U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
(Original signed by)
James M. Shrouds
Director, Office of Natural Environment
Division Administrators
Federal Lands Highway Division Engineers
Date: August 2, 2000
Reply to: Attn. of: HEPN-20
The Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (VNTSC) Acoustics Facility, in support of the FHWA, has developed a highway noise barrier design package, including: (1) a noise barrier design manual entitled "FHWA Highway Noise Barrier Design Handbook"; (2) an accompanying 40-minute videotape which highlights all the facets of barrier design included in the manual; and (3) a CD-Rom which contains an extensive noise barrier design photographic library, an electronic copy of all written State noise policies, and an electronic copy of the noise barrier design manual.
The highway noise barrier design package addresses both acoustical and non-acoustical considerations associated with highway noise barrier design. The package provides guidance on how to design a highway noise barrier which fits its surroundings and performs its intended acoustical and structural functions, with a reasonable life-cycle cost. It also provides a state-of-the-art reference of common concepts, designs, materials, and installation techniques for professional highway engineers and acoustical designers and planners, as well as non-professional community members.
The package should be useful to all individuals interested in barrier design activities related to highway traffic noise; one copy of the package is attached. Along with a copy of this memorandum, one copy of the entire noise barrier design package is being distributed directly by the VNTSC to all State departments of transportation. Copies of the contents of the package may also be purchased from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161, telephone (800) 553-6847. The CD-Rom will also be available for downloading as an html file at www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/noise/noise_barriers/design_construction/design/index.cfm.
cc: RC Directors of Field Services