Transportation Enhancement Activities Apportionments, Rescissions, and Obligations
Transportation Enhancement (TE) funds are apportioned to the States by formula, based on amounts made available from the Surface Transportation Program (STP) under 23 U.S.C. 104(b)(3), which includes several adjustments, such as adjustments for metropolitan planning, open container and driving while intoxicated laws, highway safety, and safety belt and motorcycle helmet laws. The TE apportionments also include:
- FY 1992-1997: Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA)
TE funds were 10% of the sum of STP funds (after adjustments) plus Minimum Allocation funds apportioned through the STP.
- FY 1998-2004: Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) (and extensions)
TE funds were 10% of the sum of STP funds (after adjustments) plus Minimum Guarantee funds apportioned through the STP.
- FY 2005-2009: Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU)
TE funds were 10% of the sum of STP funds (after adjustments) plus Equity Bonus funds apportioned through the STP.
- FY 2010-2012: SAFETEA-LU extensions
TE funds were 10% of the sum of STP funds (after adjustments) plus Equity Bonus funds apportioned through the STP.
- FY 2013 and following: No new TE apportionments, but TE funds remained available through FY 2015.
Some States may have residual TE funds available if TE funds did not lapse. See Programs Modified or Discontinued by MAP-21 May Lapse Funds on September 30, 2015.