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FHWA Home / Accelerating Innovation / Every Day Counts / EDC News: October 11, 2018

EDC News

October 11, 2018

Innovation of the Month:

e-Construction and Partnering: A Vision for the Future

Webinars and peer exchanges are among the deployment resources the Every Day Counts (EDC) team on e-Construction and partnering: a vision for the future offers State and local agencies.

The webinars and peer exchanges facilitate relationships among agencies so they can share success stories and minimize obstacles that others may have experienced while implementing e-Construction and partnering technologies and practices. While the Federal Highway Administration does not endorse specific products or tools, the events enable participants to discuss their firsthand experiences from a user perspective.

See the e-Construction and partnering peer exchanges web page for summaries of products being evaluated, piloted, or used at State transportation departments.

Watch recordings of past webinars in the e-Construction and partnering webinar series and register for upcoming sessions:

Read “Addressing Challenges and Return on Investment for Paperless Project Delivery (e-Construction)” for guidelines on deploying e-Construction and calculating return on investment.

Go to the e-Construction and partnering web page for a resource library.

Contact Chris Schneider of the FHWA Office of Infrastructure or Kathryn Weisner of the FHWA Resource Center for information and technical assistance, including webinars and peer exchanges.

Fact sheet, bottom of p. 1

California Conducts Outreach on Accelerated Bridge Construction

State Transportation Innovation Council Incentive funds supported the development of a training package and coordinated outreach effort to educate the California transportation community on the methods and benefits of accelerated bridge construction (ABC). The training was deployed through presentations and workshops at transportation conferences and a webinar conducted by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Division of Local Assistance. Topics included how ABC differs from conventional bridge construction, a process to identify ABC benefits, various ABC methods that can be used for a successful project, and project examples in California and other States. For information, contact Dorie Mellon of Caltrans.

Roundabouts Reduce Crashes in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) data show that crashes, injuries, and fatalities decreased at 11 roundabouts after they were installed on State route intersections that were previously stop or signal controlled. A review of 3 years of crash data before and after roundabout installation found that fatalities decreased from two to zero, serious injuries dropped from seven to zero, and minor injuries decreased from 19 to one. PennDOT—which has constructed 43 roundabouts and has 26 in design—uses roundabouts to address safety issues, improve traffic flow, and facilitate pedestrian mobility at intersections. A PennDOT video educates drivers on how to navigate a roundabout. For information, contact Jeffrey Bucher of PennDOT.

About EDC

Every Day Counts, a State-based program of the Federal Highway Administration’s Center for Accelerating Innovation, works with State, local, and private sector partners to encourage the adoption of proven technologies and innovations to shorten and enhance project delivery.


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Jeffrey A. Zaharewicz
(202) 366-1325

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Page last modified on October 10, 2018
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000