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A Sampling of Emissions Analysis Techniques for Transportation Control Measures

Key Inputs and Outputs for Each Method

Emissions Analysis Techniques for TCMs


Forecasting Approaches

Selecting a Method

Descriptions of Available Methods

Key Inputs and Outputs for Each Method


List of Acronyms

Strategy and Method Key Inputs Outputs
Improved Transit
TDM Evaluation Model Change in travel time and/or cost by transit Trips, VMT
TCM/Commuter Choice Model Change in travel time and/or cost by transit Trips, VMT, Emissions
TCM Analyst/EPA TCM Methodology Percent change in fares or service frequency, or survey data on ridership (shuttle) Trips, VMT, Emissions
CM/AQ Evaluation Model Percent change in transit fare, wait time, travel time, and/or total revenue-miles; number of riders (shuttle) Trips, VMT, Emissions
TCM Tools Percent change in fare/cost of using transit Trips, VMT, Emissions
Off-Net/PAQONE Strategies: bus shelters, bike access, service changes, new service, transit center. Data: variously include daily boardings, adjacent pop., current local mode share, change in revenue miles, headways, route travel times, wait/access times Trips, VMT, Emissions
ECO/Regulation XV Software Change in travel time and/or cost by transit Trips, VMT
California Standardized Methodology New transit riders by prior mode of travel Trips, VMT, Emissions
RAQC Workbook Percent increase in service (peak-period departures) VMT, Emissions
NCTCOG Sketch-Plan Methods Rail: Average daily ridership, previous mode of rail travelers Emissions
Quick-HOV Traffic volumes and physical characteristics (length, lanes, etc.) of HOV/bus lane and parallel facility Trips, Emissions
SMART Change in travel time, cost by link in transit network Trips, VMT, Emissions
Strategy and Method Key Inputs Outputs
HOV Lanes
TDM Evaluation Model Changes in travel time by HOV lane Trips, VMT
TCM Analyst/EPA TCM Methodology Number of HOV lane-miles Trips, VMT, Emissions
CM/AQ Evaluation Model Increase in number of HOVs Trips, VMT, Emissions
TCM Tools Miles of HOV lanes added Trips, VMT, Emissions
NCTCOG Sketch-Plan Methods Before/after traffic volumes and speeds (freeway and parallel arterial); length of facilities Emissions
Quick-HOV Traffic volumes and physical characteristics (length, lanes, etc.) of HOV lane and parallel facility Trips, Emissions
SMART Addition of HOV link(s) to network, and time/cost characteristics Trips, VMT, Emissions
Strategy and Method Key Inputs Outputs
Park and Ride
CM/AQ Evaluation Model Number of spaces, utilization rate Trips, VMT, Emissions
TCM Tools Number of spaces, utilization rate Trips, VMT, Emissions
Off-Net/PAQONE Number of new spaces, utilization rate Trips, VMT, Emissions
MWCOG Sketch-Plan Methods Total number of spaces; work trip length Trips, VMT, Emissions
NCTCOG Sketch-Plan Methods Number of spaces, utilization rate, speeds on adjacent freeway Emissions
Strategy and Method Key Inputs Outputs
Carpooling and Vanpooling Promotion
TDM Evaluation Model "Level" of employer-based program in impact area Trips, VMT
TCM/Commuter Choice Model "Level" of employer-based program in impact area Trips, VMT, Emissions
TCM Analyst/EPA TCM Methodology Vanpooling: number of vanpools, average vehicle occupancy Trips, VMT, Emissions
CM/AQ Evaluation Model  Number of new ridesharers Trips, VMT, Emissions
CUTR_AVR Whether guaranteed ride home or ridematching program are in place Trips
TCM Tools Percent increase in non-drive alone modes Trips, VMT, Emissions
ECO/Regulation XV Software Provision of guaranteed ride home, company vehicle, transportation coordinator, rideshare matching, vanpools, preferential parking Trips, VMT
California Standardized Methodology Number of commuters by new and prior mode of travel Trips, VMT, Emissions
MWCOG Sketch-Plan Methods Survey data on rideshare service utilization/placement Trips, VMT, Emissions
NCTCOG Sketch-Plan Methods Number of vanpools, minimum riders/vanpool Emissions
Strategy and Method Key Inputs Outputs
Employer-Based TDM
TDM Evaluation Model Assume other strategies to achieve trip reduction or AVR increase of X percent Trips, VMT
TCM/Commuter Choice Model Assume other strategies to achieve trip reduction or AVR increase of X percent Trips, VMT, Emissions
CM/AQ Evaluation Model Transit pass subsidy amount; number of people switching to each mode Trips, VMT, Emissions
ECO/Regulation XV Software Eligibility for various incentives; marketing and administrative expenditures Trips, VMT
California Standardized Methodology Number of commuters by new and prior mode of travel Trips, VMT, Emissions
NCTCOG Sketch-Plan Methods Number of companies with TDM programs, reported number of active participants Emissions
Strategy and Method Key Inputs Outputs
Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities
TCM/Commuter Choice Model "Level" of bicycle/pedestrian support program Trips, VMT, Emissions
TCM Analyst/EPA TCM Methodology Vehicle volumes on roads adjacent to proposed trails; percent switching mode Trips, VMT, Emissions
CM/AQ Evaluation Model Number of new walkers/bicyclists or percent of trips that would bicycle Trips, VMT, Emissions
TCM Tools Percent of trips that would bicycle Trips, VMT, Emissions
Off-Net/PAQONE Size of service area, population density, existing mode share, length of existing and new bike network; budget for promo. programs; bike coordinator Trips, VMT, Emissions
ECO/Regulation XV Software Provision of bicycle racks or storage, provision of showers and lockers Trips, VMT
California Standardized Methodology Number of commuters by new and prior mode of travel Trips, VMT, Emissions
RAQC Workbook Population served by bike facilities VMT, Emissions
MWCOG Sketch-Plan Methods Utilization and trip lengths for various strategies Trips, VMT, Emissions
NCTCOG Sketch-Plan Methods Size of service area, population density, bicycle mode share, length of project Emissions
Strategy and Method Key Inputs Outputs
Traveler Information
CM/AQ Evaluation Model ATIS: percent increase in transit ridership; motorist info: trip reduction during incidents Trips, VMT, Emissions
Off-Net/PAQONE Freeway section length, baseline speed and volume Trips, VMT, Emissions
IDAS Types and locations of deployed ITS strategies Trips, VMT, Emissions
Strategy and Method Key Inputs Outputs
Telecommuting/Work Hours
TDM Evaluation Model Eligibility and participation in flex-time, staggered hours, telecommute, 4/40 or 9/80 work week Trips, VMT
TCM/Commuter Choice Model Eligibility and participation in flex-time, staggered hours, telecommute, 4/40 or 9/80 work week Trips, VMT, Emissions
TCM Analyst/EPA TCM Methodology Percent of eligible people telecommuting (home or satellite); avg. days/week Trips, VMT, Emissions
CM/AQ Evaluation Model  Telecommuting, compressed hours: participation rate and days/week, shift from peak to off-peak  Trips, VMT, Emissions
CUTR_AVR  Whether a compressed work week is in place  Trips
TCM Tools  Telecommuting, compressed hours: participation rate and days/week, shift from peak to off-peak  Trips, VMT, Emissions
ECO/Regulation XV Software  Eligibility and participation in flex-time, staggered hours, telecommute, 4/40 or 9/80 work week  Trips, VMT
California Standardized Methodology  Number of commuters by new and prior mode of travel  Trips, VMT, Emissions
RAQC Workbook  Telecommuting, compressed hours: participation rate and days/week  VMT, Emissions
MWCOG Sketch-Plan Methods  HBW trip lengths and utilization of telecommute centers in outlying areas  Trips, VMT, Emissions
Strategy and Method Key Inputs Outputs
TDM Evaluation Model  Changes in travel cost by mode to impact area  Trips, VMT
TCM/Commuter Choice Model  Changes in travel cost by mode to impact area  Trips, VMT, Emissions
TCM Analyst/EPA TCM Methodology  Percent change in travel cost by mode  Trips, VMT, Emissions
CM/AQ Evaluation Model  Increase in cost per gallon or cost per mile; percent change in transit cost; parking charge  Trips, VMT, Emissions
CUTR_AVR  Whether higher costs for driving alone or alternative mode use subsidies are in place  Trips, AVR
TCM Tools  Increase in cost per gallon or cost per mile; percent change in transit cost; parking charge  Trips, VMT, Emissions
ECO/Regulation XV Software  Changes in travel cost by mode to impact area; change in parking cost  Trips, VMT
California Standardized Methodology  Number of commuters by new and prior mode of travel  Trips, VMT, Emissions
RAQC Workbook  Increase in cost per gallon, VMT, or trip; peak-period tolls; parking charge; parking cash-out; pay-at-the-pump insurance  VMT, Emissions
MWCOG Sketch-Plan Methods  Free midday fares: percent increased ridership by mode shift, time shift, other  Trips, VMT, Emissions
SMART  Change in cost of travel by link, zone  Trips, VMT, Emissions
Strategy and Method Key Inputs Outputs
Land Use
CM/AQ Evaluation Model  Percent increase in density, mixed use, pedestrian amenities in employment centers  Trips, VMT, Emissions
TCM Tools  Percent increase in density, mixed use, pedestrian amenities in employment centers  Trips, VMT, Emissions
RAQC Workbook  Site design: grid streets, density standards, etc.; regional growth management; infill development  VMT, Emissions
MWCOG Sketch-Plan Methods  Allow convenience uses in residential areas (trip generation, mode share, trip lengths)  Trips, VMT, Emissions
SMART  Change in location of development by zone  Trips, VMT, Emissions
Strategy and Method Key Inputs Outputs
Parking Management
TCM Analyst/EPA TCM Methodology  Percent change in parking cost  Trips, VMT, Emissions
CM/AQ Evaluation Model  Change in vehicle-trips to site and elsewhere, number of short-term and long-term spaces  Trips, VMT, Emissions
RAQC Workbook  Current parking space utilization, cap on parking spaces, maximum parking ratios  VMT, Emissions
MWCOG Sketch-Plan Methods  Maximum parking ratios, employment, trips, mode share by area  Trips, VMT, Emissions
Strategy and Method Key Inputs Outputs
Traffic Flow Improvements
TCM Analyst/EPA TCM Methodology  Percent change in traffic speed; affected VMT  Emissions
CM/AQ Evaluation Model  Percent change in traffic speed; affected VMT  Emissions
TCM Tools  Percent change in traffic speed; reduction in trips  Emissions
Off-Net/PAQONE  Arterial improvements: baseline speeds, volumes, LOS; improvements made and added capacity  Emissions
MWCOG Sketch-Plan Methods  Flashing yellow: number of signals, traffic counts, savings/signal; ATMS: speed increase, emission rates by speed  Emissions
NCTCOG Sketch-Plan Methods  Project-specific average speed improvements, traffic volumes, distance affected  Emissions
IDAS  Types and locations of deployed ITS strategies  Trips, VMT, Emissions
SMART  Change in capacity, travel speeds of links in transportation network  Trips, VMT, Emissions
Traffic Simulation Models  Roadway and intersection characteristics, traffic and turning volumes  Emissions
Strategy and Method Key Inputs Outputs
Incident Management
Off-Net/PAQONE  Freeway section length, baseline speed and volume  Emissions
NCTCOG Sketch-Plan Methods  Traffic volumes affected; change in speeds and incident duration as a result of strategies  Emissions
IDAS  Types and locations of deployed ITS strategies  Emissions
Strategy and Method Key Inputs Outputs
CM/AQ Evaluation Model  Number of trucks shifted from peak to off-peak  Emissions
TCM Tools  Number of trucks shifted from peak to off-peak  Emissions
Freight Air Quality Analysis Procedures  Various methodologies and inputs for determining freight activity levels and emission factors  Emissions
Strategy and Method Key Inputs Outputs
Idle Control
CM/AQ Evaluation Model  Number of sites impacted, number of affected trips/ vehicles, idling time/vehicle  Emissions
MWCOG Sketch-Plan Methods  Vehicles affected, idle time, idle emission factors (from MOBILE)  Emissions
Strategy and Method Key Inputs Outputs
Alternative Fuel Vehicles
CM/AQ Evaluation Model  Number of affected trips, emission rates  Emissions
NCTCOG Sketch-Plan Methods  Number of vehicles by agency and fuel type; relative emission rates  Emissions
AirCred  Number of alternative fuel vehicles purchased by vehicle type and fuel type, miles driven per year  Emissions
Bus Replacement Spreadsheet  Number of buses procured and retired by model year and fuel type  Emissions


Updated: 8/24/2017
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