U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
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Publication Number: FHWA-RD-98-180
Safety and Health on Bridge Repair, Renovation and Demolition ProjectsAPPENDIX UTable of ContentsCAPSTONE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY This is a mandatory program for each project where respiratory hazards are present. The program is designed to allow each project to identify their hazards and to provide the appropriate protection. Each project where respiratory protection is needed shall have a Respirator Program Administrator (RPA). This individual must be knowledgeable of respiratory protection equipment, including the manufacturer recommendations and instructions for the proper use, inspection and maintenance. The RPA must be capable of identifying existing and potential respiratory hazards and has the authority to take prompt corrective action to protect workers from those hazards. The Respirator Program Administrator for this project is: (PRINT) The intent of this written program is to define the company rules now in effect regarding the use of respirators for personal protection against airborne contaminants. The requirements contained herein are not optional for the employee. Capstone Construction considers this policy mandatory and a condition of employment for each individual. To ensure the availability of this respirator program at all times, copies of this written program shall be distributed as follows: 1. ___________________________________________ It is essential to follow the Hazard Communication Program of this company in order to identify all chemical hazards prior to the commencement of work. A review of all Material Safety Data Sheets for the project will be necessary to complete the following list of potential air contaminants where respiratory protection may be required. Air sampling may be conducted to define personal exposures associated with potentially hazardous operations and follow-up air sampling shall be conducted when conditions change. Documentation of all air sampling shall be maintained at the project using the following table. For this project the following is a list of all known Air Contaminants (i. e. Welding, Organic Solvents, Fiberglass), exposure levels, and project locations where these contaminants are likely to be found.
AVAILABILITY OF RESPIRATORS Each employee that requires a respirator will be provided one by the RPA with replacement parts, cartridges and filters available upon request. The following types of respirators are available:
USE OF RESPIRATORS Each employee whose job assignment requires a respirator shall wear a NIOSH approved respirator, properly fitted, at all times during the course of that job assignment. Additionally, any employee in the immediate area of a hazardous operation and at risk of an exposure must follow the requirements of this program. No alterations of the respirators are permitted. The following operations at this project are considered potentially hazardous and require the use of a respirator:
SELECTION OF RESPIRATORS Only NIOSH approved respirators have been chosen for use in this program. The choice between these respirators is dependent upon the airborne contaminant present, the operation performed, and on the basis of comfort and ease in obtaining a proper individual fit. Negative pressure respirators may only be used for slightly to moderately toxic dusts, fumes and mists, or vapors with good odor warning properties (10% less concentration of the allowable limit). Half face respirators may only be used for up to 10 times the permissible exposure limits (PEL); full face respirators for up to 50 times the PELs. They are not allowed for use in unknown concentrations, emergency or rescue, immediately dangerous to life and health situations or oxygen deficient atmospheres. The company will provide these respirators, maintaining a supply at the project site. The useful life of each respirator will depend mainly on the employee's job duties and the actual time the unit is in use. A respirator cartridge or canister change schedule will be provided to each userand must strictly followed. Notify RPA if any contaminants are sensed through breathing becomes difficult using cartridge/canister schedule. FITTING OF RESPIRATORSProper fitting of respirators is essential if employees are to receive the designed protection. Air that passes around the edges of the respirator, rather than through it, is not filtered air. In order to ensure a good face seal, the following rules must be observed.
Respirator cleaning, inspection, storage and maintenance are part of the user's responsibility. Procedures for cleaning and disinfecting respirators found in 1910. 134, Appendix B-2 will be followed. Respirators must be cleaned after each day's use and placed in a plastic bag and properly stored. At the end of each week (or more often, if needed) respirators should be completely cleaned and disinfected by carrying out the following procedures:
Any malfunction on the respirator shall be reported to Respirator Program Administrator. Necessary replacement parts will be made available. After inspection, cleaning and necessary repair, or after each day's use, the respirator shall be stored in a bag and in the location provided for the purpose of protecting the respirator and keeping it clean and sanitary. In storing the respirator, the facepiece and exhalation valve must be in normal position, so as to prevent the abnormal set of elastomeric parts during storage. Each worker assigned to use a respirator shall maintain and routinely inspect it before and after each use. Respirators will be inspected monthly by the Respirator Program Administrator to assure that they are kept clean and in satisfactory working condition. MEDICAL SURVEILLANCEA blank Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaire (identical to that found in 1910. 134, Appendix C) will be provided to each employee required to use a respirator prior to fit testing. This questionnaire must be completed and sent, in the postage-paid envelope, to the designated examining licensed health care provider (LHCP). Information provided by the employee in this questionnaire will not be disclosed to this company or the Respirator Program Administrator. The Respirator Program Administrator will give the LHCP information regarding the type of respirator each employee will be using, how and when the respirator will be used, the employee's work duties, and other factors which may affect the employee's ability to use a respirator such as the use of additional personal protective equipment, and the presence of high heat and humidity working conditions. A copy of this written respiratory protection program and a copy of 1910. 134 will also be provided to the LHCP. The Licensed Health Care Provider for this Project is: Based on information about the types and conditions of respirator use, and a review of the questionnaire, the examining physician may request that an employee visit for a follow-up medical examination to determine the ability to wear a respirator. A recommendation regarding a prospective respirator user's ability to wear a respirator will be provided to the company by the LHCP. A copy of this recommendation will be provided to the prospective user as well. Employees who have been approved to wear a type or types of respirators by a LHCP, will be provided additional medical evaluations at a later date if any of the following conditions exist:
Before initially using a respirator, and at least annually, each employee will receive training regarding the need for, care and use of their respirator. Following the training, each employee will be asked to explain and/or demonstrate:
Upon successful demonstration that the employee understands the information above, a respirator training card will be presented to each employee. This card will contain the employee's name, date of training, specific respirators the employee may use, and the date for the next training. Training may be repeated more often than annually as necessary. Respirator Training Record
RESPIRATOR PROGRAM EVALUATION The company shall monitor the effectiveness of this program by:
Records shall be kept at the job site to document that each respirator wearer has been subject to training, fit testing, medical surveillance. Written records of air sampling information, workplace surveillance information, respirator types available on site, respirator inspections and program evaluations will also be kept at the site. Following the conclusion of the job, all written records related to respiratory protection will be forwarded to the company administrative offices. The LHCP will maintain any confidential medical information, including the employee's initial Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaire. Any employee may review safety and health records related to this or any prior job by contacting their supervisor or the company's records administrator.
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