Construction Peer Network
- Construction Peer Network National Synthesis Report (.pdf, 5 mb)
- Construction Peer Network with Regional Peer Exchanges August 2011 (.pdf, 2 mb)
- What is the CPN? A brief summary: August 2012 (.pdf, 2 mb)
- CPN A Collaborative Effort to Improve Highway Construction Quality: August 2013 (.pdf)
- User Guide and Program Information Tool (.pdf, 5.5 mb)
Recent Meetings
- Northeast - Warwick, Rhode Island - March 6-7, 2012, RIDOT hosted (.pdf, 2 mb)
- Midwest - Detroit, Michigan - July 10-11, 2012, MDOT hosted (.pdf, 2 mb)
- Southwest - Salt Lake City, Utah - November 14-15 2012, UDOT hosted (.pdf, 1 mb)
- Southeast - Orlando, Florida - March 6-7, 2013, FL DOT hosted (.pdf, 1 mb)
- Northwest - Boise, Idaho - July 9-10, 2013, ITD hosted (.pdf. 1 mb)