U.S. Department of Transportation
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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
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Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-11-037 Date: January 2013 |
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-11-037 Date: January 2013 |
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This report is a product of the Long-Term Bridge Performance (LTBP) program. The program was authorized under the 2005 Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users to identify, collect, and analyze research-quality data that will provide a better understanding of bridge performance and lead to improvements thereof.(1) This report presents an overview of the “Federal Highway Administration Workshop to Identify Bridge Substructure Performance Issues,” held in Orlando, FL, from March 4 to 6, 2010. The purpose of the workshop was to consider overall bridge performance and identify geotechnical performance metrics that may correspond to good and poor performance. This report describes the results of the workshop and presents them in the larger perspective of designing and implementing the LTBP program. This document will be of interest to engineers who research, design, construct, inspect, maintain, and manage bridges as well as to decisionmakers at all levels of management of public highway agencies.
Jorge E. Pagán-Ortiz
Director, Office of Infrastructure
Research and Development
This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The U.S. Government assumes no liability for the use of the information contained in this document.
The U.S. Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trademarks or manufacturers’ names appear in this report only because they are considered essential to the objective of the document.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides high-quality information to serve Government, industry, and the public in a manner that promotes public understanding. Standards and policies are used to ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of its information. FHWA periodically reviews quality issues and adjusts its programs and processes to ensure continuous quality improvement.
Technical Report Documentation Page
1. Report No. FHWA-HRT-11-037 |
2. Government Accession No.
3. Recipient’s Catalog No.
4. Title and Subtitle Summary Report on the FHWA LTBP Workshop to Identify Bridge Substructure Performance Issues: March 4–6, 2010, in Orlando, FL |
5. Report Date January 2013 |
6. Performing Organization Code:
7. Author(s) Vernon R.
Schaefer, Dr. Ali Maher, John M. Hooks, and |
8. Performing Organization Report No.
9. Performing Organization Name and Address Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation 100 Brett Road Piscataway, NJ 08854-8058 |
10. Work Unit No.
11. Contract or Grant No. DTFH61-07-R-00136 |
12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Office of Infrastructure Research and Development Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center Federal Highway Administration 6300 Georgetown Pike McLean, VA 22101-2296 |
13. Type of Report and Period Covered Final Report |
14. Sponsoring Agency Code HRDI-60 |
15. Supplementary Notes The Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative (COTR) was Dr. Hamid Ghasemi, HRDI-60. |
16. Abstract The Long-Term Bridge Performance (LTBP) program was created to identify, collect, and analyze research-quality data on the most critical aspects of bridge performance. To complete a thorough investigation of bridge performance issues, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) sponsored the “FHWA Workshop to Identify Bridge Substructure Performance Issues” in Orlando, FL, from March 4 to 6, 2010. The workshop included participants from FHWA, State transportation departments, academia, industry, and consultants. The workshop had three focal points: (1) identify bridge performance issues impacted by geotechnical factors, (2) identify data needs and data gaps related to the geotechnical performance issues, and (3) identify tools, technology development, and monitoring to address the data needs and data gaps. This report describes the results and recommendations of the workshop and presents them in the larger perspective of designing and implementing the LTBP program. |
17. Key Words Bridge performance, Substructure, Geotech |
18. Distribution Statement No restrictions. This document is available through the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161. |
19. Security Classif. (of this report) Unclassified |
20. Security Classif. (of this page) Unclassified |
21. No. of Pages 87 |
22. Price N/A |
Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) | Reproduction of completed page authorized |
SI (Modern Metric) Conversion Factors
Summary of the Plenary Session: LTBP Program Overview
Introduction to the Plenary Session
FHWA Perspective: Background on the LTBP Program
Contractor Perspective: Research Approach
Summary of Focus Group Meetings
Geotechnical Factors and Bridge Performance
BreakOut Session I: Bridge Performance Issues
Brainstorming Bridge Performance Issues
Summary—Bridge Performance Issues
BreakOut Session II: Data Needs and Gaps
Brainstorming Data Needs and Gaps
Summary—Data Needs and Data Gaps
BreakOut Session III: Tools, Technology Development, and Monitoring
Brainstorming Tools, Technology Development, and Monitoring
Summary—Tools, Technology Development, and Monitoring
Post-Workshop Discussion Session
Results, Conclusions, and Recommendations
Appendix A. Agenda for FHWA Geotechnical Workshop
Appendix B. General Information for Attendees
Identifying Bridge
Substructure and Foundation
Performance Issues—General Information
Appendix C. Identification of Bridge Performance Study Topics
Appendix D. BreakOut Session I (performance Issues)—Group 1
Appendix E. BreakOut Session I (performance Issues)—Group 2
issues related to substructure and foundations
Appendix F. BreakOut Session I (performance Issues)—Group 3
Short List Based on Brainstorm
Remaining Service Life, Long-Term Performance
Appendix G. BreakOut Session Ii (data needs)—Group 2
Appendix H. BreakOut Session Ii (data needs)—Group 3
Appendix I. BreakOut
Session IiI (technology development)—
Group 1
Appendix J. BreakOut Session Iii (technology development)— Group 2
Appendix K. BreakOut Session Iii (technology development)—Group 3
List of tables
Table 1. Breakout session I—group 1 bridge performance issues
Table 2. Breakout session I—group 2 bridge performance issues
Table 3. Breakout session I—group 2 highest ranking bridge performance issues
Table 4. Breakout session I—group 3 bridge performance issues
Table 5. Summary of priority issues identified by each group in breakout session I
Table 6. Group 1 data needs for bump at the end of the bridge..
Table 7. Group 1 data needs for corrosion and deterioration
Table 8. Group 1 data needs for foundations.
Table 9. Group 1 data needs for hydraulics, scour, and drainage
Table 10. Group 3 data needs for bump at the end of the bridge
Table 11. Group 3 data needs for corrosion.
Table 12. Group 3 data needs for scour/hydraulics.
Table 13. Group 3 data needs for integral abutments/soil-structure interaction
Table 14. Group 3 data needs for drainage and runoff
Table 15. Group 3 data needs for QA/QC
Table 16. Group 3 data needs for foundations.
Table 17. Group 3 data needs for earth-retaining structures.
Table 18. Summary of sample data needs.
Table 19. Invited attendee list.
Table 20. LTBP suggested study topics
Table 21. Group 1 bridge performance issues
Table 22. Group 2 bridge performance issues with voting
Table 24. Group 3 data needs matched to main performance issues
Table 25. Group 1 tools, technology development, and monitoring data needs
Table 26. Group 3 bump
at the end of the bridge: tools, technology development, and
Table 27. Group 3 corrosion/deterioration: tools, technology development, and monitoring
Table 28. Group 3 scour/hydraulics: tools, technology development, and monitoring
Table 30. Group 3 drainage/runoff: tools, technology development, and monitoring.
Table 31. Group 3 QA/QC: tools, technology development, and monitoring
Table 32. Group 3 foundations: tools, technology development, and monitoring
Table 33. Group 3 earth-retaining structures: tools, technology development, and monitoring.
This report presents an overview of the
“Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Workshop to Identify Bridge
Substructure Performance Issues” held in Orlando, FL, from March 4
to 6, 2010, and it documents the results and conclusions of that
workshop. The workshop consisted of
2.5 days of meetings to consider overall bridge performance and
identify geotechnical performance metrics that may correspond to
good and poor performance. The first 2 days consisted of meetings
with FHWA personnel, the Long-Term Bridge Performance (LTBP)
program research team, and 34 invited attendees representing State
highway agencies, FHWA headquarters, Federal aid, Federal lands,
and research; academia; and consultants. The final
half-day session consisted of discussions among FHWA personnel and
the LTBP research team to evaluate the results of the workshop and
determine what follow-up activities were necessary
to capitalize on the workshop results. This document is intended to
record the results of the workshop and frame them in the larger
perspective of designing and implementing the
LTBP program.
The objective of the LTBP program is to compile a comprehensive database of high-quality quantitative data to better understand the critical factors that impact the performance of bridge elements and the bridge as a whole. These data are collected by studying representative samples of bridges nationwide and are supplemented with data from other sources.
The transportation system in the United States depends on about 500,000 bridges for grade separations, interchange configurations, and crossings over natural barriers, such as rivers. The operation and functionality of the highway network depends on the performance of these structures. Many aspects of bridge performance are not well understood, and several factors contribute to that lack of understanding. Although bridges in the United States share significant similarities such as structure type, basic material properties, and design details, many characteristics vary significantly from bridge to bridge. Other barriers to understanding bridge performance include the following:
• Multiple variable causative factors impacting performance.
• Limited understanding of some cause-and-effect relationships.
• Limited availability of suitable critical data.
• Differing bridge policies and practices among owners.
• Gradual improvements to design and construction practices.
• Introduction of new and improved bridge materials.
FHWA has initiated the LTBP program as a
20-year research effort that is strategic in nature and has both
specific short- and long-term goals. Under the LTBP program,
several structure types that are common in the bridge
infrastructure will be studied. Significant variables include
material characteristics, age, traffic volumes, truck loads,
climatic conditions, and other factors that impact bridge
performance. As a part of this program, the most critical aspects
of bridge performance will be identified, knowledge gaps related to
these performance issues will be addressed, and high-quality
quantitative performance data will be collected. The long-term
data collected under the LTBP program will make it possible to
develop reliable deterioration and performance models based on the
cause-and-effect relationships determined by analyzing
the LTBP data. Many benefits will arise from the results of the
LTBP program. One of the
most significant will be improvements in the management of bridge
programs at the Federal, State, and local levels. Transportation
agencies will be able to target scarce resources at the bridge
deficiencies that affect performance and thereby provide improved
service to the
traveling public.
LTBP researchers will conduct detailed
periodic inspections, monitoring, and evaluations
of the population of bridges representing the national bridge
inventory by using finite
element modeling, instrumentation to monitor bridge behavior,
physical testing of material characteristics, nondestructive
evaluation (NDE) techniques, and detailed visual inspections. NDE
techniques include ground penetrating radar to detect flaws and
corrosion inside structures and sensor technologies that monitor
traffic loading, cracks due to fatigue and corrosion, overloads,
environmental conditions, etc. Researchers will conduct recurrent,
periodic evaluations for selected bridges throughout the life of
the program and may perform forensic autopsies of decommissioned
bridges to learn more about their capacities, reliabilities, and
failure modes.
The LTBP program, while similar to the FHWA Long-Term Pavement Performance program, is an effort that is unprecedented in scope and scale in the area of long-term bridge research. A large investment of public dollars is being made in the program, which must produce results to both justify the expenditure and meet the expectations of the various stakeholders and partners in academia, transportation agencies, and industry. It is of paramount importance that the FHWA program managers understand the needs and expectations of these entities and gain the benefit of their collective experience and knowledge in designing and implementing the LTBP program. In order to ensure these advantages, FHWA reached out to its stakeholders to obtain input on the design of the program.
With the help of the National Science
Foundation, FHWA sponsored a workshop, “Future Directions for
Long-Term Bridge Performance Monitoring, Assessment, and
held in Las Vegas, NV, on January 9 and 10, 2007. Workshop
participants were invited by FHWA to ensure an effective mix of
backgrounds and perspectives. Participants came from State
transportation departments, domestic and international
universities, industry, and consultants, as well as from FHWA. The
core of the workshop included deliberations by three carefully
chosen breakout groups on three key elements of the program: (1)
data to be collected, (2) short- and long-term deliverables, and
(3) bridge sampling for selection and monitoring. The results of
this workshop were documented in an unpublished report that became
the foundation for the development of the LTBP program.
As part of the development of the program,
the LTBP research team conducted focus group meetings with the
bridge office personnel of 15 State transportation departments. The
of these meetings was to capture the experience and knowledge of
bridge experts regarding the following topics:
• The most pervasive bridge performance issues they face.
• The data they currently use to understand and act on performance issues.
• The additional data and knowledge that would enable them to better understand the issues and develop more effective and economical solutions.
The conclusions from the focus group meetings will be published in a report documenting data needs for the LTBP program. Issues identified during these meetings included the following structural foundation elements or geotechnical factors:
• Performance of bare/coated concrete superstructures and substructures.
• Methods to measure scour that are direct, reliable, and timely.
• Performance of scour countermeasures.
• Performance of structure foundation types.
• Identification and performance of unknown foundation types.
• Performance of bridge bearings (all types).
• Performance of jointless structures (integral, semi-integral, and continuous for live load).
To further evaluate these issues and refine the issues for which LTBP program studies would be effective, FHWA sponsored the “FHWA Workshop to Identify Bridge Substructure Performance Issues,” held in Orlando, FL, from March 4 to 6, 2010. The workshop format was similar to the workshop held in Las Vegas, NV. Attendance was by invitation so that an effective mix of backgrounds and perspectives would be represented. Workshop participants came from State transportation departments, domestic universities, industry, and consultants, as well as from FHWA. The core of the workshop included deliberations in three carefully chosen breakout groups on three key elements of the program: (1) bridge performance issues (impacted by geotechnical factors), (2) data needs and gaps (related to the issues identified), and (3) tools, technology development, and monitoring (related to the data gaps).
In the following sections, the progress of the workshop is documented in chronological order according to the agenda, which is included in appendix A. This format documents developments as the workshop attendees discussed the various topics in the breakout sessions. The session summaries were prepared utilizing notes taken by session scribes. The participants received little information in advance of the workshop so that they would come to the workshop with open minds. Two background handouts were provided to participants at the start of the meeting. The first handout provided general information and is included in appendix B. This handout detailed the objective of the workshop, expected outcomes, background, breakout sessions, and invited attendees. This information was also reviewed by various speakers in the plenary session. A second handout, “Identification of Bridge Performance Study Topics,” included in appendix C, provides an overview of suggested LTBP study topics from previous stakeholder meetings.
The workshop began with a series of presentations that were designed to focus the efforts of the participants on helping FHWA formulate the future direction and activities of the LTBP program in the geotechnical arena. In more specific terms, the participants were asked to identify and define the key issues and actions related to (1) bridge performance issues related to substructure and foundations, (2) data needs and gaps related to the key performance issues, and (3) tools, technology development, and monitoring necessary to collect critical geotechnical performance data for the LTBP program.
The plenary session concluded with a presentation that highlighted topics of the three breakout sessions. The participants were divided into three groups to brainstorm and discuss the three main topics of the workshop. The following topics were discussed in the order shown because the results of each breakout session fed into the succeeding session:
Bridge performance issues—Workgroups were directed to
discuss key performance issues related to substructure and
foundations. They were expected to develop and prioritize key
performance topics that identify geotechnical, foundation, and
substructure issues.
• Data needs and data gaps—Workgroups were directed to discuss data needs and gaps related to the key performance issues identified in the first breakout session. Workgroups were expected to develop a list of data that can be currently collected, data that need to be collected during the course of the research program, and data that cannot currently be collected but would be important to the objectives of the program.
• Tools, technology development, and monitoring—Workgroups were directed to discuss how geotechnical performance data can be collected. Workgroups were expected to develop lists of tools and technology that are available and should be in use in the program. Workgroups were also expected to identify technology development needs to address identified data gaps.
The LTBP program is a designated research program authorized under the 2005 Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU).(1) The program was initiated in April 2008, and the anticipated duration is 20 years or more. The genesis for the LTBP program is the lack of reliable deterioration models and a quantitative performance database of roughly 500,000 bridges in the United States. The challenges to be addressed, including aging infrastructure, limited resources, increasing traffic and truck loads, stewardship and management of the existing inventory, and extreme events, were outlined. Overcoming such challenges requires innovative designs, more durable materials, advanced sensor technology, and better construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation methods. System evaluation is a necessary first step to develop a better understanding of the performance problems and issues.
The LTBP program thus established its overall goal—the development of a quantitative bridge performance database that incorporates detailed inspection, periodic evaluation, and data from representative samples of bridges, as well as legacy data from existing sources of information related to bridge performance. The desired and anticipated outcomes include improved knowledge of bridge performance; development of improved predictive and deterioration models; the means to quantify effectiveness of various maintenance, preservation, repair, and rehabilitation strategies; better tools for bridge management; and improved standards for testing and monitoring.
The initial stage and the developmental phase of the program were described. The initial stage involves stakeholder outreach, identification of available databases and knowledge gaps, and development of a strategic plan. The development phase was underway at the time of this report and involves the identification of many issues related to the challenge of defining performance and performance categories. The development phase is being augmented by a field investigation using a limited number of pilot bridges to validate protocols and processes. The field investigation will feed into the long-term data collection of a representative sample of bridges.
Fiscal year 2010 activities were reviewed and include continuing the pilot study phase, validating and refining protocols, finalizing the bridge sample size, identifying geotechnical performance issues, establishing a Transportation Research Board LTBP advisory board, establishing LTBP State coordinators, performing outreach activities, identifying reference bridges, and completing a beta test of the LTBP bridge portal, which will be the interface for the LTBP database. A few of these topics were discussed in detail in the workshop as well as the importance of the workshop to identify the geotechnical performance issues. Additionally, an overview of the LTBP program team was provided.
A short introduction to the research approach was provided, beginning with a review of the program goals and the expected program outcome and following with a more indepth description of the program’s strategic plan. The LTBP program goals are as follows:
• Obtain a deeper understanding of bridge performance.
• Develop and evaluate methods to reliably measure bridge performance.
• Improve the Nation’s bridge infrastructure and performance of the transportation system.
The expected program outcome is improved knowledge of bridge performance in two areas: structural and functional. In the structural area, this means better understanding of bridge deterioration as well as improved predictive models, next-generation design methods, bridge preservation practices with life-cycle cost models, and next-generation bridge management systems. In the functional area, this means a better understanding of the impact that features of bridges have on traffic capacity, load capacity, and traffic safety on the bridge.
In support of these goals and outcomes, a
strategic plan and LTBP road map were developed.
The seven steps of the road map were described, and the current
status of each step was provided. The workshop served as an
opportunity to define the geotechnical experimental program and
geotechnical data to be collected under the LTBP program. On the
basis of the meeting, the roadmap was to be edited for geotechnical
inputs to the program. The importance of the Web-based decision
support tools being developed within the program and the bridge
portal tool were emphasized.
A summary of the focus group interviews held during the first 2 years of the program was provided. The focus groups were a key tool in the effort to identify high-priority bridge performance issues and the data necessary to study these issues.
The distinction between data and knowledge in relation to performance, the difficulties in measuring bridge performance, and the current status of the U.S. bridge infrastructure were reviewed. Bridge performance was broken down into four categories: (1) structural condition (durability and serviceability), (2) functionality (user safety and service), (3) costs (to agencies and users), and (4) structural integrity (safety and stability).
The selection of study topics for the LTBP program was also reviewed. Selection was accomplished by identifying candidate knowledge gaps and developing high-priority study topics based on literature and expert solicitation. The latter portion was implemented by canvassing representative stakeholders, mainly at State transportation departments around the Nation. The expert focus groups were asked to identify the most significant bridge performance issues, current practices, current information sources, and necessary improvements. Examples of the discussions held with the focus groups were presented.
From the focus group discussions, the study
topic selection proceeded by identifying the knowledge gaps from
the literature and expert solicitation, creating a series of study
topics to address gaps, and prioritizing the study topics by
canvassing the LTBP research team, external working technical
groups, and FHWA internal working groups. As a result of this
process, 20 study topics were prioritized and ranked. A list
of additional suggested topics was also provided. For each topic,
the study needs were defined by framing a series of experimental
questions, prioritizing the questions to focus the study,
developing the hypothesis to be evaluated, and identifying the data
needed to address the questions. An example of this
approach based on untreated concrete decks was presented.
The presentation concluded by stating that the challenge of this workshop was to identify and refine study topics related to bridge substructure and foundations. The following were identified as substructure and foundation topics:
• Performance of bare/coated concrete superstructures and substructures.
• Methods to measure scour that are direct, reliable, and timely.
• Performance of scour countermeasures.
• Identification and performance of unknown foundations.
• Performance of structure foundation types.
• Performance of bridge bearings (all types).
• Performance of jointless structures (integral, semi-integral, and continuous for live load).
A summary of the LTBP pilot program was
provided. In the pilot portion of the program, researchers should
validate protocols for data collection and management and ensure
that all of the components needed to achieve the long-term
objectives of the LTBP program are specified before initiating work
on the large population of bridges nationwide. The pilot program
objectives, bridge selection, schedule, and example information
from selected pilot bridges
were given. The pilot program objectives are as follows:
• Validate visual inspection, NDE, and instrumentation protocols.
• Refine and streamline inspection, testing, and instrumentation.
• Field test various methods for collecting data.
• Test and validate quality control (QC) measures, data transfer, and storage.
• Collect early useful data for the program.
Each of these objectives was discussed in more detail during the workshop.
Pilot program bridges are located in
California, Florida, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Virginia, and
Utah. The pilot program was to last 2 years beginning in early fall
Kickoff and instrumentation of each bridge were supposed to be 3 to
4 months, including
2 weeks for visual inspection and NDE testing and 3 months for
instrumentation, with the following activities:
• Develop an instrumentation plan.
• Develop a site plan for transportation department approval.
• Contract necessary field work.
• Perform in-place instrumentation of bridge.
Information was shared on pilot program bridges in Virginia, New Jersey, Utah, and California. Future pilot program bridges will be in Florida, Minnesota, and New York and may present an opportunity to include geotechnical-focused and hydraulics-focused topics.
An overview of the geotechnical aspects that affect overall bridge performance and an introduction to the breakout sessions was provided. Several examples of geotechnical issues affecting bridge performance, including mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls, foundations on rock, abutment issues (in particular, settlement at the bridge-abutment interface and its effects on the superstructure), and scour were given. The summary point was that the performance of geotechnical aspects of the bridge affects the overall performance of the bridge. Thus, the issue is how geotechnical issues affect holistic bridge performance. The short- and long-term aspects and the appropriate data to collect must be considered.
The breakout sessions were then introduced and the purpose of the workshop (i.e., to consider overall bridge performance and identify geotechnical performance indicators that may correspond to good and poor performance) was reiterated. The information generated was to be provided to the LTBP program as recommendations to accommodate additional data and methods to evaluate the data over time.
The focus group meetings held by the LTBP
program identified several topics related to
the superstructure and the bridge deck. It did not appear that
geotechnical, foundation, and substructure concerns were adequately
captured. The list of study topics from the focus groups had one
topic on structural foundations and three topics on bridge scour
and unknown foundations. Other geotechnical issues related to
bridges merit consideration, which was the purpose of this
The first breakout session focused on identifying the key bridge performance issues related to foundations, substructures, and geotechnical features. The goal of this session was to develop and prioritize the key geotechnical issues that may affect critical aspects of bridge performance as well as performance of the bridge as a whole. The workshop participants were divided into three groups and spent the bulk of the afternoon on March 4, 2010, discussing the session topic. Following the discussion time, the participants reunited to summarize the group findings.
The participants in group 1 were as follows:
• Chris Benda (chair).
• Mike Adams.
• Ed Kavazanjian.
• Kevin O’Connor.
• Larry Jones.
• Mark Morvant.
• Derek Soden.
• Dan Ghere.
• Dennis Mertz.
• Barry Brecto.
• Jeffrey Ger.
• Curtis Monk.
• Andrew Foden.
The participants in group 2 were as follows:
• Marcus Galvan (chair).
• Scott Anderson.
• Robert Liang.
• Allen Cadden.
• Bob Kimmerling.
• Naresh Samtani.
• Jim Higbee.
• Krystal Smith.
• Bill Kramer.
• Gary Person.
• Kornel Kerenyi.
• John M. Hooks.
• Mike Brown.
• Dan Brown.
• Sandra Larson.
• Hamid Ghasemi.
The participants in group 3 were as follows:
• Brian Liebich (chair).
• Jennifer Nicks.
• Anand Puppula.
• Barry Christopher.
• Frank Jalinoos.
• Liz Smith.
• Ed Hoppe.
• Norm Wetz.
• Jan Six.
• Allen Marr.
• Ali Maher.
• Monica Starnes.
• Richard Dunne.
• Jawdat Siddiqi.
Each group approached the identification and ranking of key performance issues in a different way. The groups provided summaries of their discussions and rankings. Additional notes are provided in appendices D, E, and F for groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
Group 1 began the discussion by developing
a list of bridge performance issues. About 40 performance
issues were identified that covered a broad array of topics. Next,
group 1 developed a means of sorting and ranking the issues. The
group created five categories into which the issues could be
placed: (1) foundations, (2) abutment interface, (3) materials,
(4) construction, and (5) hydraulics. The issues in each category
are shown in table 1. The
group then rated each of the issues within the categories using an
importance rating of highest (3), medium (2), and lowest
(1). More than one issue could receive each of the importance
ratings (see table 1). Additional group 1 information is included
in appendix D.
Table 1. Breakout session I—group 1 bridge performance issues.
Abutment Interface |
Importance |
Bump (between top of abutment and roadway pavement) at the end of the bridge • Lateral spreading at abutment • Joint filler failure • Dynamic load amplification on bridge • Approach slab settlement |
3 |
Temperature loads on integral abutments |
3 |
Integral abutment ratcheting and resulting forces |
3 |
Behavior of shallow foundations behind MSE walls |
2 |
Behavior of pile foundations behind MSE walls |
3 |
Effect of grade, heavy skew, or superelevation on abutments |
2 |
Interaction between performance of one abutment on opposite abutment |
1 |
Foundations |
Importance |
Differential movements |
1 |
Measured foundation loads to calibrate/refine design codes • Accurate modeling during design (effects of pile caps, etc.) • Different behavior of foundation to short- and long-term loads • Improved efficiency in foundation design • Proper combination of extreme events • Design for serviceability under lower seismic events |
3 |
Unknown foundations |
3 |
Effects of widening structures • Effects on existing structures • Use of different foundation types |
3 |
Quantification of tolerable movements for design • Vertical • Lateral |
3 |
Hydraulics |
Importance |
Accurate prediction of scour |
3 |
Monitoring of scour |
3 |
Monitoring of scour countermeasures |
3 |
Effect of laterally migrating streams |
1 |
Effect of toe erosion on slope stability |
2 |
Drainage performance |
3 |
Materials |
Importance |
Long-term creep of MSE walls |
2 |
Quality of fill and effect on MSE wall performance |
2 |
Corrosion of MSE reinforcement |
2 |
Corrosion of piles in aggressive/corrosive environments |
3 |
Construction of large diameter drilled shafts |
2 |
• Thermal stresses during construction (mass concrete) |
Construction |
Importance |
QC during construction • Effects on long term performance of the structure • Effect of various contract methods (design-build versus design-bid-build) |
3 |
Group 2 discussed the performance factors that should be considered relative to their impact on strength, serviceability, survivability, and structural safety. In general, the group felt that problems arise when safety margins are lower than desired, loads on structures are greater than originally designed for, or capacity and stiffness have reduced over time due to substructure changes. Group 2 developed three broad categories that related the performance issues to approaches, piers, and abutments, with subcategories as necessary. Nearly 50 performance issues were identified (see table 2). To develop a rating of the performance issues, group 2 used a methodology in which each member received a certain number of votes for the categories. The relative importance of each issue within a category was established based on the number of votes received. The highest rated performance issues are summarized in table 3. The complete voting for the issues is in appendix E.
Table 2. Breakout session I—group 2 bridge performance issues.
Approaches Embankments • Vertical settlement • Erosion/overtopping • Lack or loss of support of approach slabs • Settlement-related impacts on serviceability (bump at the end of the bridge) • Potholes or rutting (indicative of other issues) • Saturation of slopes and changes in shear strength over time |
Abutments General • Vertical geotechnical bearing • Earth retention • Drainage and filtration • Vertical and horizontal joint movement or rotation • Cracking • Scour/erosion • Impact loading • Collision impact • Pile performance—corrosion and loss of flexural strength • Driving stresses on piles • Slope protection performance, compromised protection • Abutment influence on bearing performance (protection or support) • Global stability • Differential settlement • Piping loss and migration of fines MSE Walls • Corrosion of metallic reinforcement • Leakage of backfill • Settlement Soil-Nail Walls • Cracking • Corrosion of tendons • Global stability due to changes in groundwater • Scour/erosion • Cracking • Horizontal movement • Fascia deterioration/spalling • Drainage failure Cast-in-Place Walls/Other • Cracking • Corrosion • Scour/erosion • Excessive displacement Integral Abutments • Soil restraint of abutment translation (jacking) |
Piers General • Vertical geotechnical bearing • Vertical and horizontal movement or rotation • Cracking • Scour/erosion and loss of lateral stability, compromised protection • Damage to foundation element caused by collision, ice flow, earthquake, or other extreme events • Pile performance—corrosion and loss of flexural strength • Driving stresses on piles • Cracking and corrosion of reinforcement/strand • Debris accumulation • Global stability • Differential settlement |
Table 3. Breakout session I—group 2 highest ranking bridge performance issues.
Votes |
Element |
Sub-Element |
Performance Issue |
11 |
Approaches |
Embankments |
Settlement-related impacts on serviceability (bump at the end of the bridge) |
10 |
Approaches |
Embankments |
Global stability (slope failure) |
14 |
Piers |
General |
Scour/erosion and loss of lateral stability, compromised protection |
13 |
Piers |
General |
Total and differential settlement |
11 |
Piers |
General |
Horizontal movement or rotation |
11 |
Abutments |
General |
Vertical and horizontal joint movement |
11 |
Abutments |
General |
Total and differential settlement |
8 |
Abutments |
General |
Scour/erosion |
8 |
Abutments |
General |
Pile performance—corrosion, loss of flexural strength |
11 |
Abutments |
MSE walls |
Corrosion/degradation of reinforcement |
10 |
Abutments |
MSE walls |
Drainage failure |
14 |
Abutments |
Soil-nail walls |
Corrosion of tendons |
8 |
Abutments |
CIP walls/other |
Scour/erosion |
5 |
Abutments |
CIP walls/other |
Excessive displacement |
12 |
Abutments |
Integral abutments |
Soil restraint of abutment translation (jacking) |
CIP = Cast-in-place.
Group 3 brainstormed for about 15 min,
suggesting one- and two-word descriptions of performance issues to
capture the complete spectrum of possible problems. The resulting
list is shown in table 4. The group then discussed which of the
issues were of primary importance, which is highlighted in bold in
the table. The group then categorized the performance issues
into movement/deflections, safety/usability, material performance,
soil structure interaction, construction,
recertification/reassurance, or drainage/runoff/erosion.
Subcategories were developed in some cases. To differentiate
between the performance issues, the group
considered four metrics for each category or subcategory: (1) the
likelihood of the issue developing, (2) the safety implications of
the issue, (3) the effect of the issue on bridge serviceability,
and (4) the cost of the issue. Each metric was then rated on a 1 to
3 scale
where 1 is low and 3 is high. The ratings were assigned to each
metric to create a score for
each category or subcategory. The summary list of priority issues
developed from this system
is as follows:
1. Corrosion/deterioration (MSE walls, steel in piles, and embankment material).
2. Bump at the end of the bridge.
3. Fatigue/integral abutment/lateral stress.
4. Drainage/runoff/erosion.
In addition, the group indicated that two topics were important to keep in mind relative to the performance issues: ongoing bridge inspection and less frequent extreme event evaluations. The complete group 3 performance issues list and metric ratings are in appendix F, along with a summary of the group’s discussion.
Table 4. Breakout session I—group 3 bridge performance issues.
Corrosion Freeze-thaw Approach slab Post-disaster assessment Settlement Collapse MSE walls Movement/displacement Lateral stress Swelling soils Slope stability Corrosive soils Unknown foundations Scour Construction Connection details Deep soft soils Strain incompatible Symptoms versus problems What to measure NDE |
Monitoring technologies Data management Creep New foundation systems Drainage Runoff Instrumentation practices Surficial slope stabilization Ground improvement Reinforced slopes Lightweight fill Foundation types Reliability Redundancy Risk Performance Spread footings Nominal resistance Factor resistance Change in original assumptions |
Backfill test methods Compaction Differential settlement Tolerable settlement Deterioration Seasonal changes Widening of bridge approaches Loads Unsaturated soils Construction QA/QC As-built documents Smart structures Structural resistance Unanticipated subsurface soils Geophysics Damage left in place Site variability Satellites—GPS and light detection and ranging (LIDAR) |
Ground water fluctuations Post extreme event assessment Seismic shift impact Laser scanning Foundation surveys Maintenance records Erosion Safety Stream degradation Land use changes Owner education Phase construction Accelerated construction Settlement control Mitigation Fatigue Bump at end of bridge |
Following the brainstorming session on bridge performance issues, the lists and priorities from the three groups were collected and reviewed. Despite different approaches to identify and rate the importance of the issues, the groups generally identified the same issues and priorities. A summary of the priorities identified by each group was prepared and presented to all workshop participants on the morning of March 5, 2010 (see table 5). Each group identified performance issues related to the approach in terms of the bump at the end of the bridge, integral abutments, settlement of abutments and piers, material corrosion, scour, and QC/quality assurance (QA).
Table 5. Summary of priority issues identified by each group in breakout session I.
Group 1 |
Group 2 |
Group 3 |
Abutments: Bump at end of bridge, integral abutments, • Foundations: Measured loads, widening, unknown foundations, and tolerable movements • Hydraulics: Scour and drainage • Materials: Corrosion • Construction: QC |
• Approaches: Settlement and global stability • Piers: Scour, total differential settlement, and horizontal movement • Abutments: Vertical and horizontal joint movement, differential settlement, scour, and pile performance • Abutment walls: Corrosion, drainage failure, scour, and soil restraint |
• Corrosion/deterioration (MSE walls, steel in piles, and embankment material) • Bump at end of bridge (significant) • Fatigue/integral abutment/lateral stress • Drainage/runoff/erosion • Remaining
service life— |
The second breakout session focused on discussing the data needs and gaps related to the key performance issues identified in the first breakout session. The goal of this breakout session was to develop a list of data that can be currently collected, data that need to be collected during the course of the research program, and data that cannot currently be collected but would be important to the objectives of the program. Similar to the first breakout session, the workshop participants were divided into three groups. While the chair of each group remained the same, the participants in each group were changed. The groups spent the majority of the morning on March 5, 2010, discussing the session topic. Following the discussion time, the participants reunited to summarize the individual group findings.
The participants in group 1 were as follows:
• Chris Benda (chair).
• Mike Adams.
• Anand Puppula.
• Allen Cadden.
• Ed Hoppe.
• Derek Soden.
• Liz Smith.
• Bill Kramer.
• Barry Brecto.
• Frank Jalinoos.
• Jawdat Siddiqi.
• Andrew Foden.
The participants in group 2 were as follows:
• Marcus Galvan (chair).
• Scott Anderson.
• Ed Kavazanjian.
• Barry Christopher.
• Bob Kimmerling.
• Kevin O’Connor.
• Larry Jones.
• Jan Six.
• Dan Ghere.
• Dennis Mertz.
• Curtis Monk.
• Monica Starnes.
• Mike Brown.
• Mark Morvant.
The participants in group 3 were as follows:
• Brian Liebich (chair).
• Jennifer Nicks.
• Robert Liang.
• Dan Brown.
• Allen Marr.
• Naresh Samtani.
• Jim Higbee.
• Gary Person.
• Norm Wetz.
• Kornel Kerenyi.
• John M. Hooks.
• Jeffrey Ger.
• Sandra Larson.
• Ali Maher.
As with the first breakout session, each
group approached the identification and ranking of
data needs and gaps in a different way. The groups provided a
summary of their discussions
and rankings.
Group 1 developed data needs for four
bridge performance issues: (1) the bump at the end of
the bridge, (2) corrosion/deterioration (including MSE walls,
piles, and soil), (3) foundations, and (4) hydraulics. The group
also provided an assessment of the data needs using the
following codes:
• A: Data needs that are generally available (i.e., weather data, construction records, and maintenance records).
• M: Data that the group felt could be collected or measured with existing technology and tools during the course of the research program (i.e., water table elevation and changes in foundation stiffness over time).
• G: Data that the majority of the group believed could not be reasonably collected with currently available technology (i.e., diffusion rate of chloride) but were considered important to the overall goals of the program (data gaps).
Table 6 through table 9 list the data needs that the group identified for the four bridge performance issues.
Where dual letters are shown, the group
felt the identified data need fell into more than
one category depending on a variety of circumstances. For example,
the load or strain
on a facility (abutment) or element within the facility (pile) can
be measured now (M) if instrumentation was installed during
construction. The same attributes on this facility would be
difficult to obtain (G) for a variety of technical and logistical
reasons if the instrumentation was not installed during
Table 6. Group 1 data needs for bump at the end of the bridge.
Data Needs |
Category |
Rideability/profiler |
M |
Traffic (ADT and ADTT) |
A |
Construction records and foundation report |
A |
Weather data |
A |
Elevation survey |
M |
Bridge type/abutment |
A |
As-built plans/details |
A |
Post-construction instrumentation monitoring records |
G |
Integrity of embankment—vertical and lateral movement |
M |
Integrity of foundation subsoil—vertical and lateral movement |
M |
Loads on retaining walls |
M/G |
Dynamic loads on structure |
M |
In situ and fill soil conditions |
A/M |
Soil strain signature |
M/G |
Abutment movements |
M |
Water table info |
M |
Soil erosion and loss |
M |
Cyclic strain (freeze-thaw/heaving) |
M |
Depth of influence of truck loads |
M |
Approach pavement info |
A |
Approach transition detail |
A |
ADT = Average daily
ADTT = Average daily truck traffic.
Table 7. Group 1 data needs for corrosion and deterioration.
Data Needs |
Category |
Ground water corrosivity |
M |
Soil corrosivity |
M |
Winter maintenance practice |
A |
Stray electric currents |
M |
Weather data |
A |
Backfill type and testing procedures |
A |
Surface drainage |
M |
Water table elevation and fluctuation |
M |
Corrosion and conditions of connection in MSE walls |
M |
Visual indications of corrosion on wall face |
A |
Visual indications of corrosion on piles |
A |
Corrosion rates |
G |
Section loss |
M/G |
Properties of foundation element (properties, coatings on steel) |
A |
Condition of foundation element (properties, coatings on steel) |
M |
Diffusion rate of chloride |
G |
Deterioration of timber piles |
M |
Table 8. Group 1 data needs for foundations.
Data Needs |
Category |
Construction records, foundation report |
A |
Bridge type/abutment |
A |
As-built plans/details |
A |
Strain distribution along element with time |
G |
Foundation type/materials |
A |
Subsurface information |
A |
Water table elevation and fluctuation |
M |
Existing capacity |
G |
Geometry |
A |
Integrity of element |
G |
Foundation stiffness and changes over time |
M |
Element vertical and lateral movements |
M |
Correlating superstructure forces/behavior/movement |
M |
Baseline survey data |
M/G |
Weather data |
A |
Ice thickness and properties |
M |
Stress/strain in MSE reinforcement |
M/G |
Measured earth pressure on wall/abutment |
M/G |
Table 9. Group 1 data needs for hydraulics, scour, and drainage.
Data Needs |
Category |
Construction records and foundation report |
A |
Bridge type/abutment |
A |
As-built plans/details |
A |
Weather data |
A |
Design scour |
A/G |
Measured scour (real time and/or post-event) |
M/G |
Stream velocity/flow rate |
M |
Countermeasure type and current condition |
A/M |
Subsurface information |
A |
Changes in land use |
A |
Stream bed profiles/cross section |
M |
Debris accumulation and removal |
M/G |
Countermeasure maintenance records |
A/G |
Channel stability and migration |
M/G |
Historical storm and flow data |
A/G |
Photo records |
A/M |
Abrasion and impact damage |
M |
Drainage system and condition |
M |
Ground cover and stabilization on side slopes |
M |
Hydraulic impacts of structure on stream flow (hydraulic cap) |
M |
Water table elevation and fluctuation |
M |
Effectiveness of stream training |
M |
Dynamic response of bridge during flood events |
M |
Erosion impact on global stability |
M |
Element vertical and lateral movements |
M |
Unlike other breakout sessions, all relevant material from group 1 deliberations in breakout session II is included in this section. Therefore, there is no appendix for additional information from group 1 for this breakout session.
Group 2 discussed the data that are
currently gathered and the wanted or needed measurements and then
mapped the data to performance issues. The data that are currently
gathered primarily come from National Bridge Inspection program
forms and are rather limited in application to geotechnical assets.
The wanted or needed measurements are more encompassing. Group 2
developed a list of 19 pieces of wanted or needed data and mapped
them to a list of
12 performance issues. The frequency of the data measurement was
defined in terms of timing
of the acquisition of the data as original (when constructed), a
periodic measurement, or a continuous measurement. Additionally,
the group rated the data measurement as available, obtainable,
future, or not obtainable, which is highlighted in further detail
in appendix G. Wanted or needed measurements include the
• Magnitude and rate of settlement at approach-bridge transition.
• Voids under approach slab.
• Vertical and lateral deformations at grade along length of bridge.
• Channels profiles.
• Quality geotechnical data:
o More than bore logs.
o Strength and compressibility data.
o Ground water table.
o Chemical properties (sulfates/chlorides/resistivity/pH).
o Expansion potential.
o Freeze-thaw classification.
• QC records from construction.
• As-built information—detailed element location (vertical and horizontal).
• Climate data:
o Temperature.
o Precipitation.
o Storm runoff.
• Loads and stresses in piles and drilled shafts.
• Lateral earth pressures and swell pressures.
• Rideability index at transitions (similar to International Roughness Index (IRI)).
• Vibration monitoring—ambient or forced vibration to observe changes in fundamental vibration modes.
Group 3 developed data needs for eight bridge performance issues: the bump at the end of the bridge, corrosion, scour/hydraulics, integral abutments/soil-structure interaction, drainage/runoff, QA/QC, foundations, and earth-retaining structures. For these performance issues, group 3 identified 4 to 10 data needs for 59 data need items. Table 10 through table 17 show the data needs identified by group 3. Additional information about group 3 can be found in appendix H.
Table 10. Group 3 data needs for bump at the end of the bridge.
Data Needs |
Vertical settlement at abutment |
Slope |
Vertical settlement profile with depth |
Changes over time |
Lateral movement |
Maintenance records |
Moisture info/profile in soil |
Increase load |
Freeze-thaw/heave |
Deterioration of geofoam/non-soil embankment materials |
Table 11. Group 3 data needs for corrosion.
Data Needs |
Chloride/sulfate concentrations and corrosivity |
Resistivity, pH |
Current condition (physical, MSE corrosion test strip) |
Moisture water |
Change over time/stiffness |
Construction records |
Concrete mix design |
Deterioration of geofoam/non-soil embankment materials |
Deicing usage/maintenance records |
Table 12. Group 3 data needs for scour/hydraulics.
Data Needs |
Scour/scour evolution |
Horizontal/vertical velocity/water depth |
Horizontal/vertical channel bed profile |
Movement of riprap |
Hydrodynamic load |
Changes in debris/mining |
Table 13. Group 3 data needs for integral abutments/soil-structure interaction.
Data Needs |
Cracking/spalling |
Differential movement |
Temperature |
Joint closure/buckled approach sections |
Table 14. Group 3 data needs for drainage and runoff.
Data Needs |
Dye tracking |
Volume—weir |
Precipitation |
Changes in land use/vegetation |
Deflections on abutment, erosion |
Location and condition—drainage pipes/materials |
Presence and magnitude of voids |
Corrosion of exposed elements |
Visual observations |
Table 15. Group 3 data needs for QA/QC.
Data Needs |
Historic records |
Project close-out reports |
Concrete sampling records |
Pile driving records |
Change in structural stiffness |
Damage left in place |
Load test info |
Table 16. Group 3 data needs for foundations.
Data Needs |
Historic records |
Unknown foundation quantification |
Integrity after extreme event |
Nearby construction, changes in geometry |
Visible inspection, including National Bridge Inventory |
Measure of internal forces within structure |
Table 17. Group 3 data needs for earth-retaining structures.
Data Needs |
Differential movement (horizontal, vertical, and lateral rotations) |
Surface cracking/spalling |
Ground water pressures |
Drainage conditions, weep holes, etc. |
New global stability issues |
Gaps or cracks in soil behind wall |
Corrosion of wall elements |
Expansive soils |
Following the brainstorming session on data needs and gaps during the morning of March 5, 2010, the lists and priorities from the three groups were presented to the larger group. There was considerable overlap in the data needs developed by the three groups. However, more work was needed to determine the meaning of the lists. Thus, the data needs and gaps were not discussed in detail at the workshop.
The benefit of the data needs and gaps session was that participants identified a comprehensive list of data needs and, in some measure, data gaps. It is recommended that a follow-up task group be formed to formulate research needs related to data needs and gaps for the LTBP program.
The third breakout session focused on how
geotechnical performance data can be collected. The goal of this
breakout session was to develop lists of tools and technologies
that are currently available and should be used in the LTBP program
and to identify technology development needs to address identified
data gaps. As in the previous sessions, the workshop participants
were divided into three groups. While the chair of each group
remained the same, the participants in each group changed. Each
group spent the early afternoon on March 5, 2010, discussing
the session topic. Following the discussion time, the participants
reunited to summarize the individual group findings.
The participants in group 1 were as follows:
• Chris Benda (chair).
• Mike Adams.
• Robert Liang.
• Dan Brown.
• Barry Christopher.
• Naresh Samtani.
• Jim Higbee.
• Gary Person.
• Jan Six.
• Kornel Kerenyi.
• John M. Hooks.
• Monica Starnes.
• Andrew Foden.
• Sandra Larson.
The participants in group 2 were as follows:
• Marcus Galvan (chair).
• Scott Anderson.
• Anand Puppala.
• Allen Marr.
• Bob Kimmerling.
• Jorge Pagán-Ortiz.
• Ed Hoppe.
• Norm Wetz.
• Liz Smith.
• Barry Brecto.
• Frank Jalinoos.
• Jawdat Siddiqi.
• Mike Brown.
The participants in group 3 were as follows:
• Brian Liebich (chair).
• Jennifer Nicks.
• Ed Kavazanjian.
• Allen Cadden.
• Kevin O’Connor.
• Larry Jones.
• Bill Kramer.
• Mark Morvant.
• Dan Ghere.
• Dennis Mertz.
• Jeffrey Ger.
• Curtis Monk.
• Derek Soden.
• Ali Maher.
As with the previous breakout sessions,
each group approached the identification and
matching of tools and technology development needs to performance
issues and data needs
and gaps in a different way. The groups provided summaries of their
discussions and lists of tools and development needs. Notes are
provided in appendices I, J, and K for groups 1, 2,
and 3, respectively.
Group 1 developed a list of the availability of the tools/technology for the four bridge performance issues for which the group had previously developed data needs and gaps: (1) the bump at the end of the bridge, (2) corrosion/deterioration (including MSE walls, piles, and soil), (3) foundations, and (4) hydraulics. Thus, for the 21 data needs for the bump at the end of the bridge, the group identified existing and future means of measuring the specific data of interest. The group also did this for the 17 data needs identified for corrosion/deterioration, the 18 data needs identified for foundations, and the 25 data needs identified for hydraulic issues. Where possible, the group identified the availability of tools/technology for specific data needs. The resulting list is in appendix I.
Group 2 took a slightly different approach on this topic. The group developed the following categories in which similar types of data or information would be collected: environment, visual/hands-on inspections, movements at surface, movements at depth, groundwater and river water level, moisture content profile, historical records, subsurface information, deterioration rates, and on-demand monitoring. Based on these categories, the group listed tools that would be appropriate for measuring/collecting various types of data or information. For each type of data listed, the group provided an assessment of whether the tools/technology are currently obtainable (tools/technology exists and is readily deployable) or are a future development (tool/technology not yet available or not yet practical). The complete list of tools/technologies mapped to the categories is in appendix J.
Group 3 used the eight bridge performance
issues developed for the data needs/gaps session and developed
tables for each of the issues, providing lists of currently
available tools/technology, near-future tools/technology, and
long-term tools/technology for each performance issue.
These lists are in appendix K and cover a wide range of
tools/technologies. The lists
demonstrate that many devices are in use for collection of data,
and there are some very promising tools/technology on the horizon
for near-future and long-term use. The group provided a list of the
most important new, emerging, and needed technologies, including
integrating nanotechnology, laser/radar interferometry monitoring
of deflection, micro-electrical-mechanical systems (MEMS), smart
foundation elements, biosensors, biocementation, energy piles (to
keep from applying salt), airborne imagery, smart soils, smart
elements to record load history, and embedded Global Positioning
System (GPS) reference points.
Following the afternoon brainstorming session on March 5, 2010, on tools, technology development, and monitoring, the lists and assessments from the three groups were presented to the larger group. As with the data needs and data gaps session, it was apparent that there was considerable overlap in the tools/technologies identified by the three groups. It was also apparent that considerably more work would be needed to sort out the meaning of the lists. Thus, the tools, technology development, and monitoring were not discussed in detail at the workshop.
The benefit of the tools, technology development, and monitoring session was that participants identified a comprehensive list of tools and technologies for data collection and, in some measure, mapped the tools/technologies to specific data needs as well as future and long-term needs. Thus, the workshop provided a good starting point for further efforts in identifying and matching tool/technologies to data needs. It is recommended that a follow-up task group be formed to better define the tools, technology development, and monitoring of geotechnical-related bridge assets for the LTBP program.
On the morning of March 6, 2010, FHWA personnel, the LTBP research team, and the breakout session chairs met to discuss the results of the sessions, discuss workshop report preparation, and outline the path forward.
The attendees of the post-workshop discussion session were as follows:
• Jorge Pagán-Ortiz, FHWA.
• Mike Adams, FHWA.
• Chris Benda, Vermont Agency of Transportation (AOT).
• Dan Ghere, FHWA.
• Brian Liebich, California Department of Transportation (Caltrans).
• Silas Nichols, FHWA.
• Vern Schaefer, Iowa State University.
• Hamid Ghasemi, FHWA.
• Scott Anderson, FHWA.
• Marcus Galvan, Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT).
• Kornel Kerenyi, FHWA.
• Ali Maher, Rutgers/ Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT).
• Jennifer Nicks, FHWA.
• Derek Soden, FHWA Florida Division.
The early discussion was general and focused on trying to put the geotechnical workshop in focus with the LTBP program. An emphasis was that proposed efforts must meet the needs of the LTBP program. The findings of the workshop can address issues of interest to the LTBP program, but other issues will arise as a result of the workshop that are outside the scope of the LTBP program. As a result of the workshop, short-term (3–5 years) and long-term (5+ years) geotechnical opportunities should be identified.
For geotechnical bridge performance issues identified at this workshop, the original 20 study topics identified by the focus groups provide a logical starting point for consideration by the LTBP program (see appendix C). For each of the original 20 study topics, a review and brief summary of the state of practice, previous research, and identification of remaining questions that can be addressed under the LTBP program has been prepared. Topics identified from this workshop can potentially be added to the current list of study topics. Seven of the twenty study topics are related to the deliberations at this workshop, including performance of structure foundation types; direct, reliable, and timely methods to measure scour; and performance of scour countermeasures. The performance issues identified in this workshop can be considered additions or clarifications to the study topics list as the list is refined and additional information is gathered from stakeholders.
The next topic of discussion was the pilot
program and reference bridges. The pilot program focused on
detailed inspection and monitoring of seven bridges to validate
protocols and processes. The LTBP program was in the middle of the
pilot program, which had not included geotechnical aspects. Three
more pilot program bridges offered an opportunity to include
geotechnical aspects. The reference bridges were to be identified
for long-term monitoring under the LTBP program. These bridges were
in the process of being identified at the time of this report, and
opportunities existed for inclusion of geotechnical-related
performance monitoring
on these bridges.
Opportunities also exist to include
geotechnical performance aspects in bridges being considered in the
pilot program in Minnesota, New York, and Florida. It was noted
that many of the geotechnical performance issues relate to integral
abutment bridges and associated retaining structures and that it
would be beneficial to include retaining systems in future studies.
Also emphasized was the importance of scour, which is costing
States a considerable amount of money because the design of the
foundation elements needs to address not only the foundation loads
but also the predicted scour envelope. Many times, the scour
prediction results in
deeper foundations.
Based on the session I brainstorming and
the post-workshop discussions, the following
short-term bridge performance priorities emerged:
• Approach/bridge interface issues.
• Material degradation/corrosion/deterioration issues.
• MSE wall issues—material degradation and assessment of wall integrity.
• Hydraulics—scour, erosion, and drainage.
From the results of this workshop and other available information, these issues can be considered for inclusion on the LTBP list of study topics. Each issue will have to be further studied for the state of practice, related research, and identification of key questions that might be addressed under the LTBP program.
The long-term issues require additional
time and consideration in light of the information collected at the
workshop. As a starting point, the following potential long-term
were identified:
• Future instrumentation devices and their evaluation (requires advice from other disciplines and sensor specialists).
• Innovative materials, lightweight fills, recycled materials, and environmental and carbon footprint issues.
• Geotechnical factors related to bridge serviceability and degradation models.
• Remaining service life assessment, both on geotechnical aspects and structural aspects.
• Post-hazard event diagnostic tools.
The primary objectives of the workshop were to consider overall bridge performance and identify geotechnical performance metrics or indicators that may correspond to good or poor performance. The workshop was expected to provide the LTBP program with the necessary information to identify, prioritize, and address substructure and foundation performance issues. In addition, the workshop findings were expected to provide valuable information on available tools and technologies for bridge assessment and monitoring. The objectives and expected outcomes were accomplished through brainstorming sessions in which participants discussed the following key topics:
• Bridge performance issues.
• Data needs and data gaps.
• Tools, technology development, and monitoring.
To a considerable degree, the following objectives of the workshop were achieved:
• Participants identified the key geotechnical aspects affecting overall bridge performance.
• Participants identified many data needs and data gaps as well as currently used tools to gather data and future technologies affecting data collection.
• A consensus was developed on the short-term geotechnical priorities that the LTBP program should consider in its remaining pilot bridges and reference bridges.
As a result of the session I brainstorming and the post-workshop discussions, short-term bridge performance priorities were identified. These priorities can be summarized in four categories with subcategories. For each of the performance issues, assessments of the cause and effect of the issue, the QC/QA aspects, the detection/monitoring aspects, and the remedial actions to overcome the issues need to be completed.
Approach/bridge interface issues include the following:
• Settlement (including foundation and fill settlements), erosion of toe fills, poor material quality, and substandard construction practices.
• Integral abutments, temperature loads, and ratcheting effects.
Material degradation/corrosion/long-term deterioration issues include the following:
• Piles, concrete, steel, and salt water effects.
• Metallic inclusions (i.e., soil nails and anchors).
• Aggressive soils.
MSE wall issues (material degradation and assessment of wall integrity) include the following:
• Degradation of reinforcement, including deterioration and creep.
• Deformation of MSE walls.
• Quality of backfill.
• Leakage of backfill.
Hydraulics issues include the following:
• Scour (this was previously identified as a high-priority bridge performance issue during focus group meetings).
o Direct, reliable, and timely methods to measure scour.
o Performance of scour countermeasures.
• Drainage, joint infiltration, weep holes, and underdrains.
• Erosion, approach embankments, and from behind cast-in-place (CIP) walls.
From the results of this workshop and other available information, these issues can be considered for inclusion on the LTBP list of study topics. Each issue should be further studied for the state of practice, related research, and identification of key questions that might be addressed under the LTBP program.
As a result of the session II brainstorming and the post-workshop discussions, data needs can be summarized for the short-term bridge performance issues identified. Categories of the data needs are similar across the four performance categories and are listed in table 18. Sample data needs are shown for each performance issue and category of data needs. Additional information on data needs is contained in the session II summary and the appendices.
Table 18. Summary of sample data needs.
Performance Issue |
Data Needs |
Construction Records |
Inspection and Maintenance History |
Characterization of Service Environment |
Post-Construction Monitoring |
Approach/bridge interface |
• As-built plans • Foundation report |
• Inspection reports • Photos • Voids under slabs • Winter maintenance practices |
• Climate data • Traffic • Loads |
• Settlement • Rideability • Deformations • Vibrations |
Material degradation |
• As-built plans |
• Inspection reports • Winter maintenance practices |
• Climate data • Groundwater information • Soil characteristics |
• Corrosion detection • Condition of foundation elements |
MSE walls |
• As-built plans |
• Visual indications of corrosion |
• Climate data • Indications of water |
• Soil corrosivity • Water corrosivity |
Hydraulics |
• As-built plans • Abutment/pier type • Channel capacities |
• Historical flow data • Channel stability and migration |
• Climate data • Ice data • Stream velocity |
• Post-flood records • Measured scour |
As shown in the table, some data needs,
such as as-built plans and climate data, cut across all
performance issues. Such categories cover a lot of information
requirements. For example, climate data include temperature,
precipitation, wind, etc. The four data needs categories listed in
the table provide a starting point for better categorization and
delineation of the data needs with respect to bridge performance
The workshop participants did an
outstanding job of identifying the data needs. The identification
of data gaps and the session III brainstorming on tools, technology
development, and monitoring produced a less focused outcome
relative to these issues. The appendices
contain the information gathered as part of these sessions, but
sorting out this information relative to the bridge performance
issues and data needs requires effort beyond the scope of
this report.
This workshop identified many geotechnical topics related to bridge performance. Based on the materials presented in this report, the following conclusions can be drawn:
• This workshop identified many geotechnical research needs that would benefit from future research.
• This workshop identified many data needs, some of which are presently available and some of which are not. The workshop also identified many technology gaps, tools, technology development, and monitoring techniques that are applicable to the data needs.
The four high-priority short-term study topics identified can be
incorporated into the LTBP list of long-term bridge performance
suggested study topics (see appendix C).
The long-term geotechnical study topics can be incorporated into
present and future FHWA initiatives.
• The workshop achieved its objective of providing useful input to the LTBP program on the geotechnical aspects of bridge performance.
The short-term issues identified should be incorporated into the present list of long-term bridge performance suggested study topics (see appendix C).
The long-term issues identified should be
incorporated into FHWA pending and future
research initiatives.
FHWA Workshop to Identify Bridge Substructure Performance Issues
LTBP Geotechnical Workshop Agenda
Thursday, March 4th, 2010
7:00–8:00 Continental Breakfast, Pre-Function South
8:00–8:15 General Session/Welcome Remarks, Pacifica Ballroom 1
8:15–8:30 Participant Introductions
8:30–9:00 LTBP Program Overview
9:00–9:45 Summary of Focus Group Meetings
9:45–10:15 Break, Pre-Function South
10:15–10:45 LTBP Pilot Program Overview
10:45–11:15 Geotechnical Factors and Bridge Performance
11:15–11:45 Workgroup I Assignments
11:45–1:00 Lunch, Promenade Deck
1:00–5:00 Breakout Session I: Bridge Performance Issues
Group 1: Timor Sea 1
Group 2: Timor Sea 2
Group 3: Banda Sea 3
Friday, March 5th, 2010
7:00–8:00 Continental Breakfast, Pre-Function South
8:00–8:30 Workgroup II Assignments, Pacifica Ballroom 1
8:30–11:30 Breakout Session II: Data Needs and Data Gaps
Group 1: Timor Sea 1
Group 2: Timor Sea 2
Group 3: Banda Sea 3
11:30–1:00 Lunch, Promenade Deck
1:00–1:30 Workgroup III Assignments, Pacifica Ballroom 1
1:30–4:30 Breakout Session III: Tools, Technology, Development, and Monitoring
4:30 – 5:00 Closing Remarks
Saturday, March 6th, 2010
7:30–8:30 Continental Breakfast, Pre-Function South
9:00–12:00 Post-workshop Discussions (Internal FHWA), Pacifica Ballroom 1
In preparation for the LTBP workshop,
“Identifying Bridge Substructure and Foundation Performance
Issues,” the workshop organizers are providing some general
information on
what to expect once you arrive. For additional information and
background on the program, please visit the program’s Web site at
The dress code for the workshop will be casual. Please dress comfortably for the workshop and leave your ties at home.
The purpose of the workshop is to consider overall bridge performance and identify geotechnical performance metrics or indicators that may correspond to good and poor performance.
The workshop will be providing the LTBP
program with the necessary information to identify, prioritize, and
address substructure and foundation performance issues. The
findings will
also provide valuable information on available tools and
technologies for bridge assessment
and monitoring.
FHWA is facing significant challenges in management of the Nation’s nearly 600,000 bridges. The LTBP program was designated under the SAFETEA-LU authorization legislation in 2005 and developed by the FHWA Office of Infrastructure Research and Development as a 20-year strategic research program intended to collect, analyze, and evaluate scientific quality data from the Nation’s bridges. The information collected as part of the program will provide a detailed picture of bridge health, improve knowledge of holistic bridge performance, and set the groundwork for the next generation of asset management.
Currently, the program is conducting a
series of focus group meetings with State highway agencies and a
pilot study program that consists of detailed monitoring,
inspection, and testing of a small sample of bridges around the
country. The primary goal of the pilot study is to validate
procedures for data collection. In addition, the study will ensure
that all components needed to achieve the long-term objectives of
the LTBP program are specified before starting the nationwide
study. Detailed monitoring, inspecting, and testing of bridges will
be a major
focus of the LTBP program and will include visual inspection, NDE
testing and evaluation, instrumentation and monitoring, forensic
autopsies of decommissioned bridges, and development of accelerated
testing facilities.
The primary purpose for the focus group meetings was to identify key performance topics that are most relevant to support the objectives of the LTBP program. The focus group meetings were used to gather information related to common modes of deterioration for bridges, common maintenance activities, performance measures used to gauge to agency success in bridge management, and information required for program and project decision support.
The focus groups identified several key performance issues related to deck and superstructure performance (i.e., joints, bearings, etc.). These performance issues will be presented briefly on Thursday morning. The intention is for all participants to have an unbiased opinion on bridge performance issues before the workshop.
There will be three sets of breakout sessions designed to generate creative thought and advanced solutions for holistic bridge performance. To maximize potential input, all participants will participate in the following three breakout sessions:
• Bridge performance issues—Workgroups will discuss key performance issues related to substructure and foundation. They are expected to develop and prioritize key performance topics that identify geotechnical, foundation, and substructure issues.
• Data needs and data gaps—Workgroups will discuss data needs and gaps related to the key performance topics. Workgroups are expected to develop a list of data needs that can be currently collected, data that needs to be collected during the course of the research program, and data that cannot be collected today but would be important to the objectives of the program.
• Tools, technology development, and monitoring—Workgroups will discuss how geotechnical performance data can be collected. Workgroups are expected to develop lists of tools and technology that are available today and should be in use with the program. In addition, workgroups should identify technology development needs to address identified data gaps.
At the conclusion of the workshop, the chair of each session will meet to discuss the results generated by the workgroups and initiate report preparation.
The list of invited attendees for this workshop is provided in table 19. The attendees were selected to provide a broad range of experience, education, and geography. The attendees represent State highway agencies; FHWA Federal aid, Federal lands, and research; academia; and consulting. In addition, the list includes a cross section of structural, geotechnical, and hydraulics engineers. The hope is that this mix will generate some creative and interesting discussion on the proposed topics.
Table 19. Invited attendee list.
Last Name |
First Name |
Affiliation |
1 |
Adams |
Mike |
FHWA Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC) |
2 |
Anderson |
Scott |
FHWA Resource Center |
3 |
Benda |
Chris |
Vermont AOT |
4 |
Brecto |
Barry |
FHWA Division |
5 |
Brown |
Dan |
Dan Brown & Associates |
6 |
Brown |
Mike |
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) |
7 |
Burrows |
Shay |
FHWA Resource Center |
8 |
Cadden |
Allen |
Schnabel Engineers |
9 |
Christopher |
Barry |
Consultant |
10 |
Cooling |
Tom |
URS Corporation |
11 |
Drda |
Tom |
FHWA Division |
12 |
Dunne |
Richard |
New Jersey Department of Transportation |
13 |
Foden |
Andrew |
Parsons Brinckerhoff |
14 |
Ger |
Jeffrey |
FHWA Division (Florida) |
15 |
Galvan |
Marcus |
16 |
Ghere |
Dan |
FHWA Resource Center |
17 |
Higbee |
Jim |
Utah Department of Transportation |
18 |
Hooks |
John M. |
Consultant |
19 |
Hoppe |
Edward |
20 |
Ibrahim |
Firas |
21 |
Jalinoos |
Frank |
22 |
Johnson |
Bruce |
Oregon Department of Transportation |
23 |
Jones |
Larry |
Florida Department of Transportation |
24 |
Kavazanjian |
Ed |
Arizona State University |
25 |
Kerenyi |
Kornel |
26 |
Kimmerling |
Bob |
PanGEO, Inc. |
27 |
Kramer |
Bill |
Illinois Department of Transportation |
28 |
Larson |
Sandra |
Iowa Department of Transportation |
29 |
Liang |
Robert |
University of Akron |
30 |
Liebich |
Brian |
Caltrans |
31 |
Macioce |
Tom |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation |
32 |
Maher |
Ali |
Rutgers University |
33 |
Marr |
Allen |
Geocomp Corporation |
34 |
Mertz |
Dennis |
University of Delaware |
35 |
Monk |
Curtis |
FHWA Division |
36 |
Morvant |
Mark |
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development |
37 |
Nicks |
Jennifer |
Former Ph.D. student at Texas A&M (recently hired by FHWA TFHRC) |
38 |
Nusiarat |
Jamal |
E.L. Robinson |
39 |
O'Connor |
Kevin |
GeoTDR, Inc. |
40 |
Pagán-Ortiz |
Jorge |
41 |
Penrod |
John |
42 |
Person |
Gary |
Minnesota Department of Transportation |
43 |
Puppala |
Anand |
University of Texas-Arlington |
44 |
Samtani |
Naresh |
NCS Consultants |
45 |
Schafer |
Vern |
Iowa State University |
46 |
Siddiqi |
Jawdat |
Ohio Department of Transportation |
47 |
Six |
Jan |
Oregon Department of Transportation |
48 |
Smith |
Liz |
Terracon, Inc |
49 |
Starnes |
Monica |
Strategic Highway Research Program 2 |
50 |
Withiam |
James |
D’Appolonia Engineers |
51 |
Nichols |
Silas |
FHWA Headquarters |
52 |
Ghasemi |
Hamid |
53 |
Sibley |
Reed |
Parsons Brinckerhoff |
54 |
Asstephan |
Sherif |
Rutgers University |
55 |
Smith |
Krystal |
Rutgers University |
56 |
Wetz |
Norman |
Arizona Department of Transportation |
57 |
Soden |
Derek |
FHWA Division |
Through information gleaned from a series of stakeholder interviews and literature review, a proposed series of study topics were identified. Table 20 lists these general study topics. Additional topics and refinement of the proposed topics are being considered as additional input and are gathered from stakeholders.
Table 20. LTBP suggested study topics.
Category |
Study Topic |
Decks |
Performance of untreated concrete bridge decks |
Performance of bridge deck treatments (membranes, overlays, coatings, and sealers) |
Influence of cracking on the serviceability of high-performance concrete decks |
Performance of precast reinforced concrete deck systems |
Joints |
Performance, maintenance, and repair of bridge deck joints |
Performance of jointless structures |
Concrete bridges |
Performance of bare, coated, or sealed concrete superstructures and substructures (considering splash zone, soils, or exposed to deicer runoff) |
Performance of prestressed concrete girders (including American Association of State Highway and Traffic Officials type I girders, adjustable box girders, and bulb tees) |
Performance of embedded or ducted prestressing wires and post-tensioning tendons |
Steel bridges |
Performance of coatings for steel superstructure elements |
Performance of weathering steels |
Bearings |
Performance, maintenance, and repair of bridge bearings |
Foundations and scour |
Performance of structure foundation types |
Direct, reliable, and timely methods to measure scour |
Performance of scour countermeasures |
Functional |
Criteria for classification of functional performance |
Risk and reliability |
Risk and reliability evaluation for structural safety performance |
Design alternatives |
Performance of alternative reinforcing steels |
Performance of innovative designs and material |
The LTBP team completed a cursory
literature review on each of the identified study topics, providing
a brief summary of the state of practice, previous related
research, and identification
of remaining questions that might be addressed under the LTBP
program. By documenting fundamental research questions to be
addressed, researchers were then able to identify the range of
documentation, inspection, testing, instrumentation, and monitoring
necessary to advance the state of knowledge in the topic of
interest. This information can be used to identify specific data
needs and specify procedures and protocols for obtaining the
required or desired information.
For each study topic, a series of key questions were posed to elucidate the knowledge gaps identified and direct the development of appropriate experiments to address those questions. For each question, one or more hypotheses were posed to describe the anticipated outcomes of the experiments, and then the data required to address and evaluate each hypothesis were formulated. Such data sources include combinations of already available highway network and structure-specific inventory and condition information as well as data to be specifically generated under LTBP through field observation and testing or data mining from internal or external sources. Thus, the general study topics are to be refined into a series of experiments and specific data needs identified to support those experiments.
The goal is to establish a series of experiments and select representative samples of the bridge population for field evaluation and monitoring over the program period to gather the necessary quantitative data to answer the questions posed and refine criteria and models for bridge performance. It is desired that the information developed under this program address all aspects of performance of a typical bridge, ranging from structural condition and stability to functionality. The intent is for the information gleaned to be applicable to a broad range of structures throughout the United States and be of direct benefit to the bridge maintenance and management personnel responsible for the bridges’ care.
During breakout session I, group 1 identified a list of bridge performance issues related to geotechnology, which is shown in table 21. In compiling this list, group 1 noted that there are important interrelationships between some of the issues in the list. The issues were grouped according to the following general topic categories:
• a = Abutment interface.
• f = Foundations.
• h = Hydraulics.
• m = Materials.
• c = Construction.
Also, some of the issues were rated as to
their level of importance in impacting overall
bridge performance. The rating scale is 3 = highest importance, 2 =
medium importance, and
1 = lowest importance.
Table 21. Group 1 bridge performance issues.
Category |
Bridge Performance Issue |
Importance |
a |
Bump at the end of the bridge |
3 |
a |
• Lateral spreading at abutment |
3 |
a |
• Joint filler failure |
3 |
a |
• Dynamic load amplification on ridge |
3 |
a |
• Approach slab settlement |
3 |
a |
Temperature loads on integral abutments |
3 |
a |
Integral abutment ratcheting and forces |
3 |
a |
Behavior of shallow foundations behind MSE walls |
2 |
a |
Behavior of pile foundations behind MSE walls |
3 |
a |
Effect of grade, heavy skew, or superelevation on abutments |
2 |
a |
Interaction between performance of one abutment on opposite abutment |
1 |
f |
Differential movements |
1 |
f |
Measured foundation loads to calibrate/refine design codes |
3 |
f |
• Accurate modeling during design (effects of pile caps, etc.) |
3 |
f |
• Different behavior of foundation to short-term and long-term loads |
3 |
f |
• Improved efficiency in foundation design |
3 |
f |
• Proper combination of extreme events |
3 |
f |
• Design for serviceability under lower seismic events |
3 |
f |
Unknown foundations |
3 |
f |
Effects of widening structures |
3 |
f |
• Effects on existing structures |
3 |
f |
• Use of different foundation types |
3 |
f |
Quantification of tolerable movements for design |
3 |
f |
• Vertical |
3 |
f |
• Lateral |
3 |
h |
Accurate prediction of scour |
3 |
h |
Monitoring of scour |
3 |
h |
Monitoring of scour countermeasures |
3 |
h |
Effect of laterally migrating streams |
1 |
h |
Effect of toe erosion on slope stability |
2 |
h |
Drainage performance |
3 |
m |
Long-term creep of MSE walls |
2 |
m |
Quality of fill and effect on MSE wall performance |
2 |
m |
Corrosion of MSE reinforcement |
2 |
m |
Corrosion of piles in aggressive/corrosive environments |
3 |
m |
Construction of large diameter drilled shafts |
2 |
m |
• Thermal stresses during construction (mass concrete) |
2 |
c |
QC during construction |
3 |
c |
• Effects on long-term performance of the structure |
3 |
c |
• Effect of
various contract methods (design-build versus |
3 |
The performance issues were further
evaluated by considering their relative impact on
strength, serviceability, survivability, and structural safety.
Table 22 provides the results
of this evaluation.
Table 22. Group 2 bridge performance issues with voting.
Votes |
Element |
Sub-Element |
Performance Issue |
0 |
General |
N/A |
Safety margin lower than desired, loads greater than originally designed for, or capacity reduced over time due to substructure changes |
0 |
General |
N/A |
Changes in substructure stiffness over time and their impact on overall structure behavior and performance |
11 |
Approaches |
Embankments |
Settlement-related impacts on serviceability (bump at the end of the bridge) |
10 |
Approaches |
Embankments |
Global stability (slope failure) |
2 |
Approaches |
Embankments |
Erosion/overtopping |
0 |
Approaches |
Embankments |
Potholes or rutting (indicative of other issues) |
0 |
Approaches |
Embankments |
Saturation of slopes and changes in shear strength over time |
14 |
Piers |
General |
Scour/erosion and loss of lateral stability, compromised protection |
13 |
Piers |
General |
Total and differential settlement |
11 |
Piers |
General |
Horizontal movement or rotation |
7 |
Piers |
General |
Loss of flexural strength of deep foundation elements due to corrosion, cracking, etc. |
6 |
Piers |
General |
Vertical geotechnical bearing |
3 |
Piers |
General |
Debris accumulation |
0 |
Piers |
General |
Damage to foundation element caused by collision, ice flow, earthquake, or other extreme events |
0 |
Piers |
General |
Cracking and corrosion of reinforcement/strand |
0 |
Piers |
General |
Global stability |
11 |
Abutments |
General |
Vertical and horizontal joint movement |
11 |
Abutments |
General |
Total and differential settlement |
8 |
Abutments |
General |
Scour/erosion |
8 |
Abutments |
General |
Pile performance—corrosion, loss of flexural strength |
4 |
Abutments |
General |
Slope protection performance, compromised protection |
4 |
Abutments |
General |
Global stability |
3 |
Abutments |
General |
Piping loss and migration of fines |
2 |
Abutments |
General |
Vertical geotechnical bearing |
2 |
Abutments |
General |
Drainage and filtration |
1 |
Abutments |
General |
Earth retention |
0 |
Abutments |
General |
Cracking |
0 |
Abutments |
General |
Impact loading (dynamic due to live load) |
0 |
Abutments |
General |
Collision impact (by trucks, vessels, etc.) |
0 |
Abutments |
General |
Driving stresses on piles |
0 |
Abutments |
General |
Abutment influence on bearing performance (protection or support) |
11 |
Abutments |
MSE walls |
Corrosion/degradation of reinforcement |
10 |
Abutments |
MSE walls |
Drainage failure |
5 |
Abutments |
MSE walls |
Settlement |
2 |
Abutments |
MSE walls |
Leakage of backfill |
0 |
Abutments |
MSE walls |
Global stability |
14 |
Abutments |
Soil-nail walls |
Corrosion of tendons |
5 |
Abutments |
Soil-nail walls |
Horizontal movement |
5 |
Abutments |
Soil-nail walls |
Drainage failure |
3 |
Abutments |
Soil-nail walls |
Scour/erosion |
1 |
Abutments |
Soil-nail walls |
Fascia deterioration/spalling |
0 |
Abutments |
Soil-nail walls |
Cracking |
0 |
Abutments |
Soil-nail walls |
Global stability due to changes in ground-water |
8 |
Abutments |
CIP walls/other |
Scour/erosion |
5 |
Abutments |
CIP walls/other |
Excessive displacement |
1 |
Abutments |
CIP walls/other |
Corrosion |
0 |
Abutments |
CIP walls/other |
Cracking |
12 |
Abutments |
Integral abutments |
Soil restraint of abutment translation (jacking) |
The approach by group 3 consisted first of brainstorming a list of performance issues to capture the complete spectrum of possible problems (see table 4). Next, in order to facilitate the evaluation of the relative importance of these issues, the full list of issues was rolled up into seven categories: movement/deflections, safety/usability, material performance, soil structure interaction, construction, recertification/reassurance, and drainage/runoff/erosion. Subcategories were developed in some cases. To evaluate the relative importance of each category, the group considered four metrics for each category or subcategory: the likelihood of the issue developing, the safety implications of the issue, the effect of the issue on bridge serviceability, and the cost of the issue. Each metric was then rated on a scale of 1 to 3 where 1 is low and 3 is high. The ratings were assigned to each metric to arrive at a score for each category or subcategory and are shown in the following sections. These ratings were used to create the summary list of performance issues (see table 4).
• Bump at the end of the bridge (significant).
o Likelihood: 3.
o Safety: 2.
o Serviceability: 3.
o Cost: 2 (recurring cost).
o Score: 21 (2nd priority).
• Differential.
o Likelihood: 1 (low for bread-and-butter bridges, rarely use timber piles).
o Safety: 1 (happens slowly).
o Serviceability: 2.
o Cost: 3.
o Score: 6.
• Lateral.
o Likelihood: 1.
o Safety: 1.
o Serviceability: 3.
o Cost: 3.
o Score: 7
• Collapse.
o Likelihood: 1.
o Safety: 3.
o Serviceability: 3.
o Cost: 3.
o Score: 9.
• Corrosion/deterioration (MSE walls, steel in piles, and embankment material).
o Likelihood: 3.
o Safety: 2.
o Serviceability: 2.
o Cost: 3.
o Score: 21 (top priority).
• New materials/new systems (lightweight fills, geofoam, composites, high-performance concrete, etc).
o Likelihood: 1 (tends to be overly conservative with a high safety factor applied when new materials are used).
o Safety: 1.
o Serviceability: 1.
o Cost: 2.
o Score: 4.
• Fatigue/integral abutment/lateral stress.
o Likelihood: 3.
o Safety: 1.
o Serviceability: 3.
o Cost: 3.
o Score: 21 (3rd priority).
• Inadequate QA/QC, lack of records, unknown foundations (including load rating, widening, and scour issues), and known damage/material defect left in place (construction anomalies).
o Likelihood: 3.
o Safety: 1.
o Serviceability: 2.
o Cost: 2.
o Score: 15.
Remaining (foundation) service life, including after any extreme
event or increasing
loads (reassurance).
o Likelihood: 3.
o Safety: 3.
o Serviceability: 3.
o Cost: 2.
o Score: 24 (treat as separate category, not in top priority grouping).
Note that the recertification/reassurance category is an overarching performance issue and is not in the same category as the other visible or physical issues listed. It cannot be monitored in the same manner envisioned for the LTBP program and is not included in table 4.
o Likelihood: 3.
o Safety: 1.
o Serviceability: 3.
o Cost: 2 (continuing maintenance).
o Score: 18.
• Examine monitoring techniques.
o What can reliably be measured 75–100 years down the road?
o How reliable is monitoring equipment?
• Need permanent reference marks to make periodic assessment more accurate/useful.
o Do not necessarily need continuous monitoring.
o Need good as-built plans to document foundation type.
Examine new technologies to improve maintenance/construction.
monitoring settlement via laser/reference marks is easy compared to
unknown foundations.
o Technology not quite there yet to reliably determine unknown foundations.
o Not trivial job.
o More costly.
• What can be done with current technology?
o Low-risk approach.
o Opportunity for tremendous improvement.
o Better utilization of current monitoring/testing technologies; not currently done.
o Can assess in 20 years to see what difference it made.
• What are areas where new technologies could be useful going forward?
• State of the practice on approach slabs—how do various States handle it?
• Broad objectives include safety/serviceability—approach slab fits under both.
• Need to be able to tell public some movement OK, not necessarily wrong.
• Lack of guidance on how much movement various structure types can tolerate.
• Need good quick post-disaster assessment.
• Time domain reflectometry (TDR) has good potential; more known reliability.
1. Corrosion/deterioration (MSE walls, steel in piles, and embankment material).
2. Bump at the end of the bridge (significant).
3. Fatigue/integral abutment/lateral stress.
4. Drainage/runoff/erosion.
1. Ongoing bridge inspection.
2. Less frequent extreme event evaluation.
The following list indicates some types of
data that are or may be currently collected depending on
agency practices:
• National Bridge Inventory structure inventory and appraisal form.
• Substructure.
o Bent caps.
o Columns.
o Bearings.
o Evidence of distress in below-grade elements.
o Channel profiles (physical measurement).
o Cracks measured.
Many inspections are cursory or not detailed and vary by agency and the number of bridges that inspection teams are responsible for inspecting. The following list indicates some general types of information that would be advantageous:
• Measure the magnitude and rate of settlement at approach-bridge transition.
• Voids under approach slab.
• Vertical and lateral deformations at grade along length of bridge.
• Channels profiles.
• Quality geotechnical data.
• More than bore logs.
• Strength and compressibility data.
• Ground water table.
• Chemical properties (sulfates/chlorides/resistivity/pH).
• Expansion potential.
• Freeze-thaw classification.
• QC records from construction.
• As-built information.
• Detailed element location (vertical and horizontal).
• Climate data.
• Temperature.
• Precipitation.
• Storm runoff.
• Loads and stresses in piles and drilled shafts.
• Lateral earth pressures, swell pressures.
• Rideability index at transitions (similar to IRI).
• Vibration monitoring—ambient or forced vibration to observe changes in fundamental vibration modes.
After identifying the data needs, group 2 worked to relate or map the data items to the performance issues that had been identified in breakout session I. This is shown in table 23, where the data items were mapped to the following performance issues:
• Approach—bump at end of bridge, integral abutments, and piles.
• Soil-structure interaction—integral abutment/lateral stress/cyclic stresses, including foundation elements.
• Foundation loads and actual capacity—impact of widening and tolerable movements.
• Unknown foundations.
• Deformation—total or differential settlement and horizontal movement.
• Joint movement—vertical and horizontal.
• Hydraulics and scour (channel migration).
• Drainage/runoff/erosion.
• Slope stability.
• Corrosion/deterioration (MSE walls, steel in piles, and embankment material).
Quality—influence/value of quality of design, construction, and
maintenance in
long-term performance
• Remaining service life—long-term performance.
Table 23 also includes information on the frequency of gathering data, as well as the current availability of that data. For the column labeled “Frequency,” the following apply:
• O = Information should be obtained from the original source, such as design calculations, construction plans, construction inspection records, or as-built drawings.
• P = Data should be gathered on a periodic basis.
• C = Data should be gathered on a continuous basis.
For the column labeled “Availability,” the following apply:
• A = Information/data are currently available.
• I = Information/data are obtainable.
• F = Information/data may be available in the future.
• N = Information/data are not available and are not obtainable.
Table 23. Group 2 data needs.
Data |
Frequency1 |
Availability2 |
Approach (Bump) |
Soil-Structure Interaction |
Foundation Loads |
Unknown Foundations |
Deformation |
Joint Movement |
Hydraulics and Scour |
Drainage and Erosion |
Slope Stability |
Corrosion / Deterioration |
Quality |
Remaining Life |
Magnitude and rate of settlement at approach-bridge transition |
P |
I |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Voids under approach slab (change in support conditions) |
P |
I |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Vertical and lateral deformations (surface profile changes) |
P |
I |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Channels profiles (changes over time) |
P/C |
A/I/F |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Quality geotechnical data |
O |
A/I |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
QC records from construction |
O |
A/I/N |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Bridge load rating and inspection reports |
O |
A |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Maintenance records |
P |
A |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
As-built information |
O |
A/I/N |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Climate data (time history) |
C |
A/I |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Loads and stresses in piles and drilled shafts and footings |
P/C |
I/F |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Loads and stresses in superstructure elements |
P/C |
I/F |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Lateral earth pressures, swell pressures |
P |
I/F |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Rideability index at transitions (similar to IRI) |
P |
A/I/F |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Vibration characteristics of structure |
P |
A/I |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Physical characteristics of foundation (e.g., geophysical/ NDE data) |
P |
A/I/F |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Live load history (magnitude and frequency) |
C |
A/I |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Extreme event load history (flood, seismic, etc.) |
P |
I |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Corrosion indicators (visual, physical, electrochemical, surrogate) |
P |
A/I |
X |
X |
X |
1 O = Original, P = Periodic, and C = Continuous.
2 A = Available, I = Is Obtainable, F = Future, and N = Not obtainable.
Note: blank cells indicate that the data item does not apply to the performance issue.
Table 24 matches the data needs identified by group 3 during breakout session II with the performance issues identified by the group during breakout session I.
Table 24. Group 3 data needs matched to main performance issues.
Data Need |
Bump |
Vertical settlement at abutment |
Slope |
Vertical settlement profile with depth |
Changes over time |
Lateral movement |
Maintenance records |
Moisture info/profile in soil |
Increase load |
Freeze-thaw/heave |
Deterioration of geofoam/non-soil embankment materials |
Corrosion |
Chloride/sulfate concentrations, corrosivity |
Resistivity, pH |
Current condition (physical, MSE corrosion test strip) |
Moisture water |
Change over time/stiffness |
Construction records |
Concrete mix design |
Deterioration of geofoam /non-soil embankment materials |
Deicing usage/maintenance records |
Scour/hydraulics |
Scour/scour evolution |
Horizontal/vertical velocity/water depth |
Horizontal/vertical channel bed profile |
Movement of riprap |
Hydrodynamic load |
Changes in debris/mining |
Integral abutment/soil structure interaction |
Cracking/spalling |
Differential movement |
Temperature |
Joint closure/buckled approach sections |
Drainage/runoff |
Dye tracking |
Volume—weir |
Precipitation |
Changes in land use/vegetation |
Deflections on abutment, erosion |
Location and condition—drainage pipes/materials |
Presence and magnitude of voids |
Corrosion of exposed elements |
Visual observations |
Historic records |
Project close-out reports |
Concrete sampling records |
Pile driving records |
Stiffness change issues |
Damage left in place |
Load test information |
Foundation |
Historic records |
Unknown foundation quantification |
Integrity after extreme event |
Nearby construction, changes in geometry |
Visible inspection, including National Bridge Inventory |
Measure internal forces within structure |
Earth-retaining structures |
Differential movement (horizontal, vertical, lateral, and rotation) |
Surface cracking/spalling |
Ground water pressures |
Drainage conditions, weep holes, etc. |
New global stability issues |
Gaps or cracks in soil behind wall |
Corrosion of wall elements |
Expansive soils |
Table 25 presents the list of technology development needs that group 1 identified as necessary or desirable to support collection of data for the identified performance issues. The fourth column in this table, “Notes,” provides commentary where appropriate on some of the tools and technology items. Blank cells indicate that no commentary was provided by the group.
Table 25. Group 1 tools, technology development, and monitoring data needs.
Data Needs |
Code |
Tools/Technology |
Notes |
Bump at the end of the bridge |
Rideability/profiler |
M |
Pavement surface analyzer (IRI) |
Needs additional refinement |
Traffic (ADT and ADTT) |
A |
Weigh in motion (WIM) |
Construction records, foundation report |
A |
Archive/existing database/ protocols (new construction) |
Weather data |
A |
Existing database/weather station |
Elevation survey |
M |
Traditional survey/laser/GPS |
Further refinements to laser scanners |
Bridge type/abutment |
A |
Archive/existing database/ protocols (new construction) |
As-built plans/details |
A |
Archive/existing database/ protocols (new construction) |
Post-construction instrumentation monitoring records |
G/A |
Existing pressure cells, strain gauges, tilt sensors, displacement transducers, etc. |
Query owners for available structures |
Integrity of embankment—vertical and lateral movement |
M |
Inclinometers, survey, point of reference measurements |
Need better pressure cell technology |
Integrity of foundation subsoil—vertical and lateral movement |
M |
Inclinometers, survey, point of reference measurements |
Need better pressure cell technology |
Loads on retaining walls |
M/G |
Load cells |
Need better pressure cell
technology, survivability of |
Dynamic loads on structure |
M |
Strain gauges (superstructure) |
Embedded fiber optics |
In situ and fill soil conditions |
A/M |
Borings/cone penetration test (CPT), etc. |
Better spatial
resolution |
Soil strain signature |
M/G |
Fiber optics, tell tails, spider .magnets, etc. |
Abutment movements |
M |
Survey, tilt meters, level, plumb bob |
Water table info |
M |
Piezometers, geophysics |
Soil erosion and loss |
M |
Visual inspection, high resolution survey |
Cyclic strain (freeze-thaw/heaving) |
M |
Existing database/weather station |
Depth of influence of truck loads |
M |
Array of soil strain gauges |
Approach pavement info |
A |
Cores, archive/existing database/protocols (new construction) |
Approach transition detail |
A |
Archive/existing database/protocols (new construction) |
Maintenance records |
A/G |
Archive/existing database/protocols (new construction) |
Corrosion/deterioration (MSE walls, steel in piles, etc.) |
Ground water corrosivity |
M |
Sample and test/in situ instruments |
Soil corrosivity |
M |
Sample and test/in situ instruments |
Winter maintenance practice |
A |
Archive/existing database/ protocols (new construction) |
Stray electric currents |
M |
Geophysics |
Weather data |
A |
Existing database/weather station |
Backfill type and testing procedures |
A |
Archive/existing database/ additional samples |
Surface drainage (salt intrusion from poor drainage) |
M |
Visual inspection, moisture sensors |
Water table elevation and fluctuation |
M |
Piezometers, geophysics |
Corrosion and conditions of connection in MSE walls |
M |
Linear polarization resistance (LPR), coupons, reinforcement samples |
Embedded systems |
Visual indications of corrosion on wall face |
A |
Visual inspection |
Visual indications of corrosion on piles |
A |
Visual inspection/underwater inspection |
Corrosion rates |
G |
LPR, coupons, reinforcement samples |
Geophysical |
Section loss |
M/G |
Physical measurement |
Need for tool for buried elements, geophysical |
Properties of foundation element (properties, coatings on steel, etc) |
A |
Archive/existing database/ protocols (new construction) |
Condition of foundation element (properties, coatings on steel, etc) |
M |
Physical measurement, forensics |
Diffusion rate of chloride |
G |
Physical sampling |
Embedded instrumentation, geophysics |
Deterioration of timber piles |
M |
Visual inspection/underwater inspection/boring |
Foundations (measure loads, widening, unknown foundations, tolerable movements) |
Construction records, foundation report |
A |
Archive/existing database/ protocols (new construction) |
Bridge type/abutment |
A |
Archive/existing database/ protocols (new construction) |
As-built plans/details |
A |
Archive/existing database/ protocols (new construction) |
Strain distribution along element with time |
G |
Smartpile |
Smarter piles |
Foundation type/materials |
A |
Archive/existing database/ protocols (new construction) |
Subsurface information |
A |
Borings/CPT, etc. |
Better spatial resolution (e.g., geophysics) |
Water table elevation and fluctuation |
M |
Piezometers, geophysics |
Existing capacity |
G |
Reassessment of capacity based on existing conditions |
Innovative load test methods for existing elements |
Geometry |
A |
Archive/existing database/ protocols (new construction), coring |
Geophysics |
Integrity of element |
G |
Visual inspection, coring, geophysical |
Underwater robotic inspection |
Foundation stiffness and changes over time |
M |
Bridge load testing |
Element vertical and lateral movements |
M |
Inclinometers, survey, point of reference measurements, lasers, GPS |
Correlating superstructure forces/behavior/movement |
M |
Analysis of geotechnical and structural data |
Baseline survey data |
M/G |
Traditional survey/laser/GPS |
Further refinements to laser scanners |
Weather data |
A |
Existing database/weather station |
Ice thickness and properties |
M |
Load cells, physical measurements |
Stress/strain in MSE reinforcement |
M/G |
Smart reinforcements (new construction) |
Strain gauges with relaxation |
Measured earth pressure on wall/abutment |
M/G |
Load cells |
Need better pressure cell technology, survivability of strain gauges |
Hydraulics (scour/drainage) |
Construction records, foundation report |
A |
Archive/existing database/ protocols (new construction) |
Bridge type/abutment |
A |
Archive/existing database/ protocols (new construction) |
As-built plans/details |
A |
Archive/existing database/ protocols (new construction) |
Weather data |
A |
Existing database/weather station |
Erosion rate |
M |
Erosion rate testing of samples in lab |
Underwater laboratory |
Design scour |
A/G |
Design plans, calculations |
Measured scour (real time and/or post-event) |
M/G |
Sonar, sonic, mechanical devices, floating device, TDR, thermocouples on steel rod, divers, inspection report |
Legrangian approach, smart particles |
Stream velocity/flow rate |
M |
ADV, ADVP with pressure sensor |
Smart particles |
Countermeasure type and current condition |
A/M |
Visual inspection |
Subsurface information |
A |
Archive/existing database/ protocols (new construction), borings |
Changes in land use |
A |
Aerial photo, development plans, LIDAR |
Stream bed profiles/cross section |
M |
Sonar |
Real-time measurement |
Debris accumulation and removal |
M/G |
Maintenance records (protocols) |
Countermeasure maintenance records |
A/G |
Maintenance records (protocols) |
Channel stability and migration |
M/G |
Aerial photos, LIDAR |
Historical storm and flow data |
A/G |
Stream gauge data, existing databases |
Photo records |
A/M |
Camera, video |
Abrasion and impact damage |
M |
Visual inspection |
Drainage system and condition |
M |
Borescope, visual inspection, dye test, flow meter at outlet |
Ground cover and stabilization on side slopes |
M |
Visual inspection |
Hydraulic impacts of structure on stream flow (hydraulic capacity) |
M |
Stream gauge, aerial photos |
Water table elevation and fluctuation |
M |
Piezometers, geophysics |
Effectiveness of stream training |
M |
Aerial photos |
Dynamic response of bridge during flood events |
M |
Modal analysis |
Erosion impact on global stability |
M |
Analysis, inclinometers, survey, aerial photos |
Element vertical and lateral movements |
M |
Inclinometers, survey, point of reference measurements, lasers, GPS |
A = Data that are generally available.
M = Data that could be collected or measured with existing technology and tools.
G = Data that could not be reasonably collected with available technology.
ADT = Average daily traffic.
ADTT = Average daily truck traffic.
ADV = Acoustic doppler velocity.
ADVP = Acoustic doppler velocity profiler.
Note: Research is already underway for many issues, and solutions may already have been found.
Appendix J provides a list of the technology development needs identified by group 2 during breakout session III. The letter “O” (i.e., obtainable) indicates that the technology exists and can be readily deployed, while the letter “F” (i.e., future) indicates that the technology is not yet available or not yet practical.
• Temperature probes (embedded and ambient): O.
• Rainfall/precipitation: O.
• Stream flow—velocity meters: O.
• Runoff or stream/groundwater chemistry (chloride/sulfate/pH/other contaminants): O.
• Bridge watch: O.
• Walk-through (evidence of substructure movements, etc.): O.
• Underwater inspections: O.
• Photographic: O.
• Improved guidelines or checklists: O.
• Video/time-lapse photo monitoring: O.
• Public involvement/reporting: O.
• Differential and relative movement sensors (linear variable differential transformer, potentiometer, capacitive sensor, strain gages, fiber optic strain/displacement sensors, accelerometers, and embedded passive sensors): O.
• LIDAR (aerial or ground-based): O.
• GPS: O.
• PSInSAR™: F.
• Road profiler: O.
• Radar: O.
• Reference points (survey targets): O.
• Automated total station (monitoring): O.
• Laser distance measurement: O.
• Aerial photography/photogrammetry: O.
• Ground-based photography/photogrammetry: O.
• Channel profile survey (longitudinal).
o Periodic: O.
o Real-time detection of change: F.
• Channel cross-section (transverse).
o Periodic: O.
o Real-time detection of change: F.
• Float-outs: O.
o “Smart pebbles”: F.
o MEMS—deformation/tilt sensor: F.
• Horizontal and vertical inclinometers: O.
o Periodic: O.
o Real-time detection of change: O.
• TDR: O.
• Sliding collars: O.
• Sonar: F.
• Side-scan sonar: F.
• Settlement plates: O.
• Borehole extensometer: O.
• Water stage meter (reflected wave): O.
• Piezometers: O.
• Vibrating wire gauge: O.
• TDR: O.
• Capacitive moisture probes: O.
• Resistive moisture probes: O.
• Nuclear gages: O.
• Soil suction probes (tensiometers): O.
• Thermal conductivity sensors: O.
• Tiny robots that measure everything: F.
• Information management for scanned documents (design, construction, as-built, inspection, maintenance, etc.)—consistent collection, better storage, and ease of access: Working on it.
• Better documentation of design criteria (future construction) for shallow and deep foundation elements.
• Crosshole sonic logging: O.
• Stresses through structural elements—active smart sensors: F.
• Geophysical (sonic) logs from geotechnical borings: F.
• Geotechnical in situ testing standard penetration test/CPT: O.
• Geophysical survey measurements: O.
• Resistivity survey: O.
• Geophysical tomography: F.
• Corrosion sensors (chemical, corrosion rate, potential, resistivity): O.
• NDE technology yet to be developed—foundation material properties, flaw detection, and changes in dimension: F.
• Dynamic response (fundamental frequency/modes): O.
• Vibration monitoring: O.
• Embedded piezo films or piezo accelerometers: F.
• Design for inspectability or access for testing/measurement: F.
• Reliable sensors for long-term health monitoring: F.
• Better monitoring data management algorithms and software.
Appendix K includes table 26 through table 33, which list the tools, technologies, and monitoring devices needed currently and in the future to gather geotechnical data. These data were identified by group 3 during breakout session III.
Table 26. Group 3 bump at the end of the
bridge: tools, technology development,
and monitoring.
Currently Available |
Near Future |
Long Term |
Ground penetrating radar Survey Inclinometer TDR moisture sensors Settlement points at depth Road profiler Airborne LIDAR User feedback (phone calls) Accident data Maintenance records Peak particle vibration monitoring Quality geotechnical data In situ geotechnical testing Tiltmeters |
High-speed pavement profilers Smart pavement to capture loading |
Earth pressure cells Smart soils with MEMS embedded |
Table 27. Group 3 corrosion/deterioration:
tools, technology development,
and monitoring.
Currently Available |
Near Future |
Long Term |
Half cell potential Resistivity Sacrificial steel and inspection Concrete coring Concrete chloride and sulfate concentrations Concrete cover measurements Ultrasonics |
Optical TDR Laser/radar interferometry monitoring of deflection |
Ground penetrating radar Shear/p-wave velocity (for elemental stiffness) Smart paint/coating (to measure stress and corrosion) Self-healing steel Self-healing concrete Maintaining compatibility of strains in repair materials Embedded biosensors (i.e., effervescent bacteria) |
Table 28. Group 3 scour/hydraulics: tools, technology development, and monitoring.
Currently Available |
Near Future |
Long Term |
Sonar Plumb bobs Float out device TDR vertical and horizontal Sub-bottom profiler Ground-penetrating radar Flow monitoring Visual inspection/diver Embedded GPS reference points in countermeasures |
In-place sonar Float out device attached to structure Vibrations of pier structure |
Smart particles Satellite/airborne imagery to detect scour holes
Table 29. Group 3 integral abutment/soil-structure interaction: tools, technology development, and monitoring.
Currently Available |
Near Future |
Long Term |
Strain gauges Load cells Survey Inclinometer TDR moisture sensors Settlement points at depth Laser scanning Airborne LIDAR Maintenance records Quality geotechnical data In situ geotechnical testing Tiltmeters WIM (tied to performance data) Bridge response WIM Crack meters |
Smart concrete/structure members to capture loading
Earth pressure cells Smart soils w/MEMS embedded Smart paint/coating (to measure stress and corrosion) |
Table 30. Group 3 drainage/runoff: tools, technology development, and monitoring.
Currently Available |
Near Future |
Long Term |
Rain gauges Satellite images Dye tracking Flow/weirs Visual inspection Reference stake measurements Acoustics Self potential TDR Vertical/horizontal movement Piezometer Camera inspection Use of security cameras Sediment traps Pollutant content of water “Torpedo” monitors—self-contained data loggers for water temp, pH, etc. LIDAR to detect soil loss |
Monitor moisture in abutment wall |
“Torpedo” type monitors—self-contained data loggers for flow |
Table 31. Group 3 QA/QC: tools, technology development, and monitoring.
Currently Available |
Near Future |
Long Term |
Construction records Reports on construction anomalies Maintenance records Temperature, pH, etc. LIDAR to detect soil loss |
Spatially referenced database to house all docs/records Master database with all bridge records/data (in use by Nebraska Department of Roads) Smart compaction monitoring Construction Quality Index Thermal integrity testing of drilled shafts |
QA methods that directly measure properties/performance issues of interest QA/QC methods to correlate construction work with long-term performance QA/QC capture all performance issues interested in (i.e., temperature gradients, etc.) |
Table 32. Group 3 foundations: tools, technology development, and monitoring.
Currently Available |
Near Future |
Long Term |
Strain gauges Load cells Survey Inclinometer Settlement points at depth Laser scanning Maintenance records Quality geotechnical data In situ geotechnical testing Tiltmeters Bridge response WIM Crack meters TDR cables embedded in foundation Settlement of foundation Load test data Embedded GPS reference points in foundations |
Smart foundation elements Technique to measure existing load on foundation Laser/radar interferometry monitoring of deflection |
Earth pressure cells (Energy piles/geothermal heating for heating of decks)
Table 33. Group 3 earth-retaining structures:
tools, technology development,
and monitoring.
Currently Available |
Near Future |
Long Term |
Strain gauges Load cells Survey Inclinometer TDR moisture sensors Settlement points at depth Laser scanning Airborne LIDAR Maintenance records Quality geotechnical data In situ geotechnical testing Tiltmeters Crack meters Piezometers Inspect drains TDR cables |
Smart concrete/structure members to capture loading Electro-conductivity of wall |
Earth pressure cells New technique to measure water height behind wall face Smart soils Harnessing movement on bridge to capture energy to power sensors |
The workshop was sponsored by the FHWA Office of Infrastructure Research and Development and the FHWA Office of Bridge Technology. Mr. Jorge Pagán-Ortiz, Dr. Hamid Ghasemi, and Mr. Silas Nichols of FHWA directed the organization and execution of the workshop. Their support is appreciated. Dr. Firas Ibrahim, the team leader for the FHWA infrastructure inspection and management team, and Mr. Ian Friedland, the FHWA assistant director of the Office of Infrastructure Research and Development, were unable to participate in the workshop, but their support is greatly appreciated. Arrangements for the workshop were handled by Rutgers’ CAIT directed by Dr. Ali Maher, Ms. Krystal Smith-Pleasant, and Mr. Sherif Stephan. CAIT provided logistical support for the workshop attendees and handled the travel arrangements. The contributions of each of the breakout group chairpersons—Chris Benda of Vermont AOT, Marcus Galvan of TxDOT, and Brian Liebich of Caltrans—are particularly appreciated. Finally, the success of this workshop would not be possible without all of the attendees who shared their broad knowledge and vast experience in bridge substructure engineering and geotechnical factors throughout the workshop and who gave their valuable time to participate.
1. Public Law 109-59. (2005). Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC.