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Publication Number:  FHWA-HRT-17-030    Date:  January 2017
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-17-030
Date: January 2017


LTPP InfoPave - Release 2017 - What's New

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Knowledge into Action…
Performance Data for Pavement Innovation

The Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) program’s data portal—LTPP InfoPave™—facilitates access and analysis of LTPP and other data through a variety of online data selection and tools. Non-LTPP data sources include the Canadian- LTPP, WesTrack, and the Rigid Pavement Performance and Rehabilitation (RPPR) datasets. The following is a summary of the new features in InfoPave 2017:

Click for description
Find LTPP Sections of Interest

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Virtual Section

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LTPPBind Online

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National Pavement Performance Measures

Click for description
Forward Calculation of Stiffness

The Web-centric interface for the LTPP Information Management System (IMS) provides a powerful and flexible tool that enables users of all levels—professionals, researchers, and students—to view, visualize, extract, and employ LTPP data.

The LTPP program was initiated in 1987 to satisfy a wide range of pavement information needs. Over the years, the program has accumulated a vast repository of research quality data, extensive documentation, and related tools, which compose LTPP’s comprehensive IMS. The LTPP IMS is comprised of two major components, the Pavement Performance Database (PPDB) and the Ancillary Information Management System (AIMS). The PPDB contains comprehensive data collected throughout the life of pavement sections. AIMS is a central electronic repository that contains information such as raw data, images, reference materials, resource documents, and other facts that support and extend the data stored in the PPDB. In addition, the LTPP program maintains a comprehensive reference library with more than 1,200 research reports, tech briefs, and program documents in electronic format that explain how data are collected, processed, and stored. The LTPP IMS is the premier product of the LTPP program and will be used for research, pavement design, and product development for decades to come.

The data and information in the LTPP IMS were made available online through the data portal system, LTPP InfoPave™, in January 2014. InfoPave is the public gateway to access data and other information about the LTPP program. By using the latest methodologies in computer technology, this Web-centric interface is designed to improve access to LTPP data. In addition to providing access to LTPP data, the interface also provides information, education, and tools to maximize the use of available data.

Logos for Search, Map, Data, Analysis, Visualization, Tools, Library, Operations and Non-LTPP

LTPP InfoPave includes creative tools for data viewing, identification, and selection that helps users create their own personalized data sets, summary reports, queries, and much more. It gives users the ability to share data selections, views, or queries with other users, which can exponentially improve LTPP data usage across geographic boundaries and time zones. With LTPP InfoPave, LTPP data are at users’ fingertips, allowing them to obtain the right data efficiently and extract practical information regarding pavement engineering and management.

For more information about LTPP InfoPave or the LTPP program, contact the LTPP Customer Support Service Center at 202-493-3035 or ltppinfo@dot.gov.

LTPP InfoPave can be accessed at https://infopave.fhwa.dot.gov.



Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center | 6300 Georgetown Pike | McLean, VA | 22101