U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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Transportation Performance Management


San Juan, PR Urbanized Area Congestion Report

In the line graphs below, FHWA uses Data Collection Year instead of Data Reporting Year to represent snapshot condition/performance at the time the data was collected. More information

The San Juan, PR Urbanized Area covers parts of Puerto Rico. Targets are agreed upon by several transportation agencies and apply to the entire area.

  • Annual Hours of Peak-Hour Excessive Delay (PHED) Per Capita

    • Trend through 2025

      Desired trend: ↓

      San Juan, PR Annual Hours of Excessive Delay Per Capita

  • Annual Hours of Peak-Hour Excessive Delay (PHED) Per Capita 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
    Condition/Performance 6.1 7.6 -- -- --
    Targets -- -- 5.7 -- 5.2

  • Annual Hours of Peak-Hour Excessive Delay (PHED) Per Capita

    (Puerto Rico) To analyze possible outcomes and behaviors of the PHED performance targets, several trendline options were evaluated (i.e., exponential, linear, logarithmic, polynomial, and power) and the 3-year moving averages to visualize trends. The 2-year and 4-year targets were identified analyzing the period from 2018 up to the 2022 latest data taking into consideration that 2020 and 2021 were affected by the covid-19 restrictions, the values were forecasted using a linear regression forecast.

  • Data Sources:
    Puerto Rico 2022 Biennial Performance Report
    Puerto Rico 2022, 2023 HPMS Data Submittal

  • Non-Single Occupancy Vehicle (Non-SOV) Travel

    • Trend through 2025

      Desired trend: ↑

      San Juan, PR % Non-SOV Travel

  • Non-Single Occupancy Vehicle (Non-SOV) Travel 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
    Condition/Performance 18.4 19.0 -- -- --
    Targets -- -- 17.7 -- 17.1

  • Non-Single Occupancy Vehicle (Non-SOV) Travel

    (Puerto Rico) For the 2018 baseline report it was used the ACS_17_5YR_DP03 for the Percent Single Occupant Vehicle Travel for the San Juan UZA. When verifying the Non-SOV using Method A it was noted that the latest available data was the ACS_18_5YR_DP03, resulting in a Non-SOV value of 19.1. Since the available data using Method A was from 2017 and 2018 it could be expected that Non-SOV is affected by the fact that more workers are expected to telecommute, and this have a significant impact on the percent of Non-SOV travel. It is important to note that the baseline value of 18.4 may be influenced by the covid restrictions, including several lockdowns. Taking into consideration the latter, the PRTHA is setting the 2- and 4-year targets lower than the baseline. The expectation is that for the mid performance reporting period the data is more representative of the actual conditions because in Puerto Rico the 2022 was the first year similar to pre-covid conditions in terms of transportation patterns. Hence, the PRHTA will be evaluating these new targets in the mid-period report with a more normal scenario in the Island.

  • Data Sources:
    Puerto Rico 2022 Biennial Performance Report
    Puerto Rico 2022, 2023 HPMS Data Submittal

Updated: 01/09/2024
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000