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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations

This report is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information
Publication Number: FHWA-HRDI-13
Date: April 2004

Framework for LTPP Forensic Investigations - Final

Appendix D - Coring Layout and NDT Location Suggestions

AC and AC/AC

Figure 4: Core locations for L T P P A C-surfaced test section. An illustration of suggested locations between stations 0 and 152 for obtaining 104-millimeter cores at F W D test locations on an L T P P A C-surfaced test section.

Figure 5: Crack core locations for L T P P A C test section. An illustration of suggested locations between stations 0 and 152 for obtaining 104-millimeter cores at areas of fatigue on an L T P P A C-surfaced test section. One core should be over the crack and another should be in an uncracked area within 0.5 meter of the crack core.


Figure 6: Core locations for L T P P J C P-surfaced test section. An illustration of suggested locations between stations 0 and 152 for obtaining 104-millimeter cores at midslab F W D test locations in every second slab starting in the first slab on an L T P P J C P-surfaced test section.

Figure 7: Crack core locations for L T P P J C P test section. An illustration of suggested locations between stations 0 and 152 for obtaining 104-millimeter cores at areas of fatigue on an L T P P J C P-surfaced test section. A single core should be obtained over each type of crack, including corner breaks, longitudinal cracks, and joint spalls.


Figure 8: Distress mechanism locations for L T P P A C/ J C P test section. An illustration of suggested locations between stations 0 and 152 to identify distress mechanisms in an L T P P A C J C P-surfaced test section. This includes coring over longitudinal cracks, sawing and sealing on suspected reflection cracks, and milling the A C layer to expose the P C C joint.

Suggested Non-Destructive Testing of PCC Pavement

Figure 9: Locations for N D T L T P P J C P-surfaced test section using pachometer. An illustration of suggested locations between stations 0 and 152 for a pachometer survey to determine the layout and depth of reinforcing steel and location of dowels. Survey area should be 3 meters wide by full-lane width.

Figure 10: Locations for N D T L T P P J C P-surfaced test section using S A S W/ S L A B I R/ G P R measurement. An illustration of suggested locations between stations 0 and 152 to conduct G P R, S A S W, and/or impact echo measurements for void detection and to develop layering profiles. Measurement area should be in the inner and outer wheelpaths and at both edges of the lane.

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