U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations

Bike ISI Calculator


The following documents accompany this Pedestrian and Bicyclist Intersection Safety Indices (ISI) Calculator:

Pedestrian and Bicyclist Intersection Safety Indices: User Guide (Publication No. FHWA-HRT-06-130)
Pedestrian and Bicyclist Intersection Safety Indices: Final Report (Publication No. FHWA-HRT-06-125)

Download Excel Version

Approach 1 Approach 2 Approach 3 Approach 4
Name of approach leg
Main Street ADT        
Main street speed limit ≥ 35 mph (1=yes, 0=no)        
Presence of turning vehicle traffic across the path of through cyclists (1=yes, 0=no)        
Number of right turn traffic lanes on main street approach        
Bike lane present (1=yes, 0=no)        
Cross street traffic volume        
Traffic signal at intersection (1=yes, 0=no)        
On-street parking on main street approach (1=yes, 0=no)        
Number of traffic lanes for cyclists to cross to make a right turn        
Number of through lanes on cross street        
Number of traffic lanes for cyclists to cross to make a left turn        


Safety Index Through Value =
Safety Index Right Turn Value =
Safety Index Left Turn Value =

The image shows an overhead view of an intersection with crosswalk  lines. The left-right street is labeled Main Street and the up-down street is labeled Cross Street. The Main Street approach leg on the right side is labeled as the approach of interest. The point is that 'main' street does not refer to the street with the higher traffic volume, but rather the street that on which the approach leg of interest lies.


Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center | 6300 Georgetown Pike | McLean, VA | 22101