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Federal Highway Administration
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Washington Division

Home / About / Field Offices / Washington Division

Local Programs


Rick Judd
Financial Manager/Team Leader
Phone: 360-753-9485

Gary Martindale
Area Engineer (SC & SW Region)/Team Leader
Phone 360-534-9344

The Washington Division Local Programs Manager is primarily responsible for providing technical assistance, stewardship and oversight to the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Local Programs Division, and to the local public agencies (LPAs) in carrying out the Federal–aid program in compliance with applicable Federal and State requirements.

The Washington Division provides oversight by conducting project level oversight as well as process reviews, providing technical expertise, and promoting new and innovative ideas to the WSDOT and LPAs.


Local Program Links



Page last modified on November 7, 2023
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000