IHSDM Resource List
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A product of the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Safety Research and Development Program, the Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM) is a suite of safety analysis tools to evaluate the safety and operational effects of geometric-design decisions on two-lane rural highways. The following resources are available to individuals considering or using IHSDM:
IHSDM Research Web Site. The site, https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/research/tfhrc/projects/safety/comprehensive/ihsdm/index.cfm,
provides an overview of and background information on IHSDM, including a library of the research reports upon which IHSDM's analytical procedures are based. It also provides a link to the IHSDM Public Software Web Site.
IHSDM Public Software Web Site. The site, http://www.ihsdm.org,
is where users can register for and download the latest release of IHSDM. It also provides access to IHSDM user documentation and information on IHSDM data requirements and technical support.
Technical Support. A technical support staff with intimate knowledge of IHSDM is available to answer questions and provide help to IHSDM users during normal business hours. Staff can be contacted two ways:
IHSDM Training Course. At this 2 day training course, participants learn to describe key capabilities and limitations of IHSDM evaluations, evaluate a two-lane rural highway using IHSDM software, and recognize when and how IHSDM can be used during the project development process. For more information, see Course No. 380071A in the National Highway Institute catalog at http://nhi.fhwa.dot.gov.
"Making Two-Lane Roads Safer". This article from the January/February 2003 highway safety issue of Public Roads provides an overview of IHSDM capabilities and applications. It is posted at https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/publicroads/03jan/04.cfm.
IHSDM Preview CD- ROM. This CD-ROM is an audiovisual overview of the functions and capabilities of IHSDM and features an exercise in using IHSDM. To request a copy, e-mail Report.Center@fhwa.dot.gov or call (301) 577–0906 and ask for Publication No. FHWA-SA-03-005.
- For more information, contact the following:
- Raymond A. Krammes
Office of Safety R&D, FHWA
6300 Georgetown Pike
McLean, VA 22101
Telephone: (202) 493–3312, Fax: (202) 493–3417
- Clayton Chen
Office of Safety Design, FHWA
400 7th St, SW
Washington, DC 20590
Telephone: (202) 366–4656 Fax: (202) 493–3417, Fax: (202)
- Dean Larsen
Resource Center, FHWA
10 S. Howard St., Suite 4000
Baltimore, MD 21201
Telephone: (410) 962–2372, Fax: (410) 962–4586