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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations

This report is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-06-078
Date: June 2006

Job Site Evaluation of Corrosion Resistant Alloys

APPENDIX D FHWA Project Number MO-00-01


Evaluation Report6

State: Missouri.

State DOT Contact: Mr. John D. Wenzlick [(405) 521-2606].

NBI Bridge Number: 6059.

Project Type: Replacement Bridge.

Location: Bridge crossing Medicine Creek and an adjoining field runoff stream on SR 6 near Galt, MO (~100 miles northwest of Kansas City, MO).

Innovative Material: Solid Type 316LN Stainless Steel.

Bridge Description: The new bridge is one of a sequential pair, where the companion bridge (Bridge Number A6060) is approximately 600 feet east of the bridge in question. Bridge Number A6059 consists of a reinforced concrete slab that was formed conventionally. Bridge Number A6060, on the other hand, employed permanent precast prestressed structural form panels and a cast-in-place topping between the external girders. The slab overhang from the external girders was conventionally formed. ECR was employed for the companion bridge. Roadway width and girder spacing are the same for the two bridges, but span length and skew differ. Both bridges were opened to traffic in June 2001. Figure 327 provides a perspective view of the two bridges, and figure 33 shows a profile of one of the two. Figure 34 provides a view of the stainless steel reinforcement, as placed in the deck of Bridge Number A6059. A report detailing the bridges and planned comprehensive evaluation program is available from Missouri DOT (MoDOT).(20)

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Figure 32. General view of the Route 6 bridges.

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Figure 33. Side view of Bridge Number 6059.

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Figure 34. View of bridge deck with stainless steel in place.

Innovation Justification: The anticipated good corrosion resistance of the Type 316LN stainless reinforcing steel compared to ECR and certainly to black steel should result in reduced maintenance and life-cycle cost for the bridge.

Construction Sequence: Unknown.

Reinforcement Specification: The Type 316LN stainless steel met the specification of ASTM A955M Grade 420 deformed bars that were called for in special provisions.

Concrete Specification: Unknown.

Job Contractor: Unknown.

Steel Supplier: Empire Specialty Steel, Inc., Dunkirk, NY.

Material Cost: Material cost for the stainless steel for Bridge Number A059 was $2.55/lb ($5.63/kg). The ECR material cost for Bridge Number A6060, on the other hand, was $0.80/lb ($1.77/kg). Black steel priced at $0.64/lb ($1.40/kg).

Job Site Storage: No information available.

Problems: No information available.

Material Acquisition: No steel from the job site was available for evaluation


6 Statutory references: 23 U.S.C. 503(b)(3)(A)(ii) & 503 (b)(3)(B); TEA-21 Section 5103.

7 Galvanized steel reinforcement does not strictly qualify as innovative in that it has been available for many years and has been employed on a limited basis in past bridge construction.

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Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center | 6300 Georgetown Pike | McLean, VA | 22101