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Bridges & Structures


Archived: Interstate Technical Group on Abandoned Underground Mines
Third Biennial Workshop

KDOT-FHWA Mine Workshop
April 25-27, 2000
Kansas City, MO

Workshop Agenda | Proceedings in PDF format (8.4 mb)

The workshop was held in Kansas City, Missouri at the Airport Embassy Suites Hotel on April 25-26, 2000. The workshop was divided into three technical sessions with a half-day field trip. Technical Session I was an update from each of ten states and Barry Berkovitz with FHWA. Technical Sessions II & III were comprised of presentations ranging from mining history to state of the art practices in remediation and investigations of underground mines. A field trip was taken to the Park College Underground Mine Facility.

The Kansas Department of Transportation and FHWA sponsored the workshop.

Interstate Technical Group Information



Tuesday, April 25



Participating State and Federal agencies are asked to give a 20 minute presentation on Mine-related activities in their states.
1:00-1:10 Opening Remarks Bob Henthorne, KDOT
1:10-5:00 State Presentations
1:10-1:30 FHWA, Mr. Barry Berkovitz
1:30-1:50 Arizona
1:50-2:10 Illinois
2:10-2:30 Iowa
2:30-2:50 Kansas
2:50-3:20 Break
3:20-3:40 Kentucky
3:40-4:00 Maryland
4:00-4:20 Missouri
4:20-4:40 North Dakota
4:40-5:00 Ohio

Wednesday, April 26th

8:00-8:30 Mining History in Kansas, Mr. Larry Brady, Kansas Geological Survey
8:30-9:00 Grout Mixes and Their Application, Mr. Clay Rathburn, Judy Co.
9:00-9:10 Mine Remediation Measures, Mr. Robert Thommen, Brugg Cable Co.
9:10-9:30 Geophysical Research for Subsurface Investigations, Mr. Jeff Daniels SoftEarth Associates, Inc.
9:30-10:00 1-70 Salt Deposit Subsidence, Mr. Neil Croxton, Kansas Dept. of Trans.
10:00-10:30 Break
10:30-11:30 Site Investigations, Risk Assessments, and Remediation for Multi-level Canadian Mines, Mr. Pat Gallagher, CTL Engineering, Inc.
11:30-12:00 Microseismic Monitoring, Mr. Wilson Blake, Consulting Mining Engineer
12:00-1:30 Lunch


Field Trip to Park City Limestone Mine.

This active limestone mine quarries rock on two different levels. The mine is below Park College. The college utilizes the mine works in various ways. Discussions on the mine and the college will be presented by Mr. Dave Holberg and Mr. Don Woodard.

Thursday, April 27th

6:30-8:00 Breakfast meeting for state representatives
8:00-8:50 Imaging Old Mine Works, Mr. Joel Strid, NSA Inc.
8:50-9:10 TDR in Subsidence Work, Mr. Kevin O'Conner & Mr. Charles Dowding
9:10-9:30 Case History Using Grout Bags, Mr. Dennis Boehm, Hayward Baker Inc.
9:30-10:00 MASW To Delineate Anomalies Beneath Asphalt, Mr. Rick Miller Kansas Geological Survey
10:00-10:30 Break
10:30-12:00 Open Forum

Group Information

About the Group:
A group of technically oriented individuals responsible for the remediation of underground mines beneath state roadways.

Common Area of Interest:
The flow of information related to abandoned underground mines beneath roadways.

1. Generate and disseminate information.
2. Obtain outside funding or cooperatively share in the costs of research or other mutually beneficial efforts.

Note: This contact information was current at the time of the conference. Please visit the Mine Group Information page for the most up to date listing.


Mr. Nicholas M. Priznar
Arizona Department of Transportation
1221 North 21st Avenue, 068R
Phoenix, AZ 85009-3740
(602) 712-8089 Fax: 712-8138
E-Mail: npriznar@dot.state.az


Mr. Thomas Lefchik, Asst. Bridge Engineer
Federal Highway Administration
200 N. High Street, Room 328
Columbus, OH 43215
(614) 280-6845 Fax: 280-6876
E-Mail: mine_man@fhwa-ohio.org


Mr. Alan Goodfield, Staff Engineering Geologist
IDOT, Bureau of Bridges & Structures
2300 S. Dirksen Parkway
Springfield, IL 62764
(217) 782-2713 Fax: 557-1085-1366
E-Mail: goodfieldag@nt.dot.state.il.us


Mr. Dan Chase
Indiana Department of Transportation
100 N. Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
(317) 232-5280 Fax: 356-9351
E-Mail: DChase@indot.state.in.us


Mr. Matthew Trainum, Geologist
Iowa Department of Transportation
800 Lincoln Way
Ames, Iowa 50010
(515) 239-1476 Fax: 239-1873
E-Mail: Matthew.Trainum@dot.state.ia.us


Mr. Bob Henthorne, Regional Geologist
Kansas Department of Transportation
P.O. Box 498
Chanute, KS 66720
(316) 431-1000 x-224 Fax: 431-6941
E-Mail: roberth@ksdot.org


Mr. James Grider
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
Office of Environmental Affairs, Third Floor
125 Holmes Street
Frankfort, Kentucky 40622
(502) 564-7111 Fax: 564-4911
E-Mail: jgrider@mail.kytc.state.ky.us

Mr. Richard T. Wilson, Engineering Geologist
Kentucky Dept. of Highways, Geotechnical Branch
1236 Wilkinson Blvd.
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-2374 Fax: 564-4839
E-Mail: rwilson@mail.kytc.state.ky.us

Mr. Earl Wright, Engineering Geologist Chief
Kentucky Dept. of Highways, Geotechnical Branch
1236 Wilkinson Blvd.
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-2374 Fax: 564-4839
E-Mail: ewright@mail.kytc.state.ky.us


Mr. A. David Martin, Chief, Engr. Geology Div.
Maryland State Highway Administration
2323 West Joppa Road
Brooklandville, MD 21022
(410) 321-3107 Fax: 321-2208
E-Mail: dmartin@sha.state.md.us


Mr. Richard Endres, Foundation Analysis Engineer
Michigan Department of Transportation
Secondary Governmental Complex
8885 Ricks Road
P.O. Box 30049
Lansing, MI 48909
E-Mail: endresr@state.mi.us


Mr. George Davis, Geotechnical Liaison
Missouri Department of Transportation
P.O. Box 270
Jefferson City, MO 65102
(573) 526-4344 Fax: 526-4345
E-Mail: davisg1@mail.modot.state.mo.us

Mr. Tim Newton, Geotechnical Liaison
Missouri Department of Transportation
P.O. Box 270
Jefferson City, MO 65102
(573) 526-4344 Fax: 526-4345
E-Mail: newtot@mail.modot.state.mo.us

New York

Mr. Alexander Yatsevitch, Engineer Geologist III
NYDOT, Geotechnical Engineering Bureau
1220 Washington Avenue, Building 7
Albany, NY 12232-0863
(518) 457-4731 Fax: 457-8080
E-Mail: ayatsevitch@gw.dot.state.ny.us

North Dakota

Mr. Bruce Beechie, Project Manager
N. Dakota Public Service Comm. - AML Division
State Capital
Bismarck, ND 58505-0480
(701) 328-4104 Fax: 328-2410
E-Mail: MSMAIL.beb@oracle.psc.state.nd.us

Mr. William Dodd
N. Dakota Public Service Commission
State Capital
Bismarck, ND 58505-0480
(701) 328-4101 Fax: 328-2410
E-Mail: wed@oracle.psc.state.nd.us


Mr. Kirk Beach, Geologist
ODOT, Office of Materials Management
1600 W. Broad Street
Columbus, Ohio 43223
(614) 275-1342 Fax: 275-1354
E-Mail: kbeach@dot.state.oh.us

Mr. Gene Geiger, Geotec. Design Coord.
ODOT, Office of Materials Management
1600 W. Broad Street
Columbus, Ohio 43223
(614) 275-1318 Fax: 275-1354
E-Mail: gegeiger@dot.state.oh.us

Mr. L. Rick Ruegsegger, P.E., Special Proj. Coord.
ODOT, Office of Materials Management
1600 W. Broad Street
Columbus, Ohio 43223
(614) 275-1395 Fax: 275-1354
E-Mail: riruegse@dot.state.oh.us

Ontario, Canada

Mr. Chris Hamblin, Mine Hazards Co-ordinator
Ministry of Northern Development and Mines
4th Floor
933 Ramsey Lake Road
Sudbury, Ontario
Canada, P3E 6B5
(705) 670-6806 or 1-888-415-9845 ext. 5806
Fax: 328-2410
E-Mail: chris.hamblin@ndm.gov.on.ca

Dr. Marc C. Betournay
Senior Scientist
Natural Resources Canada
555 Booth Street
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada, K1A 0G1v (613) 995-1147
E-Mail: mbetourn@nrcan.gc.ca

Updated: 02/12/2018
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000