U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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EDC 6 e-Ticketing Peer to Peer Exchanges

e-Ticketing Peer to Peer Exchange Flyer

Puerto Rico Peer to Peer Exchange
Conducted on June 22-23, 2022

Day 1 Recording
Day 2 Recording

EDC 4 e-Construction and Partnering Peer Exchanges

In Fall 2018 and Winter 2019, the FHWA continued its national webinars series on various key topics related to e-Construction, eCP and Construction Partnering. The goal was to increase overall awareness and general education regarding the benefits of integrating and practicing eCP together, the uses of e-Construction practices and technologies as an individual topic, and Construction Partnering practices using modern management tools and methods. Each webinar was free.

Innovation Matrix by Product

This is a summary of products being evaluated, piloted or used at various State DOTs, organized by product. The information was obtained from publicly available sources, such as internet searches, State DOT websites, and/or conference presentations and is not all-inclusive. Any corrections or updates may be sent to Kathryn.Weisner@dot.gov.

To use the Innovation Matrix by Product, go to the first column to find the name of the product in which you are interested. Then look for the list of States using it. Each column represents a category for which these products are used. For example, AASHTO BAMS/DSS is currently being used for conducting bid history analysis, and BidExpress is being used for e-bidding and/or bid bond verification. The last column has additional comments to give more context.

NOTE: The U.S. Government does not endorse products, manufacturers, or outside entities. Trademarks, names, or logos appear in this document only because they are considered essential to the objective of the document. They are included for informational purposes only and are not intended to reflect a preference, approval, or endorsement of any one product or entity.

Innovation Matrix by State

This is a summary of the products being evaluated, piloted or used at various State DOTs, organized by State. The information was obtained from publicly available sources, such as internet searches, State DOT websites, and/or conference presentations and is not all-inclusive. Any corrections or updates may be sent to Kathryn.Weisner@dot.gov.

To use the Innovation Matrix by State, go to the first column to find the name of the State in which you are interested. Each column in that row lists the software services or products used by that State, organized by category. For example, Alabama is currently either evaluating, piloting, implementing or using AASHTO Expedite for bid preparation and analysis and Headlight and iPads for mobile devices for inspection. The last column has additional comments to give more context.

EDC 4 Peer Exchange Technology Briefs

EDC 3 Peer Exchanges & Workshops

Updated: 06/03/2024
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000