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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations

This report is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-05-053
Date: September 2005

Long-Term Plan for Concrete Pavement Research and Technology - The Concrete Pavement Road Map: Volume II, Tracks

Track 6. Innovative Concrete Pavement Joint Design, Materials, and Construction (IJ)


Concrete has a propensity to crack. Because controlling cracks is essential for pavement performance, joints are an important feature of concrete paving. As the FHWA Technical Advisory on Concrete Pavement Joints (T 5040. 30) explains, “The performance of concrete pavements depends to a large extent upon the satisfactory performance of the joints. Most JCP failures can be attributed to failures at the joint, as opposed to inadequate structural capacity.”(3)

Ideal joints must be relatively easy to install and repair, consolidate around the steel, provide adequate load transfer, seal the joint or provide for water migration, resist corrosion, open and close freely in temperature changes, enhance smoothness and low noise, and be aesthetically pleasing. Joint failure can result in faulting, pumping, spalling, corner breaks, blowups, and transverse cracking (if lockup occurs). The problem statements in this track address new and innovative joint design, materials, construction, and maintenance activities. There is much room in this research for innovative concrete pavement joint design, such as in research to address the coefficient of thermal expansion and shrinkage issues. Additional incremental improvements to joint design, such as tie bar design for longitudinal joints, are addressed under track 2 (Performance-Based Design Guide for New and Rehabilitated Concrete Pavements). Much of the proposed research in this track will develop important improvements, though the track also specifies research that will help develop breakthrough technologies. The problem statements also recognize that future joint repair will proceed quickly, and they propose research for accomplishing faster joint repair.

A few of the concepts that will be investigated:

The following introductory material summarizes the goal and objectives for this track and the gaps and challenges for its research program. A phasing chart is included to show the approximate sequencing of the problem statements in the track. A table of estimated costs provides the projected cost range for each problem statement, depending on the research priorities and scope determined in implementation. The problem statements, grouped into subtracks, follow.

Track Goal

This track will identify, develop, and test new and innovative joint concepts for concrete pavements that are more cost effective, reliable, and durable than current alternatives.

Track Objectives
  1. Identify new and innovative alternatives to handling the forming, opening/closing, load transfer, and sealing for transverse and longitudinal concrete pavement joints.
  2. Identify criteria for the design, materials, and construction of exceptionally long-lasting joints (e.g., more than 50 years). Also see track 8 (Long Life Concrete Pavements).
  3. Determine optimum joint design for concrete overlays.
  4. Determine optimum joint design for low-volume, long life pavements.
  5. Develop an advanced, high-speed computational model for joint condition analysis that can improve joint design, materials, and construction.
  6. Develop and field test new and innovative joint designs to determine their cost-effectiveness, reliability, and durability.
  7. Develop and validate rapid methodology for evaluating existing joint conditions so that joints can be preserved and repaired.
Research Gaps
Research Challenges
Research Track 6 (IJ) Phasing

The horizontal bar chart in figure 6 shows the approximate time phasing of the problem statements in this track grouped by subtrack across 10 years. The phasing information here is a summary of the approximate phasing included with the full written description of each problem statement in this track.

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Figure 6. Track 6 (IJ) subtrack and problem statement phasing chart.

Research Track 6 (IJ) Estimated Costs

Table 32 shows the estimated costs for this research track.

Table 32. Research track 6 (IJ) estimated costs.
Problem Statement Estimated Cost
Subtrack IJ 1. Joint Design Innovations
IJ 1.0. Framework for Joint Design Innovations (Subtrack IJ 1) $200 k
IJ 1.1. Identify, Develop, and Evaluate Innovative Concepts for Concrete Pavement Joint Design, Materials, and Construction $700 k–$1 M
IJ 1.2. Select Promising Innovative Joint Design, Materials, and Construction Concepts and Further Develop to Trial Test Stage $700 k–$900 k
IJ 1.3. Optimization of Mechanical Load Transfer Devices for Load Transfer Efficiency and Deterioration Models $600 k–$800 k
IJ 1.4. Development of an Advanced High-Speed Joint Analysis Tool $1 M–$2 M
IJ 1.5. Development of Advanced Joint Sealing Procedures $1.5 M–$2.5 M
IJ 1.6. Guidelines for Implementing New and Innovative Joint Design, Materials, and Construction Concepts $300 k–$500 k
Subtrack IJ 2. Joint Materials, Construction, Evaluation, and Rehabilitation Innovations
IJ 2.0. Framework for Joint Materials, Construction, Evaluation, and Rehabilitation Innovations (Subtrack IJ 2) $200 k
IJ 2.1. Construction, Testing, and Evaluation of Promising Concrete Pavement Joint Design Concepts $2.5 M–$4 M
IJ 2.2. Development of Innovative Ways for Detecting Joint Deterioration in New and Older Pavements 1 M–$1.5 M
IJ 2.3. Determining the Need and Identifying the Feasibility of Alternative Ways to Provide Pressure Relief and Load Transfer Efficiency for Concrete Pavements $500 k–$700 k
Subtrack IJ 3. Innovative Joints Implementation
IJ 3.1. Implementation of Innovative Joint Design, Materials, and Construction $800 k–$1 M
Track 6 (IJ)
Total $10 M–$15.3 M
Track Organization: Subtracks and Problem Statements

Track 6 (IJ) problem statements are grouped into three subtracks:

Each subtrack is introduced by a brief summary of the subtrack’s focus and a table listing the titles, estimated costs, products, and benefits of each problem statement in the subtrack. The problem statements follow.


This research in this subtrack will develop and implement detailed joint design and construction concepts. Table 33 provides an overview of this subtrack.

Table 33. Subtrack IJ 1 overview.
Problem Statement Estimated Cost Products Benefits
IJ 1.0. Framework for Joint Design Innovations(Subtrack IJ 1) $200 k A validated, sequenced, and detailed research framework for this subtrack. An effective, coordinated, andproductive research program.
IJ 1.1. Identify, Develop, and Evaluate Innovative Concepts for Concrete Pavement Joint Design, Materials, and Construction $700 k–$1 M Recommended new and innovative joint design,materials, and construction alternatives. Jointing alternatives that are significantly more reliable, cost effective, and durable than those currently in use.
IJ 1.2. Select Promising Innovative Joint Design, Materials, and Construction Concepts and Further Develop to Trial Test Stage $700 k–$900 k Complete design, materials, and construction details on joint concepts. Laboratory, accelerated field, and longer term field testing of one or more joint concepts.
IJ 1.3. Optimization of Mechanical Load Transfer Devices for Load Transfer Efficiency and Deterioration Models $600 k–$800 k Recommendations and guidelines for improved load transfer devices for LTE of joints; validated and implementable procedures and guidelines that optimize joint load transfer systems for use with transverse concrete pavement joints. Cost effective, reliable, and durable load transfer devices for concrete pavement joints.
IJ 1.4. Development of an Advanced High-Speed Joint Analysis Tool $1 M–$2 M FEM model that provides advanced and highspeed analysis of complex joint systems under traffic and climatic loadings that researchers and designers can use to determine joint design adequacy. Ability to analyze a wide variety of joint systems threedimensionally to help evaluate and develop new and innovative joint systems.
IJ 1.5. Development of Advanced Joint Sealing Procedures $1.5 M–$2.5 M A lab- and field-validated comprehensive model for joint movement over annual climate cycles, joint infiltration models for water and incompressibles, and an FEM model of the joint and pavement structure that analyzes the impacts of water and incompressibles on pressure buildup, spalling, and base and subgrade erosion; research linked to the model developed under problem statement DG 1.3 (Development of Model for Erosion Related to Material Properties under Dynamic Wheel Loading) in track 2 (Performance-Based Design Guide for New and Rehabilitated Concrete Pavements). Resolution to the sealing or nonsealing joint issue that improves long-term concrete pavement cost-effectiveness, performance, and reliability.
IJ 1.6. Guidelines for Implementing New and Innovative Joint Design, Materials, and Construction Concepts $300 k–$500 k Practical manuals and guidelines that can be used by those involved in designing and constructing innovative concrete pavement joint concepts; major applications of concrete pavements, including low-volume roads and streets, concrete overlays of varying thicknesses, high-traffic concrete pavements, and other special concrete pavement uses, as well as crack forming in CRCP and joint design for precast pavements. Direct assistance for immediately implementing the entire work of this innovative joint track.
Problem Statement IJ 1.0. Framework for Joint Design Innovations (Subtrack IJ 1)
Track: 6. Innovative Concrete Pavement Joint Design, Materials, and Construction (IJ)
Subtrack: IJ 1. Joint Design Innovations
Approximate Phasing: Years 1–3
Estimated Cost: $200 k
Subtrack IJ 1 (Joint Design Innovations) provides a set of research problem statements that will culminate in a significantly improved state of the art and practice. As the funding becomes available, an initial effort will be necessary to develop a framework for the research to be accomplished within this subtrack.
  1. Examine the problem statements in subtrack IJ 1 (Joint Design Innovations), modify as appropriate, and divide them into specific, manageable contracts.
  2. Arrange the contracts in a carefully sequenced plan that reflects a logical progress of research and available funding.
  3. Expand each of the broad research problem statements included in the subtrack into a detailed research plan with specific objectives, tasks, and funding recommendations.
  4. Review and provide direction for the various research contracts underway to ensure that they fulfill their objectives and allow future contracts to use their results. Guide the additional work required if a contract fails to achieve its objectives and additional work is necessary.
Benefits: An effective, coordinated, and productive research program.
Products: A validated, sequenced, and detailed research framework for this subtrack.
Implementation: This research will provide the organization and validation essential for the success of this subtrack. Implementation of this problem statement will set the stage for the rest of the problem statements in subtrack IJ 1 (Joint Design Innovations).
Problem Statement IJ 1.1. Identify, Develop, and Evaluate Innovative Concepts for Concrete Pavement Joint Design, Materials, and Construction
Track: 6. Innovative Concrete Pavement Joint Design, Materials, and Construction (IJ)
Subtrack: IJ 1. Joint Design Innovations
Approximate Phasing: Years 2–5
Estimated Cost: $700 k–$1 M
Joints consistently have been problematic in concrete pavements. Their designs have been very empirical, causing many failures over the years. The concrete material around the joint often deteriorates more rapidly than the rest of the slab due to greater moisture and freeze-thaw exposure as well as highly concentrated stress points caused by incompressibles. Many construction problems also have occurred in placing load transfer devices and tie bars and in joint-forming activities, such as late sawing or inadequate sawing depth. Innovative joint design, materials, and construction methods are needed to address these problems, along with innovative crack filling or sealing methods. This research should also consider the joints in CRCP, in which crack forming is critical, and examine previous research on this topic. Finally, this research should consider the joint design in precast concrete pavements.
  1. Identify innovative joint design, materials, and construction concepts. Consider major concrete pavement applications, including low-volume roads and streets, concrete overlays of varying thicknesses, high-traffic concrete pavements, and other special concrete pavement uses. For example, examine the bobsled procedure for longitudinal joints developed in Iowa.
  2. Develop each promising concept so that it can be evaluated.
  3. Evaluate each concept, providing its expected reliability, durability, and cost-effectiveness. Include crack forming in CRCP.
  4. Recommend concepts for further development and testing.
Benefits: Jointing alternatives that are significantly more reliable, cost effective, and durable than those currently in use.
Products: Recommended new and innovative joint design, materials, and construction alternatives.
Implementation: The innovative joint concepts developed in this research will be used in many research activities throughout track 6 (Innovative Concrete Pavement Joint Design, Materials, and Construction).
Problem Statement IJ 1.2. Select Promising Innovative Joint Design, Materials, and Construction Concepts and Further Develop to Trial Test Stage
Track: 6. Innovative Concrete Pavement Joint Design, Materials, and Construction (IJ)
Subtrack: IJ 1. Joint Design Innovations
Approximate Phasing: Years 3–7
Estimated Cost: $700 k–$900 k
Many new and innovative concepts are expected to be found for joint design, materials, and construction concepts. These concepts will be evaluated further for such key aspects as reliability, cost-effectiveness, durability, ease of construction, maintainability, and others. A national group of experts then will select the most promising concepts to be developed into more detailed designs, plans, experimental designs, and specifications for construction and testing in future tasks. This research should consider crack forming in CRCP.
  1. Evaluate new and innovative joint design, materials, and construction concepts based on a wide range of criteria. Consider major concrete pavement applications, including low-volume roads and streets, concrete overlays of varying thicknesses, high-traffic concrete pavements, and other special concrete pavement uses.
  2. Formally select the most promising concepts after further testing and development.
  3. For each of the concepts selected, fully develop the concept so that it can be tested appropriately, using accelerated load facilities, laboratory testing, and full-scale field construction and testing on actual highways.
  4. Summarize results and document reports that include everything needed for construction and testing.
Benefits: Laboratory, accelerated field, and longer term field testing of one or more concrete pavement joint concepts.
Products: Complete design, materials, and construction details on joint concepts.
Implementation: The innovative joint designs, materials, and construction concepts resulting from this research will be tested and evaluated under problem statement IJ 2.1 (Construction, Testing, and Evaluation of Promising Concrete Pavement Joint Design Concepts). States may implement some of the concepts immediately.
Problem Statement IJ 1.3. Optimization of Mechanical Load Transfer Devices for Load Transfer Efficiency and Deterioration Models
Track: 6. Innovative Concrete Pavement Joint Design, Materials, and Construction (IJ)
Subtrack: IJ 1. Joint Design Innovations
Approximate Phasing: Years 4–7
Estimated Cost: $600 k–$800 k
The Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide and other mechanistic design procedures directly model the effects of dowel bar diameter on faulting performance.(1) However, other aspects of doweled joint design, such as dowel length and spacing, are not considered directly. While most States currently use 46-cm (18-inch)-long dowel bars with uniform, 30-cm (12-inch) spacing, the dowel bars located outside the wheel paths have little to no effect on critical pavement response and could be left out without adversely affecting pavement performance. Moreover, recent European research suggests that shorter dowel bars may be as effective as long dowel bars. European practice also suggests that smaller diameter dowels spaced more closely together (e.g., 25 cm (10 inches)) may produce good pavement performance. In addition, joint cost must be considered in implementation.
Innovative dowel bar designs, such as elliptical dowel bars recently tested and constructed in the United States, also may provide significant performance and/or cost advantages. In addition, dowels made of fiberglass, stainless steel, and a variety of other corrosion-resistant coverings are available. These alternative load transfer designs may substantially reduce initial pavement cost without reducing longterm pavement performance, at least in some cases. This research will optimize load transfer design by conducting comprehensive analytical modeling, laboratory testing, and field performance studies. The research findings will result in practical guidelines for load transfer design.
  1. Conduct a worldwide literature search, interviews with experienced engineers, and field surveys of existing high-performance concrete pavement sites to determine the state-of-the-art mechanical load transfer.
  2. Identify ways to optimize mechanical load transfer devices at transverse joints for various highway and street classes and evaluate each for feasibility (cost-effectiveness, reliability, constructability (consider, for example, bottom-up crack initiators), maintainability).
  3. Investigate the conditions that require mechanical devices to control differential deflections, erosion, faulting, and cracking of JCPs for all functional classifications of highways and streets, as well as special applications.
  4. Analyze and evaluate each proposed concept. Recommend concepts that should be developed and tested further. Develop a plan for this work.
  5. Consider major concrete pavement applications, including low-volume roads and streets, concrete overlays of varying thicknesses, high-traffic concrete pavements, and other special concrete pavement uses.
  6. Further develop and test concepts (lab, accelerated loading, full-scale field testing).
  7. Prepare a final research report and implementation guide for optimizing mechanical load transfer devices.
Benefits: Cost effective, reliable, and durable load transfer devices for concrete pavement joints.
Products: Recommendations and guidelines for improved load transfer devices for LTE of joints; validated and implementable procedures and guidelines that optimize joint load transfer systems for use with transverse concrete pavement joints.
Implementation: This research will be implemented directly into concrete pavement design procedures. Some agencies will implement experimental sections immediately.
Problem Statement IJ 1.4. Development of an Advanced, High-Speed Joint Analysis Tool
Track: 6. Innovative Concrete Pavement Joint Design, Materials, and Construction (IJ)
Subtrack: IJ 1. Joint Design Innovations
Approximate Phasing: Years 4–7
Estimated Cost: $1 M–$2 M
Adequate joint design is essential to the long-term performance of JCPs. Consequently, evaluating the adequacy of joint designs depends on the ability to predict joint performance by considering the effects that combinations of pavement design, site, climate, and construction factors have on performance. Though the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide contains innovative methods for assessing joint design based on mechanistic principles (e.g., load transfer deterioration models, effect of dowels), no automated modeling tools exist that comprehensively evaluate joint design effectiveness and its impact on future pavement performance.(1) This study will develop such a tool. The model developed with this research could be implemented as a stand-alone procedure or incorporated into an overall design procedure, such as the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide. Results from this type of evaluation then can be included in mechanistic-based models to predict joint deterioration, pumping, and faulting.
  1. Evaluate all available FEM and other joint models. Determine whether any might be used after further development or would fit the needs of this work.
  2. Identify the specific goals, objectives, and scope of this joint analysis tool. Include data on crack deterioration in CRCP.
  3. Develop an advanced, high-speed, computerized joint analysis tool.
  4. Validate the tool using available experimental data.
  5. Prepare a user’s guide and technical documentation for the joint analysis tool, along with examples and limitations.
Benefits: Ability to analyze a wide variety of joint systems three-dimensionally to help evaluate and develop new and innovative joint systems
Products: FEM model that provides advanced and high-speed analysis of complex joint systems under traffic and climatic loadings that researchers and designers could use to determine joint design adequacy.
Implementation: This research will analyze joint designs for trial construction under problem statement IJ 2.1 (Construction, Testing, and Evaluation of Promising Concrete Pavement Joint Design Concepts). The model developed could also further research and development work and be used by States in special joint design for critical projects.

Problem Statement IJ 1.5. Development of Advanced Joint Sealing Procedures
Track: 6. Innovative Concrete Pavement Joint Design, Materials, and Construction (IJ)
Subtrack: IJ 1. Joint Design Innovations
Approximate Phasing: Years 6–9
Estimated Cost: $1.5 M–$2.5 M (cost share of $1 M by industry)
Joint sealing has become a major issue in concrete pavement design. Sealing JCP joints (both immediately after construction and during routine maintenance and rehabilitation) is costly and can influence significantly the overall life cycle cost of JCPs. Joint sealing is thought to minimize the extent to which precipitation penetrates the pavement structure, thus preventing the base course or subgrade erosion that eventually causes joint faulting, loss of support, and related cracking. By minimizing moisture infiltration, joint sealing may also reduce durability-related distresses, such as PCC D-cracking. Joint sealing is also thought to prevent solid particles (including aggregates) from filling up joint openings, reducing the likelihood of joint spalling and blowups. However, whether joint sealing extends pavement life is questionable. At least one State has stopped sealing joints, replacing the seal with a single narrow sawcut, leaving nothing in the joints. Several others have constructed test sections with both thin-cut, nonsealed joints and alternative joint seals to evaluate performance. A major FHWA study currently underway will evaluate existing data on sealed and nonsealed joint performance. Meanwhile, studies show that the incompressibles that infiltrate joints can push bridge back walls and abutments and seriously damage them. Also, blowups caused by incompressibles have occurred on many longer jointed reinforced pavements (no longer built) and a few short jointed pavements. Clearly, more advanced joint modeling and testing with and without seals will shed more light on this issue and allow for more informed decisions. This study will develop a mechanistic model demonstrating joint infiltration by water and incompressibles that can analyze the impacts of both. The model should also be able to test nonsealed joints of optimum configurations.
  1. Collect and summarize all research studying sealed and nonsealed joint performance and the current techniques for modeling water and incompressible intrusion and migration into PCC pavements. Synthesize the results.
  2. Develop an advanced analytical approach to joint movement, sealing, and infiltration for use in this and future studies. Predict hourly movements over several years using EICMs and FEMs. Model the potential damage caused when incompressibles infiltrate joints and result in stress buildup. Ensure that the model handles all types of conventional concrete base courses, joint spacing, and thermal coefficients of expansion. Validate the model using laboratory and inservice pavements.
  3. Identify new and innovative seals and nonsealed configurations that can be tested with the water and incompressible infiltration models and field tested to address long-term pavement needs.
  4. Construct a series of test sections to evaluate the new sealing and nonsealing concepts. Document the results and recommend the most promising approach to sealing or not sealing joints, both longitudinal and transverse, in all geographic areas in the United States.
Benefits: Resolution to the sealing or nonsealing joint issue that improves long-term concrete pavement cost-effectiveness, performance, and reliability.
Products: A lab- and field-validated comprehensive model for joint movement over annual climate cycles, joint infiltration models for water and incompressibles, and an FEM model of the joint and pavement structure that analyzes the impacts of water and incompressibles on pressure buildup, spalling, and base and subgrade erosion; research linked to the model developed under problem statement DG 1.3 (Development of Model for Erosion Related to Material Properties under Dynamic Wheel Loading) in track 2 (Performance-Based Design Guide for New and Rehabilitated Concrete Pavements).
Implementation: The results of this research will be implemented immediately into the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide and by States.
Problem Statement IJ 1.6. Guidelines for Implementing New and Innovative Joint Design, Materials, and Construction Concepts
Track: 6. Innovative Concrete Pavement Joint Design, Materials, and Construction (IJ)
Subtrack: IJ 1. Joint Design Innovations
Approximate Phasing: Years 7–10
Estimated Cost: $300 k–$500 k
The extensive research and development conducted under track 6 (Innovative Concrete Pavement Joint Design, Materials, and Construction) must be documented in detailed joint design guidelines. The research findings from this research track must also be documented. This will include detailing the design, materials, and construction of each of the concepts as well as assessing the overall performance of their promise to improve conventional joint technology and procedures.
  1. Summarize the potential for the pavement joint design, materials, and construction procedures developed in track 6 (Innovative Concrete Pavement Joint Design, Materials, and Construction) to provide a significant improvement over conventional joint designs, materials, and construction procedures if fully implemented.
  2. Develop practical manuals and guidelines for designing and constructing the innovative pavement joint concepts developed in this track.
  3. Provide assistance for implementing the new innovative pavement joint designs, materials, and construction procedures.
Benefits: Direct assistance for immediately implementing the entire work of this innovative joint track.
Products: Practical manuals and guidelines that can be used by those involved in designing and constructing innovative concrete pavement joint concepts; major applications of concrete pavements, including low-volume roads and streets, concrete overlays of varying thicknesses, high-traffic concrete pavements, and other special concrete pavement uses, as well as crack forming in CRCP and joint design for precast pavements.
Implementation: This research will result in a joint manual to be used by designers and engineers.


This research in this subtrack will construct and rehabilitate joints in the field. Table 34 provides an overview of this subtrack.

Table 34. Subtrack IJ 2 overview.
Problem Statement Estimated Cost Products Benefits
IJ 2.0. Framework for Joint Materials, Construction, Evaluation, and Rehabilitation Innovations (Subtrack IJ 2) $200 k A validated, sequenced, and detailed research framework for this subtrack. An effective, coordinated, and productive research program.
IJ 2.1. Construction, Testing, and Evaluation of Promising Concrete Pavement Joint Design Concepts $2.5 M–$4 M Laboratory tests, accelerated loading tests, and field tests of several new and innovative joint designs, materials, and construction concepts that have been developed and validated or proven inadequate. Successful and cost effective concepts will be well documented. Laboratory and field validation of joint design, materials, and construction concepts.
IJ 2.2. Development of Innovative Ways for Detecting Joint Deterioration in New and Older Pavements $1 M–$1.5 M Validated and implementable procedures and guidelines for rapidly and reliably evaluating existing concrete pavement joints to determine preservation and repair treatments as well as structural and functional condition. Procedures to evaluate and recommend preservation and repair actions for existing joints.
IJ 2.3. Determining the Need and Identifying the Feasibility of Alternative Ways to Provide Pressure Relief and Load Transfer Efficiency for Concrete Pavements $500 k–$700 k Guidelines for using pressure relief joints (PRJ) that will be made available to practicing engineers and highway agencies, resulting in better understanding of the needed locations and design of PRJs in concrete pavements. Fewer problems associated with pressure buildup and PRJs in all aspects of concrete pavements.
Problem Statement IJ 2.0. Framework for Joint Materials, Construction, Evaluation, and Rehabilitation Innovations (Subtrack IJ 2)
Track: 6. Innovative Concrete Pavement Joint Design, Materials, and Construction (IJ)
Subtrack: IJ 2. Joint Materials, Construction, Evaluation, and Rehabilitation Innovations
Approximate Phasing: Years 1–3
Estimated Cost: $200 k
Subtrack IJ 2 (Joint Materials, Construction, Evaluation, and Rehabilitation Innovations) provides a set of research problem statements that will culminate in a significantly improved state of the art and practice. As the funding becomes available, an initial effort will be necessary to develop a framework for the research to be accomplished within this subtrack.
  1. Examine the problem statements in subtrack IJ 2 (Joint Materials, Construction, Evaluation, and Rehabilitation Innovations), modify as appropriate, and divide them into specific, manageable contracts.
  2. Arrange the contracts in a carefully sequenced plan that reflects a logical progress of research and available funding.
  3. Expand each of the broad research problem statements included in the subtrack into a detailed research plan with specific objectives, tasks, and funding recommendations.
  4. Review and provide direction for the various research contracts underway to ensure that they fulfill their objectives and allow future contracts to use their results. Guide the additional work required if a contract fails to achieve its objectives and additional work is necessary.
Benefits: An effective, coordinated, and productive research program.
Products: A validated, sequenced, and detailed research framework for this subtrack.
Implementation: This research will provide the organization and validation essential for the success of this subtrack. Implementation of this problem statement will set the stage for the rest of the problem statements in subtrack IJ 2 (Joint Materials, Construction, Evaluation, and Rehabilitation Innovations).

Problem Statement IJ 2.1. Construction, Testing, and Evaluation of Promising Concrete Pavement Joint Design Concepts
Track: 6. Innovative Concrete Pavement Joint Design, Materials, and Construction (IJ)
Subtrack: IJ 2. Joint Materials, Construction, Evaluation, and Rehabilitation Innovations
Approximate Phasing: Years 4–10
Estimated Cost: $2.5 M–$4 M (excluding construction costs, only includes engineering and testing and reporting) (Cost sharing of $1 M by industry)
Each new and innovative concept must be proven in the lab and field. With the results from problem statements IJ 1.1 (Identify, Develop, and Evaluate Innovative Concepts for Joint Design, Materials, and Construction) and IJ 1.2 (Select Promising Innovative Joint Design, Materials, and Construction Concepts and Further Develop to Trial Test Stage), this research will construct experimental joints using both accelerated loading equipment and inservice highways. The concepts recommended for ALFs will be the ones that primarily depend on repeated axle loads, as this is the primary tool for evaluating these concepts. The inservice joint concepts evaluated over the long term would be constructed on regular highways subjected to normal traffic loadings. These studies will consider major concrete pavement applications, including low-volume roads and streets, concrete overlays of varying thicknesses, hightraffic concrete pavements, and other special concrete pavement uses. This research will also consider crack forming in CRCP and precast pavement joints.
  1. Construct the accelerated loading joint concepts, begin testing, and document findings.
  2. Construct the inservice highway joint concepts, begin testing, and document findings. Work with States that have shown an interest in the work.
  3. Document all research and testing results and modify the work plans as results become available. Determine the cost of the various concepts for use in cost-effectiveness studies.
  4. Prepare detailed and comprehensive or brief summaries of the key findings obtained from the previous work.
Benefits: Laboratory and field validation of joint design, materials, and construction concepts.
Products: Laboratory tests, accelerated loading tests, and field tests of several new and innovative joint design, materials, and construction concepts that have been developed and validated or proven inadequate. Successful and cost effective concepts will be well documented.
Implementation: This research will provide field validation for several innovative concrete pavement joint concepts.

Problem Statement IJ 2.2. Development of Innovative Ways for Detecting Joint Deterioration in New and Older Pavements
Track: 6. Innovative Concrete Pavement Joint Design, Materials, and Construction (IJ)
Subtrack: IJ 2. Joint Materials, Construction, Evaluation, and Rehabilitation Innovations
Approximate Phasing: Years 2–6
Estimated Cost: $1 M–$1.5 M
The condition of longitudinal and transverse joints is critical for identifying the appropriate preservation or rehabilitation strategy. Detailed joint condition information is also important for evaluating joint design effectiveness. Thus, the ability to detect and monitor potential problems such as the following is important for characterizing joint performance:
  • Looseness.
  • Problematic positioning.
  • Aggregate interlock wearout.
  • Consolidation.
  • PCC deterioration around dowel bars.
  • PCC fracture in the joint area.
Various devices capable of providing tomographic images of concrete may be used in this application, including the impact-echo device and the MIT scan for locating the dowels and tie bars. This research will develop a mostly nondestructive method for evaluating and quantifying functional (e.g., faulting, spalling) and structural joint condition (e.g., LTE, opening, and closing). Adequate concrete consolidation around the dowel bars is important for good joint performance, both immediately after construction and over time, also and must be measured.
  1. Conduct a worldwide literature survey and interview experts to identify the technologies available for determining a joint’s functional and structural condition to carry heavy traffic loadings over time. This joint could be a new or an older pavement.
  2. Identify procedures, equipment, methodologies, and concepts that have been or could be used for joint evaluation. Summarize these in a concise document for an expert review panel. Based on the panel results, select the most promising technologies to produce a nearly or completely nondestructive testing procedure to evaluate concrete pavement joints.
  3. Conduct a field survey and analysis of tie bar and X-stitching performance and installation for longitudinal joints and random cracks.
  4. Analyze and evaluate each technology. Recommend technologies to be advanced for further development and testing. Develop a plan for this needed work.
  5. Perform the additional development and testing work (lab, accelerated loading, and full-scale field testing).
  6. Prepare a final research report and implementation guide for ways to evaluate concrete pavement joints to determine their functional and structural conditions.
Benefits: Procedures to evaluate and recommend preservation and repair actions for existing joints.
Products: Validated and implementable procedures and guidelines for rapidly and reliably evaluating existing concrete pavement joints to determine preservation and repair treatments as well as structural and functional condition.
Implementation: The joint deterioration detection methods developed in this research will be implemented immediately.
Problem Statement IJ 2.3. Determining the Need and Identifying the Feasibility of Alternative Ways to Provide Pressure Relief and Load Transfer Efficiency for Concrete Pavements
Track: 6. Innovative Concrete Pavement Joint Design, Materials, and Construction (IJ)
Subtrack: IJ 2. Joint Materials, Construction, Evaluation, and Rehabilitation Innovations
Approximate Phasing: Years 6–9
Estimated Cost: $500 k–$700 k
Providing PRJs, both with and without mechanical load transfer, has created problems, because these joints often do not function properly and require premature maintenance. Controversy has arisen over where PRJs are needed and even whether they are useful, since some studies show that they may not have any positive value. This research will examine whether PRJs might be needed, locations at which PRJs might help avoid pressure buildup problems, and finally, ways in which PRJs can be designed with mechanical load transfer.
  1. Conduct a worldwide literature search for PRJs and their design, use, and effectiveness. Summarize the findings, including case studies wherever available (e.g., the use of regular expansion joints on the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority and the experience several States have had placing and maintaining PRJs). Include a summary of the technical information available for calculating the pressures and mechanisms involved. Also summarize the designs of joint load transfer efficiencies where possible.
  2. Based on field surveys and expert interviews (along with the literature survey), prepare a case-by-case study in which PRJs were incorporated into various projects, including the projects’ performance and needs. Document these studies.
  3. Based on these results, prepare guidelines for using PRJs that practicing engineers can use.
Benefits: Fewer problems associated with pressure buildup and PRJs in all aspects of concrete pavements.
Products: Guidelines for using PRJs that will be made available to practicing engineers and highway agencies, resulting in better understanding of the needed locations and design of PRJs in concrete pavements.
Implementation: The PRJ methods resulting from this research will be implemented immediately.


This research in this subtrack implements the results from the previous two subtracks. Table 35 provides an overview of this subtrack.

Table 35. Subtrack IJ 3 overview.
Problem Statement Estimated Cost Products Benefits
IJ 3.1. Implementation of Innovative Joint Design, Materials, and Construction $800 k–$1 M Strong technology transfer of innovative concrete pavement joint design, materials, and construction to the workforce, using workshops, conferences, and Web-based personnel training; a workforce and management that knows the new procedures, guidelines, and models to better design, construct, and specify materials related to concrete pavement joints. A workforce with the basic knowledge and understanding to design, specify materials, and construct new and innovative concrete pavement joints.
Problem Statement IJ 3.1. Implementation of Innovative Concrete Pavement Joint Design, Materials, and Construction
Track: 6. Innovative Concrete Pavement Joint Design, Materials, and Construction (IJ)
Subtrack: IJ 3. Innovative Joints Implementation
Approximate Phasing: Years 2–10
Estimated Cost: $800 k–$1M
Implementing innovative concrete pavement joint design, materials, and construction requires significant efforts, both in training the workforce and assuring management that the new concepts are feasible and reliable. This research will address both of these efforts. The results from many other tracks will help develop innovative joint concepts and will be coordinated closely with this research without duplicating efforts. For example, track 2 (Performance-Based Design Guide for New and Rehabilitated Concrete Pavements) will provide new knowledge and procedures for base course erosion; see problem statement DG 1.3 (Development of Model for Erosion Related to Material Properties under Dynamic Wheel Loading).
  1. Develop and present workshops dealing with many aspects of the mechanistic design process that focus on joint design, materials, and construction.
  2. Organize national conferences and workshops about the joint design, materials, and construction process, at which States and other highway agencies share their findings.
  3. Develop Web-based, online training tools.
Benefits: A workforce with the basic knowledge and understanding to design, specify materials, and construct new and innovative concrete pavement joints.
Products: Strong technology transfer of innovative concrete pavement joint design, materials, and construction to the workforce, using workshops, conferences, and Web-based personnel training; a workforce and management that knows the new procedures, guidelines, and models to better design, construct, and specify materials related to concrete pavement joints.
Implementation: This work will provide the technology transfer critical to the success of the innovative joints track.



Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center | 6300 Georgetown Pike | McLean, VA | 22101