U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations
This report is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information |
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-06-109 Date: September 2006 |
We are grateful for the efforts of the American Society of Civil Engineers/Transportation and Development Institute (ASCE/T&DI) task committee that oversaw the contest activities. In particular, we would like to recognize the contributions of the contest review board in charge of administering the contest:
Karim Chatti, Michigan State University, Acting Chair
Fouad M. Bayomy, University of Idaho, Past Chair
Antonio Nieves Torres, Federal Highway Administration,
Andrea Baker, Transportation and Development Institute, ASCE
In addition, we would like to recognize the technical support of the ASCE/T&DI task committee members who helped review the contest papers:
Imad L. Al-Qadi, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
(formerly at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
Neeraj J. Buch, Michigan State University
Armando J. De La Rocha, Western Technologies, Inc.
Norbert J. Delatte, Cleveland State University (formerly at the
University of Alabama at Birmingham)
Gerardo W. Flintsch, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
Paul T. Foxworthy, ERES Consultants
Andrew J. Gisi, Kansas Department of Transportation
Roger M. Larson, Applied Pavement Technology, Inc.
K. Wayne Lee, University of Rhode Island
Tom T. Papagiannakis, Washington State University
Olga L. Selezneva, ERES Consultants
Ali A. Selim, South Dakota State University
Robert E. Smith, MACTEC, Inc.
Roger E. Smith, Texas A&M University
Nabil J. Suleiman, University of North Dakota
Waheed Uddin, University of Mississippi
We would also like to give special recognition to the technical reviewers who are not members of the task committee for their voluntary effort in reviewing the contest papers:
Ghassan Abu-Lebdeh, Michigan State University
Adrian R Archilla, University of Hawaii
Gilbert Y. Baladi, Michigan State University
Don Fohs, Federal Highway Administration
Keith Herbold, Federal Highway Administration
Haiming Huang, ERES Consultants
Newton Jackson, Nichols Consulting Engineers
Sean Lin, Federal Highway Administration
Walid Nassar, Bradley University
Jorge Prozzi, University of Texas at Austin
Stefan Romanoschi, Kansas State University
Monte Symons, Federal Highway Administration
Finally, we would like to acknowledge the participants in the contest, who included students and their advisors (categories 1 and 2), pavement engineering professionals (category 3), and university professors (categories 3 and 4). They have taken their valuable time to make an important contribution. In all, 20 papers were submitted, including 3 in category 1 (undergraduate students), 14 in category 2 (graduate students), 1 in category 3 (partnership between industry and academia), and 3 in category 4 (curriculum development). The winning papers from each category for the 2003–2004 contest are included in this volume.