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Bridges & Structures

Bridge Investment Program Grant Recipients

2024 Bridge Grant Award Recipients

Bridge grants announced to date under the Bridge Investment Program will provide $930 million to 31 projects in 24 States, this includes $296 million to 9 projects in 9 States announced in 2022, and $635 million to 22 projects in 19 States announced in 2024.

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U.S. map designating locations of the 22 planned projects in these 18 states: Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.

Project Name State Project Description Grant Award
Denali National Park and Preserve: Replace Ghiglione Bridge AK The project will replace the Ghiglione Bridge, a seismically deficient bridge in Denali National Park and Preserve. $13,395,509
Helena Bridge (Highway 49) Mississippi River Bridge Crossing Rehabilitation AR/MS The project will rehabilitate Helena Bridge a Mississippi River bridge crossing, which is a component of a rural intermodal transportation system with rail, waterways, and highways. $43,920,000
I-40 Window Rock and Lupton Traffic Interchange Enhancements AZ The project will replace four Interstate 40 (I-40) bridges to create safe and accessible pedestrian facilities and enhance access to local businesses. $27,507,200
Union Ave Bridge Replacement CO The project will replace Union Ave Bridge a critical component of Pueblo’s economy as it connects disparate parts of old Pueblo. $13,713,060
Building Bridges Today, Helping Feed America Tomorrow IA The project will remove seven bridges in poor condition, and six new bridges will be constructed. The project will have a measurable and significant impact connecting the agricultural industry with supply chains. $38,640,000
Arc of Justice Bridge Replacement IA The project will replace the existing bridge with a new cable-stayed bridge to provide ample clearance above expected future flood waters. $6,000,000
I-95 Accessibility Improvements Minimizing Heavy-Truck Impacts ME The project will replace and rehabilitate six bridges carrying rural roads over Interstate 95 to improve safety and reliability of roadways. $69,659,473
I-395 Bridge Bundle ME The project will replace six bridges along Interstate 395 to provide mobility benefits, such as safer driving conditions, improved infrastructure, and more dependable roadways. $63,016,563
Michigan Urban Bridges Revitalization MI The project will replace seven deteriorating bridges to provide reliable infrastructure that connects residents and visitors with schools, jobs, and critical services. $34,202,150
Nicollet Avenue Bridge over Minnehaha Creek Rehabilitation MN The project will repair and rehabilitate the Nicollet Avenue Bridge to address several transportation challenges. $34,303,583
Bridging Kansas City to the Future - Kansas City Bridge Investment Package MO The project will replace or rehabilitate nine bridges to provide uncongested access for river traffic, an international airport, and six interstate highways. $39,934,854
Central Bridge Bundle in Lauderdale, Madison, and Newton Counties MS The project will replace 13 bridge structures to restore safe crossings that meet today's design standards and regional traffic standards for safety and weight. $67,512,520
Sportsman's Bridge Replacement MT The project will replace the existing two-lane bridge with a more resilient two-lane bridge to maintain and improve access across the Flathead River. $28,462,652
Safe & Resilient Passages at Standing Rock ND The project will replace two bridges along North Dakota Highway 1806 to provide vital connections for residents and emergency services while supporting economic opportunities. $9,400,000
Viking Bridge Reconstruction ND The project will replace Viking Bridge to enhance resiliency against flooding events and comply with applicable Americans with Disabilities Act standards. $2,700,000
Loup Canal Bridges - Today's Public Works Administration NE The project will remove and replace four structures on the Loup Power Canal to include accommodations for pedestrians and bicycles and updates to structural components. $11,948,372
Replacement of Lincoln Avenue Bridge over AMTRAK and Assunpink Creek NJ The project will replace two bridges to reduce travel time, vehicle operating costs, and crashes. $47,000,000
Replacement of Bridge Street over Schoharie Creek NY The project will replace the existing Bridge Street to improve transportation safety and quality of life within the region and support the economic growth and sustainability of the county. $11,567,200
Absentee Shawnee Tribe Porter Avenue Bridge Replacement OK The project will replace Porter Avenue Bridge to improve the hydraulic capacity of the crossing to convey floodwater, improve the safety of the roadway, and accommodate larger traffic volumes. $13,793,400
Minnehaha County Highway 104 Bridge Replacement SD The project will replace Minnehaha County Highway 104 Bridge connecting residents and critical rural commodities. $3,133,863
Barton Springs Road Bridge TX The project will replace the existing three-span Barton Springs Road Bridge, to create additional space for safe multimodal pathways for bicyclists and pedestrians. $32,000,000
Preserve and Protect Gardner River Bridge WY The project will preserve and protect the 200-foot-high bridge that crosses the Gardner River and provides an expansive view of Mount Everts to the east, Bunsen Peak to the west, and the Gardner River valley below. $23,000,000
Total     $634,810,399
Updated: 10/31/2024
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000