This section provides a detailed description of the following 19 methods. Refer to the table below for a one-sentence overview of each method.
Method |
Off-the-Shelf TDM/TCM Analysis Software |
TDM Evaluation Model |
Software to predict trip and VMT impacts of employer-based TDM strategies. |
TCM/Commuter Choice Model
Spreadsheet software based on TDM Evaluation Model; also calculates emissions. |
TCM Analyst
Spreadsheet software to estimate travel and emission impacts of TCMs. |
CM/AQ Evaluation Model |
Software for estimating emission benefits and cost-effectiveness of potential CMAQ projects and for ranking projects. |
(Center for Urban Transportation Research Average Vehicle Ridership model) Model to predict AVR impacts of workplace-based TDM programs. |
Customized TDM/TCM Analysis Software |
TCM Tools
Spreadsheet model for screening and sensitivity testing of a wide range of TCM strategies at an area-wide level. |
Models to predict emissions impacts of various transit, non-motorized travel, and traffic flow strategies. |
ECO/Regulation XV Software
Software to help employers predict benefits of and track participation in Employee Commute Options (ECO) programs. |
Sketch-Plan Workbook Approaches |
California Standardized Methodology
Calculation steps to estimate emissions reductions and cost-effectiveness of TDM programs, based on survey data on mode shares. |
RAQC Workbook
Workbook to estimate potential benefits of various TDM strategies applied at a regional level. |
MWCOG Sketch-Planning Methods
Sample calculations by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG) for various TCM strategies. |
NCTCOG Sketch-Planning Methods
Sample calculations and empirical data from North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) for TDM and traffic flow strategies. |
Specialized Methods |
Procedures and software to analyze impacts of HOV facilities. |
(Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Deployment Analysis System) Software to analyze travel and emissions impacts of over 60 ITS strategies, based on regional travel model data. |
(Simplified Model for the Assessment of Regional Travel) Software to estimate air quality impacts of highway and transit network improvements. |
Traffic Simulation Models
Commercial software for analyzing traffic flow and emissions impacts of intersection and roadway operational improvements. |
Model for estimating emissions benefits of alternative fuel light-duty and transit vehicles. |
Bus Replacement Spreadsheet
Spreadsheet for analyzing replacements of older buses with new diesel or alternative fuel buses. |
Freight Air Quality Analysis Procedures
Report containing methods and procedures for assessing emissions impacts of freight strategies. |