipes, enter "N."
Diameter of Pipe (Item 4): The diameter or width of the subdrain pipe to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm). Where the drainage system does not employ pipes, enter "N."
Depth of Pipe Below Top of Pavement Surface (Item 5): The average depth from the top of the pavement surface to the top of the subdrain pipe, to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm). Where the drainage system does not employ pipes, enter "N."
Horizontal Placement of Pipe From Outer Edge of Pavement (Item 6): The approximate horizontal distance between the edge of the full depth pavement surface and the centerline of the subdrain pipe, to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm). Where the drainage system does not employ pipes, enter "N."
Type of Primary Filter Used (Item 7): A code to identify the type of primary filter material used to prevent clogging of the drain. Codes are provided on the data sheet along with a space to provide a description of a different filter type if none of the codes provided are applicable.
Maximum Particle Size of Primary Filter Material (Item 8): Where the primary filter material is granular in composition, the maximum aggregate dimension allowed, to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm). If the primary filter material is not granular in composition, this entry should be left blank.
Gradation of the Primary Filter Material (Item 9): Where the primary filter material is granular in composition, the gradation of the filter material should be recorded in terms of percent by weight passing each of four standard sieve sizes listed. If the primary filter material is not granular in composition, these fields should be left blank.
Permeability of Primary Filter Material (Item 10): The average permeability of the primary filter material to the nearest hundredth of a foot per day (0.01 ft/day) (0.003 m/day).
Type and Location of Secondary Filter Material (Item 11): A code to record the use of a secondary filter material, if applicable. Codes are provided on the data sheet along with space for identifying a type other than those listed.
Average Outlet Interval (Item 12): The approximate average distance in feet between adjacent subdrainage outlets.
Primary Purpose of Subdrainage Installation (Item 13): A code to identify the primary reason for which subdrains were installed. Codes are provided on the data sheet along with space for identifying a purpose other than those listed.
This data sheet is for describing work to restore load transfer across joints in an existing jointed concrete pavement.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the PCC layer in which load transfer was restored (from sheet 2).
Type of Load Transfer Restoration (Item 2): A code to identify the means used to restore load transfer across an affected joint. Codes are provided on the data sheet along with space for identifying a type other than those listed.
Frequency of Installation (Item 3): A code, as shown on the data sheet, to identify, on average, how many of the joints or cracks had restoration of load transfer.
Number of Devices Per Joint (Item 4): The number of load restoration devices installed per joint.
Location of Dowels or Shear Devices (Item 5): The average distances to the nearest inch (1 inch) (25 mm) from the outer lane edge to the center of the load transfer device, for up to 12 devices.
Diameter of Retrofit Dowel Bars (Item 6): The average dowel bar diameter to the nearest hundredth of an inch (0.01 inch) (0.25 mm), where dowel bars are installed. If dowel bars are not used, enter "N."
Length of Retrofit Dowel Bars (Item 7): The average length of the retrofit dowel bars, to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm). If dowel bars are not used, enter "N."
This data sheet is a continuation of the data provided on sheet 58.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the PCC layer in which load transfer was restored (from sheet 2).
Material Used to Backfill Slot/Core Hole (Item 2): A code used to record the type of material used to backfill around the load transfer restoration device. Codes are provided on the data sheet along with space for identifying a material other than those listed.
Bonding Agent Used Between Existing PCC and Backfill Material (Item 3): A code to identify the material used to bond the backfill material to the existing PCC pavement. Codes are provided on the data sheet.
Load Transfer Efficiency Before and After Restoration (Item 4): The load transfer efficiencies are recorded for each of the first three load transfer devices from the edge of the slab (number 1 is the one nearest the edge, etc.) for up to four joints including: (1) the point distances from the beginning of the test section to the location of the joint tested, and (2) the load transfer efficiencies in percent before and after restoration. Entries for point distance will be the same for each of the three separate tests on specific load transfer devices at a particular joint. For LTPP, tests are to be conducted before and after restoration on the same joints.
There is no established ASTM or AASHTO procedure for measuring load transfer efficiency (LTE) for retrofit dowels or shear devices, but the following procedure using a falling weight deflectometer (FWD) can be used to provide the data requested:
Step 1. The FWD load plate is positioned for retrofit dowel bars, or for retrofit shear devices.
Step 2. A load of approximately 9,000 lbf (40 kN) (plus or minus 500 lbf (2 kN)) is applied and the deflections at sensors 1 and 2 are recorded.
Step 3. The FWD is moved to the center of the slab (or a position near the center where there is no crack) and the same approximate load applied and measurements made.
Step 4. The LTE is calculated as shown in equation 8:
where: | ||
dj1, dj2 | = | Measured deflections at sensors 1 and 2, respectively, near the joint |
dc1,dc2 | = | Measured deflections of sensors 1 and 2, respectively, near the center of the slab |
(Note: The purpose for including the center of slab deflections is to adjust the measurements at the joint for natural slab bending. This is believed to provide a more realistic value for LTE.)
The FWD measurements are not to be obtained when the temperature is greater than 80 °F (26.7 ºC) as the joints and cracks are likely to be closed tightly and high load transfer will typically be measured.
Load transfer measurements have also been made by removing sensors from the sensor bar and setting them right next to the joint on either side. While this is theoretically more accurate, it is not practical; and the ratio from 6 inches (152.4 mm) on either side has been found to closely approximate that from sensors adjacent to the joint.
It is preferable to make FWD measurements within 6 months after load transfer restoration is completed.
Date of Load Transfer Efficiency Tests (Item 5): Provide day, month, and year (last two digits) when tests were conducted, before and after the load restoration.
This data sheet provides information regarding crack and seat operations on a PCC surfaced pavement.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the PCC layer for which crack and seat data are being provided (from sheet 2).
Average PCC Breakage Size (Item 2): The estimated average length and width of the broken PCC pieces to the nearest inch.
Pavement Breaker Passes/Lane (Item 3): The number of pavement breaker passes per lane.
Pavement Breaker Type (Item 4): A code to identify the type of pavement breaker used on this particular project. Codes are provided on the data sheet along with space for identifying a type other than those for which codes are provided.
Proof Roller Type (Item 5): The type of the proof roller used after breaking the pavement. Codes are provided on the data sheet.
Proof Roller Weight (Item 6): The weight of the proof roller (to the nearest ton (metric ton)) used after breaking the pavement.
Broken Pavement Exposure to Traffic (Item 7): The approximate length of time for which the pavement was exposed to traffic after cracking, in days.
Deflection Measurements Taken (Item 8): Codes to record if and when deflection measurements were taken at various times during performance of the work including before breaking operation, after breaking and prior to seating operation, after seating and prior to overlay, and after overlay. Codes are provided on the data sheet.
Deflection Measurement Device Used (Item 9): A code, as provided on the data sheet, to identify the type of deflection device used to measure deflections.
Magnitude of Load Used for Deflection Test (Item 10): The magnitude of the load produced by the deflection testing device in pounds.
Loading Frequency (Item 11): The frequency that the load is applied in hertz (for cyclic loading devices only). These spaces will not apply for LTPP as only FWDs are to be used for LTPP test sections.
Broken Pavement Surface Preparation (Item 12): Codes to identify the means of surface preparation used prior to surface overlay or other treatment. Codes are provided on the data sheet.
This data sheet is for describing work to restore existing shoulders. All data items pertain to the characteristics of the restored AC shoulder.
Note that data items 2 to 7 pertain to restored inside and/or outside shoulders. Data items 8 to 14 pertain to restored outside shoulders only.
Individual data elements are:
Shoulder Restored (Item 1): A code, provided on the data sheet, to indicate whether the outside, inside, or both shoulders were restored.
Surface Type (Item 2): The type of restored shoulder surface (see appendix A, table A.4 for codes).
Total Width (Item 3): The total (paved and unpaved) width of the restored shoulder to the nearest whole number of feet.
Paved Width (Item 4): The total paved width of the restored shoulder to the nearest whole number of feet.
Shoulder Base Type (Item 5): The type of base material used in the restored shoulder (See appendix A, table A.5 for codes).
Surface Thickness (Item 6): The average thickness of the restored shoulder surface at the outside lane-shoulder edge to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm).
Base Thickness (Item 7): The average thickness of the restored shoulder base at the outside lane-shoulder edge to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm).
Type of Shoulder Restoration (Item 8): A code to identify the procedure used to restore the outside shoulder. Codes are provided on the data sheet.
Type of AC Materials (Item 9): The type of AC materials used in the outside shoulder restoration. Codes are provided on the data sheet.
Thickness of AC Material Removed by Cold Milling (Item 10): If cold milling was used, the thickness of the AC removal on the outside shoulder, to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm).
AC Overlay Thickness (Item 11): If an AC overlay was placed on the outside shoulder, the thickness of the overlay to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm).
Lane/Shoulder Joint Sealant (Item 12): The method used to seal the joint separating the outside shoulder and traffic lane. Codes are provided on the data sheet.
Lane/Shoulder Joint Sealant Reservoir (Item 13): The average width and depth of the as-built joint sealant reservoir between the restored outside shoulder and traffic lane. If butt or keyed joints were used without a sealant reservoir, enter "0.0" in both of the spaces provided.
Type of Joint Sealant (Item 14): A code to indicate whether the sealant used in the longitudinal joint between the outside shoulder and the traffic lane was poured (molded in place) or preformed (compression type). Codes are provided on the data sheet.
This data sheet is for describing work to restore existing shoulders. All data items pertain to the characteristics of the restored PCC shoulder.
Note that data items 2 to 7 pertain to restored inside and/or outside shoulders. The remaining data items (items 8 to 16) pertain to restored outside shoulders only.
Individual data elements are:
Shoulder Restored (Item 1): A code to indicate whether the outside, inside, or both shoulders were restored. Codes are provided on the data sheet.
Surface Type (Item 2): The type of restored shoulder surface (see appendix A, table A.4 for codes).
Total Width (Item 3): The total (paved and unpaved) width of the restored shoulder to the nearest whole number of feet.
Paved Width (Item 4): The total paved width of the restored shoulder to the nearest whole number of feet.
Shoulder Base Type (Item 5): The type of base material used in the restored shoulder (See appendix A, table A.5 for codes).
Surface Thickness (Item 6): The average thickness of the restored shoulder surface at the outside lane-shoulder edge to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm).
Base Thickness (Item 7): The average thickness of the restored shoulder base at the outside lane-shoulder edge to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm).
Type of Shoulder System (Item 8): A code to indicate whether the outside shoulder restoration is JPCP, JRCP, or CRCP. Codes are provided on the data sheet along with space for identifying a shoulder type other than those listed.
Note that Data items 9-11 pertain only to JPCP and JRCP shoulders.
Average Joint Spacing (Item 9): Average joint spacing for JPCP or JRCP outside shoulders to the nearest whole foot.
Skewness of Joints (Item 10): The average distance in feet of the contraction joint from a normal (right-angled) joint at the opposite side of the shoulder. This is measured in feet to the nearest tenth (0.1 ft) (0.03 m). If joints are not skewed, enter "N."
Joints Match Pavement Joints? (Item 11): Code, provided on the data sheet, to indicate whether the joints in the restored outside shoulder were constructed to match the joint spacing in the adjacent pavement slab.
Type of Lane/Shoulder Joint (Item 12): Code, provided on the data sheet, to identify the type of longitudinal joint present between the travel lane and the outside shoulder.
Lane/Shoulder Joint Tie System (Items 13 through 16): Specify the type of system employed using the codes provided on the data sheet, the bar diameter of the tie bars across the joint between the outside shoulder and the traffic lane to the nearest hundredth of an inch (0.01 inch) (0.25 mm), the mean bar length of the tie bars to the nearest inch (25.4 mm), and the average center-to-center distance (bar spacing) in inches between consecutive tie bars across the concrete longitudinal joint between the outside shoulder and the traffic lane.
This data sheet is a continuation of sheet 62.
Individual data elements are: All of the data elements on this sheet refer to the restored outside shoulder only.
Lane/Shoulder Joint Sealant (Item 1): The method used to seal the joint separating the outside shoulder and traffic lane. Codes are provided on the data sheet along with space for identifying a sealant other than those listed.
Lane/Shoulder Joint Sealant Reservoir (Item 2): The average width and depth of the as-built joint sealant reservoir between the restored outside shoulder and traffic lane. If butt or keyed joints were used without a sealant reservoir, enter "0.0" in both of the spaces provided.
Type of Joint Sealant (Item 3): A code to indicate whether the sealant used in the longitudinal joint between the outside shoulder and the travel lane was poured (molded in place) or preformed (compression type). Codes are provided on the data sheet.
Joint Sealant Backer Material Type (Item 4): A code to indicate the type of blocking material used (placed before the joint sealant) in the longitudinal joint between the outside shoulder and the travel lane.
Joint Sealant Backer Dimension (Item 5): If the joint sealant backer material type used in the longitudinal joint between the outside shoulder and the travel lane is a rod or rope, enter the diameter, in inches to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm). If the
joint sealant backer material type is tape, enter the width, in inches to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm).
This data sheet is to be completed when milling or grinding is performed prior to rehabilitation work (e.g. overlay placement). If rehabilitation work is not planned after milling or grinding, refer to chapter 3 (Maintenance Data Collection) for the appropriate data sheet.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number(s) (Item 1): The pavement layer that is to be ground or milled (from sheet 2). Space has been provided for an additional layer number if more than just the surface layer was milled or ground. If more than two layers are affected, identify the top layer (surface) and the lowest (deepest) layer.
Method Used (Item 2): A code to indicate whether milling, grinding, or another method was used. Codes appear on the data sheet along with space for identifying a method other than those listed.
Extent of Existing Surface Preparation (Item 3): A code to indicate what portion of the test section was ground or milled.
Average Depth of Cut (Item 4): The average depth of cut in the surface to the nearest tenth of an inch (0.1 inch) (2.5 mm).
This sheet contains additional information to be used with rehabilitation sheets 3 and 4 when Superpave mix design procedures are used for an AC overlay. The following data items should be provided where available for each AC layer identified on sheet 2.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The AC layer to be described on this sheet (from sheet 2).
Angularity (Item 2): Both the coarse and fine aggregate angularity should be determined. The coarse aggregate angularity shall be determined by finding the count percentage of aggregate with one or more and two or more crushed faces. This determination shall be performed in accordance with the Pennsylvania Test Method 621 with the results reported to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent). The fine aggregate angularity shall be determined by ASTM C1252, with the void determined reported to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent).
Soundness (Item 3): The coarse and fine aggregate soundness will be determined by AASHTO T104, with the weighted percent loss reported to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent).
Toughness of Coarse Aggregate (Item 4): The coarse aggregate toughness will be determined by use of the Los Angeles Abrasion Apparatus by following AASHTO T96 (ASTM C131). The wear loss determined by this method will be reported to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent).
Deleterious Materials (Item 5): The estimate of percentage of deleterious materials by weight will be determined through use of AASHTO T112 (ASTM C142) "Clay Lumps and Friable Particles of Fine Aggregate." The test results will be reported to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent).
Clay Content (Item 6): The clay content will be determined by the use of the Sand Equivalent (AASHTO T176). The resulting ratio shall be recorded to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent).
Thin, Elongated Particles (Item 7): The percentage by weight of aggregate that have a maximum to minimum dimension ratio of greater than 5. ASTM D4791 will be used to determine this percentage with the results reported to the nearest tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent).
This sheet contains additional information to be used with rehabilitation sheet 5 when Superpave mix design procedures are used for an AC overlay. This data sheet is to be completed from available project records for each AC layer identified on sheet 2.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the AC layer to be described on this sheet (from sheet 2).
Asphalt Grade (Item 2): The Performance Grade (PG) of asphalt cement used. Space is provided on the sheet to enter the upper and lower temperature ranges of the PG Grading System.
Source (Item 3): The name of the source refinery that produced the asphalt cement. A list of asphalt refiners and processors is provided in appendix A, table A.13. Space is provided to specify other sources, which may not be included in the table provided.
Specific Gravity of Asphalt Cement (Item 4): The mean specific gravity of the asphalt cement reported to the nearest thousandth (0.001) when available. If unavailable, a typical specific gravity for asphalt cements produced at the source refinery may be entered. If source is unknown, enter 1.010 as a reasonable estimate. This specific gravity is measured as specified by AASHTO T228 (ASTM D70).
Dynamic Shear Rheometer Complex Modulus and Phase Angle (Item 5): The dynamic shear complex modulus reported to the nearest hundredth kilopascal (0.01 kPa) (0.0014 psi) for the tank processed asphalts and the phase angle reported to the nearest degree.
Dynamic Shear Rheometer Complex Modulus and Phase Angle (Item 6): The dynamic shear complex modulus reported to the nearest hundredth kilopascal (0.01 kPa) (0.0014 psi) for the rolling thinned film of RTFO-processed asphalts and the phase angle reported to the nearest degree.
Dynamic Shear Rheometer Complex Modulus and Phase Angle (Item 7): The dynamic shear complex modulus reported to the nearest kilopascal for the pressure aged vessel processed asphalts and the phase angle reported to the nearest degree.
Bending Beam Rheometer Stiffness Modulus and Slope (Item 8): The stiffness modulus reported to the nearest megapascal and the slope reported to the nearest thousandth (0.001).
Direct Tension Tensile Strength and Tensile Strain (Item 9): The tensile stress reported to the nearest 0.1 kPa (0.014 psi) and the percent strain to the nearest hundredth percent (0.01 percent).
This sheet contains additional information to be used with rehabilitation sheets 8 and 9 when Superpave mix design procedures are used for an AC overlay. The data items on this sheet should be provided where available for each AC layer identified on sheet 2.
The following data items are to be derived from tests conducted on the mixture during construction as part of the contractor/participating agency quality control program.
Calculations should be made separately for individual samples, using data applicable to the samples.
The test samples can be compacted in the laboratory after sampling in the field, or obtained by coring, cutting, or sawing after the mixture is compacted in place. In the event that both types of samples are tested, separate data sheets should be filled out for those compacted in the laboratory and those compacted in the field.
Individual data elements are:
Layer Number (Item 1): The number of the AC layer to be described on this sheet (from sheet 2).
Type of Samples (Item 2): Whether the test samples were sampled in the field and compacted in the laboratory, or removed from the compacted pavement. The codes appear on the data sheet.
Frequency Sweep (Item 3): The mean complex modulus and phase angle (SHRP Designation M–) in megapascals and to the nearest tenth of a degree for phase angle for each of the three temperatures (39.2 °F, 68 °F, 104 °F (4 °C, 20 °C, and 40 °C, respectively)).
Uniaxial Strain (Item 4): The axial stress and percent strain (SHRP Designation M–) for each of the three temperatures (39.2 °F, 68 °F, 104 °F (4 °C, 20 °C, and 40 °C, respectively)) in kilopascals and the nearest hundredth of 1 percent strain (0.01 percent).
Volumetric Strain (Item 5): The confining pressure and percent strain (SHRP Designation M–) for each of the three temperatures (39.2 °F, 68 °F, 104 °F (4 °C, 20 °C, and 40 °C, respectively)) in kilopascals and the nearest hundredth of 1 percent strain (0.01 percent).
Simple Shear (Item 6): The axial stress, shear stress and percent strain (SHRP Designation M–) for each of the three temperatures (39.2 °F, 68 °F, 104 °F (4 °C, 20 °C, and 40 °C, respectively)) in kilopascals and the nearest hundredth of 1 percent strain (0.01 percent).