U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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Federal-aid Programs and Special Funding


ARCHIVED: Summary of Fiscal Year 2011 Discretionary Grants

(Columns on this tables may be not be visible. Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the table or swipe to view columns to the right)

State Delta Region Transportation Development Program Ferry Boat Discretionary Projects Highways for LIFE Demonstration Construction Candidate Projects Innovative Bridge Research & Deployment Program Interstate Maintenance Discretionary Projects National Historic Covered Bridge Preservation Program National Scenic Byways Program Public Lands Highway Discretionary Program Railway-Highway Crossing Hazard Elimination in High-Speed Rail Corridor Program Transportation, Community, and System Preservation Program Truck Parking Border Infrastructure Program Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Services Services On-the-Job Training Services Services Value Pricing Pilot Program Total
ALABAMA -     741,000 -     -     4,000,000 -     -     -     -     260,880 -     170,209 250,000 -     5,422,089
ALASKA -     880,000 -     -     -     -     535,840 5,146,378 -     260,880 -     171,878 75,000 -     7,069,976
ARIZONA -     2,915,000 -     -     -     -     488,285 5,157,670 -     3,261,000 -     407,400 250,000 -     12,479,355
ARKANSAS 1,000,000 238,000 420,000 -     3,750,000 -     -     -     -     -     -     133,394 144,382 -     5,685,776
CALIFORNIA -     4,375,000 -     -     6,995,500 248,238 1,379,155 7,666,382 -     5,082,939 -     407,400 250,000 3,200,000 29,604,614
COLORADO -     -     3,760,000 -     3,750,000 -     2,203,801 4,720,000 -     652,200 -     90,000 200,000 -     15,376,001
CONNECTICUT -     3,725,000 1,800,000 -     5,750,000 -     -     800,000 -     1,695,720 -     237,021 -     1,764,000 15,771,741
DELAWARE -     -     -     300,000 -     -     463,051 1,000,000 -     521,760 -     171,108 99,972 -     2,555,891
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA -     -     -     -     -     -     -     1,000,000 -     1,065,400 -     262,168 400,000 -     2,727,568
FLORIDA -     -     -     300,000 3,750,000 -     1,789,275 1,500,000 -     3,587,100 1,019,987 407,400 95,000 600,000 13,048,762
GEORGIA -     -     700,000 -     -     -     -     2,850,000 -     782,640 -     282,270 219,000 -     4,833,910
HAWAII -     -     -     -     -     -     -     2,500,000 -     -     -     -     -     -     2,500,000
IDAHO -     -     1,380,000 -     -     -     332,132 4,436,000 -     717,420 -     80,580 155,387 -     7,101,519
ILLINOIS 3,600,000 119,000 -     -     3,750,000 201,248 555,281 -     5,150,000 2,380,530 -     407,400 300,000 528,840 16,992,299
INDIANA -     -     -     -     -     185,000 100,867 -     -     3,261,001 2,761,403 365,887 -     -     6,674,158
IOWA -     -     -     300,000 3,750,000 -     1,525,000 -     -     489,150 -     -     -     -     6,064,150
KANSAS -     -     1,650,000 320,000 -     -     12,000 1,742,900 -     -     -     101,850 147,375 -     3,974,125
KENTUCKY 500,000 12,000 -     170,000 3,375,000 796,040 -     -     -     100,000 -     145,500 175,000 -     5,273,540
LOUISIANA 1,500,000 689,000 -     -     2,000,000 -     49,600 330,000 1,100,000 -     -     291,000 -     -     5,959,600
MAINE -     1,680,000 -     210,000 -     60,000 206,800 1,151,400 -     1,173,960 -     101,268 -     -     4,583,428
MARYLAND -     -     600,000 210,000 -     176,400 657,521 1,560,025 -     1,800,072 -     174,600 250,000 -     5,428,618
MASSACHUSETTS -     1,825,000 -     300,000 -     -     942,315 1,000,000 -     1,978,300 -     130,950 -     -     6,176,565
MICHIGAN -     238,000 -     270,000 2,000,000 -     2,330,106 1,646,000 1,500,000 586,980 -     276,450 300,000 -     9,147,536
MINNESOTA -     -     2,040,000 265,000 -     -     2,317,228 -     -     1,956,601 -     407,400 250,000 -     7,236,229
MISSISSIPPI 1,250,000 347,400 -     -     4,000,000 -     196,900 75,000 -     -     -     407,400 -     -     6,276,700
MISSOURI 1,410,000 80,000 -     300,000 3,750,000 2,583 641,990 2,000,000 480,000 652,200 1,000,000 407,400 -     -     10,724,173
MONTANA -     -     -     -     -     -     -     2,396,555 -     54,457 -     104,018 350,000 -     2,905,030
NEBRASKA -     -     -     -     -     -     56,000 535,000 -     130,440 -     -     -     -     721,440
NEVADA -     -     -     -     3,750,000 -     2,077,117 4,748,492 -     978,300 -     -     -     -     11,553,909
NEW HAMPSHIRE -     -     2,000,000 -     -     1,464,000 1,168,028 250,000 -     195,660 -     -     37,400 -     5,115,088
NEW JERSEY -     3,310,000 204,600 -     -     -     40,200 -     -     978,300 -     -     -     -     4,533,100
NEW MEXICO -     -     -     160,000 -     -     68,000 2,295,741 -     326,100 -     131,100 -     -     2,980,941
NEW YORK -     5,700,000 2,040,000 -     3,750,000 -     1,435,033 -     502,073 2,347,921 -     343,380 100,000 -     16,218,407
NORTH CAROLINA -     1,185,000 -     -     3,750,000 105,737 441,120 -     606,240 2,411,936 -     323,155 -     -     8,823,188
NORTH DAKOTA -     -     -     -     -     -     -     1,990,075 -     -     -     -     -     -     1,990,075
OHIO -     3,510,000 -     -     2,000,000 1,018,910 527,556 1,947,393 -     453,804 -     -     -     -     9,457,663
OKLAHOMA -     -     -     -     -     -     31,040 1,150,000 1,450,000 1,304,400 -     48,334 -     -     3,983,774
OREGON -     1,830,000 -     -     6,625,000 2,100,110 1,523,970 6,569,606 -     832,640 -     -     -     -     19,481,326
PENNSYLVANIA -     985,000 -     -     6,995,500 1,894,400 2,082,100 3,285,000 -     3,261,000 -     267,461 69,518 -     18,839,979
RHODE ISLAND -     -     -     350,000 -     -     -     -     -     847,860 -     250,260 225,000 -     1,673,120
SOUTH CAROLINA -     -     794,000 150,000 2,000,000 -     2,429,504 2,500,000 -     1,043,520 -     108,068 198,675 -     9,223,767
SOUTH DAKOTA -     -     -     295,000 -     -     159,610 3,047,200 -     -     -     53,982 138,870 -     3,694,662
TENNESSEE -     -     -     -     3,750,000 -     399,880 1,400,000 -     978,300 -     407,400 102,150 -     7,037,730
TEXAS -     1,520,000 -     -     -     -     -     42,481 1,100,000 1,742,609 -     60,000 300,000 1,968,725 6,733,815
UTAH -     -     1,000,000 150,000 3,750,000 -     1,547,672 2,575,800 -     2,087,040 1,100,132 102,324 350,000 -     12,662,968
VERMONT -     -     1,000,000 -     -     -     446,425 -     2,248,687 326,100 -     75,000 200,025 -     4,296,237
VIRGINIA -     1,950,000 -     150,000 -     -     1,302,500 2,228,000 -     -     -     -     28,520 -     5,659,020
WASHINGTON -     6,708,790 -     -     2,000,000 -     5,550,653 4,425,442 3,500,000 3,374,262 -     378,300 -     -     25,937,447
WEST VIRGINIA -     85,600 -     300,000 -     95,000 352,714 -     -     652,200 500,000 238,605 350,200 -     2,574,319
WISCONSIN -     -     -     -     3,750,000 -     544,500 31,500 -     -     -     165,870 38,000 -     4,529,870
WYOMING -     -     400,000 -     -     -     1,370,575 3,279,700 -     123,918 828,788 -     25,000 -     6,027,981
SUBTOTAL 9,260,000 44,648,790 19,788,600 4,500,000 92,741,000 8,347,666 40,281,344 90,979,740 17,637,000 56,717,500 7,210,310 9,095,190 6,074,474 8,061,565 415,343,179
PUERTO RICO -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     60,000 39,696 -     99,696
U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS -     1,950,000 -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     1,950,000
TOTAL 9,260,000 46,598,790 19,788,600 4,500,000 92,741,000 8,347,666 40,281,344 90,979,740 17,637,000 56,717,500 7,210,310 9,155,190 6,114,170 8,061,565 417,392,875
Updated: 02/27/2019
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000