SEP-16 /
Special Experimental Project Number 16 (SEP-16) has been established to test and evaluate the delegation of program and project level responsibilities of the Federal-aid highway program (FAHP) to States. SEP-16 is intended to allow States to propose the assumption of Title 23 program and project level responsibilities.
SEP-16 is designed to provide FHWA with a better understanding of the implications of allowing States to assume program and project level authorities.
SEP-16 was originally established to allow only program-level submissions under the Federal Register Notice was published September 20, 2018 (83 FR 47674). SEP-16 was subsequently expanded to allow project-level submissions under the Federal Register Notice published June 24, 2020 (85 FR 38011).
No, FHWA is considering applications as they are received.
The Secretary has authority under 23 U.S.C. 502(b)(2) to test, develop, or assist in testing and developing any material, invention, patented article or process.
Yes, there will be program areas that FHWA decides not to delegate under SEP-16. The FHWA will evaluate each SEP-16 proposal to determine whether the proposed delegation would be an appropriate use of the experimental authority. As described in the SEP-16 Federal Register notice, SEP-16 excludes decisions relating to eligibility, obligation, reimbursement, authorization, and compliance.
No, please submit a separate LOI for each SEP-16 application.
Yes, the Concept Paper should not exceed five pages, single-spaced, standard 12-point font with 1-inch margins. Charts, tables, and other items submitted as attachments do not count toward the five-page limit.